Anna's family

By Otar3000

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A new interesting chapter in Anna's life. Takes place after Frozen 2 and "The Passsage" More

Trust your heart
No matter what ever it takes
Family Lost Lineage
Guilt of heart
A mother's heart
I am with you
On the way
Arendelle, Welcome??
I want to know
Enter Olaf
Unmeltable Me
Busy Time
A hidden plot
A story teller
Play Night
Heated debate or Legislative Violence?
Secret Passage
A visit
Wolf Encounter
A stained memory
Trio of stages
Hell, Raid Aftermath
Make it out
Tough rock on wind
Promise to keep
Fiery Flames
Dangerous waters
Seeking the truth
Calm before storm
Something's Coming
Trouble's coming up
Chapter 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Cyclone 🌀
Memory Witch
Rain and Sea/Drops and Waves
Justified Worries
Nobles vs Pirates
Cold Shoulder
future concerns & dangers
Everyone has a burden
Out of cold
Dugaag meets Königin
Tarzel Gespräch
Hans the 13th/The Broken Bridge - Adultsupervision
hold on for your dreams & beyond!
is it a good time??
All in it's time - Happy 10 years
Free Fall
Olaf piratin tales
All is NOT well
Protect (not project) your tomorrow
voice of unheard or unrest?
memory of the brave
Beauty and Bravery
Mouse & Wolf
Heart is Pain
pain warp personality - CHROMASTORM CRISIS
Anna of Ark

Part 37

15 1 0
By Otar3000


Where is that troll already?

Impatient to start are you?

Be silent already fool...

This is ridiculous... why do I even bother with you all?!

If my memory doesnt fail me, there is a certain someone that made some promises sooo...

Be quite everyone, all in due time... I can feel the darkness rising at the north of the world... he'll be here soon... just wait a bit longer

Back In Outside World

A squirrel that peacefully searched for a nut before meeting a sharp icyle beside it, forcing it to run for it's life from the scuffle

Maren and Ryder find it harder and harder to fight both Olaf and each other

Olaf : RAHAAHAAHA CoME 'eRE! Don't YOU WAnt a hUGgY!?

As the two throw rocks at his nose at what he retalaites by ripping out a tree and throwing it their way barely avoiding their limbs

Olaf : OOUCH YoU boTH nad that hORse wiLL DIE FOR this!

The rain then intensifies and waters around them tensing

Nokk then came out calling a big wave of water which washes them all away

All including Elsa who finally reached the battlefield "Dammit is Olaf also deranged nwo!? I have to get out and find him quickly!"

Heh looks like the mad snowman is here...

The tides of water washes all those on the ground who managed to grab onto the vines of the giant tree

With Anna still on his back, Bron crawls up to the top of the tree as did the others who followed after him

Anna holds her belly in pain

Ahahah now we can't have that, can we...

Plants again came for Anna as she tries to stay away but fails

However something weird happened... for some reason she starts to feel... better?

It's true her body isn't as tired, her pain is stil lthere but it's lessened

Anna - What... what did you do? Why...?

Your body does not deceive you... I used the awakened abilites of your brother to help easy your body. You see we have an interest not in you...

As he slides his hand at her belly, her eyes grow wide

But in the one you carry within you...

"No! NO!"
Anna punches him in the face as she steps away wtih plants keeping her in place

Insolent child, I am trying to help you and this is how you repay me...

The lightning is crackling in the sky as the portal is unleashing more darkness

The heartless are ruthless in their pursuit as they keep swarming the place but as long as he is calm, he was the one in control of them not the other way around


All the poeple under his control held Kristoff, Sven and the kids down...

Karl - Let us go black goops!

Amelia - C'mon everyone try harder!

Some were not easy to tame

Herleif - We have to fight too!

Noah - But what can we do!? I'm scared!

Unfortnately or fortunately for the kids, Olaf wasn't easy to tame either and crushed some of the dakr creatures

Sven also managed to slip thorugh them as he helped t ooutmaneuver them

But flora around them were in Bron's favour and had the northudlrans put to sleep through some useful pheromones as they may get in the way

And now it was time.

