The Powerpuff Girls - A Rowdy...

By T-Bonezesteak2

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This story is my idea for a sequel to the original Powerpuff Girls cartoon show. It tells the story of the Ro... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21

Episode 7

145 1 2
By T-Bonezesteak2

Narrator: The city of Townsville! A peaceful city full of peaceful citizens who create a peaceful atmosphere. (inhales through the nose) Haaaaaaaaaaa. And the sweet smell of blooming flowers in the park.

While the narrator talked, the camera cut between scenes of moving people and cars; some were happy and enjoying themselves at the park.

Narrator: Surely nothing can go wrong.

An awkward pause with nothing changed...

Narrator: (clears throat) I said: "Surely nothing can go wwwwrrrrooooonnnnnngggggg!"

Still, nothing changed...

Narrator: Hello? Criminals? Crooks? Anyone? No giant monster or robot destroying the city? No supervillain making a diabolical plan to rule the world? NO CYBER NINJA ALIEN INVASION?! (clears throat) Sorry about that; I don't know what went over me back there. But I must say, I am surprised; Even with reverse psychology, nothing happened. This may be the most peaceful day Townsville has ever had! I bet the Powerpuff Girls are enjoying their well-deserved rest after continuously saving the day every day.

The camera cut to the Powerpuff Girls' room. Blossom was reading a book on the bed; Bubbles was drawing with crayons on paper, and Buttercup built something out of wooden toy blocks. Suddenly, the hotline rang (because, of course, it needed to ring). Blossom zipped to answer the call.

Blossom: Yes, mayor? (pause) An emergency? We're on our way! (ends the call) Come on, girls!

The Powerpuff Girls zipped out through the window, and the camera cut to the mayor's room door busting open by them.

Blossom: What's the problem, mayor?!

Mayor: Oh, girls, thank goodness! I have a very important issue; (the camera zooms out to reveal 2 jars of pickles) There are two brands of pickles that I want to try, but I don't know which one do I open first!

The alerted expressions of the girls had turned to disappointed ones.

Buttercup: This is the emergency?

Mayor: Yes! Please help me, girls!

An awkward pause.

Buttercup: (points to a jar) That one.

Mayor: I knew I should've opened this one. Can you help me open that, please?

Buttercup zipped to the jar, opened it easily, put it on the table, and flew back to Blossom and Buttercup.

Buttercup: Is that it, mayor?

Mayor: (eating a pickle) Y-Yeah, that's it. Thank you, Powerpuff Girls!

Blossom: You know, mayor, if you tackle the same problem again, there's a revolutionary invention called "Jar opener."

Mayor: Huh?

Blossom: Ok, maybe not "revolutionary," but it's still a-.

Mayor: (excited) IT IS REVOLUTIONARY! YOU'RE A GENIUS! WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT SOONER?! (presses a button with a speaker) Miss Bellum!

Miss Bellum: Yes, sir?

Mayor: Order me a pickle jar opener.

Miss Bellum: (surprised) Oh. I thought the day would never come. Right away, mayor.

Mayor: Thank you. (let go of the button. sighs) Girls, I am sorry for always calling you to open my pickle jars. Had I known about this jar opener, I would've never called you here just for that.

The girls looked at each other in a bit of regret.

Bubbles: Uh, it's ok, mayor.

Buttercup: Yeah, and uh, sorry for being rude earlier.

Blossom: We'll just be on our way now.

The Powerpuff Girls zipped out of the room, and the camera cut to the girls' room with them arriving exactly where they were.

Buttercup: (sighs) All of that for a jar of pickles.

Blossom: Well, you know the mayor; always loves his pickles.

Buttercup: I just wish we could fight some monsters and beat up some crooks. That'll make my day.

Blossom: (while reading a book) Shh! I'm at the best part here.

Buttercup: Pft, nerd.

The girls continued to do what they were doing before. Time passed with them doing different things, and it was already nighttime. The professor kissed the girls on their heads and went to the door.

Professor Utonium: Good night, my little angels.

Powerpuff Girls in unison: Good night, professor.

The professor closed the door; the girls looked at the hotline.

Bubbles: The hotline hasn't rung in a while.

Buttercup: Oh, I'm sure it's gonna ring tomorrow, and then we can make some knuckle sandwiches.

The girls went to sleep, and the camera faded to black. Then it cut to a kindergarten that looked like this:

It cut to a classroom inside with kids sitting at the tables, including the Powerpuff Girls. A woman was also standing who looked like this:

Woman: Good morning, class.

