☽ Witches Can Dream ✯ {Dream...

By BloodyRose64

10K 297 33

I never really knew or can remember my mother. The only thing I know is that she's the reason I'm here in the... More

Let's Start Here Then
We Start Getting Closer With A Plan
Questioning Plans and Faith
Discovery of The Turning Point
Day Of New Freedoms
Sand Brings Us Back Together
Time To Impress Him
We Got It Back, and Opened Eyes
I Don't Need Meds! I Think...
What The Hell Is A Dream Vortex?
This Team Up Is For Jed
Diving Into My Mind Instead Of Winning
Help With Love Does Work Sometimes

Hello Again Nightmare King

737 25 4
By BloodyRose64

      The said Sleepy Sickness is a thing of the past, but nightmares are more powerful then ever for some people. I talk from experience, since I haven't really slept since...you know, nevermind. Let's just keep it rolling. 

      I have close to no concept of time, so I would have to guess that months or so went by and my friendship with Johanna has grown a bit. It has it's rocky moments, one pushing the other away and then just drifting back together without addressing it. That was the problem with us. We were currently driving to our next job, and she foolishly fell asleep on my shoulder. When we made it there, I shook her awake and made her jump wide awake. Looks like she had a bad nightmare from how teary her eyes were. Scoffing, I rolled my eyes, "I told you not to fall asleep, Conny." Recovering pretty quickly, she did a double take look at me and smiled, "Bugger off." "Love you too~" I reached over to pay the driver with my card, getting out after with her. 

      The air hit us both hard as it smelled like it just rained recently. Good thing we wore coats though, it was freezing! Speaking of clothing, Let's just say that I have outdone myself with my new outfits when I officially got settled. For this one, I wore a half fishnet bodysuit shirt with jean bell bottoms and good combat boots. Along with some very tasteful jewelry that depicted the lord of the underworld themselves, and a pair of new glasses with the left lens having a rose in the lens to hide the past. I've never looked better, along with Johanna and her sleek white coat. I looked up to see that it was a church that we were working at, and it sent a bit of chills down my spine and anger bubbling in my heart. A voice cut off that train of feelings, "Johanna Constantine and Koda Ruth." We both turned slowly to smile at them. It was an old woman we both had connections with named Mad Hettie. She smiled at us, "Look at you two, all done up." "What are you doing here, Hettie?" She pondered it for a while, "Same as you, I expect. He's coming, isn't he?" When Johanna asked who, the answer sent me in a bit of a spiral. Hettie answered, "Morpheus."

      I got dizzy with hearing that name, heart in my ears and seeing blurs of colors that focused into those eyes. His eyes...how I miss to look into them. Johanna knew there was something wrong with me, but she only looked over at me from time to time to try and figure it out. "Good to know. I'm off to work. Why don't you sit this one out, Koda?" She rubbed my arm. Thinking on my own was the last thing I wanted, but I was gonna sit out on this one anyway. Remembered when I said that thinking on my own was the last thing I wanted to do? Well, that option was made even worse is when I looked over her shoulder and saw...Morpheus.

      He looked about the same to me, nothing ever changing I guess. We both locked eyes the first time in...time passing. His expression was stone, but I would like to believe that there was a hint of surprise there. "Constantine," He called out to Johanna, who was walking his way. Calling her...why? Why else, he's looking for his tools and she most likely crossed paths with it. That was the seed that sprung flies of thought buzzing in my head. "He's forgotten you." "Why would you be any use to him?" "He needs someone sane to work with." "You'll be the last person he would call upon." With each word, my stomach took a hit and forced me to the edge of the large body of water to start throwing up my lunch. My breathing started to get out of control again, making my chest squeeze so much I thought I was seeing stars. Some steps were heard coming up to me, "Hey." It was Hettie, and she leaned against the railing next to me to try and comfort me. She frowned, "It has been a long time since you've seen him." "Shut it before I stab you in the throat, you old cow!" I rasped out. I....I needed some grass. Walking over to a large patch of grass in the concrete, I sat down and hugged myself tight. "There's not here anymore. Everything is alright. You don't need to be afraid," I repeated to myself. 

      The breathing got easier and my heart slowed to a regular pace. I can't keep doing this. This shit has been coming by more and more, and it doing anything but driving my money away! Don't think about it, just...keep your mind busy. Slowly going to my feet, dusting myself off, I made my way to the ledge and jumping on top of it. "Palma manus meae. Aquam," I chanted holding my hand over the water. It started to bend and sink in my control, following my command simply. While playing with it, I smiled and sang quietly, "Sometimes I wish I could lend you my eye. Lend you my hips, and lend you my thighs~" My mind was occupied for the while at least while Johanna did the job for the both of us. Then, I felt someone staring at me. The stare felt...safe though, and looking back to see who was doing said staring...I wasn't surprised. It was Morpheus and Hettie, looked like they were talking. The good thing was that they didn't look away once I caught them. This made me smirk, and bow slightly and blow a kiss to them both.

