A Bitch's Revenge /a countryh...

By DeezNatzzz

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ᵗʳᵃⁿˢ·ᵐⁱ·ᵍʳᵃᵗᵉ /ᵗʳᵃⁿᶻˈᵐīˌɡʳāᵗ,ᵗʳᵃⁿ⁽ᵗ⁾ˢˈᵐīˌɡʳāᵗ/ ᵛᵉʳᵇ ᵖᵃˢᵗ ᵗᵉⁿˢᵉ: ᵗʳᵃⁿˢᵐⁱᵍʳᵃᵗᵉᵈ; ᵖᵃˢᵗ ᵖᵃʳᵗⁱᶜⁱᵖˡᵉ: ᵗʳᵃⁿˢᵐⁱᵍʳᵃᵗᵉ... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
new cover
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Four

524 32 25
By DeezNatzzz

The War, The General
The whore


I took a look at the clock on the Wall and saw that its already 7:47 pm.

I still have time some time

Dinner will start at 8:00 and I already changed my clothes especially that it was totally drenched.

I changed into a red button up shirt and rolled up its sleeves and paired it up with a white pants, and of course the sun hairpin. I will keep it simple or else those two will surely think that I invited them here to mock them by wearing expensive things. Though that's probably what they're already thinking about this situation

I did nothing all day except preparing for tonight. Well I did had a meeting with someone but beside that I did prepare all the remaining time for this dinner...

It's been centuries- actually is there even a time where we ate together atleast once?

Well lady and the guy barely even can stand being in the same room with each other. And my two brothers is always busy studying or playing. And well me...

My brothers didnt even knew I exist until I hit puberty.

I shrugged as im not surprised because our "family" was doomed to fall apart even before the lady and that guy even got married.

After a few more minutes I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in"

A maid stoic and cold looking opened the door and strode in with ease. She have a confident aura around her.

"M'lady theyre here. "

China's spy.

I already have a plan to get rid of spies and how to use them in my advantage.

But for now I will keep them in the house as the spies owners will get very suspicious and will become much more bold and will surely see me as a threat they need to dispose of.

As I walked out of my room there's three spies on the vents a spy hiding in one of the rooms beside mine and a lot more being in plain sights observing every move, every words and basically everything I do to report back to their owners. Their eyes are literally glued at my form as i walk down the halls that's why I can sense them.

Im like a free meat walking around in a mansion-- more like prison waiting to be devoured by these filthy dogs and be brought back to their owners. And I don't like that. One. Bit

But I will still keep my act as a dumb, stupid, oblivious, naive whore they view me as while moving secretly in their shadows, might even be right under their nose to get to the finish line of my goal while they decide to one on one each other and be the entertainment of the higher ones. Keeping me away from their sights as they have the spotlight

I finally reached the dining hall and saw the two of them sitting next to each other. At this point no spies will be allowed near us. Good thing is I still have some trusted people I can depend on to keep them away but they did ended up betraying me later on so I also need to get rid of them somehow...

I stopped in front of the door and stood still. For a second that feels like hours I stood there...

Inside these doors are my brothers not some countrymaster that stopped by to have sex or to have some service but my brothers.

The ones the lady actually treated as her children.

The ones that guy actually cared about.

The ones... The ones I hated the most.

Yet I don't...

I don't even know how to feel about them. They don't know me and I don't know them. We never had any familiar bond between us. I first got introduced as their cousin but then later found out I was instead their sister. His twin..

They surely didn't like me but didn't hate me either. We're basically strangers with each other.

I was supposed to kill them actually but that guy. Their father begged me to take care of them and protect them as his last dying wish.

The audacity to ask a favor to the child you neglected and abused. But I don't know whats with me but I did what he wished for.

I felt that they're gonna be on the way of my goal once my country got it's independence.

So I sent them off on an private island that have small communities in them, afterall people can get crazy from isolation.

They also have food and a small mansion and they got everything they need to survive and live a happy life.

And I'm sure they hate me for it now even though they have a decent life. Afterall they also have the right to rule this country and yet I stripped it off from them like they were nothing. But I need them right now as they have the ability and brain that I need.

And they also played a massive role on my downfall. After all they're the successful one who get to act on their revenge on someone.

