Wakfu: Flow of Magic

Por Gry167

920 13 6

All throughout the mystical World of Twelve exists Wakfu. It acts as the lifeblood for for all of the plants... Más

Chapter One: The Princess, The Archer, and I
Chapter Three: Tiny Village, Big Hearts
Chapter Four: B Movie Zombies
[Prototype Chapters]

Chapter Two: Shop Till You Drop

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Por Gry167

In a grassy area with crows flying through the sky, a Zap Portal opened. Then one by one our heroes came out of said portal, with some of them falling over.

Ruel: It's exciting, the first time you take a Zap Portal, eh? Of course, I do it all the time.

Drake: Meh, I'd prefer a run.

Just the Dally remembered something he meant to ask.

Percedal: Ah! Drake, my friend, you must tell me about that blade of yours! Is it really the Legendary Devil Arm, Andras?! Able to cut through the toughest hides and make it's user untouchable?!

Drake: The very same. I should have expected a Shushu Guardian to recognize it. She's my pride and joy.

Drake brandished the silver blade proudly, making Percedal look at it in awe and Evangeline roll her eyes.

Evangeline: Ugh, men and their swords. Just don't get distracted and stay together everyone. Our destination is Oma island, so we should only focus on-

Yugo: How about we visit Kelba Market, Huh?

Yugo then began running towards the market leaving everyone behind.


Evangeline: I just said that we need to stick together.

-|+++Episode: Neverm- Wait.+++|-

Our heroes arrived at Kelba Market and began looking around for things.

Evangeline: Alright. The first thing we need to do is Club together and buy a map of the world.

Ruel: Count me out! My purse is as bare as a field of Carrots on Wabbit Island.

Drake: What a bald faced lie. I bet that bag's full of Kamas.

Amalia: It'd make sense if that cheap old Enutrof is just lying!

Ruel: H-Hey now...

Amalia then laughed, but it was oddly deep and menacing, hearing this suprised her and caused her to stop.

Yugo: Hey, Amalia, you sound like a Bwork!

Drake: HAHAHAAA! You tell her, kid!

Percedal: Not very classy for a gentle maiden.

Amalia: But it wasn't me.

Old merchant: AHH! IT WAS HIM!

Everyone looked up to see a man with a bird helmet riding on the Back of a giant mechanical crow with misty black wings.

Drake looked up and saw what everyone was looking at before his eyes widened.

Drake: No way...

Yugo heard Drake's tone of disbelief and looked at him.

Drake: Nah...Maybe he's just an imposter? Gotta be.

Old Merchant: THE BLACK CROW!

The merchants began to panic as the closed down their shops.

Yugo: Black Crow?

The Black Crow then flew by and used his giant sword to destroy two of the Merchant buildings. He then used his blade once again to slash right past Yugo and destroy another merchant building.

Percedal: HAHAHAHAHAAAA! I'm really starting to enjoy things around here!

Evangeline: Take cover! I'll take care of this crazy-

Drake: Out of the way!

Drake, cloaked in a more intense aura then before, leaps from the roof of one cart to another before calling out to The Black Crow.

Drake: CROW! I heard all kinds of stories about you when I was a kid! You better not be a fake!

He blasts skyward to meet the crow midair as he turned his attention to Drake.

Black Crow: Come then, Warrior! I will prove my legitimacy with my blade!

Drake redirects himself with a blast of Wakfu from his legs, rocketing straight for the adversary. Crow threw his egg bombs at Drake, but they were shot down by Evangeline's sharpshooting.

Drake slams his blade against the Crow's, causing a shockwave.

Drake: Just like I was expecting!

Black Crow: Happy to live up to the LEGENDS!

The Black Crow laughed evilly, his strength gets an edge over Drake as he breaks their bladelock and uses the tail of his bird to slam Drake back towards the ground, causing him to crash into the last Merchant Stall.

Once he saw the last stall was destroyed, The Black Crow flew off.

Percedal: The coward. He's flying away.

The Iop knight looked disappointed as he watched the fading figure of the enemy get smaller, Drake on the other hand-

Drake: WOOOO!

He jumps up from the crater he was in with an excited smile on his face.

Drake: Yeah! That was awesome! HAHAHA! WOOOO!

Ruel leaned over to Dally.

Ruel: Hey, are we sure he isn't an Iop?

Percedal: Of course he isn't! I can recognize one of my own people!

