better off | d.m.

By gisadu

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When the past is catching up with her, Sage feels the floor ripping from under her feet. And then there is h... More

hey, hi
6. suspicions
19.better off


97 4 1
By gisadu


Her eyes widen by her husbands loud and firm voice. Her heart begins to pump faster, setting aside the knife in her hand she used to cut up fruit.

His footsteps come nearer, heavy yet brisk and she has her eyes set on the dark hallway he is coming out of, only clad in a pair of dark green swimming trunks.

He huffs like a bull seeing red, readying itself to charge. "Where are they?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." She feigns cluelessness, but the smile curling on her lips tells a different story. She has moved the cape in its rightful mischief. Yet again. And the smile is all that it takes for him to really do charge at her.

"You're done." He states lowly, and when she turns her back to run from him, she can see a smile flash his handsome features.

She goes all over the whole living space, always having some kind of furniture between them for extra protection. She can't keep in the giggles as he chases her around the couch, the coffeetable, the dining table.

"Stop running away from me." He demands when she is slipping out of his hands everytime he gets close, laughing himself at the ridiculouslness of the situation. "I don't want to chase a pregnant lady."

They end up at the kitchen island again, her at one side with him across. Her chest is rising and falling quickly, trying to catch a breath. This is the most workout she has done in her whole life-sex aside.

"It's a good one, I'll give you that." He states, very slowly edging towards her, but she sees and takes steps the other direction, away from him. "Taking underwear from my luggage."

"You have one pair left." She remarks, a devilish smirk crossing her lips at the thought of the leopard print undies she gifted him for christmas as an obvious joke.

Who would have thought it could come in handy at times like these?

He shakes his head, rolling the tongue along his cheek. "You think you're so fucking clever."

"Happy April Fools Day, darling." She grins, immediatly taking off again when he does too, laughing even harder this time.

That is the reason why he has it easier to catch up this time, tickling her sides as he does so. And with that, she is done, up to the mercy of his fingertips-not PG this time.

She squirms in his hold, tumbling onto the big rug of the living room, carefully of course. He straddeles her so there is no way out of the torture, working the right places he knows will make her weak.

"Don't tickle me, I'm pregnant."

"I don't care." He chuckles wholeheartedly, because she is using her state as a lame excuse.

Her laugh is the most sweetest, luminous song of the gods. It makes his soul smile and heart swim with love.

Blossom. Blossom. Blossom.

He would do anything to hear that angelic longer. Even if that means tickling her mercilessly.

"No, seriously. I'm-I'm gonna pee. Draco-Draco-stop."

He is laughing his ass off at that, loud and heartfelt, because of her helplessness. It's one of those times where everything makes the situation funnier.

"Draco stop, I will pee, I will fucking pee, please stop it." She begs through her laughing. Her thrashing arms get a hold of his ones, gripping tightly as if that would stop him. "I mean it, st-stop, please."

He laughs even harder, but eventually stops the attack. That is when she sits up with a start, a hand on her stomach.

"Oh." She makes a weird face, which worries him to the core.

"What? Are you hurt? Did I do something?" His heart is pounding against his ribcage unbelievable hard as he surveys her trying to figure out what just happened.

"Oh." She does it again, this time a marveled look cascading her face.

"What?" He presses, eyebrows arched in deep concern.

"The baby just kicked for the first time." She reveals, the words coming out hushed and struck by wonder.

He exhales, discharging the worry with it. His eyes twinkling at her with longing to feel it himself. To be a part of this special moment. "It did?"

His hesitance about feeling it is quite cute, actually. "Really? You touch me whenever you get the chance and now you're not sure about it?"

"Shut up." He mumbles, though wearing the biggest grin as he lays his hand close to hers on her stomach. She slides it to the right spot, her hand ontop of his and they wait for a few beats in hopes that it will happen again. His whole face lights up once he feels a small kick under his palm, though his brows are bunched together. "That is so fucking weird and amazing at the same time."