Every kid in unison: Good morning, Miss Keane!

Miss Keane: Now, you all remember we have a test about the food pyramid and the food families, right?

Every kid (except Blossom) in unison: Aaaaawwwwwww!

Miss Keane: But to make up for the time, today's recesses will be extended by 15 minutes. (picks up sheets of paper) I will give you the tests, and you can start immediately. Good luck.

The camera cut to the Powerpuff Girls' table.

Buttercup: This stinks. I hate tests. I have much better things to do than do this.

Bubbles: Are you afraid of tests, Buttercup?

Buttercup: No! But I don't wanna do this.

Blossom: Buttercup, you defeated criminals, giant robots, and monsters; you can do a teeny-tiny test.

Buttercup: (sarcasm) Gee, that helps from the genius here.

Miss Keane went to the girls, put 3 sheets of paper, went to her desk, and sat there.

Miss Keane: Alright, class, you can begin your test.

The kids grabbed their pencils and started the tests. Buttercup stared at the paper and then at the hotline. She thought to herself...

Buttercup: (in her mind) C'mon, you damn phone. Ring!

This music started to play:

A montage began. It had the girls do different kinds of activities in different places; the girls sometimes looked at the hotline expecting a ring. Days, weeks, and in the end, a month had passed; but still, there was no ring, no crime, no disaster.

The music ended, and the camera faded to black. It then cut to the hotline and zoomed out to reveal the girls lying on the floor. Some time passed...

Buttercup: (gets up) AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! WHERE ARE ALL THE CRIMINALS?! It's so boring around here!

Bubbles: Maybe they took a vacation?

Buttercup: Come on, Bubbles; what criminal takes a vacation?

Bubbles: Maybe Mojo Jojo?

Buttercup: Right; he's in the Bahamas eatin' bananas.

Blossom: (sits) Whatever the reason, it can't be a coincidence. A full month and nothing has happened. No crime, no monster attacks, nothing.

Professor Utonium: (gets in the room) Oh, girls. Miss Bellum just called me,

The girls got surprised.

Blossom: Miss Bellum?

Professor Utonium: Yes. She said she scheduled a meeting for us today; at the town hall.

The girls looked at each other; The camera cut to the town hall and then inside a fancy room with fancy furniture. The girls and the professor sat on a sofa; they said nothing, looked around, and sometimes sniffed in this awkward silence. A couple of seconds passed...

Professor Utonium: It's uh. It's a nice day, isn't it?

Blossom: (looks right, left, then at the professor) Yyyyeah. Very nice.

Professor Utonium: Right, hehe (sips a glass of water).

More seconds of awkward silence passed...

Professor Utonium: So, uh. Do you want to hear my latest progress in my research?

Buttercup: (stands up) How long is this going TO TAKE?!

The room door opened, and Miss Bellum entered.

Miss Bellum: Sorry you had to wait this long.

Blossom: Don't worry, Miss Bellum. We were patient; (looks directly at Buttercup. demanding tone) Right, Buttercup?

Buttercup: Tsk, (inhales) yes, we were patient.

Blossom smiled and narrowed her eyes at Buttercup.

Bubbles: Miss Bellum? What's the meeting about?

Miss Bellum: It's long to explain, but you will find out soon.

???: (from outside the room) Hello?

Miss Bellum: (to the voice) We're right here, sirs.

2 men in black suits entered the room; one was old but not too old (in his 60s) and had a red tie, and the other was younger and had a blue tie. The girls were surprised, but the professor looked thoughtful, as if he was analyzing them.

Young-looking person: (friendly) Hello there.

Older-looking person: (friendly) Pleasure to meet you.

Professor Utonium: (surprised) Hey! You two are the presidential candidates!

Older-looking person: That's right, we are.

The men sat on the opposite sofa; The girls looked at the professor.

Bubbles: Uh, professor? What's a "presidential candidate?"

Professor Utonium: (to the girls) It means a person who's competing against the other competitor through the coming election to be the next president of the United States.

The girls looked at the 2 men.

Powerpuff Girls in unison: (amazed) Ooooooooohh.

Buttercup: Cool!

Miss Bellum: If anything happens or you need something, you can call me here. Now, if you'll excuse me...

Older-looking person: No problemo, Miss. (Miss Bellum exits the room and closes the door) So, it's a nice day, isn't it?