Yugo shook his head smiling before focusing on the destroyed merchant buildings.


The old merchant the fell onto his butt in sadness. Yugo then walked over with the rest of his friends.

Yugo: Sir, I'm sorry we weren't able to stop him from destroying your stall.

Old Merchant: Well, at least you tried, that's something.

Ruel: Are their any other merchants around here? We're looking for a map of the world.

Old Merchant: Well, much as it pains me to send business a competitor's way. A little further south. You'll find Kabrok's shop. He's got all sorts of stuff.

Amalia: Does he ever get attacked?

Old Merchant: Not Kabrok, he's a rich as he is crafty. He built his shop underground, out of the Black Crow's way.

Percedal: Alright. We just need to find this Kabrok fellow, right?

Ruel nods as Drake approaches, now slightly calmer than before.

Drake: Shopping? Wonder if they've got any weapons...


Yugo walked up to a Board that promoted Kabrok's Shop.

Yugo: Say, have you seen this? If looks like this Kabrok is very well known around here.

Ruel: You're right he's everywhere.

Drake: Gotta mean he's reputable, yeah?

They then made it the front door, and instead of knocking like normal people, Yugo latched onto the front of the door and yelled into the peep hole.


Suddenly a female voice came out of a speaker that was right above the door.

Female voice: If you've come to spend a few Kamas, you are very welcome, sirs.

Yugo then hopped off the door before Drake caught him by the shoulders, smirking in amusement.

Drake: Relax, kid. We aren't in that much of a hurry.

Drake sets Yugo on his shoulder and opens the door like a normal person, everyone following him inside. Once the all reach the bottom of the stairs, they looked in awe at the large selection of things the shop had.

Drake felt a trembling on his hip and looked to see Andrus shaking.

Drake: Huh? They have a Devil Arm in here? Gotta buy it!

Yugo: This place is amazing! It's great!

Ruel: They'll be other shops my friends. If you're drooling over this hovel, wait until you see the shops in Bonta.

???: Well, thank you very much! Always nice to hear that
kind of thing!

Suddenly a curtain was thrown open, revealing an Ecaflip woman in a red and black dress. Drake was certain to resist the urge to stare at the beautiful woman as he set Yugo down before going to look for the Devil Arm.

Ecaflip lady: Your words are hurtful Mr. Adventurer and very misleading aswell. In my shop, you will find riches that you will not see anywhere else.

Ruel: There are treasures here which I never dreamed existed.

Ruel then walked up to Miranda and kissed her hand like a gentleman.

Ruel: Forgive my lack of tact, madame.

Miranda gave the old Enutrof a look before calling her husband so loudly that it sends Ruel flying backwards.

Miranda: KABROK!!!

Then an Osamodas man slowly walked into the room. This was the second owner of Kabrok's Shop, Kabrok.

Kabrok: Welcome to Kabrok's, we have the World's biggest treasures for an adventures greatest pleasures. Everything is for sale here, as long as you can afford it, of course.

Miranda: And to avoid Kama-Less customers wasting our time. We put all of our clients through a little test.

Miranda then clapped her hands, summoning an odd blue hairy creature with a bell on it's tail and a long nose.

Yugo: What is that thing?

Miranda: We call this charming creature a "Snoofle". They can sniff out Kamas like nothing else. We use it for finding money that fallen behind the furniture. And also the richer you are, the more he loves you.

Miranda then placed the Snoofle onto the ground, allowing it to dash around our heroes one by one, sniffing them with it's long nose. It disliked Percedal, Yugo and Amalia, and slightly liked Evangeline. It then dashed over to Ruel and sniffed him, causing it's eyes to shine and it's tail to wag, ringing the bell on it's tail like crazy.

Ruel: This thing must be broken now!

Drake: Knew I was right, you old Kama Troll!

The Snoofle the sniffed the air a bit more before dashing off towards Drake, it sniffed Drake a bit, before it's eyes turned to hearts and it's tail wagged at Hyper speed and clung onto his head. Everyone looked at Drake with confusion.

Drake: What? Don't look at me like that, I actually know how to save my money unlike some of you.

Miranda: Of Course Of Course. Ladies and Gentlemen we are at your service.

Amalia and Yugo quickly jump at the chance to get what they need or want.

Amalia: Bags? Have you got any Sadida Bags? Mine is so last year!

Yugo: Seeds! I need Tofu Seeds!