Sage smiles widely, in complete awe of the situation before her. There's a living thing inside her, growing. Actually, now that she thinks about it, it's quite disturbing.

"Another one." His eyes are glowing like a giddy kid in a candy shop. Or him in the candy shop last week. "She or he is saying hello."

"Hello." Blaise slenders into the space

"Who's saying hello?" Theo waltzes in right after, Maeve under his wing.

Blaise turns his head to his friend, pointing at his own chest. "I'm saying hello."

Draco rolls his eyes just like Sage.

"Hey, look bubs," Theo points at Sage and Draco perched on the floor, with him basically on her lap, "we've been in that same position ten minutes ago."

"Yeah, we've been." Maeve high fives her husband before heading over to the fridge.

Draco stands up, giving Sage a hand so she can too, his other one supporting her lower back. Then he holds her by the shoulders, wearing a stern face.

"Where? Is my underwear, Blossom?" He questions, much less amused now than he was before.

"Back at home." She replies, biting her lip, because it is still funny to her.

Goodness, she loves annoying him.

He has to take a deep breath, because that is miles and miles away in Britain. Far from their current location on Hawaii, Kauai.

The group, meaning him and Sage, Pansy, Blaise and Theo each with their respective spouses and ontop of that Milo and George along with Cedric and Skye, who made things official a while ago-all of them reside in a rental house with direct view to the beach.

Twelve heads under one bungalow.

It's fun, to say the least.

It is a true tropical paradise. The water at the beach is crystal clear and a fresh turquoise, it smells like coconut and sweet like local flowers and to top it off, the temperature is not too hot this time around year.

Draco's thumbs brush over the skin of her neck. "You are my very own nuisance, aren't you?" He faces defeat. "What am I gonna do without underwear now?"

"Wait, hold on-you have no underwear on right now?" Blaise questions, but only gets a blank stare as a response from the one in question. "So, let's say, if I were to pull down those trunks," he continues, arms folded over his chest and rubbing his chin like this is some complicated math, "you would stand here free-willy?"

"Your tutoring lessons are paying off, mate." Draco retorts seemingly bored. "But I recommend you keep your hands to yourself or you'll have none at the end of it."

"Ah," Blaise waves it off with a dismissive hand, "it's nothing I haven't seen already anyway."

Sage blinks at that information. "You have?" It's not surprising, really.

"We shared a dorm our whole adolescence." Theo butts in, picking some cut up fruot from the cutting board. "Of course we have."

"Not willingly." Draco adds, getting a pitcher of orange juice out the fridge. "Anyway, I'm still underwear-less."

"You're what?" Cedric asks bemused, who, along with the rest of the people present, comes into the living space for breakfast.

"Go free-willy." Theo suggests, ignoring the confused sunny boy. "It's not that bad, I do it most of the time."

"Reason why I saw so much dick." Draco's lips press into a straight line.

"What did I just walk into?" Milo gapes, his upper lip curling.

"I would appreciate some underwear, alright? I can't go without." Draco argues back, also only conversing with Blaise and Theo since explaining would take too much time.

"Why would you not have any?" George asks more amused than confused, having no context whatsoever, but eager to get some.

Sage's eyes widen, her feet carrying her over to him before she can think. "George!"

"That is me. I'm George." He happily opens his arms to receive a warm hug from Sage.

It seems that her exclaim ringed some bells in the others and they exclaim their own versions of the words Sage is saying over his shoulder. "Happy Birthday!"


For the day, the vacationers decided to pay the beach a visit.

The underwear problem was resolved once Sage showed them to him from the hidden place.

After playing around in the water with some fellows, Sage decides to rest a little. On her way to where all their towels are sprawled out, she receives a wink from Draco, who is about to throw a volleyball over the net at Theo.

"Hey birthday boy, how you holding up?" She questions George casually, crossing her ankles to sit down on the dark blue towel.

