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By fwoolishh

231K 7.7K 5.7K

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3.2K 116 74
By fwoolishh

(chapter xxii - hera's an asshole — but selene's being the bigger one)

SELENE HAS MANY issues with the gods.

Specifically, Hera.

Now you may be wondering — what could a peacock looking, cock-sucking bitch like Hera do to upset her?

Well, a lot of things. For starters, Hera and Artemis weren't fans of each other. Since Hera was the goddess of marriage, and her mother was the goddess of chastity — they clashed a lot. And normally, Selene wouldn't give a shit on her mother's relationships with anyone — but Hera was different.

At first, she honored the goddess. Seriously, marrying Zeus? Willingly? That took talent. And a shit ton of patience.

But after Selene figured out what Hera did?

To get you caught up: in winter, after the solstice, her mom pulled her aside. She explained to Selene what truly happened to her other mother — how that car accident wasn't as accidental as she believed.

You slowly realizing it yet?

Hera — killed her mother. And although the Fates were normally in charge of who dies and whatnot, it seemed Hera had gained some sort of control over them. Petty peacock bitch.

She didn't know why Hera did it, either. Whether it was because of that pointless rivalry her and Artemis had, or some other stupid excuse. Whatever it was, Hera still went through with it. She killed her mother, and Y'know what's funny? The bitch didn't even seem sorry about it.

But that's how all the gods are, right? Not feeling pity for anyone or anything, but expecting you to do their dirty work? Like honestly, sit on your damn mountain, eat your damn ambrosia, and leave her alone.

"Ah, my dears!" Hera exclaimed, as if she were an annoying distant aunt. "Sit down, yes! We have much to talk about."

She waved her hand, and a whole picnic layout appeared, sandwiches, lemonade, blankets and all. While her friends got occupied, Selene sat in the corner, her back flat against the wall. And no, she didn't even bother sitting on the blankets.

None of her friends noticed. Immediately, they dug in gratefully to their treats — Hera watching them intently, which, was a bit unnerving.

Hera clapped, and her outfit completely changed. She reminded her of a basic mom — wacky sandals, black sweatpants, and a blue shirt, with white words that read: SAVE THE COCKS!

Before she could stop herself, she blurted out, "Does your T-shirt say save the cocks? That's not very appropriate of you, Queen Hera."

Percy choked on his sandwich. Annabeth sent her a do not fuck this up look, and Grover spat his lemonade on Hera.

Hera's eyes grew dangerously bright. Her face darted towards her direction, smiling a sickly sweet smile. "Oh, Selene. How delightful to see you! How are you?"

"I'm just peachy, thanks."

"Very happy to hear that," Hera said, sighing. "Oh, and just to clarify, my shirt says save the peacocks, not —"

"Oh, I know," Selene interrupted. "Just wanted to annoy you. It worked!"

Hera's fake nails dug into her styrofoam cup. "Well, then."

Selene gave her a tight smile. Hera have a faker one back, turning to Grover, who, was in the process of eating his napkin. "Grover, my sweet. Use your napkin, not eat it."

Selene gave him a look that read, inhale your damn napkin. Grover rolled his eyes as he looked at her — an amused smile on his lips as he slowly set the napkin down. "Of course, Queen Hera."

Selene crossed her arms, staring at the group angrily from across the room (yes, she still refused to sit there). "Suck-up."

Hera seemed to hear her words. She sent a sweet grin to her — one that made Selene want to throw up All over her save the cocks T-shirt.

The goddess turned to Tyson, "Tyson, you're wasting away. Would you like another sandwich?"

Tyson stifled a belch. "Yes, nice lady!"

Selene let a quiet groan of frustration, shaking her head. Out of all the Olympians, Hera gets complimented by Tyson. The same lady who killed her mother in a car accident.

Suddenly she felt movement beside her. She jumped, but it was just Percy, settling down next to her.

Percy grinned. "Somebody's skittish. I'm not a monster, Sel."

