The Princess's Guard ✔️

By Midika

376K 13.2K 1.3K

*Formerly His Desire* "You think you want me, but I don't think you could handle what I would do to you." His... More



6.3K 228 19
By Midika

Word Count: 1914


Leaning my head back, I let out a long, slow breath.

It has been an awfully long day of following Caspian around while he shows off the manor and tells me all about the history of it. It's been a nice distraction, especially with Ark being told to keep away.

When he isn't there it's easier not to be reminded that he's my mate and I'm going to marry another man.

Sinking a little deeper into the bath, I let the hot water soothe my concerns.

Caspian and I have agreed to wed in a few weeks. It's sooner than I would like, but the less time I have to overthink this all, the better.

A firm knock sounds as the door, quickly followed by it opening.

I don't even bother to turn and look through the gap in the bathroom door. I already figure it's Ark. Caspian wouldn't dare come into my room without waiting for me to open it.

"Kiva?" Ark calls out, sounding tense as he scans my room, realising I'm not in there.

"I'm in the bath," I call out, drawing my hands through the bubbles. I knew he would come in here tonight, probably armed with something terrible to say about my future husband.

"I'll leave..." he says quickly.

"It's fine. It's not as if you haven't seen me naked before," I mutter, smiling a little at the memory. I liked the way his eyes glazed over at the sight of me.

Shaking the thought from my head, I turn to look at Ark. He still stands in my room, his back to me.

I sigh, pulling myself from the bath. He is deciding now is the time to be chivalrous?

"We need to talk about something serious," he exclaims.

Grabbing a towel, I wrap it around myself, stepping back into the room that Caspian has insisted now belongs to me, even when we marry.

Ark's attention shifts to me, his gaze travelling over me for a second too long to be considered innocent. If Caspian were observing, Ark would lose his job immediately.

"What is it?" I ask, wiping my wet hair off my neck.

Ark's expression turns grave. "There is another attack coming soon."

Here? I thought I was safer here in Caspian's territory. Ark would know about any impending attacks considering he's a part of them. I want to press him on that, but for now, I want to monitor his reaction.


"It may be tonight, it may be tomorrow night. Either way, you should be prepared," he tells me firmly, shifting to check the two windows in the room. We are on the second story, but I wouldn't be surprised if one of them decided to scale up here to kill me.

I shudder, stalking over to my dresser. "Alright..."

"I know you're scared, but you've trained for this. I believe you're ready to stand up for yourself now," Ark assures me, sensing my unease.

Shrugging, I dig out the knife I have hidden in the bottom drawer of the dresser. Turning it over, I watch the blade glint in the light.

Caspian may not care that I choose to arm myself, but knowing how finicky Prince's are, there is no point risking it.

"Where will you be?" I ask casually, dropping the weapon on the bed before choosing what to wear.

"I'll be in here. Your other guard will be outside your door, and there will be more down the hall." He watches me move around with predatory attention.

When I pull out a pair of pants and a sweater, shaking it in his view, he turns around.

"We should leave."

"We can't. I imagine they are close. We don't have enough guards to safely escort you without being intercepted or followed. You're safer here, with me," he murmurs, rubbing his gloved hands together.

Dropping the towel, I work on tugging my pants up my still damp legs. My gaze drifts over Ark's person, not seeing any visible weapons. They are there though...

And in the event he turns on me, I need to be aware of that.

Thankfully, as far as I know, Ark isn't aware of the weapon I have in the bedside table drawer. He may be my mate, but that doesn't mean I trust him.


Ark turns back around once I'm fully dressed again. "Your father has ordered that you may have to move in with Caspian sooner than the wedding."

I physically flinch.


"He wanted me to convey to you that it is purely for your safety." He doesn't look convinced with what he is saying, anger simmering in his eyes.

My mouth dries as I try to process that information.

This place is beautiful. It's set on a hill that overlooks a stunning frozen lake, and it's wonderfully safe. Or at least, it is meant to be. But I'm not ready to move away. Not when I have so much in my life that I am yet to figure out.

"I'm not ready to live with him yet," I breathe, starting to pace.

Ark watches me solemnly. "You're about to marry him. You agreed to marry him and you don't want to be around him?"

"Don't patronise me," I growl back.

He wants me to admit that I don't want this life with Caspian, or even in general. That way he can tell me to leave with him, even if we both know I can't do that.

"I'm not. I'm just concerned," he says softly.