Bubbles flew and floated to the 2 men.

Bubbles: (excited) Misters! Are you really going to be cool presidents?!

Blossom joined Bubbles.

Blossom: (excited) Do you have lots of books?! And-and-and all the movies and novels in the world?!

Buttercup joined Blossom and Bubbles.

Buttercup: (excited) Do you have like bodyguards?! Do they have helicopters?! And Tanks?! And-and-and huge battle boats?!

Professor Utonium: Girls!

The girls looked at the professor; he crossed his hands and narrowed his eyebrows.

Blossom: Oops.

The girls flew back and sat on the sofa.

Blossom: (smiling) Sorry about that.

Professor Utonium: I'm sorry for the misbehavior; they were just excited, that's all.

Old-looking person: Oh, no worries. If I was a kid and the president was right in front of me, I'd be excited too. But enough about that; let's get this meeting in session. Let's introduce ourselves first. I am the presidential candidate Franklin Weston from the republican party.

Young-looking person: I am the presidential candidate William Shepard from the democratic party.

Professor Utonium: Right. (clears throat) I am Jonathan Utonium, a scientist and the foster father of the Powerpuff Girls. This is Bubbles, Blossom, and Buttercup.

Franklin: Aha. So you're the infamous Powerpuff Girls that I hear all the time.

Blossom: You know us?

William: Yes. We always hear how the Powerpuff Girls save Townsville from the hands of criminals and monsters. However, over this past month, we saw that the crime rate here has dropped immensely, below 5%. I suppose you are aware of it, correct?

Professor Utonium: (surprised a bit) Hmm. I admit I wasn't aware of this, but now that I think about it, it has been quiet this past month.

William: One of the reasons we're here is to learn how the Powerpuff Girls have managed to do it. So, girls, how'd you do it?

Blossom: Um, sorry to disappoint you, but we haven't done anything.

William: What do you mean?

Blossom: I mean just that, misters; there weren't any crimes, monster attacks, or even villains causing trouble.

William: I see.

Franklin: Well, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Now, for the real reason, we're here. In two more months, the presidential debate will occur in Townsville at the park; for the opening act, we want the Powerpuff Girls to put on a fancy show.

Professor Utonium: ...

Bubbles: What kind of show?

Franklin: Oh, you know, flying, using your superpowers, stunts, you get the picture. We only need your father's permission for this; that's why we're here.

Professor Utonium: Wait just a minute.

Franklin: Yes, mister Utonium?

Professor Utonium: You said you two have a presidential debate coming up.

Franklin: Yes.

Professor Utonium: But you two are from opposing political parties; (to Franklin) you're republican, (to William) and you're democratic.

William: Yes.

Professor Utonium: Then how come both of you are here talking as if you're friends or colleagues?

Franklin: Perceptive, professor. Although our opposite political beliefs, we are actually very good friends all the way from childhood.

William: I know it may seem strange, but it's true. We don't let our political ideas get in the way of our friendship and the good times we have.

Professor Utonium: (smiles) Oh, now I understand. On a personal note, it's refreshing to hear this from politicians; I apologize for being rude back there.

Franklin: No worries. So, mister Utonium, do you grant your permission for the opening show?

Professor Utonium: Yes, certainly; you have my permission.

Franklin: Thank you, professor, for this and the time you and your girls gave us today. (he and William get up) We'll be on our way; maybe pop a drink or two, eh?

William: Oh, you wanna go? I won't go easy on ya.

The 2 men exited the room and closed the door. The camera cut to the professor walking along the street with the Powerpuff Girls floating beside him.

Professor Utonium: We still have time to burn. What do you girls want to do now?

Bubbles: Ooh! I heard there's this new batting center. Can we go there?! Pretty please?!

Blossom: How about the arcades? Set a new record on the dancing minigame.

Buttercup: Nah, how about we see a wrestling match?

Professor Utonium: Heh, the good news is that there's something to do rather than nothing.

Random woman: HELP! ANYONE! THIEF!

Professor Utonium: (looks to his right) Hm?

The girls looked at where the professor looked. They saw a woman and a man holding a wallet running away from her.



Buttercup: (smiles devilishly) Well, I guess there is still some crime goin' around. Whaddya say, girls?

Blossom: I say we'll do it the classic Powerpuff way. Let's go, girls!

The girls flew away from the professor, and the camera cut to the running thief.