She watched him, confused. He placed his hands behind his neck and leaned against the wall, acting like nothing was out of the blue (get it?) and he didn't just move from a comfortable picnic mat to the labyrinth's dirty cracked floor.

Percy glanced at her, reading her confused look. "What?"

"Why are you here?"

Percy snorted. "Wow. And here I thought you loved me."

"No, I meant like...here, here. Sitting next to me. You do understand that the floor is dirty, right?"

"Then why are you sitting on it?"

Selene let out an exasperated sigh. "Because...I don't like Hera."

"Okay," Percy started with a small smile. "Then I don't like her either."

"That's ridiculous," Selene said with a laugh, shaking her head. "You can't hate a goddess because of me. I won't let you."

"Well that's just too bad then," Hummed Percy — scooting closer to her. "Because I'm afraid I already do."

With that, he laid down — setting his head on her lap. She tensed at the action, but gradually relaxed — taking his beanie off and running her fingers through his fluffy, messy hair.

Percy sighed, unclenching his jaw, and closing his eyes. She could tell he became way more relaxed as time went on.

"Queen Hera," Annabeth greeted — her voice uncertain and cautious. "What — what are you doing in the labyrinth?"

Hera's fake smile turned into a real one. With the flick of her wrist, all the grime and dirt on Annabeth's face disappeared.

'Wow. Cock lady does something nice. Shocker.'

"I came to see you, naturally," Hera said — inspecting her fake nails. "I've come...to help you."

Selene and Grover exchanged nervous looks. When a god or goddess wants to help you, it's normally not out of the goodness in their heart. It's because they want something. A 'favor', that can very much end in death.

Due to this, Selene didn't eat. Knowing Hera, she might pull the 'I gave you food, you have to help me do this impossible favor now' card.

However, Grover, Tyson and Annabeth had no problem digging in. She could see Percy eyeing the food, too, but no matter how many times she told him to go eat more, he refused.

'Such a loyal asshole,' She thought, rolling her eyes.

Hera sent Selene a knowing look. She glared back, and didn't break their gaze until the goddess turned away. It was clear Hera's little secret was revealed, and it won't be long before Selene looses it and gets turned into an ugly wedding ring.

Annabeth frowned. "I didn't think — well, I didn't think you liked heroes."

Hera smiled indulgently. "Because of that little...spat, I had with Hercules? Honestly, I get a lot of bad press from just a little disagreement."

"I hope you remember that you tried to strangle him with snakes," Selene pointed out. "And to make it worse, he was a literal baby."

Hera turned to her, scoffing. "Selene Lock, I advise you to watch your tongue. How's your mummy doing, hm?"

Her jaw tightly clenched. She knew better not to get into a tumbling with the queen of gods — however, that did not stop her urge for wanting to.

Percy's eyes shot open, and he looked at her, furrowing his brows. She tried to hide it, but he could obviously see that she had tensed up.

"Selene," Percy started, softly. "How does she —"

She let go of Percy's hair, titling her heard up towards the ceiling. "Gods know I lot of things, stupid."

"I know," Percy replied. "I know. But...Hera doesn't seem like the type to —"

"Just drop it, okay?!"

Percy frowned. She felt bad for snapping at him, but her emotions were in a dramatic whirlwind at the moment. A whirlwind she couldn't really control.

After a moment, she sighed. "Sorry. I'm sorry. It's just...ugh. I'm not in the best...mood, right now."

"I can see that."

That earned him a slap.

"Ow!" Percy exclaimed, rubbing his forehead. "I was kidding!"

"Well stop kidding. It's annoying."

"Oh come on. You and I both know you enjoy my company."

She snorted. "Nah, I don't."

Percy raised a brow, smirking. "That's a lie."

"It isn't."

"It is."

"It really isn't."

"Y'know, I think this perfectly describes a love-hate relationship."

"Where's the love, exactly?"

"You —" Percy started, confused. "You just said a while back —"

"Did I?" Selene interrupted — stealing Percy's styrofoam cup and half-heartedly sipping the lemonade.