Bron had to be quick before anything else happens. His foresight didn't lie, the fifth spirit was also near as he stared at the freezing tower rising from lower level which is flooding now. And not just her, she could see the earth giants from afar... that too was good

The more the merrier

Bron prepares himself as he draws the spiral symbol of the swirling rock in conjunction with the element of earth giants, on the floor with blood on his fingers

It was itching painfully but to Bron it was just annoyance that can be easily fixed now

Once the painting was done, the ritual began

Fall into the Void.

Ex Tempore,

Ex Spatio.

Tui, qui venerunt de lumine,

Liberum vobis.


libero te.

That is a specific blood ritual that releases The Darkness from his prison and allows him to roam the earth as a free being.

His associates made good distractions, as the protectors of light have not yet come here. But he was sure that was temporary, their strength of heart is great

That's why he had to hurry

He could feel Elsa standing behind him, with all the heartless defeated and rampaging people restrained

Kristoff - I'm so glad that she came...

While he was saying genuinely, he could see the color in her eyes and it was same as Bron which didn't help

Kritoff - Elsa? Are you alright?

Elsa grits her teeth as she rubs her head

Elsa - I'm... trying ... to be calm... sorry, it's not like me to simply lash out at people

Kristoff - You sure you can handle it?

Elsa - I will... you should look for the children... don't leave thm alone on this please...

Elsa almost sounded pleading at which Kristoff nods and goes to it

Elsa then approaches closer to Bron just as Anna notices her

Elsa motions her to be quiet, she will try to sneak up on him or slowly freeze him in place

Perhaps both...

Bron was fully aware of how close she was and to her misfortune, it was too late

You are far too late, fifth spirit

Eyes wide, Elsa then quickly put all strength as she thrown a giant icycle at him which he manged to avoid

Anna - Elsa wait!

Elsa- WHAT!?

Anna - If you do that Tarzan may die!

Elsa - Anna he wants to kill everyone!

Anna - He is part of our family too! Please!

Elsa - We don't even know him! How can you say that!?

Bron could only smirk in amusement at the infighting. When it comes to family and love and emotions, the heart trimuphs over the mind in almost all cases

It is surprising how humans are still existing

The two sisters stopepd to look at him in confusion

You are so weak, you are easily tricked and easily driven to madness by fear of the unknown and by your treasured love

He could still remember how his creator tried to forge bridges with Arendelle for the sake of 'love'... before humans turned on him once they learend of rock magic...why?... becasue they were afraid... he also loved his tribe and what he got in return? he was exiled...why?... traitors became afraid of him...

Love is nothing but a cover for fear

But no matter, pretty soon the entire world will be afraid and at our knees

A strong wind blew from the dark portal which then grew in color of red as earth giatns have started to throw rocks and debris and mud all around

Elsa shields herself and her sister with an icey wall

Bron just smashed the obstacles flying at him as he sees something starts to descend from the rift

Finally I have done it

Elsa - What is he trying to pull? Did he say anything?

Anna looks at her belly as she collects herself

"I don't know, he said he is interested in my child... but nothing about what he is doing now!"

Elsa was both confsued and angry, confused on why he'd target the kid and angry on him possibly kidnapping the child.

The breeze had cleared up enough

The rain has lessened

Elas - Looks like it's... argh... calmer now...

Elsa's hold over her emotions was tilting either way

The vortex above was still in place but it didn't cause a huge hurricane yet, altough some parts of the forest are still levitating higher slowly

Anna tried to stand up now but yelped when she heard a scream


Elsa removes the wall slowly looking out for any hurtling objects, and they now finally see him... the troll Bron was standing there in the rocky flesh


He then stood next to the possessed Tarzan

"You were quite useful child, and you still may be again..."

Elsa - So this is why you did this! To escape the prison!

Bron - Ah I apologise, worry not, I didn't forget about you...

Elsa then forms a large staff in her hand preapred to fight

Bron - Before you do anything radical,... allow me to explain. Like you, I once traversed these lands in search of knowledge, I made contact with spirits,the people and creatures here and at last I made it to the mother of them all. Ahtohallan... where I could gain all the power I desired... but ahtohallan didn't let me, no matter how long I waited and by time I deicded to leave to gain that power through other means... I couldn't leave anymore

Elsa - The longer you stay, the harder it is to leave... it knew your intentions were corrupt...

Bron - And so I was cast away in that rotten prison but nevertheless, I could still connect ot ahtohallan and managed to hide my presense eventually... And during that time, I knew that if the mother of spirits imprisoned me, then only her spirit can release me...

