And Then There Were 10 (New O...

Od trooper19000

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Aiden Raynes, wielder of a device called the Omnitrix. Has been wielding a powerful extraterrestrial device s... Více

That April On The 10th
The Princess Meeting
The Date
Relationship Trouble
Hot Spring Trouble
Nightmare In A Day Dream
Date Dashing
Catching Up

Saving Hermit

639 19 5
Od trooper19000

Aiden POV

I think it's obvious to say that nothing went according to plan that time. And later when they both got home, things were already tense, but Shido described it when I was accompanying him to get groceries. 

Aiden: She's literally shutting you out? 

Shido: I tried to get her to let him in her room, nothing I say is working. 

Aiden: And, why are you telling me this? 

Shido: Because I'm hoping you have some advice to give me?

I think for a moment, to myself, and think of something that might not end in disaster. But nothing comes to mind.

Aiden: Sorry, Shido. I'm not a love expert. But I do know that a girl's temper is deadly, especially if she's a Spirit. 

Shido sighs at my response, since it's probably not the answer he was hoping for.  

Shido: Thanks anyway... 

Aiden: Sorry man. 

We walk near the building that we met "Hermit" at yesterday, and coincidentally we see her, looking for something. 

Shido: Um. Yoshinon? 

The girl gasps and turns to us. 

Aiden: Hi...

But then she starts to run. 

Shido: Wait! Don't run away. 

She stops and we notice that her puppet is missing from her left hand. 

Aiden: Your puppet. 

Shido: What happened to it? 

She then runs towards us, I kneel on one knee, and look at her. 

Shido: That's what you're looking for? 

She nods once , we take shelter from the rain, and the girl in a quiet voice explains how she lost her puppet. 

Aiden: So you lost it when fighting the AST. 

She silently nods and Shido talks to Kotori with his ear piece. Once he's done, he looks at me and the girl. 

Shido: We're gonna look for the puppet, Kotori will see what she can dig up on her end.

Aiden: Got it.

Shido: Yoshinon. We're ready to start whenever you are. 

Yoshino: See the thing is... My name... It's not Yoshinon, it's Yoshino... And Yoshinon is the puppet we're looking for... And my friend...

Aiden: I knew it. Sort of. 

Shido: Yoshino. I got it. 

Shido then gives his umbrella to Yoshino and she takes it. When she looks hesitant, he assures her that she can have it. 

Aiden: ...She's cute as hell.

Then, we go back to the building where we met Yoshino yesterday to look for Yoshinon. We look around through a pile of rubble, but things are going slow. So I press the Omnitrix, trying to dial someone strong, fast, or one with a big stomach. I notice Yoshino looking at my watch with interest. 

Yoshino: What are you doing...?

Aiden: Trying to pick a form to help look for Yoshinon. 

She tilts her head in confusion, so I stop dialing, and the core reveals itself. Then I hold my wrist out for Yoshino.

Aiden: Press the button down, you'll see what I mean. 

She looks at the Omnitrix, and with one hand, she presses it down. Then I transform right in front of her, she looks at me surprised at what happened.

Yoshino: Whoa...

Eatle: Yeah. You didn't see it yesterday but with my watch I can transform into many things. This one, can help in the search. 

With Eatle's big appetite I take pieces of the debris, and eat it. This goes on for a bit, and still no Yoshinon in sight. Then, we hear growl from someone's stomach. 

Eatle: You okay kid? 

Shido: Yoshino, are you hungry. 

She quickly shakes her head left and right to deny it. But her body betrays her as her stomach growls again, and her face turns red from embarrassment. She pulls her hood over face as a result. The Omnitrix times out and returns me back into human form. 

Aiden: She's hungry alright.

Shido: Let's go to my house, we can eat there. All the restaurants here were put out of commission from the fighting yesterday. 

We stop searching for now and walk back to Shido's house, Yoshino sits on the couch, and I sit on another. 

Shido: You sure love that puppet don't you? Most people would give up and go buy a new one. She must be really important to you. 

Yoshino: She is... Yoshinon is my friend. My best friend. And she's my hero too... 