Thief: Hehehe. (sniffs the wallet) Oh, the smell of money is in my hands. Now, who's gonna stop me?! (bumps into a person) Dooouuuuggghhhhh (falls to the ground)! Ngh...

The Powerpuff Girls landed and stood confidently in front of the thief.

Blossom: Alright, crook; unhand your stolen goods and return them to the owner.

Thief: Powerpuff Girls?! Oh, screw you! It ain't happening, and I ain't goin' to no jail!

Suddenly, the thief gets grabbed by the neck and lifted by the man he bumped into. The man appeared big in size and height and was muscular; he wore a slick light-brown suit, a red tie, and white oxfords (shoes). Behind the man were other menacing-looking people in fancy suits. His voice was deep.

You'll have to use google translate to understand the next part.

Big man: なんだてめぇ? 痛いよ。

The thief was scared.

Big man: えええ? いうことがない? この。。。 馬鹿野郎 (slams the thief to the wall)

Blossom: Um, excuse me, mister.

Big man: (looks to his left) Hm?

Blossom: We appreciate the help you've provided at the moment. But we can take it from here and return the stolen goods to-.

Big man: Oooohhhh, (drops the thief to the ground) you're the Powerpuff Girls, aren't ya? I've heard all about ya, crime fightin', world savin', superpowers, monsters...

Blossom: Um, right. So like I said, thank you for helping us catch the criminal; we will take it from here and return the wallet he stole to the woman in distress.

Big man: Hmph. (turns to the thief) So you stole a lady's wallet, eh? Lemme tell ya somethin', you little shit; Me and my boys here are gentlemen, even in this day of age, and what really grinds our gears is trash like you. (grabs the thief by his shirt) Ya better hope what ya stole is a 3rd-grade student's pocket change, (smiles) or things may get a little fun for me if ya know what I mean.

Thief: NO-NO! I'm sorry that I stole the lady's wallet! Please let me go!

Big man: 甘いな、 鬼さんよ。Hehehehe; ya really think you can just say sorry and be off the hook like this? What do ya take us for, HUH (punches the thief)?!

Blossom: Um, mister...

The woman whose wallet got stolen arrived.

Random woman: (breathing heavily) Hey! Where's the thief?

Big man: (turns to his left) Oh, are you the lady that got robbed by this guy here?

Random woman: Yes, that's him.

Big man: (lets go of the thief and stands straight. polite tone) Sorry for the trouble, (bows) madam (straights up). (to the men) おい、おまえら、財布を持ってきて。

Fancy-looking gangster 1: おー、はい。

The man grabbed the wallet from the thief and gave it to the big man.

Big man: (reaches hands as if serving something on a platter) Sorry for the wait; Here is your wallet, (bows) dear madam.

Random woman: (surprised but flattered) Oh, thank you very much (takes the wallet).

Big man: (straights up) No problemo. (turns around) Oi (signals with his head, and the men take the thief to him). Before you go, miss, I believe the robber here should apologize for what he's done. (to the thief) So, buddy, apologize.

Thief: I'm s-sorry that I stole your wallet.

Big man: (punches the thief to the ground) YOU CALL THAT APOLOGIZIN'?! (to the menacing men) おい、やれ!

The other men started to surround the thief and beat him up with stomps and kicks.

Fancy-looking gangster 2: もうごめんね、このクソ野郎!

Thief: (panicked and scared) I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! PLEASE STOP!

Fancy-looking gangster 3: さっさと謝ったほうがいいよ、さもないとキックがもっと強くなるから!

The thief was shouting in pain and fear. The girls were a bit conflicted but decided to step in.

Blossom: That's enough, you thugs!

The men stopped kicking the thief and turned to the girls.

Fancy-looking gangster 3: Huh?!

Big man: Now, what's the deal, girls? You're on this piece of trash's side?

Blossom: (crosses hands) No. But I said we could take it from here and get him to jail; no need for unnecessary violence on someone who only stole a wallet.

Big man: (crouches) Now you listen to me, little girls, did your daddy ever tell you to not stick your noses in other people's business?

Blossom: Saving people from crime is my business; Every criminal like him belongs in jail. And from what I see, you're no better than him.

Big man: Oh? "No better than him," she says. (inhales) Go home, girls; this is a private matter.

Blossom: Mister, I don't think I like your tone.

Big man: So do somethin' about it, you cocky little brat.

Blossom and the man had a staredown and grunted angrily. Meanwhile, the professor arrived at the scene.