George offers a smile, one that doesn't reach his eyes. "Alright." He replies watching her get settled next to him and dry her arms and legs with a spare towel. "You don't need to keep a close eye on me." His voice is light and airy like she knows it to be.

She has noticed him watching the fun instead of being in the fun, which is so very unlike him. But there is a reason for it.

The first birthday without Willow-wether it was her own or Willow's-was dreadful and depressing, because it was a step in Sage's life that, for the first time, she couldn't share with her sister.

Now take that and make it a twin, the person George shares his birthday with all his life. It is a slap in the face reminder that he won't ever see Fred again.

"I'm not keeping a close eye. My feet are killing me, that's why I'm here. No need to feel special." She smiles cheekily, making sure he gets the joke. "You know, you can talk to me, though, because you are anything but alright. Vent to me. Let it out if you want and don't if not. I'm here either way." She offers gently and takes a jelly slug from the packet between them.

Silence blankets over them. A comfortable one as she eats the sweet.

The yells and laughter from around the beach take up the forefront of her attention. Her friends playing a match of volleyball-her husband looking extra fine as he does so. Theo is constantly hitting on his wife, shamelessly grabbing her ass. Blaise along with Pansy, Skye and Daphne play around in the water with some amateur snorkel equipment.

George also looks out to what happens before them, his arm hanging loosely over his knees that are pulled up. "It feels wrong. It all feels so very wrong."

It's the only thing he says, and the only things he needs to say.

"I know." She sympathizes, gently stroking up his shoulderblade. "It will get easier, though. I don't know how, but it does."

He sniffs, his nose turned red a little. With the sunglasses he is wearing, it's hard to tell, but she knows he is tearing up. "Enough of that. I've already cried this morning and Fred wouldn't want me to be a sack of sadness on our birthday." He chuckles sadly and wipes his eyes under the glasses which makes them ride up before sitting down at the bridge of his nose again.

Taking a yellow jelly slug, George turns his head to Sage. "Change of topic-how are you? I know pregnancies can be quite hard. My mother-Fred and me were like hellions inside her uterus-made her life tiresome from the very beginning." He tells with a mischevious smile, biting a piece off the jelly slug.

"Sounds a lot like you." Sage purses her lips. "But I'm fine, nothing of the unusual-pain here, sleep there, pee all the time. Though, its me who makes Draco's life a living hell at times."

"I never thought I would see the day you get to carry a child." His lips faintly tug up.

She scoffs lightly, jokingly. "I'm trying not to take offence."

"You know I'm right, you cold-blooded witch." He pulls her in for a side-hug leaning his cheek on her head. "But that doesn't mean I think you will be a horrible, loathsome, monstrous moth-"

"Wow," Sage interjects, "the word bad wasn't expressive enough, huh?"

"I need to get my point across." George states evenly. "And my point is, you will be terrific as a mother."

She leans back on the heel of her hands, eyeing him skeptically. "How can you tell?"

"Have you looked at yourself?" His tone is of bafflement, amber eyes sparkling in the sun. "You even look terrific, just-lovely. It suits you."

She can feel the heat rise to her cheeks. "Sly move, mister. Thank you very much."

"Hey," Draco approaches them, pointing a finger at George, "you just complimented my wife, didn't you?" then he points to Sage, "She's blushing."

He stands infront of them, both of his hands now on his hips, expecting an answer.

"I plead guilty, your honor." George admits, no shame to be found in his voice, nor fear.

"Good," Draco surprisingly smiles, "because she deserves all the compliments in the world." He winks at her and she is blushing even harder. "Keep it first base, though."

George's eyebrows shoot up at the unexpected joke given their history of some hexes that followed a series of compliments directed at Miss Sage. "I wouldn't dare go further." He states surely.

"I'm not talking about you." Draco jabs a thumb at his wife. "She is so fucking horny I can barely keep up. Next thing I know she will make a move on you."