That last part confused us a little but we went along with it. 

Aiden: Your hero huh? 

Yoshino: Yes! You see, Yoshinon is the greatest. She's who I want to be. he's just so brave... So strong... She's not pathetic like I am... If I can be more like her, I would be so happy... But I'm not... And I'll never be...

Aiden: God damn it I just want to give her a big hug after all that...

Shido: I don't know about all that. As a matter a fact, I like you just the way you are. 

Aiden: Same here, girl. 

She then pulls down her hood over her face again. 

Shido: Something wrong? 

Yoshino: No, it's just that... No one's ever said that before... Thank you... It's nice... 

She then eats a little before Shido asks her a question. 

Shido: Yoshino, why don't you even fight back when the AST attacks you? There's gotta be a reason for it. 

Yoshino: Yes, there is. The thing is, I don't like pain. Being scared, I can't stand it. I bet everyone hates those things though, how could they not? Any creature that feels has to despise them, don't you think so? 

Shido: Yeah maybe. One would hope. 

Aiden: One could only hope...

Yoshino: Then again, I'm just one big scaredy cat. When I'm scared, I freeze up, I can't think, or move, or speak, I'm so afraid... It's like I can't do anything at all... Except stand there and hoping someone will save me... It's awful, if I wasn't such a coward I might be able to fight back... But, I am. Always have been. The truth is I'm nothing like Yoshinon... When I'm in danger, he's right there by my side... Always... She gives the courage I don't have... She's strong, brave, and fearless. She's my hero. So you see, that's it. That's why I wont fight...

Aiden: This girl needs some MAJOR comfort. 

Shido then starts petting her head, much to her embarrassment. 

Yoshino: H-huh? 

Once he stops I pat her head a few times. 

Yoshino: Why did you do that...?

Shido: Come on, we're here to protect you. 

She looks at us with wide eyes, I kneel down in front of her, and show her my wrist that has the Omnitrix. 

Aiden: With this watch, I also protect people like you. People who are too scared to fight. So you're okay, and we're definitely gonna find Yoshinon. While she's gone, you can rely on us. 

Yoshino: T-thank you for your kindness... 

I nod and stand up to go get myself some juice. I put it on the counter, but I look at the living room to see Tohka just coming in, Shido panicking, and Yoshino disappearing. Then Tohka goes away slamming the door behind her. 

Aiden: ...What the hell was that? 

Then I see Shido talking to Kotori on his ear piece, it sounds like she found Yoshinon. He then walks to me with some weird look on his face. 

Shido: Kotori found Yoshinon...

Aiden: That's good right? 

No response as he's just frowning, his face saying that "good" doesn't apply. 

Aiden: ...Where is Yoshinon. 


Aiden: Origami is not who I pictured would have Yoshinon...

We're at the apartment complex that Origami lives at, since Kotori said that Yoshinon was taken by Origami. We're outside and I'm trying to dial a stealth alien, mainly Big Chill so I can get in, and get out. 

Shido: Aiden? 

Aiden: Cut me some slack this thing rarely gives me what I want. 

Shido: Who are you going for? 

Aiden: Big Chill, he can fly, turn invisible, and phase through solid objects. Now let's hope the Omnitrix is being generous. 

The core reveals itself, and I hit it down. 

Chamalien: ...Or not. 

Shido: This one doesn't look like he can fly...

Chamalien: Because I can't fly, OR phase. I'm basically an alien chameleon. Change of plans, you distract her, I get the puppet. 

Shido: Great... We're improvising. 

I walk in with him inside the apartment building, we take the elevator, and walk to Origami's room. When we get there, he knocks. So I immediately camouflage myself when she opens the door for him. We both see that's she's in a maid outfit. 

Shido: Uh. Hi there, Tobiichi...

Origami: Hello.

Chamalien: How can you just say "Hello" while wearing that?!

She lets him in and I slip inside. 

Chamalien: This is going to be harder than I thought...

Shido: Thanks for letting me come over. I know it's really short notice and all... I appreciate it. 

Origami: You're very welcome. 

Her apartment is somewhat small, and I look in her room. 