      Another minute or so passed, and Johanna's lovely voice came into my ear. "Are you alright now?" "Depends on how much we just made. Did we triple?" I went to look at her, and saw that Morpheus was right beside her. Jumping down, we locked eyes as I smiled, "Lord Morpheus" "Koda Ruth." Johanna broke up our locked in gazing, "What do you want with us?" He looked to her sternly, "Something of mine came into your possession. A leather pouch filled with sand." We both said the last part together, Johanna looking at me surprised. My eye stayed still on Morpheus, "I like how you only go to her, and not me. I thought for sure you remembered me, Morpheus." "That was yours? Bought it at an estate sale. Didn't even manage to get the drawstrings open." Of course, she didn't have it with her. He insisted that we find it, and I agreed with him. I had a clue of  where it could be at, but I wanted him with me just in case I got trapped in some unreal nightmare or whatever. "Must we? Why is that?" "Because without it, my realm will cease to exist, and if dreams disappear, then so will humanity," He explained plainly. 

      She answered, "No offense, but...I could do without dreams for a while." I side eyed her, "Please Conny, think for a second." Putting a hand on her hip, she turned to me with a unblinking look on her face. I started, "Not just dreams, but humanity. I think that we both would want more time to work some things out, instead of trying to hurry up the process and making the results even worse then originally intended." Even if her facial expression didn't change that much, her head slowly nodding knew she was at least keeping it in mind and not faking listening. Her and Morpheus butted heads like you would expect just from looking at how the both of them act. "All right," She admitted. "We'll help you find your sand." "Good." Giving out a snort, I put my head on Johanna's shoulder as she kept her gaze on him. I declared, "That's code for she only wants her ill friend with her on the job, because she really loves her and only her."  She raised an eyebrow at me, and I grinned. Snickering, I said, "You know you love me, Conny~"

      "Plus, we don't want you and your friend following us all over London," She stated. He seemed confused at this. I pointed to the bench, "Your new raven? He's been staring at us for the past 3 minutes." He was stunned to see the raven sitting on the bench, waiting for him. He slowly made his way over, and gave Johanna the chance to run off. I went with her, of course, but he would find us all over again anyway. 

      Pushing through our front door, we both tried to settle back in but...she had questions and concerns. "You know the Sandman?" She almost laughed at me. Shrugging and taking off my shoes, I sighed, "I'd rather not speak on it a the moment, but...in a way." There was silence, and looking back at her I knew what kind of conclusion she was trying to jump to. "We didn't fuck, so get that out of your thick skull," My voice tensed up as I walked past her. I stopped and turned back to her to get in her face, "Look, I just wanted to remind you that just because I act like this with you doesn't mean I trust you." She as taken aback slightly, but recovered fast enough to make it seem like I didn't see it. Her surprised look turned more into a smug grin,  "Life of the insane, right?" "Takes one to know one, Conny." I left her to her own devices and now was in my room.

      It matched the rest of the house; messy but still organized to a certain extent. The only thing you could really call 'clean' was my made up bed. It was made up so nice, because I rarely got sleep and when I do it's only 40 minutes in the car on the way to or from jobs. Was I finally going to sleep? Fuck no, too many memories. After changing into some sleeping clothes and putting my glasses to the side, I grabbed my headphones and started listening to music, sitting right next to the window and relaxing. My moment of relaxation was short, as always, feeling a tightening sensation around one of my wrist. 

      I thought it was only that feeling, but then it went straight to my eye. The snapping moment was when I saw his wrinkly old figure walking up to my bed. I snatched off my headphones and threw them at him, but I blinked and only saw some broken things on the floor. Grunting loudly, my hands pulled my hair and punched the window to leave a crack in it. No place is safe from those hands made from hell, right?! I couldn't stand to even sit here anymore, so I stomped over to the door and swung it open. I did almost make it to the front door, but the sight stopped me. I was right about Morpheus finding us as he was standing before Johanna. She looked at me, worried to hell and back, "Another flashback?" I pointed at her as I lost a breath a bit. Growling through my teeth, "Not another fucking word out of you." Walking to the kitchen, I glanced back and muttered, "Yeah..." I caught Morpheus look at my state probably in disgust and humiliation. Maybe that was the reason he didn't call on me first.

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