"Hey." She backhands his shin since he is standing next to her now.

"I'm just kidding." He says in a goofy kind of way, crouching so he can lean in and capture her lips in a quick kiss. "I was just checking if you need anything? There's a stand and they have ice cream or some refreshments." He points in that direction over his shoulder.

She puts a hand on his knee, rubbing her thumb up and down. "I'm fine. Thank you, my love."

"Alright. But drink some water, okay? And wear a hat, that's why we brought it in the first place-and don't roll your eyes at me." He tells her because that is exactly what she did. He leans in for another sweet kiss. "I'll play a few more matches. Is that alright?

"No, I must have you around me at all times."

Smiling, they lean in for yet another kiss. "Love you."

"Love you." She smacks his ass when he departs, making him look back at her with a pursed smile and squinted eyes.

George pulls said hat over her head, appearing befuddled. "How are you two the same people that iced the corridors at Hogwarts the moment you set foot in it?"

His lips curl up when she bubbles a laugh. "I question that myself everyday."

Some time later, Sage wakes up with her head in Draco's lap. They're not at the beach anymore, but at the rental. She remembers passing out right when they got here.

Draco is like a sleeping bag for Sage-her personal pillow-ever since that little bean took residency in her womb. She is constantly falling asleep on him, however that may be and he never complains, for which she is very grateful.

With a subtle look she can see her feet resting on Pansy's lap. She is chatting with, by the sound of it, are Cedric and Theo while skillfully painting her nails in the air. Sage has once seen her do it on the unsteady Hogwarts Express and another time on their way to class.

Then her eyes land on the one above, who is soothingly scratching her head. He is looking slightly to the side, immersed in a book but still able to have an eye on his wife.

Draco is all about parenting and baby books. He wants to be as educated as he can before the baby arrives. It warms her heart how passionate he is about the whole thing.

And its not that Sage isn't. She reads her fair share of books herself and soaks up any knowledge from the many mothers in her life, because she has not a single clue about babies.

By the stirring, Draco does a glance down on his lap, and an adorable smile curls on his lips when green eyes look back at him.

His hand moves from her head to cheekbone, gently caressing it with the back of his fingers. Meanwhile, the book is shut and resting between the arm of the couch and his thigh.

"How are you feeling?" He speaks in a hushed voice, brushing a few pieces away from her forehead.

Her eyes close at his touch. "I'm good."

Draco taps her shoulder. "Sit up, darling."

She obliges and pulls herself up with one hand on the backrest of the couch and Draco keeps one hand on her back for some extra support.

But before she can change position, his hands find their place on her shoulders, scooting closer behind her. She pulls her legs to herself to sit criss cross as he starts to make pressurized circles with his thumbs.

She has to supress a literal moan at that.

"What do you think of this color?" Pansy holds the back of her hand for show, presenting plum shaded nails-perfectly manicured, of course.

"I like it." Sage replies. "You wanna know what I saw earlier?"

"You're talking to me, honey. Of course I wanna know."

"I witnessed a very peculiar thing at the beach." Sage reveals, making it seem bigger than it is. She lowers her voice, so only her and Pansy take part in the conversation, Draco consequently listening as well. "See, Blaise pushed Daphne, which made her stumble and fall into the water, something she wanted to avoid because of her hair just like me and you, right?"

Pansy listens while painting her other hand. "He is such an immature ass."

"Hence why you, my dear Peach, proceeded to do the same to Blaise."

"Someone has to keep the boys in check." She makes a simple defence, not letting any

"Sure." Sage nods, eyes closing at the blissful sensation of Draco's thumbs pressing into her tensed muscles. "But to me, it has another taste to it. The taste of friendly, good-hearted defense."

One perfect eyebrow shoots up on Pansy's face. "Now you're sounding stupid."

