Being The Youngest Of The Gro...

By AshleyBloem

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Mackenzie Ziegler is a fun loving girl with tons of personality. She's got the spunk and attitude the ALDC ne... More

Being The Youngest Of The Group
Chapter 1: The pyramid
Chapter 2: Practice Makes Perfect! Sometimes....
Chapter 3: Why are you being lazy?
Chapter 4: Another Day in Paradise!......NOT!!
Chapter 5: Spongebob and Pink Poodles
Chapter 6: Competitions, Competitions

Chapter 7: Handling The Pressure

261 15 1
By AshleyBloem



I walk into the dance studio with my head held high in awaiting for my solo announcement. I am wearing a hot pink crop top with some lace and booty shorts with a sequin heart at the side of my leg. I also have a big bun for my hairdo with a bright pink, fluffy hair tie. Usual.

I see everyone there and they all look happy at pyramid for once. I didn't even dance and I'm happy. I'm just happy to get my solo. I haven't had one since....uhhh....I don't know, don't ask me!

Miss Abby arrives in her usual Abby Lee Dance Company shirt and a huge smile. She doesn't usually have the big smile, but this is rare.

We wait in our line looking at the mirror with six papers on it. Everyone hoping to make it to the top.

"Great job, girls! Overall champions, and every number placed" She said clapping her hands gently, while the rest of us followed her lead. "Okay, now onto the pyramid. First on the pyramid, is Nia. Your duet got fourth. Do I like fourth? No. Next, Paige. Same goes to you. Next, Chloe. Your solo won second and you stood out in the group number. I don't like second, it's the first loser. Next, Brooke. Your trio won and I loved your elegance in it. But, I need more emotion and feeling. Then, Maddie. You won top overall solo." I can't believe I'm on top. I tried to keep a poker face while she tore my covering off and showed my picture. " And on top,is Mackenzie. I gave you a break, so you should've improved. I want you to win. So, I'm giving you a solo". Everybody clapped for me and I smiled slightly.

" The other three solos are Maddie, Chloe, and Brooke. I also expect you to win as well. There will also be a duet with Mackenzie and Maddie. I don't want you fighting, I want you two to act as friends. We will be going to In10sity Dance in Providence, Rhode Island. So, I expect you to make me look good and the company. Alright? Okay, moms you are dismissed. Girls start stretching" She said as we got into position for our first stretch.


We finish stretching and we started with the duet first with Maddie and I. I have no idea how this is going to go. Will we work together good, will we mess up on stage? I don't know. we'll see how it goes. 

Everybody except me and Maddie left the room. Miss Abby came in front of us and started to speak. 

 "Okay, girls. Your number is called Making It Big. It is about making your dream reality. Will your dreams make it big?" She asked us. I nodded my head with a slight smile. "Okay, the number's done so, let's see it" She said while Gianna started the music and we got in our positions. It's kinda like a jazz routine with some acro in it. The things we're best at.

So the music started and we were ready. Maddie got up first and started to do a triple turn into a leap and then I got up doing a back handspring. We did a lot of partner work in it. Like two-person kart wheels. It was very fun. And I usually don't get to do a lot of jazz/acro numbers. I mostly do acro.

I was about to do my leap and I second guessed myself. I looked back at Miss Abby and she glared at me. I was so worried. I just froze. I forgot the rest of the number. Oh, I remember it but, I don't. It was like a few seconds from being done and I forgot some of the last moves. I out my hands over my face in embarrassment. I heard the music shut off by Gianna and I could hear Miss Abby screaming at me.

" Mackenzie, oh my God, you're old enough to remember these things! If you can't handle the pressure, then don't dance. You girls are done for now. Maddie, send the group in. Mackenzie, while you're waiting for their rehearsal to be done, practice and practice both your numbers. I want you to win. You have to want it" She said as we both left the room. As I reached the den, I sat down where my dance stuff was. My knees were tucked up near my face as it hid my tears.

How can I do this? I can't handle all this pressure. I'm only 8 years old. How will I manage? I should have never asked for that solo! I'm so stupid! Ughhh, what will my mom say? She'll be so disappointed in me. I'm just.....not ready.

I took my Capezio tan jazz shoes out of my dance bag and slipped them onto my feet. All these feelings rushing through my head like a maniac. I just, need to focus. And focus hard. I can't let Miss Abby down. I have to be perfect or, I don't want to know what happens.


 I quietly walk into Studio A for my solo rehearsal. I'm still kinda scared that Miss Abby will take away one of my dances if I don't do good. Oh well, if she does, she does.

 "Okay, Mackenzie", she says coming more towards me." Your solo is called Puppy Love. As you know it is an acro routine, so it should be flawless. Remember to be really cute and sassy with tons of attitude. Okay, show me what you got!" She said while she sat down on top of the rugged blue and red mats we use for acro class and such.

 I got in my first position and awaited the music. I was so frightened. I put on my sassy face and started the routine. I made sure to use up all my personality and sass so she could see my true talent.

 I finished the routine in my middle split and awaited Miss Abby's critiques. I stood up silently and patiently waited. I looked at her and she began to speak.

 "I think you did better in this routine than the duet today. I think it fits you better, but don't hold me to it. There is still bunches of mistakes that need to be fixed, but not as much as the duet. Keep working on your leaps and getting them higher and straighter. Okay, all done for you today, Mackenzie. Goodnight" Miss Abby said giving a gentle wave as I left Studio A.

 I exit and I make a little jump of happiness. I knew I could do it! Well, first I had my doubts. I shouldn't have listened to myself. I should do that more often.  I head to my bag and I sit down. I slip off my jazz shoes and place them in the big pocket of my bag. I zip it up and then I go to find my shoes. I slid my shoes onto my feet and grabbed my bag. I look in the mirror and smile from ear to ear. My mom is going to be so proud of me.

 We say goodnight to everybody and we exit the whole studio. I feel like I had accomplished something today, at least. My solo went better than my duet. I still have to work on a few things, but I will be able to accomplish it. 

 As we're driving, I imagine something. I imagine me being as good as Maddie. Perfect turns and leaps and everything. She always handles the pressure. I just wish...I could.

 Handling the pressure is one of the hardest things to deal with in dance. I don't know if I'm ready to deal with it yet.

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