I sit down on the edge of the bed, looking up at him. He looks stiff, unsure of how much he should say to me. There is so much between us that should be said, and yet neither of us want to go there yet.

"Concerned, right...okay."

He frowns. "Kiva..."

"I thought we agreed, Ark. We may be mates, but we cannot be together. Not according to me, and not according to you," I remind him sharply, unable to reign back the bitterness.

He exhales slowly. He knows he can't disagree without telling me exactly who he is and what his intentions are.

"Time. That's all you need."

"I don't have time. People want me dead, remember?" I snap, dropping my head into my hands.

I hear Ark stoop down in front of me before he grabs my hands, squeezing them gently. Raising my head, our gazes collide, something hurting beneath my ribs.

"I know. Marry someone else then."

I almost laugh. I know he isn't insinuating himself. I'm not even sure marriage is an option for someone like him, considering his lifestyle.

He doesn't seem like the type to settle down.

"There's no one else. Unless of course, you can convince my father you come from a long reign of Kings and have a decent territory you rule over," I say regardless.

Ark raises a dark brow, pressing a hand to his chest as if he's offended. "Are you suggesting I'm not worthy of you because I have no land? No title?"

I push at his shoulder, smiling despite myself. "You know I don't share my fathers opinion."

He smiles too, for a single beautiful moment. Then it vanishes as soon as it appears.

"There are many reasons I am not worthy of you. That is not one of them." He gets to his feet, letting my hand go.

I blink. I'm not sure why, but with that proximity I thought he would kiss me.

Do I want him to kiss me?

"Why are you not worthy of me?" I force myself to ask. I'm hoping he will admit what he is hiding to me now, although I suspect he is too smart for that.

Ark shakes his head. "There are far too many reasons to list."

There could be anyone breaking into this place right now with terrible intentions, and yet I'm more concerned about this conversation with my mate ending.

For the first time ever, I feel as though I'm digging deeper into who he truly is.

"You never tell me anything about yourself. I feel like I hardly know you," I admit hoarsely. I'm mated to a complete stranger and that's terrifying.

Ark swallows tightly. "What do you want to know?"

"Do you have parents?"

He ruffles a hand through his obsidian black hair. "My father died a while ago. He was a mercenary and some bounty hunters got him. My mother still lives."

I perk up a little. Considering how uncomfortable Ark seems to be in telling me this, it's clearly the truth.

"Where is she?"

"Another territory. I try not to visit often," He looks away toward the window, his frown deepening.

"Why not?" I ask tentatively.

"Too many people want me dead. I don't want to risk leading my enemies straight to her." He shudders, as if he's physically shaking off the thought of any harm coming to her.

Something settles deep into the pit of my stomach. It hurts to hear, especially when I think of my mother and how much I loved her.

"I'm sorry you have to be away from her," I say, barely above a whisper.

He shrugs, trying to act casual, but I know better. "It's for the best."

"When you're not guarding me, what do you do?" I want to continue questioning without pushing too much on the sensitive topics.


"Really..." I was hoping for something a little more scandalous.

"Believe it or not I actually enjoy what I do. I enjoy working with weapons, even making them," he tells me, leaning up against the wall. Every now and again he glances at the door, anticipating a break-in.

I play with the ends of my hair. "Do you have a lover outside this job?"

He frowns. "No, Kiva. I don't." He almost sounds offended I even asked.

"Don't feel guilty about it. You're watching me marry someone else, I think you're allowed to be with anyone you wish," I assure him, even though every word tastes terrible as it leaves my mouth.

It would kill me to see him with anyone else, even if that makes me a hypocrite.

"I can't be with anyone I wish."

I sigh. "Because of your job. It's dangerous, I get it."

He steps toward me, closing the gap he seemed so interested in maintaining. I sit perfectly still, frightened I'm going to frighten him away accidentally.

"The only person I have any desire to be with is you. And I can't have that," he murmurs.

The pure intensity of the truth takes me aback. He looks tempted to grab me and take me away from this life, so we can be together elsewhere, where neither of us have any obligations.

I even feel tempted to take that offer.

"I wish this were simpler," I say, reminded that he has chosen to align with this group, to be a part of their plan to take down my father's reign.

Ark looks at me, a coldness in his eyes. "I'm going to make is simpler."

I'm not sure how he is going to do that, and I'm not sure if I want to know.

The rebels didn't break in that night, although I fear that they are coming. And soon.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! and as always it is available 10 chapters ahead on Radish!


~Midika 💜🐼

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