Mad Sounds, Alex Turner

By sweetadoring

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'AM' based story More



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By sweetadoring

Just like he said he would Alex was playing Olivia one of their new songs - 'I Wanna Be Yours'. Whilst he knew he was singing it about her the lyrics originally came from a poem, one of Alex's inspirations John Copper Clarke, so he knew she'd never be able to tell.

They were sat on Olivia's sofa, she was sat crossed legged as she listened - he had connected his phone to one of her speakers. He watched her in anticipation, her head swayed along and he could tell she was intently listening to the lyrics.

When it was finished she smiled a wide Cheshire Cat grin, "Alexander!", She complained using the names that they now had for each other - she could see him cringe at the name, "This song is so good, you've got to be ducking kidding me."

He smiled at her reaction, almost shyly.

"Is it about Arielle?" Olivia asked teasingly. Alex and Arielle weren't official yet but they would kiss on nights out and Arielle stayed glued to his side so everyone knew that they were together.

He just shrugged not wanted to lie but - he couldn't bring himself to say it was when he knew it was about someone else. She took this as his way of saying yes, so she smiled - happy that he was happy. He wondered if she would still like it if she knew it was about her.

"Will you play it again?" She asked and he did. His voice filling the living room once more. This time she could just enjoy the rhythm as she tapped her fingers on her leg. When it finished for the second time she smiled at him and said, "This is my new favourite song."

It seemed like Alex's world revolved around Olivia - his tonights consisted of her, if she was going out he'd be there, if she asked him to do something he'd do it. Even his new relationship was because of her, she had introduced him to Arielle and he began dating her because he couldn't have Olivia.

It felt like ever since he had started dating Arielle Olivia had been extra flirty - a cruel mind game of teasing him. He could've just been imagining things but he was sure that her eyes would linger on his for a moment longer than usual.

Her had told her he'd take her to the bar they were meeting at since she mentioned taking a taxi. He wasn't in the mood to drink anyway. Since it was now September the sun began to set earlier. Olivia sat in the passenger seat - badly singing along to the radio as she bobbed her head - the sun setting behind her. She blocked the sun but Alex was more focused on the way the light shone from behind her, igniting her in a haze of gold.

Arielle was already there when they had arrived, wrapping her arms around Alex's neck and pecking him on the lips. Olivia awkwardly stood behind Alex and when Arielle pulled away she gave Olivia a quick hug.

Ever since Alex and Arielle had made it official she had been making sure everyone knew - whilst Olivia knew it was normal, the 'honeymoon' stage, it still repulsed her slightly.

"Get me a drink?" She asked Alex, who nodded, and she smiled at him and Arielle before going to find everyone else.

Olivia enjoyed Miles a lot - she felt that they were quite similar in the fact that they were extroverted and slightly hyper and it was extremely easy to talk to him. He gave her a hug and she sat down next to him. They began a conversation but it didn't last long because Katie and Breana were dragging Olivia to the bathroom.

When neither of them went to actually use the toilet Olivia looked at them with furrowed brows, "Are we just standing in here for fun?" She joked though with the slight possibility of that actually being the case she looked at them wearily.

"Do you find it a bit weird?" Katie asked.

"You've got to be more specific." Olivia said in utter confusion.

Breana sighed, "Alex and Arielle!" She clarified as if it was obvious before complaining in disgust, "It's like it's PDA central."

Olivia rolled her eyes at them, "Guys, if they're happy then who cares?"

"It's a bit much though don't you think?" Katie admitted and Breana eagerly nodded

Olivia shrugged, "Me personally, I don't think I'd be into it, but they obviously are so we shouldn't judge them for that." Even though she completely agreed with them she felt a need to defend Alex.

"I just don't think I can spend the night watching them shove their tongues down each other's throats." Breana shivered.

Olivia laughed, "I'm sure you will manage. I'm sure they won't be that bad."

She had been mistaken, the were that bad. Arielle was practically sitting on his lap the entirety of the night. They didn't join in on the conversations everyone else were having they just stared at each other as the mumbled things for only the other to hear.

It was very distracting.

As a result Olivia had gotten ridiculously drunk - she hadn't planned on it and was already regretting it. Alex helped her walk to his car as she stumbled next to him leaning into his side for stability whilst he wrapped his arm around her. Arielle walked behind them, "Is she alright?" she asked and Alex looked down at Olivia and nodded.

He had forgotten that he had offered her a lift home some time throughout the night and he wasn't particularly thrilled about being alone with her and Olivia.

They both helped Olivia into the passenger seat whilst Olivia giggled to herself at her imaginary jokes. "Oh shit!" She gasped, "I forgot my coat."

"I'll get it." Arielle quickly offered and Alex nodded. He walked around and got into the drivers seat leaning over to put Olivia's seatbelt on.

Olivia began laughing to herself again and Alex laughed too - it was contagious. "Why are you laughing?" He asked and Olivia just shrugged and the fact she was laughing at nothing only made her laugh more.

Once her laughter died down, though she still occasionally giggled, she asked, "Do you really like Arielle, like are you actually committed or is it just for fun?" He wasn't sure what to say so he just quietly hummed. "Everyone thinks that you guys are gross, like when you kiss all the time." She revealed and Alex rolled his eyes.

"I'll keep that in mind." He told her.

She nodded, "I like her though. I like her even more if she makes you happy. I like when your happy." Alex smiled at her but she couldn't tell that it was sad smile.

The only reason that Arielle made him happy was because she distracted him from her. He was still dealing with the guilt of leading Arielle on, using her for his benefit. Though, he couldn't help but smile at what she said, that she was happy when he was. It was bittersweet.

Arielle came back with Olivia's coat as she climbed into the back and he thanked her before he set off.