Percy pouted. "Stop trying to gaslight me, asshole. Believe it or not, I have a very good memory."

"Yeah, well," Selene started cheekily, "I don't believe that, actually."

"You —"

"Selene?" Hera cut in, with that fake-ass smile of hers. "Weren't you listening?"

Selene's mood instantly dropped. She gave Hera a smile, that was much faker. "I wasn't, actually. And, truth be told, I kind of don't want to now, either."

"Selene," Annabeth warned — glancing at Hera cautiously.

Hera firmly set her empty lemonade cup on the picnic mat. "Oh, don't worry, Annabeth. We all make mistakes. Just like my husband, when he —"

"When he sired Thalia," Percy finished for her. "Yeesh. That must be...rough, for you."

"And weird," Selene added, laughing weakly. "Gods, the sex between you two must've been so awkward after you figured out he cheated on you. Twice."

Percy sat up, his mouth wide open. "I hadn't even thought about that."

Annabeth sent them a what the fuck is your problem look, whilst Hera, who, was besides her, was practically fuming. Bright light surrounded her, the goddess's eyes filled with hatred and irritation.

"I wonder if gods can even have sex...?" Percy wondered aloud, after a moment of silence.

A staff suddenly appeared in Hera's hand. The goddess rose angrily — gazing down at them. The staff was decorated with loads of peacock feathers — a glittery Milky Way of diamonds lining the surface of the staff.

Hera's voice seemed to get deeper. "You shall have respect," Hera spat. "I am the queen of the gods. I will not be teased by some meaningless demigods, who I can kill with a flick of the wrist."

Selene quietly huffed. Although she didn't like the goddess, Hera was right — she could kill them with a flick of the wrist. And she absolutely would.

"Sorry, Queen Hera," Selene grumbled.

"Yeah, sorry," Percy added — cringing at the thought of apologizing to a god for anything.

Hera seemed to calm down slightly at their words. Although neither her or Percy were particularly sorry — the goddess looked satisfied enough.

"You are lucky I have great patience," Hera hummed — the spear disappearing in a puff of sparkly smoke. "For if you were to insult any of the other gods...."

Annabeth nodded hastily, shooting them a pointed look. "Yes, Queen Hera. They are very sorry."

Hera let out a hum of approval. Her eyes glanced at Selene. "The daughter of Artemis, finally coming to her senses....your mother would be so proud of you."

Selene's eyes widened. She pushed down the anger — clutching onto Percy's hand tightly. She relaxed a bit when he squeezed back.

Hera watched her movements closely. "Oh, your...godly, mother, of course."

"Yeah," Selene muttered through gritted teeth, "Of course."

Hera smiled, sitting back down. Then, her frosty stare shifted to Percy.

This action alone sent many loud, annoying alarms throughout her body. Percy was...well, dumb. Sometimes he says things he doesn't mean, or things he doesn't think about. And although Selene was pretty dumb a little while back, too, she had a feeling Annabeth wouldn't be able to weasel Percy out of anything this time of things got...sticky.

"Percy Jackson," Hera said, regarding him with judging eyes. "One of Poseidon's....children. As I recall, I voted for you to live, back at the winter solstice. I hope I voted correctly."

'What the fuck is her problem?' Selene thought to herself. 'I mean, I had a feeling she would pull this favor shit, but bringing up the time where the gods almost decided to snap Percy into nothingness? New low, even for a cock-sucking bitch like Hera.'

'This is why I hate the gods,' Gaea said in her mind, bitterly. 'Always so...sophisticated.'

'Aren't you a god?'

Gaea didn't answer. Before Selene could ask again, Hera spoke.

She noticed the goddess had turned back towards Annabeth, with a beaming smile. "Anyways, I hope you know that I hear you no ill will, my girl. I appreciate the difficulty of your quest, and all you will have to go through in order to complete it. Especially when you have....troublemakers, like Janus and others who I shall not name."

Selene crossed her arms, biting her tongue hard in order to ward back the..interesting, curses, that she wanted to say. Percy quietly scoffed — subconsciously running his pen through his fingers.