Professor Utonium: There you are, girls. I was wondering what had taken you so long. Hm?

The professor looked around and analyzed the situation. He gasped in fear as he saw that every menacing gangster had a crest with a symbol on their suits, including the big man. The symbol looked like this:

Professor Utonium: Girls, we are going home!

The girls turned to the professor.

Bubbles: Oh, professor.

Buttercup: We're in a bit of a (pause) situation here.

Professor Utonium: (angry) I don't care; As your father, I order you to come here this instant, young ladies!

Blossom: But, professor!

Professor Utonium: NO BUTS! I will ground you if I have to!

The girls looked in disbelief at each other.

Blossom: (sighs) Ok.

The girls flew to the professor.

Big man: (stands up) Are you the father of these girls, mister?

Professor Utonium: Yes, I am.

The professor kneeled on both his knees and put his hands on them.

Professor Utonium: (with a passion) As the father of the Powerpuff Girls, I take full responsibility for their actions! (bows and puts his forehead and hands on the ground) Please, forgive my daughters' misbehavior and rudeness towards you and your men earlier! お願いしま!

The girls were in awe and disbelief at the sight of the situation.

Buttercup: Holy smokes.

Bubbles: I've never seen the professor like this. Maybe this is serious; don't you think so, Blossom?

Blossom said nothing; it cut back to the men and the pleading professor.

Big man: (to the thief) There, ya see, bud? Take notes next time ya apologize to anyone else. (inhales and exhales) Look at me, doc. (the professor lifts his face and looks at him) Stand up. (the professor stands up) I see that you've done your homework on us, right?

Professor Utonium: (bows) Y-Yes, sir (straights up).

Big man: Relax, doc, as long as you or your girls don't interfere with our business, I can let it slide and pretend this encounter never happened.

Professor Utonium: (relieved) Oh, thank you, kind sir.

The professor walked towards his girls with an angry expression on his face.

Bubbles: Um, professor?

Professor Utonium: (cold tone) To the car, now.

The professor walked past the girls; they looked at each other before the camera cut to the Powerpuff Girls' house entrance door. It opened with the professor and the girls going inside and then closed when they got inside.

Professor Utonium: Girls, we need to talk.

Bubbles: What is it, professor?

Buttercup: It's not like you to be like this.

Blossom: Is this about the thugs we encountered earlier?

Professor Utonium: Yes. Listen, girls, these are no ordinary thugs we saw earlier. These people (pause) are yakuza.

Bubbles: Y-... (slowly) Ya-ku-za?

Blossom: What's a "yakuza?"

Professor Utonium: To put it simply, they are members of one of the world's most sophisticated and wealthiest criminal organizations.

Buttercup: So they are criminals. Why didn't we make a knuckle sandwich outta them?

Professor Utonium: Because unlike the thugs you girls meet every day, they are clever, ruthless, disciplined, and with centuries' worth of skill at what they do. Girls, I know you want to bring them to justice, but If you are on their target list, they will do it by any means they choose; besides, they can fake and remove any evidence against them. So, for once, please do me this favor; stay away from them; I can't risk losing you or anyone we care, know, and love. The situation we're dealing with (pause) is bigger than all of us. Do you understand?

The girls looked at each other and sighed in disappointment.

Powerpuff Girls in unison: Yes, professor.

Professor Utonium: Good. Before you go, I apologize for my impoliteness towards you earlier; I was scared when I saw them.

Blossom: Um, professor?

Professor Utonium: Yes, Blossom?

Blossom: I just have one question; the name "Ya-ku-za." That doesn't sound American or Italian; is it Chinese?

Professor Utonium: Close; it's Japanese. The yakuza originate from the country of Japan. (inhales and exhales. relaxed) Hoo, that was stressful; let's put all of this behind our backs, relax and enjoy ourselves.

The professor walked to the living room and sat on the sofa while the girls floated towards their room. The camera "faded" to their room at night; the girls were sleeping as the camera zoomed in on them. Blossom opened her eyes, sat up, looked around, floated out of bed, and got dressed from her pajamas to her regular clothes.

Bubbles: (sits up. sleepy) Blossom. What are you doing?

Blossom: (sighs and turns around) I can't let all of what the professor said just slide away like it was nothing.

Buttercup: (sits up) Ngh. (sleepy) You better have a good reason for waking me up.

Bubbles: Blossom is going after those scary yakuzas.