Miranda: Some seeds? Over there. My lady is in luck, I've just received a delivery of Pandala Bags. KABROK! These are selling like hotcakes to the elegant ladies of Bonta.

Kabrok walked away before walking back covered in bags Amalia looked in awe, but she was quickly pulled away by Evangeline.

Evangeline: Unfortunately we haven't come for Bags. We're after a map of the world.

Miranda: A Map? Maps are very rare. Kabrok, we have a map, don't we? Very, very, very, rare.

Miranda said as she slowly walked off.

Evangeline: These Merchants are milling it for all it's worth.

Drake (In the background): As they should, a map of the world is an extremely tall order. We should count our lucky stars if they really do have one.

Yugo: Wow! A trophy room! I've never seen so many monsters!

Yugo looked around at the Mosnter heads, but he jumped when a large sack slammed onto the ground next to him. Yugo looked up to see Kabrok.

Kabrok: I've found the seeds you were after. Anything else?

Yugo: Was it use who hunter all these creatures! Some are really cool! Some are really bizarre.

Kabrok: Ah hahahaha! Yes, it's true! Impressive, aren't they? I was a big collector when I was young.

Miranda: Yes, and now your collecting days are over.

Suddenly Miranda appeared with Yugo's friends.

Ruel: Oh yes, I know exactly how you feel madame. As the Enutrof proverb says, Collecting is great, but selling-

Miranda: -Is better.

The two of them shared a laugh for a moment before going back to business.

Miranda: Here is the map of the world you asked for. It should appeal to one who appreciates beauty, like you. It's exceptional!

Miranda opened the map, causing Kabrok's eyes to widen.

Kabrok: No, Miranda! Not the Grav'Mar'Av map! It's priceless!

Miranda: Dear Husband! Everything has a price! And let it never be said a traveler could not find what they needed in our shop!

Kabrok: But! It's power!

Upon hearing this, everyone perked up. Miranda then opened up the map and showed it to our heroes.

Yugo: But....... it's blank.

Miranda: Oh my sweet, my all-seeing, all-knowing magnificent map of marvels, show me the beauty land of Kelba, please~.

The map then grew a face as it chuckled.

Map: Impossible to refuse such a polite request!

The map's face then disappeared, revealing a perfect map of Kelba. Everyone was full of awe at this.

Yugo: We've gotta have it!

Kabrok: Impossible!

Miranda: Oh please, come on Kabrok! Kicking up so much fuss for a pitiful map is beneath you! Sir Ruel, I have a proposition for you and your friends. You may have the map for free if you rid us of the Black Crow.

Kabrok: Oh not the Black Crow again! What is it your really want, he's never attacked us, in fact, he's gotten rid if the competition.

Miranda: Adventures don't visit often cause of him and it's bad for business. Not to mention his horrible laugh, which rings out for hours after each of his wicked deeds.

Suddenly, Ruel was on one knee in front of Miranda holding her hand in both of his.

Ruel: My poor lady that must chill you to the bone.

Yugo: Black Crow for the map? Easy.

Percedal: Excellent, we have a score to settle with him, right Drake!

Drake agreed while still looking for the Devil Arm in the shop.

Drake: Right. Now that I know he is the real deal, I can stop holding back.

Evangeline: We need to make a plan. Ruel?

Ruel: Bwah! Why are you looking at me like that!?

As the others began to leave, Kabrok approached Drake after noticing how diligently he was looking for something.

Kabrok: Looking for something specific, Sir?

Drake: Very. Something like this, if you understand what I mean.

Drake moved his jacket aside, revealing the still trembling Andras. After getting a good look at the blade, Kabrok's eyes widened considerably.

Kabrok: That's-! I believe I know exactly what you are looking for, my good man!

He spoke excitedly, causing Drake to raise an eyebrow in curiosity.


Ruel stood in a handmade merchant stall with a somber look on his face.

Percedal: Absolutely perfect!

Evangeline: He's a real Kelba Plains merchant. Ruel, remember you words?

Ruel: Here at Ruel's is all that you need, weapons for brave warriors and for your Tofus, seed.

Drake: Is memorizing a slogan necessary if he's gonna never use it again the second Crow shows up?

Evangeline: It needs to look convincing, Drake.

Drake: I don't think Crow can hear you from all the way in the air.

Amalia giggled as Evangeline gave orders.

Evangeline: Whatever, alright you three, positions!

Ruel: Here's an idea, how about we just let Drake fight him, yeah? He could definitely take him without help.

