ABIENCE || tokyo rev.

By crownedhades

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❝ 𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓵𝓵 𝓫𝓮 𝓯𝓲𝓷𝓮. ❞ || 𝙄𝙉 𝙒𝙃𝙄𝘾𝙃, you, the reader, wake up in the bod... More

[ ✯ ONE ✯ ]
[ ✯ TWO ✯ ]
[ ✯ THREE ✯ ]
[ ✯ FOUR ✯ ]
[ ✯ FIVE ✯ ]
[ ✯ SIX ✯ ]
[ ✯ SEVEN ✯ ]
[ ✯ EIGHT ✯ ]
[ ✯ NINE ✯ ]
[ ✯ TEN ✯ ]
[ ✯ ELEVEN ✯ ]
[ ✯ TWELVE ✯ ]
[ ✯ FOURTEEN ✯ ]
[ ✯ FIFTEEN ✯ ]
[ ✯ SIXTEEN ✯ ]
[ ✯ EIGHTEEN ✯ ]
[ ✯ NINETEEN ✯ ]
[ ✯ TWENTY ✯ ]
[ ✯ TWENTY-ONE ✯ ]
editing notice
[ ✯ TWENTY-TWO ✯ ]

[ ✯ THIRTEEN ✯ ]

540 25 25
By crownedhades

"Oh my god, how on earth did you hurt your arm?!" Exclaimed Suzune, her neat hair tied up in a bun. She walked up to him before sitting down next to him, bento in hand. "I hope you're okay."

Kazutora gave a closed-eyed smile, "I got into a fight. But don't worry, I won." It was a sort of reassurance that also backed up Y/N's own pride, because even though it was the truth, it didn't really hurt to brag a tiny bit, right?

The two teenagers were currently eating alone for lunch; Hinata was eating with her boyfriend, and Nanami was spending extra time in the library to study. So that left Kazutora and Suzune to hang out together to spend one on one time. They were sitting on concrete steps a little bit away from the school building, Suzune on the one above him.

Suzune leaned forward to hug his uninjured side, embracing Kazutora out of worry. "Does that mean you really are a no-good delinquent, Kazu-kun?" She inquired, looking up at him.

Kazutora nervously laughed, opening his eyes to nod his head. "I never said I wasn't, did I?" Although Suzune was an overall really good person to talk to, Kazutora couldn't help but feel stiff whenever she showed her physical affections. But that was simply just the type of person that she was, even frequently hugging Nanami and Hinata whenever she got the chance. Due to that, Kazutora resisted the urge to push her away, feeling considerate of her own feelings. Maybe it was just her platonic love language that drove her to hug him, and Y/N would feel guilty if they were to put an end to it just because they weren't used to it. And besides, it was nice at times, because it showed that she cared.

Suzune pouted as she pulled away, returning to look back at her serving of rice, "Yeah but I was really hoping that you weren't. Hanagaki-kun is a delinquent, too, and I always have to listen to him and his friends try to intimidate others in the hallways and stuff. I mean, it just looks so ridiculous from an outside perspective, doesn't it?"

"Maybe, but there's generally a reason behind it," Y/N tried to explain, coming up with their own theories as to why middle-school boys continuously tried to intimidate each other, "because it's their pride on the line, 'ya know? Can't look like a pus..— a wimp, to another dude." Kazutora corrected, catching themself from saying the word pussy around an untroubled girl. Y/N didn't know what she was and wasn't okay with in terms of general language.

"Just say pussy, I'm not gonna pounce on you for it," Suzune snickered, catching on quickly with what Kazutora originally wanted to say, "just not around Hinata-chan and Nanami, 'cause I'm pretty sure they'd freak."

Kazutora shrugged, "Eh, if you say so."

They soon grew quiet, now paying attention to the food in front of them instead of chatting. Y/N recalled the previous week, remembering how Hanma Shuji practically stole him from his room every night to hang out with Valhalla; Kazutora's mother left undisturbed. It was a miracle that Ms.Hanemiya never found out, but Y/N supposed that they had Shuji's natural escapist skills to thank for. Hanging out with Shuji was a blast to Y/N, and they were sad to know that Shuji probably didn't care for them outside of Kazutora's usefulness for Kisaki Tetta. It was a thought that they wanted to simply brush away with ease, but that was not the case, as Y/N's mind always drifted back to the gleeful smile that always appeared on Shuji's face when they came around.