Annabeth's gaze lowered to the floor. "Gods, Janus. Why was he here? He was making me so confused...and angry. He was driving me crazy."

"Trying to," Hera agreed with a loud sigh. "You must understand, minor gods and goddesses like Janus always seem to get irritated by the small role they play in the universe. One piece is never enough for them."

Grover rolled his eyes. "Well, one piece is always enough for me," He said — gobbling up his fifth turkey sandwich in one gulp.

Tyson nodded enthusiastically at his words. "Yes! Grateful, we are! We love sandwiches!"

Grover chuckled, patting his back. "Sure do, buds."

Hera seemed to ignore them. The goddess rubbed her temples — her immortal glow flickering in and out, which, was concerning. "To make things worse, I fear most minor gods have very little love for Olympus. So little, that...they could easily be swayed to support the rise of my father."

"Your father?" Percy questioned. "Wait, who is that, again?"

"Use that small brain of yours," Selene teased, nudging him. "It's Kronos. The guy you're supposed to fight in a year? The Titan that the prophecy is practically...about?"

It took a moment, but she could tell it finally clicked for him.

"Oh," He remembered, with a dreadful frown. "Kronos."

Hera nodded. "You see, this is why we must keep a close eye on the minor gods. Janus. Hecate, Morpheus. They give lip-service to Olympus, and yet...they may be plotting against us in the process."

"That's where Dionysus must've went," Annabeth concluded. "Remember, guys? How Quintus took over his place over the spring?"

Percy wasn't there over spring, but the rest of them nodded.

"Gods, I almost miss that dude," Selene laughed. "Don't tell anyone I said this, but...he is much more iconic than that mysterious, dark swordsman."

Grover nodded in agreement. "Gods, yes. He almost killed me the other day. See —"

"Wait," Percy said, confused. "Hold the phone. Selene, did you just call Mr.D....iconic?"

"What? Jealous that you aren't?"

Percy spat out the rest of his lemonade, which, he stole from Grover a while ago. "Jealous? Of Mr.D? Psssh. No, I'd never — no."

She rolled her eyes at his obvious lie. "Okay, Mr. Toxic Masculinity. Whatever you say."

"I —"

Hera cleared her throat, drawing the two back to the conversation. "Attention back on me, please."

Selene huffed. 'Of course. As soon as the attention's not on her, she gets fake and petty.'

'You're the same damn way, Selene,' A voice taunted in her mind.

'Oh, shut the fuck up.'

Hera turned to stare at the mosaics lining the walls, her stare turning bittersweet. "You see, in times of great trouble, even gods start to loose faith. They start putting their trust in the wrong things, things that...that can lead in their death."

"Aren't gods immortal?" Percy asked, confused. Hera gave him a tight smile, and Selene quickly elbowed him. The last thing that stupid, ridiculously hot boy needed was to get five gods on his ass.

When nobody answered Percy's question, Hera continued. "Gods, even ones like me...stop seeing the bigger picture. They start — they start becoming selfish."

'Damn, the peacock finally admits it.'

"But I'm the goddess of marriage, you see. I'm used to perseverance. You have to rise above all the squabbling...all the chaos. You have to keep believing, always. You have to have your goals in mind, and stick to them. Be prepared for whatever danger may get thrown your way, whether it's physically...or emotionally."

Hera's words struck her unexpectedly. Out of all of the gods, she was not expecting a pep-talk from queen of heaven.

It seemed as though everyone else wasn't expecting those words to hit them, either. They all looked extremely uncomfortable — Grover, looking as green as his girlfriend, while Annabeth kept stealing glances at Selene, whenever she got the chance.

Tyson wasn't paying attention. Percy...well, his gaze was fixed strictly on the floor. He was sitting next to Selene, now — squeezing her hand again, before letting go.

Annabeth, finally, broke the deafening silence. "What are your goals?" She asked the goddess — looking away from her.