Anna - So that's why you had Tarzan!

Bron - Me and my alleis had our sights on you two... but circumstances changed, and so I resorted to another unexpected yet convenient option...

His eyes landing on Tarzan

Bron - So much raw strength, an earth embodiment... potential equal to yours, Elsa...

His willpower is strong, Bron's control was struggling at moments... but still, he managed to escape. That's all that matters.

Anna - You are free Bron! Release him now!

Bron - A a a ah not so fast... first your majesty will come over here...

Elsa - What why? What you intend to do!

Bron looks up at the calm sky now...

Bron - My associates are now on their way here... and no way am I leaving you here your majesty...


Elsa blasts at Bron a giant blizzard, freezing the entire part of the tree the two were standing on

Anna's eyes were alert

Anna - ELSA! AGAIN!?

Elsa - I can't let him take you! NO MATTER WHAT!

Anna - We cant abandon him Elsa!

Elsa - I don't care about other people! Those who hurt you are not worth living in this world!

Anna's face then changed from worried to shocked. Even Bron took notice of it

Bron - My, isn't this cold of you? ... It seems I was right.

Sometimes darkness just gives an impulse instead of a hostile takeover

Some humans were damaged enough to commit terrible things on their own

It seems she inherited that from her grandfather... Such a pity it seems, for them.

Elsa - SHUT UP!

A group of knight armour of ice emerged surrouding the troll and his puppet, with them holding their spears and swords against Tarzan's throat

Anna - Elsa no!

At that moment they heard screams and see the others arrived, Kristoff runs along with Jane and Sven who try to carry the children away from still unstable Olaf.

Both of them were brusied, part of clothes torn off.

Olaf - WAHAhahA! Oh TheRE yOu ARe! ALLl AsSeMbleD!

Distracted by Olaf's, Elsa drop her guard as Bron broke out and throws burning spheres straight towards Elsa

But Anna jumps at her and moves her out of their way just in time

They headed towards Kristoff team but they narrowly ducked and all three spheres hit Olaf exploding and sending him backwards into spikes

Jane - Phew lucky us...

Carina - OW OW I think my hair burned up!

William - Don't worry! It looks fine to me!

Then a bird fell on his head

Bron - Deal with them...

Tarzan looked at their direction, his eyes flipping from red to yellow and back as he steps towards them

The knights didn't allow it after crushing the ice knights were quick and agile but he was faster, he took them all down with brute strength as he progressed onward

However Tarzan's body that was beginning to twitch but quickly ended as turmoil stops

What no one yet notices is that the body of jungle king has ceased to breath




He didn't know how he got there, he didn't know where he was...

All he knew was tha he was at the forest, then at the ice fortress, then...

He couldn't remember anything after that but disturbing glow fo red eyes...

And then he was... here...

The reality then hit him...

"Am I... dead?"

And then he noticed something...

He couldn't see his hands... no, not only his hands but his whole body was non existent... although he still could feel them...

He let the thought sink in

"I am dead..."

He now was getting worried...

He didn't believe it...

He can't be dead... he can't leave his family behind...

What about his tribe? What about Jane?

Anna needs his help too...

But what should he do?

What can he do?


And then he hears a voice, a female voice... in a distance...

Strangely this wasn't any that he heard before

He now finds himself in a place of ocean and sky...

"Hello?Can you hear me?"

And again he hears it and he tries to trace the source

Seemingly coming from the stars

He narrows his eyes at a certain star in the night sky

"I'm here!"

He then looks down only to met with a star on water surface

He jumped back in surprise and shock...

"I know it's probably wild and surreal to be here... but it's okay! I know, it's not my first time here!"

"Who... are you?"

"You are Tarzan right? I remember you... I am Namine. And I have a close friend that wants to help you"

Ritual to Release The Darkness - It is a blood ritual in the Book of the Angels. This is the only known ritual to release The Darkness.

Also have you noticed that this Elsa is a bit more yandere? And has sibling complex maybe? oops Not nice don't you think? I decided to add it here when I looked at this : post/189734661190/art-by-ぽつねん

Surprised for Namine? SURPISE! Also I may hear some say : How namine would know tarzan? Both ways it ties to Sora, he either told her OR she simply remembers him from his and kairi's memories

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