His Little One✔️

By jhenny_pink

2.4M 74.6K 3.8K

"I think you've already starved me enough, Amia, just one taste. I promise I won't bite." Marcello implored... More

1. Breaking the rules.
2. Baby blue eyes.
3. Marcello.
4. Amia Snow.
5. Keep my distance.
6. A message to send.
7. The urge to kiss him.
8. What he's made of.
9. Belonging to him.
10. Quality time together.
11. The peace treaty.
12. A very furious Marcello.
13 His dominance.
14. What exactly happened.
15. Princess of the underworld.
16. Tension in the air.
17. An hostile visit.
18. Caught in the act.
19. A moment of meekness.
20. Sexual tensions.
21. The parent talk.
22. Confrontations.
23. Unwanted visitors.
24. The big surprise.
25. Romance under the sun.
27. Tortured enough.
28. What is wrong with these people.
29. A dark and dirty secret.
30. Lying Bastard.
31. Someone to confide in.
32. Big decisions.
33. Should've let you die.
34. The truth part 1.
35. The truth part 2.
36. Enzo's new reign.
37. Finally done.
38. Confessions.
39. Making it up to me.
40. Forever mine.
41. Breaking the news.
42. Happily ever after.

26. Marcello's punishment.

48.6K 1.4K 76
By jhenny_pink

I squinted my eyes open to discover an empty bed next to me, which was not at all what I had hoped for. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was ten in the morning, which caused my eyes to widen in shock.

However, I do recall having passionately romancing with Marcello and doing so till the wee hours of the morning, so getting up this late shouldn't be all that surprising.

Marcello was not in my line of sight when I sat up in bed, which made me groan as I got out of bed. I then grimaced in pain from the throbbing between my legs. I mentally cursed Marcello for telling me he would leave his imprint on me by having me walk limp from his cock for days.

Even though I knew I needed the rest, I was quite eager to find Marcello and explore the scenery around the island since I knew he would try to exploit my rest.

I was able to get to the shower and have a long bath, but when I emerged from the shower, Marcello still hadn't returned. Before putting his clothing away, I made the choice to remove a shirt from his luggage and wear it.

I gasped as I looked in the mirror at my clothing and saw that my inner thighs and neck were fully covered with red marks that extended all the way down to my breasts.

I flinched when I tried to touch the skin with my palm as I became aware of how delicate my flesh was.

Well, Marcello did suck on my skin fiercely, and as I distinctly recall, I did nothing to stop him but instead screamed out in delight at how he was making me feel so tremendously thrilled.

When I hurriedly went to open the door after hearing a knock, I assumed Marcello was the one at the door, but why would he need to knock? As I opened the door there was a male waiter with a table he strolled inside my room that had three plate of food on the platter.

"You should have breakfast, Mrs. Ortega, per your husband's suggestion." He addressed me as Marcello's wife, and as I was about to correct him, I decided against it. I blushed shyly at the mention of my marital status.

"Chilaquiles are part of your morning. With freshly fried corn tortillas that have been sliced into quarters, this popular Mexican breakfast dish is topped with green salsa, Tostadas, Chiles en nogada, Elote, Enchiladas, scrambled eggs, frankfurters, toasted bread, chocolate pancakes, and bacon. In case you didn't like something from our cuisine, Mr. Ortega made the decision to prepare a variety of various meal combinations for you." At me, he smiled.

It was quite a lot of food making my nose tingle with delight as I desperately wanted to eat breakfast but I didn't want to eat without Marcello.

"Where is Marcello?" I asked.

"Your husband is around the area somewhere." I frowned but nodded my head either way.

"Has Marcello eaten?" I questioned, seeing him timidly smile at me before letting me know he had no idea.

"Is there anything else that you'll need?" The waiter name Mario inquired.

"No, that'll be fine." I assured, him.

"I'll be in the main kitchen if you need me, however if you do decide to change your mind about wanting something, you may always call us from the phone in your room, Mrs. Ortega." Before stepping out of the room, Mario said.

After waiting for Marcello for a number of extended minutes, I made the decision to eat because I was getting rather hungry and didn't want the meal to become cold. I practically finished the food in one sitting while moaning as I tasted it when I heard a knock at the door.

I frowned once again thinking that it might actually be Marcello knocking on the door but once I opened it my frown grew even deeper when I noticed that it was two women at the door instead of Marcello.

Noticing my grimace she quickly spoke, "Your husband has requested you be treated to our exclusive spa package. Please follow us." The lady stated.

How did they come to believe Marcello was my husband? I didn't even wear a ring that would have indicated we were wed or even engaged.

I reluctantly left my room because I was only wearing Marcello's shirt, which only reached my thighs, and because my skin was practically covered in hickeys.

I had so many messages that I lost track of them because I wasn't used to getting a pedicure, manicure, facial massage, aromatherapy massage, or even just the regular hair care.

With the exception of a slight ache between my thighs, I felt like a brand-new woman. I had received massages for a total of about four hours, but Marcello was still nowhere to be found.

It was now 3:05 p.m. and I was missing my boyfriend. I felt homesick not being in his arms and questioned whether he had even noticed that I was missing him. I too questioned what he was doing.

Before returning to our room, I asked one of the massage therapists to point me in the direction of a store nearby where I had been able to pick up a few clothes and charged them to Marcello's account. Although I doubt he would, I hope he didn't lose his cool about it.

As soon as I returned to our room, I discovered Marcello was still missing, which both annoyed and angered me.

Had he came back to the room and leave not too long ago or what? The room looked the same way except that the bed was tidy and the food trays taken out which left me to wonder if he had came back any at all.

It irked me even more that there was no note indicating where he might have gone, so I made the decision to get some snacks before setting out to look for him. After asking around and searching aimlessly for Marcello, I eventually came across Marcello and a stunning woman conversing in a quiet spot on the beach.