Drake adjusted the sack over his shoulder as a smile crossed his face.

Drake: I'm okay with that! It gives me a chance to stretch my limit a little more!

Evangeline: Nope. No chance, You saw what happened earlier.

Ruel: He's obviously our strongest, though!

Percedal: Don't worry Ruel, with more of us it'll be easy to take that overgrown chicken down!

Drake: Let's just get on with it, Eva! I'm getting eager!

Evangeline then shot a red arrow into the air, causing it to explode like a firework. Soon after that, a familiar laugh was heard. Then the Black Crow flew onto the scene. He floated in front of Ruel, causing him to panic. Ruel shook his bell rapidly and said the words he rehearsed earlier. Soon after, the others walked out from behind the Stall, standing in front of the Black Crow.

Black Crow: Pathetic Mortals! Fear the Fire of Darkness! Fear your worst-

Yugo: Just a second!

Yugo quickly cut off the Black Crow.

Yugo: I'd just like to ask you something!

Amalia: Be careful Yugo, we don't know what he's capable of.

Black Crow: You should listen to your friend Kid! Fear the Fire of Darkness! Fear your Worst Nightmare! Tremble-

Yugo: What kind of name is "The Black Crow" anyway? How ridiculous!

Drake: Pffft!

Black Crow: What!? Wha? What do you mean, ridiculous?

Yugo: All Crows are Black!

Drake: You could have put a bit more thought into it, honestly.

Black Crow: "Uh, well, it's to stress my evil side. A bit like the Black Knight, you see? Yes anyway, where was I? Oh yes! Fear the fire of darkness! Fear your-"

Yugo: Yeah, but still, you should really find something else, something like "The Evil Crow" or "The Devil Crow"!

Ruel: How about "Sinister Crow"!

Yugo: Hey! That's not bad. "The Sinister Crow"!

Yugo and co then began discussing the Black Crow's name while he tried to finish his catchphrase, until he had

Black Crow: Grrrr! You my friend! You are coming with me!

The Black Crow quickly extended his sword, grabbing Ruel with it before flying away into the sky.

Percedal: Oh dear. That wasn't in the plan. How are we gonna get Ruel back now?

Amalia: Do we really want him back?

Evangeline lets out a long sigh before walking over to Drake's side while he watched Ruel get further and further away.

Drake: Can we do my thing now?


Drake shoots her a quick smile that makes her huff and look away.

Drake: Be back in a minute!

Drake bolts off in a flash of blue, chasing after Ruel and the Crow.

Evangeline: Meanwhile, I think I know a way to find out where they're headed.


Ruel slowly opened his eyes, only to see the Black Crow and a misty cliff.

Black Crow: So, have you finished your nap grandpa?

Ruel: What... what am I doing here?

Black Crow: You're the bait.

Ruel: Again? It's become an obsession now.

The Black Crow then stood up and walked towards Ruel.

Black Crow: "We're going to wait patiently for your friend, the boy with the silver sword. And then we're going to have an epic battle, the kind that legends will speak of....... it's a great day for opponent to cross swords and kick up dust from the earth, don't you think?"

Ruel: Yeah, but aren't we a bit high up here? You know, among the clouds. Couldn't we have done it somewhere down on the ground?

Black Crow: What? In battle, the setting is just as important as the opponent. Here the setting is ideal, the view superb, and the north wind will carry the echo of our confrontation to the ears of the bards whose songs will make us legends. It's going to be immense!

Ruel: My dear fellow, it seems to me that you are suffering from complete delusion.

Black Crow:...I just wonder how a guy like you has the nerve to chat up my wife.

Ruel: What? Your Wife? I've no idea what you-

Black Crow: AH HAHAHAAA! Poor Pathetic Enutrof! You low class charmer! And yes the Black Crow is none other than...

The Black Crow tried to yank off his helmet only for it to stay on. Ruel then noticed a latch on the side of the helmet and quickly undid it.

Black Crow: Thanks. None other than!

Before Crow could finish, a flash of blue light came and a voice spoke.

Drake: Kabrok the Merchant.

With his face revealed, Kabrok had a shocked look in his face as he saw Drake approaching while wielding the Devil Arm he'd bought.

He flexed his left hand inside the demonic gauntlet while he adjusted the mask on his face as he approached.

Kabrok: You knew?! How?

Drake: Because Devil Arms are few and far between, there only being five in existence. For you to recognize Andras, the most obscure of them all, you were clearly privy to more information than any merchant or adventurer should know.