Y/N wanted Shuji just like how they managed to win over 'charmer' and 'snake,' as well as Hinata and her not-so-canon friends. Because Y/N was selfish, so fucking selfish that they continued to seek relationships with people even if they detested themself for it. But they had to wait, they had to wait until Kisaki-fucking-Tetta gets ran over and dies, only for Kazutora to swoop in and comfort Shuji from the tears that fell down his face in the ongoing future. It was thoughts like these that Y/N hated themself for, but they couldn't help it. These people meant the world to Y/N, even if they so begrudgingly felt that way.

"Kazu-kun?" Said Suzune, breaking the silence.

Kazutora lifted his head up to look at her, golden-brown eyes shining a brighter hue in the sun's reflection, "What's up?"

"Can you promise me something?" She inquired, because my oh my was Suzune so much alike to Y/N, her own thoughts playing in sync with theirs.

"Hmm, depends on what it is," Kazutora trailed, "'cause I don't like making promises to people." Because promises are usually meant to be broken, aren't they?

"Yeah, that's understandable," Suzune nervously laughed, "but it shouldn't be too bad, I hope."

"So what is it?"

Suzune breathed, taking her time before forming the words on her lips, "Can you promise to always be with me?" Now, this took Kazutora by surprise, but before he could say anything, she continued. "Not, like, literally, but you know... always be my friend and stuff."

What are her intentions? Y/N wanted to think, but shoved that thought away. "Yeah, of course I can promise that," Kazutora smiled, feeling relieved that he didn't have to put extra effort into their relationship before Suzune got attached. It was sort of manipulative, but it wasn't like Y/N was the only one doing that, and it wasn't like Y/N didn't actually care for her, because they did, they really, really did.

"Really!?" Suzune excitedly let out, repositioning her body to fully face him, "I was so scared that you'd say no. You know, I really don't have that many friends despite talking to a lot of people. There are very few people that I actually trust with things, and since Hinata-chan trusts you so much, I want to do the same thing!"

But wouldn't that be too careless, to trust someone that you only met a couple of weeks ago? Y/N concluded that Suzune and them grew to trust people at different rates. That, or Suzune just has a remarkably large sort of trust for the Tachibana girl and whatever she believes in. Either way, Y/N couldn't help but consider it to be foolish. Regardless, however, that did not matter, because Suzune was not Y/N and Y/N was not Suzune.

"Yeah, of course," Kazutora repeated, affirming her excitement. "I have a hard time trusting people, too, but that all comes down to experience, doesn't it?" Wise words for someone like L/N Y/N.

"Yeah, that's true," Suzune softly replied, smiling as if she had just won the lottery.

Y/N didn't understand her excitement, but relished it anyway.


Now in the library, Sasaki Nanami was staring out of the window, peering down at the two friends that conversed. A look of heartache washed over her face, watching as Suzune made him promise the same thing she made Nanami promise. When will this cycle end? Nanami internally cried, forcing herself to look away from the sight. It'll just keep happening, so why do I even bother? Her emotions were valid, her love for Suzune growing with each passing day. But she knew that Suzune would never feel the same, she knew that Suzune didn't actually care.

I need to warn him, thought Nanami, burying her eyes into the worded pages in front of her, because who else can if not me? But she blinked, pulling herself out of the idea as she reconsidered. But wouldn't I be betraying her by doing that?

The room was quiet, leaving Nanami to her own swarm of inquiries to herself. She knows Suzune, better than anyone else. Because she herself was still trapped in her web of lies, her string of words that wrapped around her heart. She knew it, she knew all of it, but Nanami could never bring herself to go against her. Nanami's heart was exactly where Suzune wanted it to be, and Nanami could do nothing but wait it out. To wait until she got bored of her. To wait until Suzune was finally ready to cut their ties.

