His Little One✔️

By jhenny_pink

2.3M 71K 3.6K

"I think you've already starved me enough, Amia, just one taste. I promise I won't bite." Marcello implored... More

1. Breaking the rules.
2. Baby blue eyes.
3. Marcello.
4. Amia Snow.
5. Keep my distance.
6. A message to send.
7. The urge to kiss him.
8. What he's made of.
9. Belonging to him.
10. Quality time together.
11. The peace treaty.
12. A very furious Marcello.
13 His dominance.
14. What exactly happened.
15. Princess of the underworld.
16. Tension in the air.
17. An hostile visit.
18. Caught in the act.
19. A moment of meekness.
20. Sexual tensions.
22. Confrontations.
23. Unwanted visitors.
24. The big surprise.
25. Romance under the sun.
26. Marcello's punishment.
27. Tortured enough.
28. What is wrong with these people.
29. A dark and dirty secret.
30. Lying Bastard.
31. Someone to confide in.
32. Big decisions.
33. Should've let you die.
34. The truth part 1.
35. The truth part 2.
36. Enzo's new reign.
37. Finally done.
38. Confessions.
39. Making it up to me.
40. Forever mine.
41. Breaking the news.
42. Happily ever after.

21. The parent talk.

45.7K 1.4K 133
By jhenny_pink

Since I couldn't look my parents in the eyes, I looked around the entire room in great embarrassment, disappointment, and most of all, shame. How on earth could I have allowed this to happen to me, and what in the world do I do?

Fortunately, my parents didn't find me entirely naked with Marcello, but on the other hand, Marcello had dressed me in his own shirt, which is how they eventually found me.

"I-is he the cause of the suspicious-looking individuals who were parked outside my house?" The gentle question from my mother sounded as though she was about to start crying.

I hesitantly nodded my head unable to look her in the eyes.

"My name is Marcello Ortega, and I'm Amia's boyfriend. First and foremost, I'd like to apologize for what you had to witness; I only wish the best for Amia, and I hope you can grant us your blessings to be together." Marcello spoke like a true gentleman, and I was taken aback by his soft side towards my parents.

"How could we possible give you the chance to be with our daughter when you degraded us by sleeping with her in our own home behind and behind our back and also tainted her? Didn't you think this was you should've requested of us first?" Dad exploded in a furious manner.

"I was positive the girl I was dating was not a minor who had to give her consent before having sex. I apologize if I insulted you." As my father glared at Marcello for his response, I noticed the fairly vague connotation in his remarks that caught my attention.

Marcello did not like the way he was being spoken to.

I glanced up witnessing the hurt as my father stared into my eyes.

"Again I apologize for our actions early on." Marcello spoke.

"Amia?" My mother called for me and I glanced towards her.

"What is this? Are you serious? Is all of this true? Why weren't we told anything? Why did you lie to us?" I swallowed hard feeling nothing but guilt and dread.

"Amia had nothing to do with lying to you. She was merely following what I told her." Marcello tried to protect me.

"Once more, I'm sorry for our early behaviour," Marcello attempted to sound honest, which I knew he was, as he spoke.

"Amia?" I turned to look at my mother as she called for me.

"I'm just as guilty as he is since I didn't consent to anything under duress, I made the first move with him, and I wasn't forced to do anything. We have a relationship because of me. Marcello had actually asked me to think it over, but I decided to stay with him." As both of my parents exhaled, I admitted playing with my fingers.

I felt as though I had done something incredibly wrong.

"I don't believe this." My father spoke in astonishment.

"While all of this is true, I am ready to accept full responsibility for our respective conduct. Amia shouldn't be held responsible for anything, therefore." Marcello noticed how important my parents are to me and spoke.

"Well, everything I've said so far is true, and I apologize profusely for disappointing you both. I know you two had high hopes for me, but that's just how things have become, and if you can't accept our relationship, then I'll just have to leave if you want." My parents rose up and looked at me with wide eyes while I fought back the urge to cry.

