Cold Shewolf Heart

By Angeli_Rose

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Miyu Lucifer, a Alpha Warrior's daughter and the best warrior. She witnessed her own mother's death from her... More

Cold Shewolf Heart
Chapter 1: How It All Started
Chapter 3: The Prince of the Wolves

Chapter 2: Birthday Stalker

134 7 1
By Angeli_Rose

'Madeline, be careful, I don't want you to get hurt tonight.' my father sent me in our mind-link.

'Don't worry, father, its just another patrol.' I said, running through the forest, on the look out for rogues.

I finish my route and stand under the open setting sky to judge how much time I have left. Then I decide I have time for one more run through before returning home. I run my route and then I catch a whiff of a rogue in the area. I skid to a stop and turn to run in that direction; that's when I come across a aggressive looking rouge staring at me like he's waiting for me. I stare him down and he gives me a taunting smile with his wolf lips, causing me to growl. We stand like that for a second longer and then he turn to bolt away. I let out a snarl and chase after him.

I come close to him and then dive forward to lock my jaw on his flank. He let out a whine of pain as I take him down. Then I get on top of him, setting a strong paw on his side to keep him down before I use my alpha powers to get into his mind.

'Who are you?!' I sent to him in a growl.

He ignores me and it pushes my anger a little farther. I push my paw onto his side a little harder, causing him to whine and then he turns around to bite me but I jump away. That gives him a second to get away but I take him down once more. This time, I sink my teeth into his throat, killing him. Warm blood stains my moon silver snout and I watch the life drain from his yellow eyes as he dies with a wolfie grin on his face like he knows something that I don't know.

I groan and trot to a near-by lake to wash my snout of the blood. After I take a sip and then sit on the pebble ground to rest as I shut down my mind-link to everyone but my twin brother, Isaac.

'Isaac... I need your help...' I sent him.

'What you do now?' he asked.

'A rouge was on our territory and I questioned him but he wouldn't answer, then he attacked me and I killed him... I don't know what to do with the body...' I replied.

'Mad die, you have our mother's demon powers, just burn the damn thing...' he replied.

I sigh as I get up and I head back to the freshly killed body laying on the ground, still bleeding. I close my eyes as I stand like I'm staring down at it and I feel heat and power rush though me as I allow the chains of my power unlock to fall. I feel waves of heat pulsing out of my body as my nine fox tails raise up to the air. I picture the body burning to nothing but ash and then concentrate my power to it. I keep doing it till I feel immense heat in front of me, causing me to open my eyes to watch the body burning to nothing but ash. I watch the body turn to ash then I look at the river and direct a portion of the river to flow to the pile of ash, washing it away and dousing the flames. When I finish, I feel the red markings on my silver fur heat up immensely heat up, causing me the collapse in pain.

'Lena! What's happening?!' I asked, cringing in pain.

'I-I-I really don't know Madeline!' She said, scared.

I feel the markings on my forehead shift and move, changing its appearance and I feel each of my tails start having several crescent shaped heat appear as the same thing happens to my legs. The fur around my massive head andAround my bending joints of all my legs extends as a weird symbol burn itself on to my left joint. Then I feel a weird symbol heat up on my left flank and the pain and heat numbs away. I lay on ground, tired and sweaty, as I breath heavily.

'I think it's over Madeline.' Lena said, sighing.

I feel my strength return to my body and I tenderly walk to the river to look at myself. I gasp when I look into the reflection to not se me anymore, but of a different face. What replace me is the same massive silver fur wolf with nine tails but she has a steel blue color three diamond shaped leaf on her forehead, three steel blue stripes on her legs, and steel blue stripes on each of her tails. The fur around her head and bend joints on her legs has grown long enough that it flows in the air like some kind of majestic mythical beast and two weird looking symbols on her left flank and left joint. I back away in fear but Lean forces me to calm down.

'Mad die, calm down. It's just you but in you're a full fledge demon now.' She said, smiling.

'Really?' I asked.

'Yes, we should head back... It's about time for your party.' She replied.

I nod and start to head back to the pack house, excited that I have changed and that it's my eighteenth birthday party, a celebration of my coming of age for demons. Then I felt eyes trained on me as I make my way back home, making me feel cautious of my surroundings.

'I have found you my princess...' A voice echo in my mind-link, making me skid to a stop.

Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter. I do apologize for taking a while to get back to updating this story but I've been busy with it being my last year of high school. Now that I'm graduating soon, I should have more time to write and post more. For those who read my other stories, I will try to update them when I have time. I will have another chapter of Cold Shewolf Heart out soon, but remember, comment and vote on this chapter and if it's enough votes on this chapter, I'll publish my next chapter! Thank y'all for all the support and love!!!
Xoxo Angeli_Rose

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