She is too proud to admit her soft spot for Daphne. Pansy won't admit it, because then it would prove Sage to be in the right, since she told her from the beginning how nice Daphne actually is.

Sage reaches a hand to squeeze Pansy's cheek. "I'm such a proud mama."

Pansy slaps that hand away, though smiles. "A mama forreal-which reminds me, I have the baby shower already planned out in my head."

"I reckon it will have the usual extravaganza?" Sage guesses, smiling when Draco is shortly kissing her cheek.

"You can bet your ass on it." Pansy is still very concentrated on her nails, painting the last one.

"Just tell me when and where and I might make an appearance." Sage exhales deeply when Draco's knuckles drag further down her back.

"Am I invited too?" Blaise appears along with some others trudging behind. Though it is the plate of cake pops that has Sage's full attention.

"No men." Pansy shakes her head, screwing the nail polish bottle shut and setting it aside.


"Not even I am allowed to show up and I'm the father-to-be." Draco states, sounding nonchalant.

Blaise's eyebrows shoot up like he just got an idea. "I can make you a babyshower-you know, for the men." He proposes very hopefully.

"I'll pass, mate." Draco declines with his lips pressed into a line.

Sage reaches over to get herself one of those cake pops, just like Theo and some others do.

She leans back and into Draco's side, sinking her teeth into the snack-dessert. She is surprised by whats inside. Nothing terrible, just something she wasn't expecting.

"What the fuck Blaise." Theo exclaims, backed up by unhappy complaints. "Why the fuck would you put brussel sprouts as stupid cake pops?"

"Happy April Fools my lads." He beams, exceedingly happy with the result of his prank.

"Brussel sprouts as the cake part?" George integrates himself into the conversation. "That is a bad joke, especially today, and especially on my birthday."

"I don't see where the problem is. It doesn't even taste that bad." The moment those words left her mouth, an abundance of disgusted faces are looking back at her. She ignores it. "So no one wants it then? More for me, I guess." She shrugs and takes another one.

"That is actually disgusting, Blue." Theo remarks and Draco immediatly shakes his head with his lips pressed into a hard line.

"Talk about disgusting-you jam your mouth to its brink and then have the audacity to speak to people." Sage fires back for her defence. "That is what's disgusting."

"Don't comment on what she eats, ever-for your own good." Draco advises wisely, avoiding Sage's death stare at him.

"Guys, dinner is ready in a bit, so don't fill up on those cake pops." Reina informs as she stands with only one foot in the small circle, about to leave again, but halts when Blaise holds the plate in her reach.

"You wanna try one?"

"Sure. One won't hurt."

"No, sweetie-" Pansy tries to interrupt the interaction, but it's too late.

Her girlfriend is spitting the contents of her mouth into her own hand while pulling the most disgusted face.

"You fucking cunt." She mutters at Blaise before rushing off to the kitchen.

Blaise is utterly delighted that yet again, someone fell for his stupid prank.

"Bubba, we should make a baby, too, don't you think?" Theo squeezes his wife's side. "Our baby and their baby can be friends just like Blue and me."

"Look at you," Sage drawls tauntingly, "wanting to copy steps. It's not me this time. No, no, it's you." She points a finger at Theo, very pleased.

He purses his lips, unabashed. "We gotta keep our thing going."

Blaise opens his mouth to say something, but Daphne holds a hand up that stops him from doing that. "As long as I have no ring on my finger, I am popping out no babies for you, na-uh."

A few snickers follow that.

And while she's snickering with them, Sage can't shake the obvious stares she's getting for biting into another chocolate covered brussel sprout. "Can you all stop looking at me like that? At least I'm not letting them go to waste-jeez."


"The first poop doesn't stink."

"Gotta cherish when it happens then," her lips tug up teasingly, "because I heard your shits as a baby poisened the whole manor. And it was a big manor."

She spends too much time with his mother.