Chamalien: I feel like a criminal...

Then I hear the shower come on, and I hear Shido whispering for me. 

Shido: Aiden! Aiden!

I become visible. 

Shido: Did you find it? 

Chamalien: Does it look like I found the damn thing? I can't search everywhere on my own! 

Shido: Right. Let's search together. 

We then start casing every inch of the apartment for any sign of Yoshinon. We then move on to her room, with some very... interesting pillows. Until we eventually find Yoshinon on one of Origami's shelves. 

Chamalien: Yes! 

Shido: I got Yoshinon. 

Then we hear the shower stop going. 

Chamalien: You better get back to where you were. 

He nods and he dashes out of Origami's room. I however, get out of her apartment. As soon as I do, I time out and turn back. 

Aiden: Phew... Smooth criminal. ...I'm never saying that again. 

I make my way out of the apartment building and wait outside. After a bit, Shido comes running out. 

Aiden: What's happening? 

Shido: Yoshino is in the city, we have to help her! We need to go fast. 

Understanding what he means, I quickly press the Omnitrix and try to dial XLR8. 

Aiden: Come on XLR8... Hell I'll take Fasttrack too! Or Jetray!

I hit the core down when the plate reveals it. 

XLR8: YES! Alright, you might wanna hold on. 

Shido: Got it. 

I grab him, and I immediately go at superhuman speeds to the city, and go into a building so we can go to the roof. Once we're on the roof, I put Shido down. The Omnitrix times out, and that's fine, since she needs to see my face. Not an alien's.

Shido: Yoshino! 

Aiden: Hey kid! We're here! 

She looks at us and the giant monster bunny stops stomping around. 

Shido: Yoshino! I came here to give you something! 

But before he could pull out the puppet, a beam is fired at Yoshino, whic is blocked by some barrier. We look to see it was Origami who shot at her. The rest go in to attack, and some lady shouts at us. 

AST Commander: What do you think you're doing?! It's not safe over there! 

Then, the giant monster bunny looks at us, as if glaring. 

Aiden: That's... probably not good...

Then it's mouth starts glowing, as if it's getting ready to fire on us. 

Aiden: Oh crap! 

It fires but it never reaches us as something blocks the attack. We open our eyes to see it's Sandalphon who blocked it, which means, Tohka saved us. 

Tohka: Are you okay?

Shido: Tohka. 

Aiden: I'll let you have a moment. 

I go and stand next to Sandalphon and look in the direction that the giant bunny monster went to. Then, Tohka kicks down Sandalphon's big sheathe. 

Tohka: Get on. There's not much time. 

I get on and so does Shido, then Tohka flies off to lure away the AST. The Sheathe flies us close to the blizzard dome and we get off. I press the Omnitrix to get something that can survive the cold. While Shido talks with Kotori about going in that blizzard dome. He then looks straight at me. 

Aiden: She's expecting me to stop you huh. 

Shido: Pretty much. 

Aiden: She'll be pretty disappointed then. 

I hit the core down when it's revealed.

Heatblast: Because I'm not gonna get in the way of a man, and his promise to a girl. 

We start going in, and I increase the temperature of my flames to increase our chances of surviving. We're in, and going through that hail storm took a lot out of me. So I drop to my knees while Shido drops on the floor. 

Heatblast: Damn... That wasn't cool... Hey kid. 

Shido: Told you we'd make it. Here's your puppet, see. Told you we'd find it. 

Yoshino looks at us and starts sobbing. 

Heatblast: Whoa, hey. What's wrong kid? We're here now it's alright. 

Shido: Please don't cry.

Yoshino: Thank you... You're both so nice... Thanks for saving her, she... she's my best friend. This means so much to me... 

He then gives Yoshinon back to her. 

Shido: Now it's your turn to be saved. But first we um...

I look at Shido and give him a nod. Then, turn away. Once everything around us starts glowing, I know they just kissed. I look up and the rain clouds and the blizzard dome also disappear. 

Yoshino: Beautiful...

The Omnitrix times out as I keep looking up at the sky.

Aiden: Today. Is truly a sunny day.

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