Abbey x Heath Adult/College AU

By FanouFujoshi

67 2 2

Heath Burns. All guys want to be him, all ghouls want to be with him. That's how Heath Burns would describe h... More

Abbey X Heath

67 2 2
By FanouFujoshi

Heath Burns. All guys want to be him, all ghouls want to be with him. That's how Heath Burns would describe himself. Little does he knows that people just see him as either a douchebag or a himbo. But even with that kind of reputation, Heath is still somehow popular and appreciated by most of monsters. However, beside some flirts, he never had any deep romantic relationship since Monster High. Abbey and him were close, however they didn't see each other after graduation. The icy ghoul left Scamerica after high school for her hometown, Himalaya. And since then, they lost contact.

Years past, they've all graduated from Monster high and attend college. Most of them maintain their friendship and still hang out with each other like. They weekly take lunch together when their schedule allowed them to.

-Aren't you tired of playing around?

-Is that your way to ask me out?

Frankie rolled their eyes and focuses on their energy drink. By their side, Jackson, obviously annoyed by his cousin's remark, clears his throat.

-At least, you should stop breaking those girls' hearts... or whatever they have in their chests.

-I agree with that statement!

Popping from the table and scaring everyone, Spectra faces Heath with anger in her eyes.

-Every time I think I've got some burning tea on someone; it turns out to be ALWAYS you.

-Aren't you too old to gossip anyway?

-It's my hobby. I have other things to do but sharing some juicy news is really pleasing... Except when it's about the same idiot that loves breaking heart every single time!!!

-Hahaaha. It's not my fault if they can't handle my hotness.

-Have you at least tried to know them?

-I'm not against to know you.

The ghost sighed alongside the other ghouls around the table. Clawdeen put her phone down.

-That's your problem. You're all about barks but no bites.

-I just don't want to be with someone. Flirting is fun. Is that a problem? If it is the case, then why are you single?

-Of course, staying single isn't a problem. The thing is, you mess around people who want a deep connection and only create problems. Did you know that some of them tried and are plotting to put a spell on you?!

-Witches are so sensitive, yet cowards. If I were them, I would not pooch it up so nicely and bite you up.

Clawdeen looks fiercely at Heath making him gulped before standing up, leaving the table.

-I have classes ghouls. See ya!

The fire monster left his classroom alongside some girl.

- See you at Cleo's party, Heath~

-Yeah. Bye~

He winked at her then was about to head to the exit.

-A new victim?

Spectra crosses through the hot boy's body, making him shiver.

-Ahh Spectra?! Don't appear like this please.

-I have a scoop for YOU.

-Let me guess. You want a date with me?

-No. I thought about our earlier discussion so I decided to settle you with someone.

-Isn't that Cupid's job? And is that your scoop?

-You are coming to Cleo's party, right?

-Of course. Why? There will be a ghoul from another college?

-Kinda. I won't post about her in my gossip page, yet, if you promise me to be serious this time.

-I can't be serious with a stranger. Except if she is REALLY pretty.

-Lucky you. She IS pretty and not a stranger.


-Will you be serious?

-I can't promise that.

-Your lost.

She left him and started tapping on her phone. A sound of notification came from Heath's pocket.

"Exclusive: Cooler than ever, Abbey Bominable came back to town and will attend Cleo's house party. Will someone be able to melt her heart?"

Heath checked the comments and many guys and even girls seemed interested by the new.

The music was loud as usual. A lot of drink were consumed. Many people gather around the pool while some dance in the living room. That's an authentic Cleo's party. Flame boy was sitting in the stairs, facing the front door. Clawd came near him.

-What are you doing here? You are usually with some ghouls making a fuss around the house.

-I... You saw Spectra's post...?

-Oh!!! No way you are waiting for Abbey?! She's upstairs with the others. My sister told me about your plan. None of the ghouls seem to have fang on you but good luck.

-What plan?

The werewolf already left to join a group in the kitchen.

She is upstairs. The young man was nervous. In front of one room, he saw Cleo's squad, the icy girl stands beside Draculaura. The only thing that Heath has in mind is "STUNNING". In a light speed, he came to them and put his hand around Abbey's shoulder.

-How come you're hotter than me?

-Argh Heath.

Clawdeen's voice shows clearly her annoyance. The short vampire dragged the icy ghoul out of Heath's reach.