As Hera began to talk again, Selene focused on Annabeth. She looked pained — in a way, heartbroken.

And she think she knew why.

'I'm stupid,' She thought, looking down guiltily. 'Stupid, stupid stupid.'

What Annabeth had said that day, in the strawberry fields — how she looked unhappy. Talking about Percy. Mal. Boys. Crushes.

Did Annabeth have a crush on Selene?

Does she still have a crush?

'Fuck. I hate this. I hate love. I hate —'

Okay, she wasn't going to say that next one.

But it was true. She did hate love. It was the only thing that she will never, ever, know the answer to. An impossible question. With an impossible answer.

Hera sighed, focusing Selene back to the conversation. "So be it, Annabeth. You wish for something, however, that has already been given to you."

"What?" Annabeth said, quirking a brow. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Selene huffed. If Annabeth is even starting to loose her politeness and patience, you know it's bad.

"That means it is within your grasp," Hera said, looking very disappointed. Then, she turned to Percy. "You know, don't you? You know the solution? The secret?"

"What secret? And what solution?"

Hera rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry for this...poor guide, Annabeth. But it is true. Percy knows. And he knows more things than you think."

Annabeth looked nervous. It seemed she knew exactly what Hera was talking about. As she swallowed, her Adam's apple bobbed up and down.

"But that's not fair," Annabeth protested childishly, "You're not telling me what it is!"

"I'm sorry, but you're not telling me what it is, either," Percy butted in, confused. "Like uhm...is there a secret you're trying to hint to me, or something? I'm not getting it."

Hera looked irritated. She turned, mouthing something to Selene instead — her eyes holding dark, cloudy secrets in them. It was clear the goddess was motioning something to her — she just..well. She wasn't really getting it.

Hera motioned towards her again, quite aggressively, reminding Selene of those annoying peacocks she rules over. It was hilarious watching her do this, and honestly, she couldn't really suppress her laughter anymore.

She bit her lip — laughing slightly at the goddess' tired expression. Hera looked unamused. Grover managed a small, crooked smile, and Tyson cocked his head like a dog. Annabeth shook her head in amusement, while Percy just watched, silently, an amused grin present on his features.

Percy looked up, meeting eyes with Hera. "You...I — I apologize for my friend, here. Maybe if you're more....aggressive? Put more flare into your movements, y'know? Maybe then, it'll click for her."

Selene snorted. Honestly, how had this boy not gotten turned into peacock feathers yet.

Hera groaned, "Nevermind. It seems this one," She gestured to Percy, "Will have to figure it out on his own. I cannot believe —"

"Queen Hera," Annabeth interrupted politely. "Please...tell us what it is. What you're talking about. Please. I — I need to know."

Selene glanced at Annabeth, who, for once in her life...looked lost. And she was pretty sure it wasn't just from being stuck in a labyrinth.

Hera calmed down. The aura around her began to fade. "I'm sorry, my dear. Getting something and having the wits to use it...those are two very different things. I'm sure your mother, Athena, would agree."

"Gods, you got that right," Annabeth grumbled, crossing her arms. "She probably would. Puzzle piece looking —."

Annabeth quickly covered her mouth. Selene resisted the urge to laugh again.

Suddenly, the room rumbled, distant thunder striking their ears. Hera rolled her eyes, and stood, looking down at them. "That would be my..cue. You know Zeus grows impatient. But think on what I have said, Annabeth. Seek out Hephaestus. You will have to pass through the ranch, I presume. But keep going, always. And use all the means at your disposal — whatever they may mean."

Hera snapped her fingers, and pointed to the two doors Janus had been in front of before. They melted away, and revealed twin corridors — open and dark.

Hera turned towards them, one last time. "Oh, and one last thing, my dear Annabeth. I have postponed your day of choice — not prevented it. Soon, as Janus said, you will have to make a decision. Even if it ends...in death. Farewell!"

Hera gave a final grin, and disappeared into white smoke. The food did, too, causing Tyson's half-eaten sandwich that he was munching on to fade away.