He sends her a short, playful glare and continues to read off another fact from the book in his hands. "Newborns are short sighted-hm." He sits on this for a beat. "That means we can make out just fine in their presence without traumatising them."

She blinks, a smile threatening to curl on her lips as her palms continue to rub an oil treatment on her visible bump like she does every night. "You are impossible."

He directs his eyes back to the page again because, Merlin, he could devour her in one go right now. The effortless beauty of his wife is something unseen. Anytime he looks at her, he is caught off-guard with what lays upon him.

"They like to face right while sleeping."

"Well that's not fair." Sage gives a small pout. "You're sleeping on the right side of the bed."

He gives her a small, mocking pout back.

"Here's a fun one." Draco starts, clearly amused by the lines infront of him. "When a baby is around four months old, they grow a mustache that spreads to the entire body over the course of a month-meaning our baby is a little, hairy bear inside you from now on. This hair is called lanugo. It falls all before the birth of the child and is eaten by them. The digested hair becomes a part of this first poo-"

He looks up from the book when a frustrated sigh flees his wife's lips. Not the reaction he expected.

Did he say something wrong?

No. She is standing infront of the mirror, trying to squeeze the fabric of a nightgown past her belly. But the silk is not elastic enough to allow it.

"It wont fit." She whines in irritation.

He has to bite his tongue so hard when she keeps on trying to pull it down, but there is just no way.

Another groan is passing her lips, turns around with her shoulder fallen in defeat. "It is already loose fitted."

He can't hold it in any longer. A small burst of laughter slips his rims because the sight is simply too adorable. He covers his mouth to stop, but it's no use.

Bad move. Bad, bad move.

Her face crumbles, she looks near tears, but keeps them in, nonetheless.

"You're laughing at me." The betrayal is evident in her tone, clear in her brimming eyes.

His laughter is cut short by her strong emotions, clearing his throat. "I'm not laughing at you."

Without another word, just a death glare, Sage summons a robe which easily slips on her arms as she leaves the confinements of their room.

Draco quickly gets off the bed, nearly tripping his way to follow her heavy footsteps that lead to the living area.

He is more than grateful that everyone turned in for the night about an hour ago.

"Darling, what are you doing?" He tries softly, careful not to fuel the spark of a flame.

"Sleeping." She mutters, aggressively grabbing a throw blanket.

But it gets taken out of her hands, not pleased with that answer.

"There's no way in hell that you're gonna sleep on a couch."

Sage is about to snatch the blanket back, but hos reflexes allow him to hold it out of her reach. A very frustrated huff breathes through her nose, crossing her arms over her chest.

And there it is again, a hardly supressed smile that is about to become audible the longer she glares at him like that.

"I'm not going to sleep in a bed with someone that can't seem to stop laughing at me-don't laugh at me." She lightly smacks his chest when he is chuckling heartily, because he can't take her seriously.

Usually, she wouldn't mind this behaviour, would even go as far as laughing with him, but it's the hormones that make her feel offended.

"Hello?" A demure voice comes from down the hall, that leads to the many bedrooms. The figure steps into the moonlight, revealing the soft look of their blonde headed, blue eyed friend. "Oh, sorry, I just came to get a glass of water. Are you guys alright?"

"Fine." Draco replies curtly, not wanting to drag other people in this.

"No, we're not alright." Sage has other plans, though. "Can you tell him that a woman will not sleep in the same bed with someone who laughs at her because she can't fit a stupid dress over her pregnant belly."

Daphne blinks, mildly bewildered. And desperate to not get tangled into the couples disagreement.

"Can you tell her that a husband won't let his pregnant wife sleep on a couch, no matter how stubborn she is."

"I don't-" Daphne stumbles over her own words with the intense stare of the both of them, "I don't know what to say. You-You're both valid in point."

"Well, I'm right." Sage turns back to Draco, defiantly. "I can very well sleep on the couch if I see fit, so let me make my own decisions, husband."