-Chill down Heath. She just came back, leave her alone.

-Don't worry ghouls. He still looks funny.

She smiles at him. Despise being made of fire, Heath still managed to burn brighter seeing Abbey's smile. But even frustrated, his usual flirty temper stands out.

-How about I heat you up on the dancefloor?

She looks at him then her friends. Clawdeen was mouthing "Scream if you need help.". Abbey chuckled at the situation.

-Let's dance then.

Heath has a date, as usual. He is fire up, as usual. He fears to screw everything, not so usual. Normally, he goes to dates without any worries. However, this time, he made sure everything will go smoothly. He planned everything ahead; where they would go, what they would do, what he would say. He acts as if he is...


His phone rang. Unknown number.


-Don't fuck this up.


-Your language please.

-Clawdeen?... What are yo—

-Give me the phone. Hey. It's Frankie. What we mean is that we are looking forward for your date... Spectra want me to add that... What? Um... Even if it isn't ethical, if you screw up, she'll post your nasty secret on her page... You shouldn't do that Spectra... Anyways, don't use Yetish, your accent is kinda dograding.

-You ghouls are invading my personal space, but thanks. You're the beast.

-No wormies buddy! And one more thing. If you saw us at the mall, it's a pure coincidence... Draculaura! You weren't supposed to say—

He hangs up. Heath was happy that his friends worry about him but wonders if they don't have better things to do.

The next day at the campus, Spectra, Draculaura and Frankie talked in the hallway...

-So, after the boovie, they went for a walk at the scark and Heath was a real gentlemanster. He was nice and not obnoxious. Usually, he would throw some lame pickup lines but he was... CALM.

-So out of character.

-Not only he paid the boovie but he bought her an ice scream.

-That's so cute. They are really made for each other.

-Abbey was into his jokes too. I don't get her, but she seemed happy.

-Oh, my ghoul. I'm so excited to see how it will go. OH! There's Heath.

Heath crossed the hall and join Wydowna Spider who is struggling with her books.

-Hey hot stuff~ Need a hand?

She ignored him. The girls were to stunned to speak. Heath sighed and smiled at Frankie & co.

-She seemed to have enough hands anyways.

Draculaura was the first to react.

-Heath?! What about Abbey?

Spectra and Frankie glared at him.

-Ah. I had a nice date with her.

-Then why are you fooling around other ghouls?

-I can't commit. I'm a free spirit. The other ghouls would be too disappointed if I'm not single anymore.

He finger-gunned a group of zombies who were passing by, and follows them. Clawdeen who came from the toilet, saw the whole scene.

-I told you that it was a bad idea. He will never change and dating wouldn't solve anything.

Spectra sighed.

-I guess I'll put my page on hiatus if Heath fusses with my gossip.

-Abbey must be disappointed. She seemed happy from their date. Let's check on her.

Heath did his best to not screw up everything and behaved. The date was okay. They had fun but it wasn't exceptional. Heath had better dates like a scavenger hunt or a runaway from cops. This one was so calm. They went to a boovie and ate ice scream at a Scark. Nothing incredible. At least that's how he feels.

In the cafeteria, he looks at his screen phone. Abbey sent him many texts, asking him to hang out. He stares at the notifications, but doesn't open them. Frankie sat next to him, slightly looking at his phone.

-Heath. What happened?

-Why are you so invested, Frankie? I get that Spectra is tired of writing about me but my love life isn't affecting you in any way.

-We are friends. That's why. Honestly, I wouldn't have done a thing if you love fooling around girls, but the thing is... You seemed really sad and lonely.

Heath was touched by Frankie's words. They seemed to truly care about his being.

-You are one the kind... Maybe you are my soulmat— Arghh.

He put his arm around Frankie's neck but receive an electric shock.

-Stop that.

-Sorry sorry.

A blank took place between them.

-Thank you, Frankie... About Abbey, she must hate me. I literally ghosted her. I was so scared. During the date, everything went too well. I did my best to be less... Heath?


-Yeah that. I try to impress her by being boring. And she was genuinely happy to spend time with me.

-Is it a bad thing?

-No. Not at all. It is good. Just, I don't think I can be like that all time. And I don't what to disappoint her. Although she probably already is.

-I think if Abbey is really into you, she wouldn't mind to let you to be more Heath. Go talk to her.