(It's not a DMC fic I swear.)

Kabrok: You can hardly blame me, can you? Weapons made from old Shushu Gods appear once in a lifetime!


Ruel: Eh?

Drake: You go the way I just came from. Kabrok and I have a little "talk".

Ruel saw his opportunity and bolted, yelling thank you as he sprinted past Drake.

The air was still as Drake and Kabrok watched each other for a moment.

Kabrok: Tell me something, young adventurer. How long have you been adventuring for?

Drake: Three or four years now. I was on a pilgrimage with the two ladies in our group, but now we're helping the little boy find his parents.

Kabrok: Very noble of you, but...what is your reason for adventuring?

Drake went silent and contemplated. He gazed past the cliff and far into the distance before an answer came to him.

Drake:.....My lineage. I want to know who my father was and why a Sadida like me can't manipulate nature, but pure Wakfu instead.

Kabrok studied his expression before nodding.

Kabrok: I see...now, one last question before your remove this old obstacle from your path....are you planning to find love?

At that question, Drake's eyes sparkled with a flash of anger.

Drake: A reject like me? Huh, very funny.

Kabrok hummed before standing with his helmet in hand.

Kabrok: With that, I think our legendary battle can begin!

Drake's body gained a bright hue, that hue became a brilliant flame coating his whole body as Kabrok mounted his Mech.

Motes of Wakfu floated in the air around Drake as Kabrok went airborne. Arcs of blue electricity sparked around Drake as he mutters to himself.

Drake: Mana Control| Construct (Wings).


The group climbed the rocky cliff following the snoofle as it tracked Ruel's Kamas.

Yugo: I'm starting to get worried, what if Drake gets hurt?

Evangeline: I've seen Drake strategize better than Xelors and fight harder than Iops. I think it might take more than a guy on a mechanical bird to take him. Although, he can get a little...


From the ridge above them, there's a grand flash of blue light along with a familiar silhouette running from it. Evangeline deadpans.


Percedal: Hey! I think that's Ruel up ahead!

The Snoofle's bell chimes and it rushed the old man, slamming into his chest and knocking him over. The others ran up and gathered around him.

Yugo: Ruel! You're okay!

Amalia: What about Drake though?!

Percedal: Ah! He must be having a momentous final battle against the Black Crow! I can't believe he'd start without me!

Everyone exchanged a look of worry. Except Dally, he was busy fantasizing about fighting Black Crow. The group rushed up to the ridge to see "momentous battle" Percedal had described. Drake, airborne with a large pair of wings, clashing with the Black Crow again and again.

A blurry picture form in Yugo's mind for just a brief moment. A pair of tall, white figures. The first had long horns and was shorter than the second, who had large wings and smaller curved horns that came around it's head with a long tail which curled around it's feet.

The Black Crow flew through the air, dodging waves of Wakfu as he rushed Drake. When he got close enough, Drake switched tactics and unleashed a barrage of Wakfu from his hand to catch Crow by surprise. Kabrok's Mount took the brunt of the damage, losing a wing that causes it to plummet downward.

Drake: Ah shit!

Drake's wings flapped and he rocketed towards the falling Kabrok, swiping him off of the mechanical bird just before it crashed into the rocks. Drake lands carefully with Kabrok.

Drake: I'll be the first to admit, went a little overboard. Sorry about your thing, Kabrok.

He laughed for a bit before sitting down on a nearby stone.

Kabrok: Think nothing of it. It's time I hung up this helmet anyway-

???: KABROK!!!

Drake flinched so hard his aura dissipated, as did everyone else as his wife Miranda approached and sat beside him. Drake started towards his friends until Kabrok called him.

Kabrok: Hey, Kid!

Drake: Huh?

He caught an object headed at him, the map they asked for.

Kabrok: There's someone out there for you! Don't sell yourself so short!

Drake thought for a moment before simply nodding to the Osamodas man and walking towards his group of friends. Drake showed the map off to his companions.

Drake: Told you I'd be back in a minute.

Eva huffs as Drake opens the map.

Drake: Oh, kind and venerable Map, could you please show my friends and I the way to Oma Island?

<>-|≠Next: Slimey Bullshit≠|-<>


Powers Used:

Mana Control| Construct (Wings): Drake manipulates the Mana/Wakfu in the air to construct himself a pair of functional wings he can take flight with.

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