Daphne is already gone grabbing her water and rushing away from the scene.

"Let me take care of you, wife." He counters in much calmer fashion.

Her eyebrows shoot up. "So you can laugh at me again over something different that my comical pregnant self can't do?"

A soft sigh passes his lips. "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to make fun of you. I would never make fun of you. You simply looked cute, but I promise to not laugh again." His hand reaches up to caress her cheek, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. He loves how easily she melts at his touch. "What do you say about a bath? Warm and bubbly."

This peaks her interest. "Do you have to join me?" She asks, somewhat grumpy.

Still, she molds into his side as they slowly trudge back to the room they are residing in.

"I don't have to, but I would be delighted." He replies simply, his arm possessively around her shoulders. "Do you want to have it alone?"

She bites her lip, waiting with her response before she peers at him, trying hard to maintain her stern front, but charmed by his warm gaze. "No."

And so, a little while later, they sit in a bath like he promised-not too hot, he made sure. Sage is leaned against his toned upper body, between his legs and his hands resting comfortably on her baby bump.

He finds himself touching it more often than not, whenever they cuddle or are close enough for it to not seem weird. And since the movement they caught this morning, he is waiting for the little one to reach out one more time.

Draco appreciates the scent of sweet, citrusy magnolia. And he appreciates the alone time he as with her. Surely there have been a lot of them in the last year, and he will make sure to cherish every next until their life embarks on a long, new route.

"I've been thinking." He speaks rather quiet since their heads are basically leaning against each other.

A small, half-meant gasp flees her lips, "No way." while she plays with the bubbles, popping a few and building mountains of them, listening.

Though a sharp intake of breath follows her teasing when a squeeze on the inside of her thigh makes her legs squirm.

"I was thinking about names. What we should call this little one." He rubs his thumb on her tummy.

Sage knows the gender since the moment she could, but Draco wants it to be a surprise. And it's only Sage who knows, because their friends would ruin the surprise someway or another.

Her hand finds his, her palm smoothing over the back of his and braiding their fingers. "What do you have in mind?"

"Okay, I don't know if there is any reasoning behind it that you and your sister have a nature theme going on, you know, Sage and Willow, but I like it. Something about it seems calming-I don't know, I like it."

"You only call me Blossom." Sage points out.

"Which is also nature related," he reminds, "and I do call you Sage."

"Right, when I fuck up or when I fuck you." A smirk is clear in her voice and his own lips tug up to one.


"How about Rain? That could be cool." Sage suggests tentatively. "I not only like rain itself, but the name too. I would love to say that word every day. Also Forrester or Knox?"

"Knox As in nox? Turn off the light nox?" Draco deduces. "No, everyone will bully him at school, saying all the lights are off in his head or something."

He can see her lips tug up higher. "What if he's a squib? Muggles don't know the term."

"Definitely not a squib." Draco states rather firmly. His lips press ardently on her shoulder, trailing up the side of her neck. "What about Meadow? Or Clover?"

"I like Clover." She takes both his arms and wraps them closely around her with hers ontop. "Do you want them to have Draco as a middle name? Like you have your fathers, he has his fathers and so on."

"There's no need for that." He replies without hesitation. "While I like my first name, especially when you moan it," he says huskily into her ear, earning a soft hum from her mouth, "I don't want our kid to have the same name as me-feels weirdly territorial." The next words leave him faster than he can think. "I should be proud, but I hate that I have my fathers name. It's a constant reminder that I am associated to him."

He can see her frown momentarilly.

"Hey," Sage turns her head to face him. Their eyes lock, and while she looks stern, there is a softness to it. "Our kid is not gonna be ashamed to have you as a father."

A sigh is pushing out his chest, captivated by the green infront of him. "I hope."

"I know." Her lips curve up into a small, soft smile. "I know that you will be awesome. That's all you ever been to me."

Godric, if only there was a way to verbalize how much and how deep he loves her.

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