Unlike me. But this time is different and yes I do have a God on my side but I will still do things my way and with my own bloody hands.

And with that I took a deep breath and went in. And both heads looked up at me immediately.

Inside theres a table so long with lots and lots of foods, expensive plates and silverwares prepared for every single chairs. There's just so many items it might be able to feed a village yet there will be only three people present tonight.

The War, The General and The whore

We all stared at one another before I finally went to sat down at the dinner table. I can feel their eyes burning on me as I move down to the moment I sit down.

"Well it's a pleasure to have the both of you in her for this night--

" The pleasure is mine my dearest sister" Someone cut off with full of sarcasm as I glared towards the source to see that it's Gregorio, the oldest out of the three of us.

"Cut to the chase. Why did you brought us here. What do you want" This time the one who spoke is non other than my twin brother Martial. His words did not sound like questions but a demand rather.

"No, no, no. Why talk about business when there's food in front? Have some manners dear brothers and give respect. " I said smiling at them even though it's a fake as a plastic one. And I know very well that they can tell

I heard Gregorio snort about something me saying shit about respect but I ignored it.

This one's gonna be tough as they're my brothers meaning..

They will also have my ego and attitude.

But surprisingly we actually managed to get to eat peacefully without the snarky comments I expected from them that I prepared for, it was actually quite nice to eat with someone without the dread of thinking about whats gonna happen next as a payment for their company.

Overall it was kinda peaceful besides the awkward and tense air around us..

Maybe I can get used to this.

We continued to eat and I noticed how they would talk to each other but will stop once they see me staring at them and that's reasonable so I just stared at my food until the meal was finished so I went to negotiate with them like what I planned.

"Live with me you get your ranks back as the Military general Gregorio and for you Martial you get back the leadership and being in charge of an area or even the whole country whenever it's in a state of war." I begin as I grabbed for a napkin to wipe my mouth with.

"HA! As if bitch! Now tell us exactly what you want or do you just really wanna make fun of us?! Cause this is a massive fucking joke right here!" Gregorio retorted and glared at me not believing my words which is understandable since it came from me the very one who stripped them off their ranks

"I am not joking this is a real proposal right now and will happen as long as you sign a contract with me. " I said as I summoned a paper out of thin air. I need to make this quick as I need to sleep early, I don't want any eye bags when I wake up.

"And what do you want then? I know you won't let us have these again for free" Martial spoke this time as he crossed his arms over his chest while staring at me intently analyzing my movements to see if I'm lying or not.

"It's a simple thing really. I just need your cooperation~ Do not go against my word and things will go on smoothly. " I shrugged

Both of them looked at each other and I see in their eyes that they're now actually considering this deal. Just a little more push..

"And I will hardly even ask for anything maybe get a job done here and there but nothing that will go against your morals. You also will be able to do basically anything you want as long as it doesn't hinder anything I'm doing. Plus would you rather live your whole life in an island without a purpose on life? orrr have your ranks back and be in the amazing, exciting world of politics and war?" I said encouraging them a little more with a smile on my face.

They looked at me and then to each other again before they finally said the thing I wanna hear the most when it comes to these things.

"It's a deal" they both said in unision

"Ha! That's what I'm talking about, now just put a drop of your blood anywhere in the paper it doesn't matter" I said as I walked towards them.

"What are you a cultist? Why the blood. " Gregorio said with a blank face

I ignored him and suddenly stabbed his hand very fast before he can even blink with the fork he used to eat- wait is that soy sauce on the fork?

"PUTANGINA MO-!!!" He screamed in pain. I pulled it out and he screamed a second time before cradling his hand towards his chest.

I smeared his blood into the paper. And turns towards Martial with the fork still in hands.

"No need for that" He muttered  while showing me his hand with a blood oozing from it. I just basically used the contract like a napkin wiping his blood off his hand.

I smiled as I looked at the contract before I made it disappear again.

"Well then this is my first word that you cannot go against with! " I smiled towards them and what I said next made them immediately regret on making the deal with me.

"Let's become a happy jolly family everyone!" I clasped my hand together and gave them a wide sinister smile.

Oh how they regret this very moment of their life.

Their souls basically flew out of their mouths at that moment.





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