Of Earth and Fist(Male Reader...

Por BenAflack

267K 5.6K 2.1K

A long ass MHA x reader insert with Mirko as the main love interest with maybe some harem elements added late... Más

------Season 1------
First Day Jitters
Combat Training
Setting the Bar
Class Rep
Assault on the USJ
Fates Collide
------Season 2------
Bold Moves
Mirko's Training
Racing is Fun
Strategy, Strategy, and More Strategy
Speed and Precision
Rivals and Friends
Pushing the Boundary
Hero Names
Gran Torino
Attack on Hosu City
Hero Killer Stain
Hell on Earth
Like Night and Day
Training Complete
Hard Times Bring About Strong Men
Just the Two of Us
Date Night
Return to Normal
Final Exams Part 1
Final Exams Part 2
Like Rabbits
------Season 3------
Wild, Wild Pussycats
Day Before the Dawn
Seinikku Kishijin
Beginning of the End
Symbol of Peace
Time Together
Damage Control
1A Dorms
Inner Thoughts
Introductions Are An Order
From the Ashes
Rivaling the Unrivaled
Going Forward
------Season 4------
Work Study
Each Others Embrace
Beach Episode
Plan of Attack
White Fang and Red Riot
Side by Side
Buredo the Samurai
Back to the Dorms
Story of Seinikku
True Intentions
The Plan
We Need to Talk
Game Time
UA Festival
Billboard Hero Rankings
Mi Corazón
Rumi in Command

Y/N Kenkaishi

2.3K 72 27
Por BenAflack


"I was wondering when you'd show up" Seinikku chuckles as he turns to face me

For the first time, I'd gotten a look at him. The real him. He had shed his more sophisticated look and shown his true self. He wore a white tank top and black pants, both looking tattered. His face was sweaty but also had a devilish grin placed upon it. His hair was still tied up but it was beginning to become unkempt with some strands on top of his head sticking up

"You knew I'd show up?" I ask coldly

I watch as he digs through his pocket and pulls out the rock that I had planted on him back in the forest

"Even though I despised leaving our previous battle, this told me that you were as well." He says as he holds up the rock, "I knew it wouldn't be long before we fought again"

"This ends now, Seinikku" i say

"How poetic" he says as he takes a deep breath with a smile upon his face, "Our rivalry coming to an end on such a grand scale. There's a certain sense of gravitas to it"

Camino Ward was once a city of bustling life and commerce amongst its people. Now it was nothing but a baron wasteland of ash and destruction. One man was responsible for this atrocity and one man alone

I look around the battlefield and see a couple of hurt heroes still moving around, amongst them was Budo. I also saw the bodies of Jikan and Yurei, neither were moving. Kitaru's body was no where to be found however

I clench my fist, embittered with rage, but I kept my face and composure calm

"If you want me to use all of my power, we'll need to move the fight over a little bit" I say pointing to an empty spot of land a couple hundred yards over

"You fear for the lives of the surviving heroes" he says as he points to one hero who was just now standing up

The hero looked to be a lower class support hero but he was standing up regardless

Seinikku smirks before a gust of wind picks up dust and carries it towards the hero. Before the dust can touch the hero, Seinikku ignites the particles into flames and as the flames blow over the hero, a charred corpse is all that remains

"No more distractions" he smiles

I watch in horror at the flesh peeling off the man's skin, his bones visible to the naked eye, the liquid in his eyes boiling. The stench of burning flesh filled the air

"I won't fight you. Not here" I say, still managing to maintain my composure

"Very well" Seinikku says, "Lead the way"

We walk away from the other heroes, and All Might and the other villains fight

"Here will do" i say as I stop in my tracks, turning to face Seinikku, a look of bloodlust and hatred on my face

"Why must you look at me so?" Seinikku chuckles

There's a brief silence. Wind blows dust across the battle field. We exchange looks that tell the exact same emotion.