Just another victim waiting to be used. Because yes, that is what Kazutora was to her. To Suzune. But was that really the case? He has to be. He has to be just like the others. Just like me. Nanami wanted to think, but one glance in their direction and she bit her lip, furrowing her brows as her feelings raced in her mind, confusing her even more. Surely Suzune... She shook her head, tearing her eyes away from the two as she gathered up her things, relocating herself to another table and away from the window where she could see them oh so very clearly. I hate Suzune so much. Thought Nanami, but as much as she lied to herself, she knew that wasn't the case, I hate her. I hate her, because Nanami loves Suzune.

She choked out into tears, placing down her book at a table far away before covering her face with her hands. It just keeps happening. What am I supposed to do? Logically, Nanami wasn't blind. She knew what was happening to her and everyone else that Suzune associated herself with. But emotionally? She sure as fuck was; blind as hell, unable to claw her way out of the imprisonment that she willingly put herself into.


"Thank you for eating with me," Kazutora said. Suzune was walking near him, throwing away her leftover pieces of trash in the appropriate trash bins. They were still a good distance away from the school, but they were drawing closer to it by the second.

Suzune gave a charming smile, moving to let Kazutora throw his trash away. "It's no problem. I would've been lonely anyway if I didn't, so it worked out for both of us."

"Ahah, I suppose you're right," Kazutora affirmed, although Y/N couldn't believe her words. She was an extrovert, wasn't she? She had plenty of other people that she could have gone to in order to not be alone; she said it herself, she knew everyone. But maybe she just wanted to spend time with Kazutora, and not anyone else? It was sweet in thought, but Y/N's trust issues made them overthink.

"Are there any clubs that you might be interested in joining?" Asked Suzune, adding a skip to her step as she walked. She was bubbly and carefree, her smile bright and her voice pleasant to listen to.

Kazutora thought for a moment before replying, "Probably cooking." It was the only thing that he was really good at, after all.

"A club for cooking? Do you want to be a chef or something?" Suzune inquired, curious in tone.

Kazutora shrugged, walking up the stairs that led into the school, "I don't know. I just like food, I guess, and I'm pretty good at being a cook, soo."

Suzune let out a soft chuckle, "You'd be a good husband, then, if what you're saying is true."

At that, Kazutora raised a brow, glancing at her before speaking, "Maybe." Love was something that Y/N wasn't entirely unfamiliar with. In their last life, they did date a few people, but they were never in a long-term relationship with anybody. Finding a 'forever person' was never really something that Y/N considered, being something that they weren't entirely interested in. If they were to meet someone that truly captivated them, then it'll happen. But it hasn't happened yet, and Y/N wasn't sure that it ever would. People are gross, after all.

The duo walked inside, their conversation continuing. There were still a few minutes left before the bell rang, giving them just enough time to finish their discussion before heading their separate ways. Upon the loud signal, Kazutora waved goodbye to Suzune who did the same; turning to look away, Kazutora walked to his next class period. Not once has he skipped a class outside of his duration in the hospital, and not once was he tardy. Y/N prioritized their education, not wanting to ruin it for Kazutora like he had done for himself originally in the plotline.

The walk to class was loud, with students chatting in the hallways and people being clumped up close together. Before that, though, Kazutora made sure to grab his stuff from his locker, only to then carry his school supplies to his next class: math. Seeing as they were in middle school, there weren't any math classes that specialized in one specific subject, and math covered a general education of what to be expected in high school. Right now, they were focusing on shapes. Specifically geometry, and if you know how geometry works, you should know that the author hates geometry. Algebra is superior in every, single, fucking, way.

Ignoring the fourth wall being broken, Y/N wasn't having too difficult of a time learning the subject. After all, they had already learned all of the material in their last life, regardless of whether or not they sucked or were good at it before. It was more so like taking a semester-long review session that just never ended, really.

Entering the classroom, Kazutora sat down at his assigned seating before setting out the supplies that he needed for the class, which primarily included a notebook, pencil, and homework that was assigned to him during his absence. He hummed a soft tune to himself as he waited, a couple of minutes later the bell rang again and the teacher walked into the classroom, probably just returning from a conference meeting.