-Right now? I have classes. I know I don't seem like it but my attendance is important. My goal is to get the highest degree-

-After school. Lagoona and I invited her to a drink anyway.

At the bar, Frankie and Heath arrived early. They sit at a table, next to each other. Heath was nervous. What if Abbey straight up ignores him.

-I should go Frankie.

He stands up but his friend puts him down. They started bickering when Lagoona and Abbey came to the table.

-Hello mate. Oh, Heath? What are you doing here?

She sits in front of him and he smiles more nervously than ever.

-Hi Lagoona. Hi Abbey...

Abbey glanced at him emotionless before greeting Frankie.

-I'm here to...

All eyes are on him. He gulped.

-... To light up the mood. Drinking without Heath isn't fun.

He flames himself and burn a napkin accidently. He started to make a little fuss to stop the fire. Lagoona chuckled while Frankie face palmed at the situation. Why is their friend so... Heath? At least, they noticed that Abbey is a bit amused seeing Heath struggling. Before starting a big fire, the icy ghoul uses her power to freeze the napkin.

-That was cool. Thanks.

During the night, the ghouls have a fangastic moment, catching up of things, making fun of Heath. Heath managed to get closer to Abbey and even got some laughs from her. After a few drinks, the little group is heading to another establishment for their round two. On their way, Lagoona shows Frankie a video of an oncoming normie boovie about mermaids; while Heath and Abbey walking a bit behind. Even though they drank serenely, the yetish ghoul keeps a little distance between Heath and her. Unexpectedly, slow as he is, Heath noticed her behavior. Still, with alcohol, his usual flirty side came out naturally.

-Baby~ Abbey~ I was thinking. How about another date?

-No, you do not have to.

Frankie and Lagoona, not really focused on their video, let a little gasp out. They walked a bit faster to give the other duo a bit of intimacy. Heath was confused.

-Have to? What do you mean?

Abbey sighed and stopped walking. She looked at Heath straight to his eyes.

-The last date was really weird. You were like a different monster. It seemed like I was the only one who had fun.

-I did have fun! I-

-I'd rather have you acting normally, like tonight. You are funnier this way.

-So why don't you want a date?

-You were weird during the date AND you did not respond my texts. You acted that way to reject me. I like you better tonight because you were more natural... I do think that you are like this because you see me as a friend.

-That's not—

-I have not done talking. Do not bother with my feelings. Do not ask for date as courtesy, if you just want to be friend and reject me.

-Wait. I don't really get everything but, ... You do like me, like tonight?

She nodded. He smiles and get on fire.

-Why would I reject someone who is into me?

-Then you are okay with anyone that is into you?

-What? No! Um... What I mean is. I'm sorry for the way I acted.

He saw Lagoona and Frankie who were glancing from distance. He waved to make them know that they can go ahead.

-Last time, I wanted to make a good impression. You also looked like to be into it. I freaked out since you liked the me during the date and not me. And honestly, it will make more sense if you don't like me-me. Others say that I'm obnoxious and all. However, you are telling me the inverse.

-It was childish to change personality to impress me. Why bother?

-I didn't want you to think that I was the same loser as in high school. If I knew you like lame personalities, I wouldn't done that.

-I do not like lame personalities. I like people who are honest with themselves. Let's stop there. Frankie and Lagoo—

-Wait. I'm serious about another date with you. This time, I will be myself.

She sighed.

-We should just hang out as friends.

-Don't you like me?

-I do but not you.

-I like you!

-No. I understand that you like to court girls. Fooling around does not bother me. But dates to me, means wanting something more. To become girlfriend and boyfriend.

-I... I can't say for sure that I want a serious relationship yet. But I want spend time with you. Not as friends. I'm indecisive. Sorry.

-But you are honest. I like that. We should hang out as friend.

-...For now.

-For now.

-Too bad that Abbey had to leave Scamerica. But you two are...?

-In a situationship.

Everyone looks at Heath who has smiling at his phone, in shock.

-But didn't Frankie help you? They even arranged a nigh—

Heath lights up suddenly, still looking at his phone.

-My application was approved!!! Guess who's taking off his semester off to go to Himalaya§? It's Heath baby!

-Aren't you going to die of cold?

His smile fades. Clawdeen pats his shoulder, laughing.

-Bon voyage. May love warm you.


Based of my failing college love life.

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