Blossom ~ A Remarried Empress...

By Krystalkiller25

1.3K 36 1

In a turn of events Navier is found to have a blessing. The blessing that will shatter the illusion of house... More

Ep 1
Ep 2
Ep 3
Ep 4

Ep 5

211 7 0
By Krystalkiller25

Tick tock. Tick tock.

The clock ticked on the wall as the pair sat in dreadful silence. Trashta's face was half covered by bandages and she looked down at her plate. Shoeshit sat at the other far end of the table. Grasping onto a piece of paper while his fist shook.

S: so, when are you going to start talking?

His horse voice was raspy, quaking almost.

T: ab- about what?




S: that danm baby your carrying... which man is the father?

T: y- you of course!

Her lips shivered as she gripped onto the fabric of her skirt, her small fists wrapped up like those of a child.

S: stop with the lies... I'm sick and tired of them so spit. It. Out. Now.

His firm voice shook the silent room, It rung from every corner. Trashta could feel a shiver down her spine.

T: the baby...


T: ...


T: *sigh* the baby is not yours...



S: so it was all for nothing huh?

He grasps the crumpled paper in his hand even harder now.

S: I left the love of my life, my best friend... it was only meant to be a year ... then we could be together again...

He trembled as a tear streamed down his face.

S: I've lost my appetite, goodnight Trashta.

She silently sat there as the walked past her out of the room.

He walked through the halls of his palace until he finally arrived at one room. He then opened the room. New furniture was everywhere, a closest full of pastel colored dresses with fluffy skirts.

All of the book shelves were gone...

Except for one.

Shoeshit pushed through some of the fluffy dress skirts in the closet until he felt the bookshelf in the back. He the felt it. The book with the leather spine. He pulled it out, gently caressing it's front.

Walking out of the room he looked at the windows and smiled.

S: she always left them open...

He walked to his royal chamber, sitting in the plush red chair at the foot of his bed. The opened the old book. He flipped through the old pages before taking the crumpled bit of paper out from his pocket. He then spread it out onto the book to flatten it.

S: the smiles of 2 young children... so oblivious of their future... how fate cruelly ripped them apart.

He smiled solemnly before getting up to open the window.

S: I know you'll come back to me..

He then let go of the paper into the cold nights air. A small breeze carried it away as he foolishly believed it would reach her. He then shut the window before walking away from it slowly. The paper fluttered in the wind before it flew down onto and old chair in the garden. The garden in that area was more dead now...

The paper landed on the dead chair as an old flowers wilted over it. The crimson petals showered the photo of the smiles. The roses and the smiles had something in common..

They would both soon be dead.

End of Ep 5

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