The class as a whole then began to run the usual start-of-class routine, bowing to their teacher before being told to turn in their homework. Kazutora did just that, but instead of turning it into the tray that you would usually put it into, he gave it directly to the teacher. This was because there were simply way too many papers and the lady needed to grade it all as fast as she could. Afterward, there wasn't much else to take note of in regard to Kazutora's day. It went by normally, doing his best to avoid the Mizo-Middle squad whilst simultaneously doing his best to achieve his academic goals.

The day ended before he knew it, and he was now leaving school. Recalling what Suzune had asked him, Y/N couldn't help but wonder when exactly they should apply for a club. It was already the second semester, having wasted the week before the end by being stuck in the hospital and at home, so there weren't really a whole lot of opportunities for him. Maybe next year? But that wouldn't be satisfactory, Y/N already knowing that they would feel bored being left at home with nothing to do. There was always the possibility of hanging out with that Robins boy or one of the other not-canon characters, but Y/N also knew that they had their own lives and wouldn't always be available.

There was also the idea that Kazutora could just continue focusing on his delinquency, but Y/N didn't want that. They didn't want to be stuck fighting every day as a delinquent, as most settings appalled them. Sure, fighting with Valhalla was fun, but that was only because everyone there treated it like a sport, like it was just something that they did every day just for the heck of it. Every other situation that Y/N could think of outside of gang wars just didn't really appease them, thinking that it wasn't really... well, what's the word? Y/N couldn't describe it, they just knew that it was unethical and went against what they stood for as a person. But they also knew that those morals of theirs were slowly fading away with each fight that they encountered, crushing every uptight belief of theirs and replacing it with a new, more heartless one that didn't care for the lives or safety of others. Because Y/N cares, they really do. But they also know that Kazutora doesn't.

Kazutora breathed out, focusing on his breath as he walked. It was peaceful, no one to bother him and students were heading in their own separate directions to head home. His feet carried him, and before he knew it, he arrived in front of Mathew's home. He looked up at the building with his wide, golden-brown eyes, taking in the familiar sight. He hasn't seen it before in the daytime, having only been here during the night. The Robins' residency consisted of brick walls and a metal roof, a garden bed next to the patio and a cute, dainty bench near the entrance. The house was quaint and well-looked after, the grass was evenly trimmed and a sprinkler was lightly showering the ground. There wasn't a weed in sight, the garden bed adorning various carnations of different colors.

He stepped up onto the patio before knocking on the door, noticing a sign that said "do not ring the doorbell." Maybe they were having technical issues with it? But it was of no concern to Y/N as they waited, only for the door to be opened by a much older gentleman.

"Is there something that I can help you with?" The foreigner spoke, a friendly expression plastering his face. He had curly red hair and blue eyes, with freckles covering his forearms and face. This was obviously Mathew's father.

Kazutora nodded, giving a small bow before politely responding, "Hello, Mr.Robins. Is Mathew-kun home? I'm his friend, Hanemiya Kazutora."

A smile grew on the man's face as he realized who it was, "Ah! Yes, yes. Matthew has told me a lot about you. Come in, come in," he urged, moving to the side as he opened the door wide enough for him to enter.

Y/N wasn't expecting a response like that, but nonetheless was content with it. Wearing a smile, Kazutora walked inside after saying his thanks, taking off his shoes out of respect for the household. Mr.Robins led the way into the living room, where Mathew was sitting on the couch whilst watching television. "Son, your friend came by to see you."

"Who?" Mathew let out, confused, "I didn't invite anyone, did I—?" He cut himself off as he turned to look at his guest, his expression lifting into a positive one as he sprang off of the couch, running towards Kazutora before wrapping the unsuspecting boy into a tight hug.

"My arm, my arm!" Kazutora yelped, stumbling back a bit from the sudden embrace.

"Kazu-nii!" Mathew laughed, an uncontrollable smile spreading across his lips as he dug his face into his friend's shoulder.

Mathew's father was amused, deciding to himself that he'll give the two boys some space as he walked out of the living room, now entering the kitchen to prepare snacks. But wait, did Mathew call Kazutora "nii?" Wasn't that reserved for older brothers? Upon this realization, Mr.Robins shook his head, feeling happy that his son made a new, close friend.