"I'm going to crush you! And throw you into the wind!" I shout as I get in my martial arts stance, my fingers like daggers pointing at my target, "I'll never become a hero, but I don't care. So long as I kill you"

"THATS THE SPIRIT!!!" Seinikku shouts as he too gets into a battle stance, "I WANT US TO FIGHT AT OUR FULLEST. NO HOLDS BARS! NO MERCY!"

"One shall stand..." i say

"One shall fall" Seinikku says

I charge at Seinikku at full speed, my body completely fueled by rage and hatred. I try and jab at him, but he dodges and backsteps around them with a smile on his face, as if he was dancing. As if he was toying with me

I go for an uppercut but he steps back, grabs my arm and sucker punches me hard in the side. I flinch but manage to remain standing. I try to kick him in the side of the head, but he lets my arm go and jumps back onto a large piece of rubble

I summon a ground spike to attack Seinikku, but he tosses a broken piece of shrapnel, blowing it and the spike up but also creating a cloud of smoke

Seinikku POV

Blinded by a cloud of smoke, I anticipate a strong blow from the front. I jab through the smoke as a counterattack but am surprised when nothing is there

"On your left dumbass!" Y/N shouts from my left

I quickly turn but before I can defend, I'm punched square across the face and sent tumbling

I look up and am immediately met in the back of the head with a hard double fisted smash, followed by a hard knee to my chin, and finished off by hard side kick to my stomach

I stand back up and realize that I was bleeding out of my mouth

"I haven't been hit like that in a while" i chuckle as I wipe the blood off my face

He merely glared at me, still in his stance, probably anticipating an attack

"Your hatred is potent" i say, "You should smile more"

He didn't move from his stance and kept his gaze locked on me.

He wasn't biting on any of my attempts to instigate him. He was waiting for me to attack him


"Would you to know what my quirk can do?" I ask as I raise my arms in front of me

He tightens his stance and prepares for what I might do

"It's technically one quirk but I can do a multitude of things. The quirks called Ignition" I explain, "Whether I ignite flames from my hand, reignite my soul to live for generations, or..."

I don't finish my sentence but merely ignite a piece of debris into an explosion


As he finishes his explanation I notice his finger point in my direction, so I jump out of the way. An explosion goes off from my previous spot but I notice that his finger is following me through the air and once I land again, another explosion goes off

"Shit!" I grunt as I barely manage to jump out of the way of the second explosion

I land again but see his finger still on me so I jump away again. This bastard was gonna keep me jumping around until he drained me of energy and could hit me easier, or just hit me outright, but how the hell was he causing these explosions

Seinikku POV

When I first arrived at the Nomu factory upon All For One's request, I thought to touch every object in the building, including the building itself, to act as my personal bombs, in the event that a fight like this might occur. Since the building had been destroyed and the debris was scattered across the battlefield, every step he took was essentially him stepping on a bomb. Now, I either had to wait out his stamina or time my blast to hit him as he hit the ground

I waved my finger around, pointing to where he'd step and blowing up whatever debris was there. Like a conductor leading a symphony of destruction and chaos

It truly put me at peace

This is what I wanted all along. To see him squirm and try so desperately to escape my trap, while I toyed with him and made his realize how outclassed he truly was. Then, when he had lost all hope, I would burn him to ash so no one would ever know what happened to him. I imagined that his ashes would blow away in the wind, completely erasing him from existence

And now, that plan was coming to fruition


I kept dodging around trying to think of a plan to counter, but he had me trapped. Badly. Then I came to the realization that even if I could escape from this trap, I'd still need a plan to beat him after

I then realized that every explosion created a cloud of smoke but each one varied in size. I then started paying attention to what specifically was being blown up. Sometimes it was chunks of brick from the wall of the building, and other times it'd be pieces of metal and shrapnel from broken machinery. The one thing I noticed, is that when a piece of metal was blown up, it created a larger explosion and in turn, a large cloud of smoke. Now, I had all I needed to execute my plan

