By RubyLouise19

52.7K 1.3K 173

In which a Formula One driver's world is turned upside down in all the right ways, by a girl. A FORMULA ONE B... More



3.5K 101 9
By RubyLouise19



Max Verstappen greeted the Walker girl as she was walking through the paddock whilst dressed in red.

"Hello." Ocean Walker spoke to the man as he had ran to catch up with her as she was walking from Ferrari garage to the Mclaren garage, since Lando had wanted to spend time with her.

She had been trying to avoid the Dutch man, ever since he had kissed her in his trailer despite the fact that he had only known her for a few days.

She had no idea why he had kissed her, since they had only known each other for a couple of days and she was definitely not the kind of girl who would throw herself at a guy that she barely knew, so she had decided to step back from him since she thought that he was showing some red flags.

"Can I talk to you?" Max questioned with a frown on his face as he noticed that she was acting cold to him and not slowing down in her walking.

"Quickly because I'm supposed to be meeting Lando and Carlos." Ocean kept walking, since she was trying to out some distance between them, because she did not want to get too close to him and get hurt.

"In my trailer?"

Ocean shook her head from side to side as she continued walking. "The last time that I was in your trailer, you kissed me so if you have something to talk to me about, you have the time that it takes me to get to Mclaren to say it."

Max nodded his head up and down as he was forced to walk faster as she had started to walk faster.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Max apologised as he was forced to jog, since she was repeatedly making her speed quicker.

"You shouldn't have kissed me then." Ocean didn't even look at him as she walked faster, since she was able to hear his feet on the ground as he was trying to catch up to her.

"I know and I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." Max admitted to the Walker girl. "Can we just pretend like it never happened?"

Ocean halted in her steps to turn her body to face him, as she brought her arms in front of her to cross over in front of her chest.

"Only if you swear to never do that again, because I should not have to be made uncomfortable when I'm visiting my brothers because of one stupid driver. Do you understand me?" Ocean stared at the Verstappen man, seeing him nod his head up and down at her rapidly.

"Of course. Thank you and I am so sorry for making you uncomfortable, I won't do it again, I promise." Max apologised, since he knew his mistake and he did not want to make the same one again.

He wanted to get to know Ocean Walker properly, he wanted to be friends with her and care for her.

He wanted to be one of the reasons why she smiled and he wanted to be important to her to the point that she would wear his teams merchandise like she did with her friends.

"You better not." Ocean released a huff before she once again started walking away from the Dutch man.


Lando Norris grinned as his best friend walked towards his garage, though he furrowed his eyebrows together as he noticed the frown that she was being given by his Red Bull rival.

"You're never changing that nickname, are you?" Ocean laughed as the British boy pulled her in to a hug, finding her arms wrapping around his waist.

"Never. I love it too much." Lando giggled in to her long hair, before they pulled back from their hug.

The Norris boy wrapped his arms around her shoulders as he walked with her in to his Mclaren garage, where Carlos was waiting for them.

"Hello there." Carlos Sainz smiled as he greeted the woman, before his eyes drifted down to the red jumper that she was wearing.

"Hi Carlos!" Ocean giggled as she hugged the Spanish man and found that he kissed her cheeks lightly.

"I see who your favorite team is." The Sainz man winked playfully at her as his eyes drifted back to the red jumper.

"Charles told me to wear it because I had forgotten my jacket." Ocean admitted with a small smile on her face, tugging the fabric closer to her skin.

"Of course he brings a spare one for you." Lando rolled his eyes as he laughed, knowing very well that Charles always brought a spare jumper for her, as well as food.

"I can't help the fact that Charles loves me more you do." Ocean teased the Norris boy with a small wiggle of her eyebrows.

"Hey! I do love you! You're my big sister!" Lando whined in complaint, with a huff leaving his lips.

"But not as much as Charles, of course." Carlos laughed as he teased his team mate, with his arm wrapped around the shoulders of the Walker girl.

"But I love her more than you do!" Lando pointed at his team mate as he narrowed his eyes, hearing laughter leave the lips of both his best friend and his team mate.

"Really?" Carlos raised an eyebrow as he grabbed a hold of one of his Mclaren jumpers and handed it to the Walker girl who was stood beside him.

"Carlos has given me a jumper, something which you haven't, so I'd say that he loves me more than you and it really hurts." Ocean pretended to cry as she teased the young Norris boy, seeing him staring at her with a deadpan look on his face.

"Now you're just bullying me! What about George? Does he give you his jumpers?"


"What about Alex?"

"You know that he does."

"Oh." Lando released a small giggle before an idea came in to his head, causing a large grin to form on his lips. "Wait here! I'll be right back!"

The duo of Ocean and Carlos watched as Lando took off running towards his driver trailer, and disappeared inside of it for a mere couple of seconds before he returned, with an orange jumper in his hand.

"I got you one!" Lando yelled as he ran, sprinting as fast as he could to her so that hebcoukd give her the jumper.

"Aww, you're too kind, Lanny." Ocean lifted one of her hands to ruffle the brown curls that were on his head, before she squeezed his cheek with a mocking smile on her lips.

"See? I do love you!" Lando spoke in a high pitched tone.

"You better." Ocean smiled at the boy as she squinted her eyes, pretending to be angry at her best friend.

"Are you staying with us long?" Carlos questioned as the three of them walked towards the driver trailer of the Norris boy so that they could socialise together.

"Maybe an hour or two, because I promised to spend time with George before I watch qualifying in Alex's garage." Ocean informed the two of them, as they both nodded their heads up and down.

"Well, how about we watch a movie?"

Lando rapidly grabbed a blanket before he layed it over the three of their bodies, before he curled up beside the girl who he saw as his best friend.

"I like that idea." Ocean smiled happily as she made herself comfortable so that she was ready to watch a movie with the two Mclaren Formula One drivers.

Lando stared at the girl with a wicked smile as he released a small chuckle.

"Good, because I've locked my door. You're not leaving anytime soon."



Ya'll, I'm depressed. Robbie Coltrane has died, and I'm crying.

Hagrid is gone 😭💔

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter

Please check out all of my other books because I've added a lot of new ones,

I'll see you all soon for the next one

I'm proud of you all, my loves

I love you all


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