Even though it would be easier to drop Olivia off first he took Arielle home instead. He wanted to make sure Olivia got home safe and didn't really want Arielle around for that - she'd be in the way more then anything and he wasn't thrilled about the idea of his girlfriend watching as he took care of Olivia. He was worried that his mask might slip and she'd be able to tell that he was completely enthralled by her.

He was about to set off after saying goodbye to Arielle when he realised that Olivia was fast asleep and he couldn't find her keys in her coat.

When they arrived he gently tapped her shoulder. She slowly blinked her eyes open and saw Alex causing her to smile. "We're here." He whispered gently his hand still on her shoulder.

Despite being tired a second ago now she was now wide awake and extremely hyper, she hopped out of the car but she didn't stick the landing - wobbling on her feet as Alex had quickly get out of the car and rush around to grab her to stop her falling.

She looked around in confusion looking at the trees and houses lining the street, "I don't live here.", She mumbled to herself as she tried to figure out where they were before repeating it louder towards Alex, "I don't live here."

"I do." He reminded her.

Olivia laughed to herself before saying through a fit of giggles, "Taking me back to your house when you have a girlfriend? Scandalous." If only she knew the truth - then she'd really be convinced that this was scandalous.

Alex's arm was still around her, scared that she'd fall if he moved, he rolled his eyes as he explained, "You were asleep and I have no bloody clue where your keys are."

Olivia face fell into a look of realisation, "I keep my key in my shoe."

"Your shoe?" He blurted in shock and disbelief.

Olivia giggled at his reaction, the action causing her to wobble slightly as she brought a hand up to his chest to steady herself. "Yeah, that way I don't loose it."

Alex laughed and then nodded towards his house, "Well we're here now and I'm not driving all the way back to yours."

Olivia rolled her eyes as she sarcastically said, "Why yes Alexander I would be delighted to spend the night at yours for a second time thank you for asking."

"Let's go inside then, Arabella, it's fucking cold." He said trying to apply pressure onto her waist to get her move but she stood still her arms coming to cross in front of her chest.

"No it's not." She disagreed.

"You don't think it is because you're drunk."

He finally managed to coax her inside. Though he did have to practically drag her. As soon as they were inside and Alex had taken off his coat, leaving it on a hook on the wall by the door, as he locked it Olivia wondered off without him into his living room.

When he joined her she had her shoes off and she was lying on his sofa. They smiled at each other and Olivia immediately leapt up.

"I want a drink." She announced drinking skipping towards his kitchen forcing his to trail behind her in laughter.

"You've had a drink - lots of drinks." He said trying to reason with her. As she tried to open the fridge door he stepped in front of it forcing it close with his body.

Olivia whined giving him big doe eyes and pouty lips, "One more." She begged with a overly sweet voice.

Alex rolled his eyes already knowing that he was going to give in. He stepped aside and Olivia gave him a wide smile as she opened his fridge. She laughed and showed him a small bottle, "Why do you have miniature whiskey?" She asked.

Alex shrugged, "Stole it from a hotel."

Olivia nodded with a laugh while taking it, as well as a can of coke, before grabbing Alex's arm to lead him back to the living room. She fell down onto the sofa before cracking open her can.

Alex laughed at her because she was laughing at herself. She turned to him, "Drink with me, it's depressing to drink on your own." She said opening the whiskey bottle.

She took a swig quickly following it up with her coke before handing the bottle to Alex. He took it and was about to go grab himself a coke, not particularly interested in straight whiskey. Though Olivia's hand came down onto his thigh as began to stand, he quickly sat back down trying not to think about the warmth of her skin as she said, "Here you can share my coke."

She handed him the can, the same one that she had just drank from - the same on that her lips had touched.

They had about 3 'shots' between them before the bottle was empty. At this point Olivia was extremely drunk. At some point they had put music on - she thinks between the first and second shot.

Olivia was resting her head on Alex's shoulder with her eyes closed as she listened to the music - the brief wave of energy had passed and she was now tired and more drunk then before. Alex obviously had no objections when she moved closer and hugged into his side - his arm resting on the back of the sofa to give her space.

"Wanna dance?" She whispered quietly, her voice soft and tired, however, being right next to his ear meant that he could hear her perfectly.

"You're half asleep." He told her.

"I'll dance alone if you don't dance with me", she warned, "and I can't promise that I will do so without falling." He had a bad habit of doing what she said. So he got up helping her stand as she wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder again, as they swayed in the middle of his living room.

Alex was only slightly taller then she was and the height made it perfect - she didn't have to awkwardly stand on her toes and he wasn't breaking his back from leaning down.

The song wasn't a slow song by any means but she wasn't in the mood to dance like in a club, she was far too tired for that. Honestly, she wasn't in the mood to dance at all. She just wanted to be close to Alex, smelling his cologne and listening to his heartbeat. Knowing she'd never do this sober, she thought that she should take the opportunity as it arose ; when she didn't have any effort to stop herself from giving in.

Alex could feel his heartbeat fasten and a lump get caught in his throat as he gently held her waist whilst they stepped from foot to foot. They had never been this close before and he was aware that it was probably on the the result of her being drunk.

Olivia lifted her head so that they were now looking at each other - a big mistake. They couldn't look away, both trying to decipher what the other was thinking. Alex desperately wanted to kiss her, in that moment no one else existed just them - Arielle had escaped his mind completely.

But Olivia just smiled, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before patting his shoulder, "I'm going to bed." She told him quietly.

He was going to help her up to his bedroom, at least tell her where it was, but words had escaped him as well as movement. He stood in his living room, only watching as she tip toed up the stairs (despite there being no reason to be quiet) with a look of longing on his face - a 'The Stone Roses' song playing in the background.

Once again the moment was gone and she was slipping through his fingers - only the mere thought of 'what if' for him to contemplate over.

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