I look around for a piece of metal on the battle field and when I see one, I jump towards it, and almost on cue, it explodes. Instead of jumping out of the way, I put up my arms and try to block the explosion

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" I shout as I tank the full force of the explosion

Seinikku POV

Usually when I caused an explosion, he'd leap away, but on this one instance, he didn't leap away and got hit by the full force of the blast

I'd hit him. I'd won

I smirk as I realize my victory and start to walk towards the cloud of smoke. Suddenly, the kid shoots out of the smoke and elbows me in the face as hard as he could, sending me flying

I stand up, filled with rage, and as I turn to face my enemy, I'm met with several small chunks of rock being shot at me. I quickly raise my hand and blast fire to burn the rocks to ash

The rocks keep coming and coming for what seems like forever. He was trying to overwhelm me after knocking me on my ass but I had seen straight through this plan and wouldn't falter in my defense

"DAMN YOU!!!" I shout as I increase the intensity of my flames to push back his barrage of flames

Eventually, my push back forces him to dodge out of the way and now we're staring at each other. He was very hurt from the explosion earlier. His shirt was burned away and his arms and torso looked strained and bloodied. He was kneeling and panting heavily. One arm looked particularly strained and the other one was hanging low...with two fingers...pointed up

I look up as a look of shock quickly came onto my face. Directly above me, was a giant boulder large enough to crush anything unfortunate enough to be under its weight. He began to chuckle as I felt my feet sink into the ground




My plan worked perfectly. While I shot small pieces of rock at him directly, I knew that he'd be focused on defending against that and wouldn't notice the giant boulder I was creating to crush him

I smirk when he realizes how I'd beaten him

"YOUUUU BASTAAAAARD!!!" He shouts as he tries to blast me with a wave of fire

I jump out of the way and send the boulder crashing down onto him. He picks something up from his feet right before he's crushed under the weight of the boulder. As the boulder crashes into the ground, it breaks into several smaller chunks of rock

I fall on my ass and start to catch my breath before I realize...I'd won. I'd defeated my demons

Then, I realize that All Might was still fighting so I start to walk slowly over to him, planning to help in anyway possible, even if my muscles were completely drained at this point

Suddenly, a giant explosion occurs behind me and I begin to sweat bullets. I slowly turn in fear but before I can fully turn around, I'm grabbed by my face and lifted into the air

My gaze of fear is met by a look of bloodlust from Seinikku. His face was twisted in a look of absolute horror. His eyes were beady, his teeth gritted, and his face was the face of a psychopath. He'd lost his composure and had given in completely to his rage. He was bleeding from his forehead and shoulder and his hair was now completely down, strands of his black hair covered his face


For the first time in my life, I was genuinely horrified at what I was witnessing. For the first time in my life, I was completely helpless

His grip on my face gets tighter and tighter, as if he was trying to crush my skull. I weakly try to pull his arm off me, but with my body as drained as it was, it had little effect on his grip

I then notice, Budo trying to sneak up behind Seinikku and catch him completely off guard. Apparently, my eyes had glanced away from Seinikkus gaze, tipping him off that someone was behind him

Right before Budo was about to attack, Seinikku turns around and places his hand directly in his face

"Y/N..." Budo says with a scared voice

Before he can finish, Seinikku engulfs Budo in flames, leaving nothing more than a charred corpse in his place

"MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!" I shout as my cries of sorrow are muffled

Seinikku turns his attention to me again, his same psychotic expression on full display. He then throws me to the floor before walking over to me and kick me several times in the stomach. I try to stand up before he stomps on my shoulder, the same shoulder he stabbed through in the forest


"YOU ARE AN INSECT FATED TO BE SQUASHED UNDER MY FOOT!!!" He shouts as he kick me in the side again probably cracking a few ribs, "YOU ARE NOTHING TO ME!!!"