When I turned to look at Marcello, I noticed that he was utterly unconcerned with the situation and was instead staring directly at my parents.

Because I knew he'd definitely get upset and Marcello didn't want to see me sad, I didn't want him to see me on the edge of sobbing because I was afraid that things might go out of hand.

I felt like a good girl gone bad.

"Why? Where is this coming from Amia?" My mother questioned.

"Amia, you absolutely destroyed the trust that both your father and I had in you. We didn't stay away from you for more than a month simply to return and discover something so terrible? How long have the two of you been dating?" My mom enquired.

"Nearly a month." At my remarks, my mother gasped once more.

"Did you trip and lose track of who you are when you first met him? mainly because there doesn't seem to be any other plausible explanation for this." Marcello seemed entirely unconcerned as my father questioned while frowning at him.

"The only thing Amia is doing, Mr. Snow, is doing what she truly wants to do...." My father ended Marcello's sentence.

"When we left Amia here her hearts desire were that of doing the right thing so excuse us if we do not believe anything you have to say, young man. Dating a man colored with tattoos was nothing of what Amia had in mind so don't try to speak for my daughter." My father scoffed.

"Dad." I knew he was angry but that didn't mean he had to be disrespectful to Marcello.

Marcello wasn't a wall; he had feelings, and more importantly, he was a mob leader who wasn't accustomed to being treated with such contempt, despite the fact he is my father and Marcello would never harm him, he still should be treated with respect just as he was treating my father.

"Sorry if I come across as a little harsh, but men like you do you no good. To illustrate my point, I'll ask you a question: What are your plans for my daughter? You people cause more harm than good?" My father harshly questioned.

"I pledge to nurture your daughter, Amia, and give her everything she needs. I have only the finest intentions for your daughter's future and envision us spending a very long time together. I'll do everything in my power to please her." When Marcello said something, I noticed that butterflies were fluttering about in my tummy.

"And is that what you promised her in exchange for your fraudulent funds and fabricated future? Amia, you were mislead by that? You're able to purchase her the entire world? Amia, I find it hard to think you were deceived." My dad lost his cool.

""While I understand that I'm in your house and under your roof Mr. Snow, I wish to remain respectful to you and your wife and I hope you understand that your daughter and I have a common understanding of what we both want. I did nothing to change her mind. I also believe Amia should get the chance to make her own decisions." Marcello spoke.

"Enough of this Amia, you are putting an end to this nonsense right here and right now!" Indignantly, my father yelled.

"I can't because I'm in love with him." I glanced down as my cheeks burned, I knew this wasn't the right time to say it. I hadn't even confessed this to Marcello so this would definitely come off as a surprise to him as well.

I slightly glanced towards Marcello to see him looking at me and I abruptly stood up to face my parents.

"In love? In less than a month? Obviously your just infatuated with him, Amia, and I can clearly see why but this needs to stop." My mother after a long few minutes of being silent.

"Knowing that I have failed you, embarrassed you, and let you down, I have no choice but to leave in order to save your honour since I'm a failure in your eyes. Nonetheless I will do everything in my power to keep watching out for you." When my mum spoke, I was going to turn around and head to pack my luggage.

"You haven't embarrassed us and your still our pride and joy but we're just unable to come to terms with this sudden change in direction. This is quite a shock to us but we would never want you to leave us, please don't leave us." My mother please holding onto my father.

I hugged her after mom finished speaking because I was relieved to hear that I could stay with Marcello but it didn't feel right to leave my parents. I wished to stay with them.

My father on the other hand remained silent, while not saying a word.

"Do you really love him?" My mother whispered in my ear to me in a question.

"Yes I am, mom." I whispered back with tears in my eyes and even though I knew everyone in the room could hear me.

"While your father and I are not proud of your choices Amia, I do believe that we can all lay down some rules and ground rules and talk things through then we can all come up with the best possible solution for this relationship." My mother spoke and I glanced towards my father before he sighed while calming down.

I then glanced at Marcello who appeared to look contented with the way things turned out today.

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