The fountain trickled to a stop. The glowing mosaics seemed to dim. The room now looked like it was before — a place that was, definitely, not fit for a picnic.

Selene groaned, reluctantly getting up. "Well, on that positive note."

Annabeth stood up as well, stomping her foot angrily. "What kinda help was that? Here, have a sandwich. Make a wish, upon a stupid dying star or some shit. Oopsie, can't help you. Poof!"

"Poof," Agreed Tyson miserably — staring at his empty plate.

Selene shook her head. "That's Hera for you. She doesn't do anything and expects everything to get done. Little —

"Let's not get all sad, guys," Grover
cut in, waving his hands. "She said that Percy — and, maybe, Selene — knows the answer. That's a start, right?"

'Oh fuck you, Grover. This is the second time you've thrown me under the bus in the span of five minutes.'

Everyone turned to look at her and Percy, and she gulped.

"Yeah, that's the funny thing," Selene started, laughing nervously. "I don't...I don't know anything. At all."

Percy sighed, "Yeah uhm...me neither. But that doesn't matter right now — we should just keep moving."

"But which way?" Annabeth questioned. "They look the same — dammit, I hate this."

Grover and Tyson stood up, their eyes wide with alarm. "Left," They chorused at the same time — as if they'd been rehearsing it.

Selene shivered. "Oookay. Like that's not giving me chills. Honestly, how do you guys do that?"

Annabeth frowned. "How do you know?"

"Because something big is coming from the right," Mumbled Grover.

"Something bad," Tyson added. "In a hurry."

"Okay, I think the left is sounding good right about now," Percy decided.

No one argued with him. Together, they plunged into the deep, dark corridor once more.

'So fun,' Thought Selene sarcastically. 'So fucking fun.'

SELENE QUITE LIKED the left tunnel.

There were no twists, turns, or deadly wall monsters waiting to ambush them. Quite frankly, she thought they were safe, running down the straight corridor.

Until they weren't.

Percy and Annabeth were beside her. Tyson lead the group in the front, while Grover trailed behind them in the back.

It was clear something was breathing down their necks — possibly that deadly wall monster she was talking about earlier.

But to her, it was fine. They just had to keep running, right?

Well, apparently the Fates really decided to say fuck you today, because they decided to grant them a dead end.

What fun!

A big boulder blocked their path. Dragging footsteps and heavy breathing were heard behind them — and it was definitely not coming from Grover.

Selene tugged on her hair. "Uhm — uh. We have to move the boulder."

Percy snorted. "No shit, Sherlock."

"I wasn't trying to be funny, Jackson! Shut up!"

Annabeth bit her lip. "Tyson, can you —"

"Yes!" Tyson exclaimed suddenly. He slammed his shoulder against the rock so hard, the tunnel shook. Dust was thrown all around them, causing her to sneeze.

The creature groaned in pain.

"Hurry!" Grover demanded. "Don't bring the roof down on us, but hurry!"

"I think this is as fast as the boy can go, Grov," Selene responded, glancing down the dark hallway. "But still — that creature is coming, and it's coming fast."

"Hurry!" Annabeth insisted nervously.

After what felt like forever, the boulder gave way, making a horrid grinding noise, of rock against stone. Tyson groaned, and, with a final push, he moved the rock into a small room.

They all dashed behind it.

"Shit," Percy cursed, his eyes wide. "Close the entrance!"

They did just that. They got on the other side of the boulder and pushed, managing to seal the entrance shut just as the monster got there.

The creature wailed in frustration. It clawed on the boulder for a moment before scurrying away.

"Stupid wall monsters," Selene grumbled.

Percy sent her a confused (and slightly concerned) look.

"Well, we trapped it," Annabeth concluded — sucking in a breath.

Grover turned around, his eyes full of panic. "Or...trapped ourselves."

Selene raised a brow. She turned. They were stuck in a twenty-foot-square cement room, the front being replaced by thick, metal bars. They had tunneled straight into a cell.

And none of them had any idea on how they were going to get out of it.

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