Disney Robin Hood X Reader

By bcsfbishfbiewgrb

26.4K 555 28

Y/N has been Robin Hood's best friend since the were cubs. And she's always had a crush on him, question is:... More

Alternate Ending


1.4K 30 0
By bcsfbishfbiewgrb

F/C/A: Favorite Clothes Accessory

Robin POV:

The two of us looked around for a way out eventually we climbed up the gate avoiding all of the spears and axes which banged into the gate. Once we'd reached the top the two of us looked for a way out and spotted a rope nearby. Both Y/N and I grabbed it and as we swung through the air Y/N kicked the sheriff in his oversized belly and sent him flying into a row of guards.

We gripped on to the wall of one of the castle walls, as I accidentally let go of the top of the wall as Y/N pointed down at the guards below us, I looked down and saw them chucking spears at us. Some of them bounced off the wall, but one of them got stuck in the wall. I used it to pull myself up at the same time Y/N pulled herself up the wall and then helped me up. Once we were on the wall two archers aimed for us but ended up missing when we both ducked out of the way. The two guards then ducked from each other's arrows. The two of us, seeing no other way out, jumped onto another wall, as Y/N got on the wall steadily as she pulled me back onto the wall with her.


Robin and I began to climb the tower which he had climbed before as we reached a bit of a safe area. I saw Robin look around the corner of the tower as several arrows were fired at us. I pulled him back avoidíng them. The two of us used the same hook as before to get into Prince John's chamber, Once we got in Robin shut the curtains as I caught my breath but when I looked up I spotted the Sheriff with a torch in his hand he swinged it at us as we both ducked and he got the curtain instead, setting it ablaze. Robin and I ran off and started looking for ways to defend ourselves. Robin picked up a chair and started a fight with the Sheriff who quickly broke it apart. Robin ran to the other side of the room as I pulled the carpet out from underneath the Sheriff's feet as he fell on his ass. Robin then took my hand and then jumped through the flaming curtains. Which stopped the Sheriff who gave us a dirty look as we ran toward the exit. The two of us ran up a staircase and ended up in a tower. We took a very brief breather before we noticed the fire was rising into the small room we were in. I climbed out the window with my fiance following quickly. The two of us struggled to get to the top of the tower once we reached the flagpole at the top and gripped on to it together. From I heard Prince John below:

"Shoot them!" He motioned for the two of us as we looked down seeing Little John and Skippy who were giving us worried looks. I was looking around frantically for a way out, that was until Robin took my hand and we jumped off the tower landing in the moat below us.

"Kill them! Kill them!" Prince John sneer-yelled. Robin and I tried swimming away but there were arrows being fired left and right as we both went below the surface.

3rd Person POV:

As a few bubbles surfaced on the water and popped, Prince John smiled evilly as Sir Hiss looked over the wall minorly concerned. As the last couple of bubbles popped.

"Come on, Rob. Come on, Y/N/N," Little John pleaded.

"They've just gotta make it," Skippy pleaded. Then Robin's hat and Y/N's F/C/A floated to the surface with arrows having pierced both of them.

"No. No, no," Little John exclaimed quietly.

"Hiss! He's finished! Done for! La, la, la," Prince John cheered himself on, while doing a little dance.

"He's gonna make it, isn't he, Little John?" Skippy asked Little John who couldn't even utter words he was so sad. Skippy then hid his face in Little John's arm until he spotted something interesting. "Hey, what're those?" he pointed at two straws which moved toward the waterbank.

"Little John, lookit, lookit," Skippy pulled the bear over, both of them looking at the straw as they both sprayed water in Little John's face, from below Y/N and Robin Hood rose smiling smugly.

"Hey, what the... Oh, man, did you have me worried guys. I thought you were long gone," L.J said, wiping the water off his face. As Robin knocked the water out of his ears and Y/N shook her head, she then got a young rabbit jump on her hugging her tightly.

"Ah, not Robin Hood and Y/N. They could've swum twice that far, huh, guys?" Skippy asked, as Y/N giggled kissing Robin on the cheek. Up on the castle wall Sir Hiss witnessed all of it and called his boss over.

"Look, sire. Look. He's made it. He got away again," Prince John looked like he wanted to set the whole forest on fire.

"A pox on the phoney King of England! Oo-de-lally! Oo-de-lally!" Robin, Y/N, and Skippy cheered laughing at the lion.

"Oh, no. It's so miserably unfair," Prince John whined, slinking down.

"Well, I tried to tell you, but no, no, no, you wouldn't listen. Your traps just never work." Sir Hiss lectured not knowing Prince John was getting ready to hit him with a wooden stick. "And now look what you've done to your mother's castle," he finished his lecture, Prince John screamed, then frowned before sucking his thumb. After he made an evil scowl and raised the wooden board back into the air and attempted to hit his reptile counsellor. Who began to avoid it as fast as he could.

"Hold still, you cowardly cobra!" Prince John yelled, banging the wooden board at Sir Hiss.

"Sire, no!" he pleaded.

"Please! Oh! No!"

"Procrastinating Python! Aggravating asp! You eel in snake's clothing!" Prince John insulted the counsellor.

"He's gone stark raving mad!" Sir Hiss yelped, into the night sky

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