He was only wearing a robe, which convinced me that he hadn't returned to our room after leaving this morning. Men in suits were present nearby, some of whom I recognised as Marcello's men.

I made my way over to them while wondering if she was one of the women he had previously had a sexual relationship with or if he was also infatuated by her. I couldn't help but feel hurt and angry at the same time when I considered that he had been with women all day.

The first person to see me coming was the woman, and when she did, her eyes appeared to light up a little as she took me in completely. Marcello slowly turned to face my steely gaze.

Although I made a valiant effort to control it, I blushed shyly as his eyes softly scanned my attire. Oh my gosh, get a grip of yourself Amia!

One look and I was already blushing like a mad woman.

"Marcello, ¿es esta la chica de la que he oído hablar? Ahora veo por qué eres tan posesivo y demasiado protector con ella. Ella es impresionante. Tiene sentido que ella haya podido domar tu lado salvaje. Estoy ansioso por conocerla."

(Marcello, is this the girl I've been hearing about? Now I see why you are so possessive and overly protective of her. She is stunning. It makes sense that she was able to tame your wild side. I'm eager to meet her.)

"Sí, ella es. Amia Snow, la única mujer por la que lo arriesgaría todo."

(Yes she is. Amia Snow, the one woman I'd risk it all for.)

"No parece particularmente feliz de verte, Marcello, según la expresión de su rostro. Creo que puede haber actuado incorrectamente. No puedo esperar para ver esto." The appeared to be smirking while saying something in Spanish.

(She doesn't appear particularly happy to see you, Marcello, based on the expression on her face. I believe you may have acted improperly. I can't wait to watch this.)

The moment I got before Marcello I was going to let him have a piece of my mind when he drew me into his arms almost destroying my anger for him within an instant.

I glanced up at him with a scowl on my face hearing the woman behind me making googly noises as if almost coeing at us to my displeasure. Before I could voice my opinion Marcello placed a kiss on my forehead as an amused smirk played on his lips.

"Nothing you do Marcello will make the pain you've caused me go away. I can't believe you would hurt me like this!" I was on the verge of crying, my eyes welling up with tears, and my lips trembling.

The woman had a model-like appearance from Mexico, but she was somewhat covered in tattoos.

I attempted to push him away, but Marcello had the dominant arms you could find, and I was unable to move at all while in his grip. I looked back up at him and noticed that he was closely observing me.

"¡Temor! ¡Ella es tan adorable!" The woman shrieked making me even more angrier as I spun around in Marcello's arms as he held me tightly.

(Awe! She's so adorable!)

"Let me go, Marcello. I'll show her a lesson by telling her never to mess with another woman's man!" The woman took a step back, startled, and I balled my hands into fists as I spoke.

She wasn't going to mock me and get away with it.

Hearing a chuckle from Marcello's lips made me stiffen in his arms. How could he find my distress funny! I glanced back up at him with a scowl on my face as his eyes flashed deviously while kissing my lips. His lips immediately calming me.

"Princess, I want you to meet Grace. Grace is a close friend of our family business. In simple terms, we have been business partners for many years." My eyes widened, and I flushed because I couldn't believe that I had just made fun of myself for thinking Marcello was cheating on me.

I somewhat cowered into Marcello's arms in an attempt to vanish as my hands tightened around him and he continued to hold me tightly to him.


"Hola, Amia Snow!" The female immediately waved at me as I gave her a weary nudging further into Marcello's arm's.

"Earlier, we had a business meeting. Grace and I needed to complete a few family business transactions." I looked up at Marcello, as he admitted.

"So why did you have a business meeting at that hour of the morning?" I turned to look back at him.

"Yes, little one." Hearing Marcello's words the truth then dawned on me.

"S-so our vacation was nothing but a business meeting?" I questioned, waiting for his response while staring into his eyes.

I tried to escape from his grasp once more while I waited for him to say no, but it didn't happen. I bit onto his chest, but instead of letting me go, Marcello only picked me up like a sack of nuts and threw me over his shoulder, causing me to gasp.

"Put me down!" I demanded of him.

"Mi señora parece estar enojada conmigo, por lo tanto debo irme. Ella exige mi atención." Marcello spoke as the two exchanged more words before he walked away with me in his hands.

(My lady appears to be angry with me, therefore I must leave. She demands my attention.)

"I said put me down." I demanded once again but got a spank on my bum.

Once we reached into our room, Marcello threw me onto the bed as he stood stretching his muscles while staring at me.

"You lied to me Marcello."

"I did not, princess. For you, I did organise this trip. It was only after receiving word that Grace was here and having a lot to talk about, we made the decision to take care of it." I was a little pleased with Marcello's response when he finally admitted.

"I've never seen you angry or jealous before little one. It pleases me to know you feel the same way that I do." Marcello expressed observing his hickeys on my neck while continuing to flex his dominant figure.

"I wasn't jealous! I was simply upset, you were gone for so long and didn't even bother to say anything." I spoke as if trying to convince myself.

"Hmm, I'm sorry if I've caused you trouble today Little one. It was not my intention to do so." Marcello, apologized which looked sincere and I nodded my head at him.

"........Have you eaten?" Marcello ate a lot and I was worried he hadn't eaten anything for the entire day.

Marcello chuckled before coming over to me and kissed my forehead, slowly his kisses trailed down my neck and making me moan out loudly.

In order to pull me to him, Marcello's hand gently grabbed my sides. I caused him to groan by biting his lip, and I then triumphantly pulled away.

My punishment to Marcello will be depriving him of sex.

Let's see how long he could last for.

"Come, let's go sightseeing!" I suggested as he groaned out loudly.

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