Buttercup: Blossom, the professor said to stay from them.

Blossom: I know. But listen, if we can't go against those guys yet, let's at least see where all the other villains are, like Mojo Jojo.

Buttercup and Bubbles looked at each other.

Blossom: Please, girls, don't tell the professor; you don't have to come if you don't want to.

Buttercup and Bubbles looked back at Blossom.

Buttercup: Nope. I won't let you go around lookin' for villains (pause) without us.

Blossom: Huh?

Buttercup and Bubbles flew to Blossom.

Buttercup: If you're going, I'm going to, right, Bubbles?

Bubbles: Yeah. I don't want anything bad to happen to you.

Buttercup: And besides, I can't let you have all the fun. I wanna do this too.

Blossom: (smiles) You girls... (inhales) Alright, dress up, and let's go.

The camera cut to the girls flying out of the window. Then it cut to them flying in the sky.

Bubbles: So where do we start, Blossom?

Blossom: We'll start with Mojo Jojo.

The camera cut to Mojo Jojo's lair outside, and the girls arrived beside it floating.

Blossom: It could be a trap if we enter head-on. Girls, x-ray vision.

The girls narrowed their eyes, and the camera cut back to the lair. Expecting to see the lair's interior, they instead saw complete darkness. The camera cut back to the girls.

Bubbles: Ugh, it's too dark, Blossom. I can't see anything.

Blossom: We're not out of options yet; let's use our super-hearing.

The girls got closer to the lair and tilted their heads sideways to hear anything out of the ordinary. The result was complete silence.

Buttercup: Nothing. Time to breach?

Blossom looked thoughtful, and the camera cut to the girls crashing through the lair's ceiling and landing on the floor in their battle stances. The only light was from the moonlight outside from the ceiling hole; around the girls was complete darkness.

Buttercup: I can't see anything.

Blossom: Let's stick together and find the light switch.

Suddenly, the interior lights turned on, which surprised the girls.

Bubbles: Why did the lights turn on by themselves?

Buttercup: Hey, over there (points forward).

The girls looked where Buttercup was pointing and saw a screen, a board with many buttons, and red stains around the area. They flew to it; Blossom walked and crouched to one of the red stains.

Bubbles: What are these stains?

Blossom: It's (pause) blood.

Bubbles and Buttercup in unison: Blood?!

Bubbles: Did he get hurt by something?

Buttercup: Or someone?

Blossom: Could be. (stands up) There's a computer here; it might tell us what happened.

Buttercup: So you're a computer nerd?

Blossom: I know a thing or two about computers.

Blossom hit a red button, and the screen turned on. It showed the desktop with folders and files all in capital letters.

Powerpuff Girls in unison: Ooooooh.

Blossom: (holds the mouse in one hand) Let's see what we got.

Blossom opened a folder named "EVIL AND GENIUS PLANS." It contained blueprints of robots and machines as she scrolled down.

Blossom: Nothing here.

Blossom closed the folder and opened a different folder named "BANANAS RESEARCH." It contained text and photo files relating to bananas.

Blossom: Well, Mojo sure likes his bananas.

Buttercup: Hehe, I knew he loved bananas like the monkey he is.

Blossom: Still, nothing here either.

Blossom closed the folder and noticed a folder named "SEXY PICTURES."

Blossom: Hm? "Sexy pictures."

Bubbles: What's a "sexy?"

Blossom opened the folder; inside were pictures of female monkeys. For some reason, the girls didn't find them inappropriate and were more confused at the sight.

Buttercup: (confused) Huh? What is this even doing on his computer?

Bubbles: So those are sexy pictures?

Blossom: Urgh, we're wasting our time.

Blossom closed the folder and spotted a specific folder named "SECURITY FOOTAGE."

Blossom: Aha! Security footage; that should do the trick.

Blossom opened the folder; inside were hundreds of video files from the lair's cameras. Their names were complicated and filled with letters to add to the inconvenience of the situation. Blossom scrolled down as more files popped up.

Buttercup: That's a lot of videos.

Bubbles: Do we have to watch them all?

Blossom: No, I'm looking for the latest video created.

A couple of seconds passed. Bubbles tiredly exhaled and looked around at the monitor. However, something caught her attention when she looked at the top right corner of the screen.

Bubbles: Hey, what's that thing on the top right?

Blossom: Top-right?

Blossom looked to the top right corner and saw a video file named ":)."

Blossom: The file's name (pause) is a smile.