"I didn't know you were coming by," Mathew said, pulling away after mumbling a few apologies for hurting his arm.

"I didn't either, honestly," Kazutora chuckled, "I kinda just walked here without really paying attention to where my feet were taking me."

"But now we can hang out, right?" Mathew asked, feeling excitement pooling into his stomach.

"Yup!" Let's just ignore the fact that Kazutora is grounded and isn't actually supposed to be here. Luckily his mom has weird work hours and heads for work before he even leaves the school's campus. Seriously, how was that woman expecting him to actually listen to her if she's not even there to begin with?

"Awesome! So what do you wanna do?" Mathew asked, turning the TV off to save some electricity, "I would offer to play some video games, but your arm is broken, soo.." He trailed off, uncertainty lacing his voice. He himself was bandaged up in certain areas, but he paid no mind to it. His injuries were nothing compared to Kazutora's in his view.

"I'm not sure, actually," said Kazutora, "but I'm fine with whatever."

"Hmm, well, I guess we can just talk for now." Mathew lightly concluded, sitting down back on the couch. "Come sit."

Kazutora sat down upon his request, using a pillow to cushion his arm. "What do you want to talk about?"

"You said you wanted to help train me, right?" Mathew went on, "I actually talked to my dad about it, and he said that it would be a good idea."

Kazutora hummed in response, now thinking that Mathew probably had a really good relationship with his father. "Well, that's good. Do you want to figure out a schedule for it?"

Mathew nodded, "Yes, actually. I'm free pretty much whenever, just not on saturdays."

"Why not saturdays?"

"Saturdays are 'me days.'"

"Haha, yeah, that makes sense. Free time doesn't always mean availability time." It was honestly good that Mathew was prioritizing his own time to himself, as it was a good habit that usually led to mentally positive results. Kazutora then continued, "What about mondays?"

"Mondays after school? Yeah, we can definitely do that." Mathew mused, rocking his feet back and forth. "Today is monday, though, so we'd be waiting until next week— unless you want to start today."

"Nah, we don't have to. I also don't have a punching bag at the moment, but that's fine. We can meet up at the park down on [insert street name], if that's okay with you? There's a basketball court there that'll give a good flat area to practice your footwork."

"That works, yeah. Is it gonna be right after school or a little bit later?" The redhead then asked, desiring to know the specific timeframe that he should get there. He would have to know just how quickly he'll need to leave the classroom.

"As soon as you can get there I guess," Kazutora shrugged, "so, yeah, right after school."

"I'll let my dad know once he's done doing whatever he's doing in the kitchen, then."

"I already overheard," said Mathew's father, stepping out of the kitchen with a bowl of sliced fruit in hand, "and I'm fine with it. Learning how to defend yourself is important, especially considering what kind of situation you're in at school."

Mathew took the bowl of fruit as his father handed it to him, setting it down between him and Kazutora. The red-haired boy wanted to refute the older Robins, but had nothing to say in retort. Instead, he opted for something else. "I'll go get some plastic forks since dad forgot to bring some," he smiled, speaking to Kazutora, "wait here."

Kazutora nodded, holding onto the bowl so that it wouldn't fall. Mathew then got up from the couch before walking into the kitchen, leaving his dad and friend in the living room. A spring of awkward silence casted between the two, unsure of what to say since this was technically their first time meeting. What were they even supposed to say, huh?

Mr.Robins coughed into his elbow, awkward in nature as he began to talk, "Thanks for helping out my son, by the way. We've never had this issue before with any of the past schools that he's been to, so we aren't quite sure on what to do. But the self-defense, eh, boxing, that you're offering my boy is something that I am very thankful for. So, thank you, Hanemiya-san." He gave a deep bow, courtesy to Japanese customs.

"Ah, you don't have to bow, Mr.Robins, it's completely fine. I'm doing it because he's my friend, so you don't have to thank me." Kazutora reassured, nervously smiling.

Mr.Robins raised his head, clasping his hands together, "Still, I greatly appreciate it. I'm not always home to comfort him, so any help received has been wonderful."