He kicks me hard again and this time I'm sent tumbling back

I slowly stand up and try and think of a way to beat him but I'm overwhelmed by Seinikkus potent bloodlust, something that paralyzed me with fear

The bloodlust that I felt with Stain paled in comparison to the bloodlust with the man in front of me.

Seinikku was a monster of pure evil

I had accepted that I couldn't win and how outclassed I was

But then, I'm flooded with memories and emotions. The hatred i once felt to Seinikku, the comradery with Kitaru, Jikan, Budo, and Yurei and how enraged I was when I first saw they're dead bodies. But then, my bandana, which had been wrapped around my head this entire time, fell off and landed on the ground


My love for her is the only thing I felt at this moment. I picked up the headband and tied it around my head again, now more determined than ever

I'm going to return to her. I'm going to marry her. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with her

Finally, one last plan pops into my mind

Seinikku POV

I see the kid just standing there, his head hung low and his body completely out of energy

I raise my hand and face it in his direction, preparing to blast him away

He slowly raises his arms and gets back into his fighting stance except, something was different about him. His eyes were completely white and his hands were engulfed in a blue aura

"BURN TO ASH!!!" I shout as I shoot a wave of fire at him


I watch as he completely reroutes the wave of fire around himself solely with his bare hands. When the blast ends, he stands there, every muscle in his body pushed to its limits and fully on display. He had the look of a crazed beast, hunting his prey. He rushes directly at me, faster than I'd ever seen him rush me before. We begin to fight hand to hand, but there's was an obvious difference in his fighting style.

His punches and kicks were erratic but precise, as if he were a wild animal. On top of that, it seemed as if each punch was getting stronger and faster than the last

Then it hit me. This was the same technique the old man used against me. Knowing this, I also knew that it would only last about ten seconds. I defended for as long as I could before I realized, the technique wasn't stopping

"What the hell!" I grunt as I was starting to have a hard time defending his punches

His punches struck at the speed of lightning but with enough force to crumble a mountain. The old man could only use this form for 7 seconds but this kid looked like he could go on forever. HOW?!

I was put on the defensive very quickly and every time I attempted to counter, he'd block or deflect my punch and turn it into an opening to strike me, often breaking whatever bone he hit

I try to blast him with fire during a small opening, but he swats my hand out of the way and punches me straight in the face. At this point, I'd lost all momentum and was now at the mercy of his attacks

The ever increasing speed and power of his barrage was now completely undefended. I was stuck on every part, bone, nerve, muscle, or organ on my body in the blink of an eye, everything shattering under the force of his punches

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" He roars as he punched me in the stomach, sending me crashing into the ground

I lied there in the ground, completely unable to move, watching this crazed animal standing over me. It was at this point that a haunting realization washed over me. I had been bloodied and beaten within an inch of my life and was lying in the ground, at the mercy of this child

How pathetic


The last few minutes were a blur but now I was standing over Seinikku as he was barely hanging on for dear life. Blood streamed out of his mouth and from his arms. His rib cage had been caved in and it was very obvious that he was on the brink of death

"Never thought it'd end like this" he manages to muster, "Beaten by a child"

I continue to pant and catch my breath as I watch the life drain from his eyes. He suddenly quickly sits up and latches his hands onto my arms. I begin to feel my arm heat up and start to glow. Panicking, I kick him across the face, causing him to fall onto his back once again

"You'll...do" he sighs before his sporadic breathing stops

He died in that spot, a slight smirk on his proud face

It disgusted me that he looked so content, even in death

My arm was still glowing orange but not with pain, it was as if a heavy energy was flooding into me

"What the hell" I think to myself as the glowing starts to disappear

I begin to slowly walk towards where I heard All Might and the other villain fighting. My vision got more and more blurry with each step I took, until I stopped and fell back

My vision began to give out as i starred at the night sky. I vaguely heard someone call my name. A woman, I think.

But I didn't care. I fell unconscious on the battlefield. The last thought on my mind?

I killed Seinikku

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