Blossom opened the video. It was a recording showing the area the girls were at, the lair's entrance door, the computer, and Mojo Jojo. He was typing something on the computer.

Bubbles: Hey, that's Mojo Jojo.

Buttercup: Duh, of course, it's him.

Bubbles: What's he doing?

Blossom: Let's watch and find out.

Mojo Jojo (recording): There. Almmmooooossssttttt... (stops typing) YES! My evil genius plan to destroy the Powerpuff Girls created by me, Mmmmooojjjoooo Jojo, is now complete! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! But first! (fast talking) I must eat the second nutritious meal of the day, which is called lunch, that will satisfy my hunger and make my body healthier and better than before.

Suddenly, in the recording, the lair's entrance door blew open by an explosion, which surprised Mojo Jojo. Then 11 tall men in black suits and shades entered and walked slowly toward Mojo Jojo.

Mojo Jojo (recording): What's the meaning of this?!

The men said nothing and got closer to Mojo Jojo.

Bubbles: Hey, are those guys; What was it called, "yakuza?" They look different than the ones we saw afternoon.

Mojo Jojo (recording): I demand an explanation for your identities and an explanation for why you blew the entrance to the lair, which was created by me, Mmmmooojjjoooo Jojo.

The men stopped in front of Mojo Jojo; then another man walked in, making the number 12, and got even closer to him. He looked slightly different than the others; he looked like this:

He pulled out a pistol, aimed, and shot Mojo Jojo 3 times; the first was at the shoulder, the second was the other shoulder, and the third at his thigh.

Mojo painfully screamed and made loud monkey noises that echoed through the empty lair. It horrified the girls as they felt pity and fear. The man lowered the gun, and the other men approached Mojo Jojo. Two held him in his arms, and another injected the monkey with a syringe. Mojo closed his eyes and fell unconscious; another man pulled out a big sack and put him inside it.

Bubbles: (horrified) That's horrible!

The men exited the building, except the 12th one.

Blossom: So Mojo Jojo got kidnapped. I knew something was wrong! He wouldn't have disappeared just like that; someone must've done that to him. (notices the single remaining man) Hm?

After some seconds of silence, the man in the recording turned to the filming camera. He had a devilish smug for a second before he aimed and shot the camera. The monitor was black, and the video file closed by itself.

Buttercup: Ok, I don't care what the professor says; we have to do something about this.

Bubbles: I'm with you, Buttercup.

Blossom: Me too. So let's head-.

Mid-sentence, the screen glitched and made noises before it was black again.

Buttercup: The heck?

Then, white text was written on the screen, and Blossom read it out loud.

Blossom: "First and final warning, Powerpuff Girls." (new text appeared) "Stay out of our way, or there will be (pause) severe consequences."

The text disappeared and was replaced with a timer counting backward that said "0:04." Simultaneously, there were also beeping noises.

Blossom: (gasps) GIRLS! GET OUT NOW!

The camera cut to the lair and the volcano outside. With a bright flash, the volcano with the lair exploded in an enormous explosion with smoke, burning debris, and magma flying all over the place. It was so big it created a shockwave and destroyed the park. If I had to describe the explosion's size with a video, it would be this:

The camera cut to an empty road. Debris was falling on it, and then the girls crash-landed, creating a crater; The smoke cleared, revealing the girls with their clothes torn and dirtied. The girls woke up, coughed, and stood up. They saw the mushroom cloud towering over the skyscrapers with shock and horror.

Buttercup: Holy shit.

Narrator: That is also my reaction to this. What horrors are awaiting our precious girls? So many questions, but all we can do is hope for the best.

The camera cut to the end screen but without music.

Narrator: We will hope that the days will be saved, and we hope the best (pause) to the Powerpuff Girls!

The Powerpuff Girls stood still and unconfident.

End of Episode 7!To be continued...!

Post-production notes:

So... This is it; the starting point of the true plot of the Powerpuff Girls - A Rowdy Sequel. As you might've noticed, the plot's theme is the one aspect of crime that hasn't been explored. For me, it fits perfectly for the finale of the Powerpuff Girls in general: The criminal underworld.

You read it right; for me, the most powerful challenge to the Powerpuff Girls isn't a super-strong generic villain with lasers and superpowers like most people imagine. It's just a group of skilled, clever, manipulative, ruthless, unpredictable, mortal criminals with tricks up their sleeves.

I'll see you guys in the next episode...

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