Comfort him? Are we close enough for that? Y/N wondered, although they did not speak their thoughts out loud. "Again, it's no problem. Just being a good friend." Mathew certainly does appear to be very attached to me, so I guess putting some effort into comfort will be alright.

"I've got forks!" Mathew exclaimed, entering the living room and plopping himself right next to Kazutora. He handed one to the black-blonde-haired boy before using his fork to pierce some sliced pineapple, eating it in delight. "I love fruit a lot, so you'll probably always get some whenever you're here," he then shot his father a look, "and stop being so embarrassing! It's not a big deal that he's helping me out."

Just how thin are these walls? It was brick outside, but apparently something else inside. Y/N thanked Mathew before taking the fork, first eating their favorite fruit before continuing on to another. There were pineapples, red and green apples, strawberries, and grapes in the mix. All perfectly sliced (minus the grapes) and ready to eat.

"I can't help but feel proud, my boy!" Mr.Robins said, boasting into laughter at his son's glaring expression.

Mathew huffed out, savoring his sweetly flavored pineapple as he proceeded to ignore his dad, now refocusing his attention back onto his favored guest. "So, Kazu-nii, how have you been?"

Kazutora swallowed his fruit before answering, "Eh, I've been alright. Haven't had a whole lot of sleep lately, but I'll be fine." He was referring to the countless nights when he snuck out of his house just to hang out with Hanma Shuji or place a visit to Valhalla's hideout. Unfortunately, most gang activities occurred at night, although there was a bit of ruckus that happened during the day, which Y/N has already priorly come across. I should probably write a detailed schedule of what I should be doing throughout the week so that way everything is not so spontaneous. It was a good idea in theory, but Y/N knew that actually committing to the schedule would be difficult— but they hated the lack of order and consistency anyway, so it wouldn't hurt to try.

Mathew grabbed another pineapple slice, making it indirectly obvious that it was his favorite, "You should try to sleep more, Kazu-nii, it's not healthy."

"I know, I know. I would if I could, but I usually have stuff to do."

"Because you're a delinquent?"

"He's a what?" Mr.Robins butted in, having been listening to their conversation. He was now sitting at the nearby dining table, scrolling through his flip phone.

"I swear I'm not evil," Kazutora nervously said, swearing truth to his words, "promise."

Mr.Robins rolled his eyes, "I don't really care if you are or aren't, just don't drag Mathew into any of it." Oh, to have a foreigner as a parent.

"I don't plan on it," Kazutora assured.

Mathew rubbed the back of his neck in a sheepish manner, "Slip of the tongue, yeah?"

"Mhm," Kazutora chuckled, "don't mention it around other adults, mkay? I got a 'good student' reputation that I need to keep up with at school for the teachers."

"Right!" The red-haired boy reaffirmed, taking another pineapple once again. Kazutora took notice of this, keeping it in mind for later— just in case. Y/N is ridiculously good at cooking, after all, so making a pineapple-based dessert in the future wasn't entirely out of reach for them.

The two boys continued to talk to each other, switching conversation topics every once in a while once one topic got too dull. Not either of them had to carry, as they were both mutually enamored with each other. Y/N liked this; Mathew liked this. The pleasant atmosphere between them filled their hearts with warmth as they verbally exchanged words, platonic adoration for each other creeping into their beings.


A/N: Remember the last poll, the one that decided Kazu/MC's new hobby and sport? Well, here are the results!

1st Place: Art/Drawing - 80 voted

2nd Place: BOOST THAT COOKING SKILL! - 76 voted

as for sports,

1st Place: Kickboxing - 101 voted

2nd Place: Kendo - 40

Unfortunately, track and the other hobbies did not make it. Remember, your choices do affect the plotline in different ways, and honestly?? You might regret not choosing track... but anyway!

New topic! Love!

Yeah, I don't know if I'm gonna do romance, so you guys get to decide. No, you won't be able to choose your own love interests, as I already have a general idea of what they're gonna be if the majority of you folks choose "yes."

Poll link will be in the next "You Decide!"

Also! I may start to be a littlleee slow while working on Abience. I am currently working on "Fury" and "Fucker," the two titles down below! The first chapter for one of the two should be coming out soon!

not edited

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