Harry, Edward and Marcel

By 1D_Does_he_know

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{completed} Harry Styles, the famous singer from One Direction has always known about his past. He knows that... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Epilogue 53

Chapter 49

485 11 7
By 1D_Does_he_know


Marcel Harry Styles P.O.V

"So ummmm..." Dalia said awkwardly, turning back to me after watching the two boys walk out. "How have you been?" she asked, trying to start the convocation.
"Well, I've been shot in the shoulder which almost killed me, my wrist has been cut deeply which almost killed me, I've been stuck in hospital with people I don't know which is emotionally killing me, I'm having trouble remembering the simplest things and I have absolutely no idea what the fuck is going on. So you tell me how I've been," I said sarcastically. Of coarse I'm not well.
"Oh," she said, half in shock. "Edward said you never swear. What brought you to say that?" she questioned, wriggling in her chair a bit.
I sighed looking down at my feet. "I'm sorry Dalia," I said as I let out a long breath. "I'm just so bloody confused. The nurses won't let me turn on the TV. No one is telling me what actually happened to me and I'm sick of having to put on a brave face," I looked up into her eyes. "No one knows how I feel. I don't tell Harry or Edward or the nurses or the therapists that come up. I still don't know why I have to have therapists," I added as a joke even though it was true. Normally patients don't need therapists unless they've been through something traumatic so it's really confusing me. What the hell happened to me? "I'm scared Dalia," I looked desperately into her eyes. I sniffed a bit as the tears started to surface again. My lip began to quiver and I looked away, trying to keep the tears away.
"Oh Marcel," she said sadly as she stood us and hugged me. I sniffed, trying to remove the surfacing tears as I hugged her back with my good arm. "There's no need to cry honey," she cooed into my ear as she rubbed my back. I shook my head and she slowly let go. She caressed my cheek with her hand and gently rubbed her thumb on it before sitting back down.
"I'm scared," I repeated. "I've never been in this position. I've never known anyone in my position. I know I have amnesia, that's obvious, and I know that whatever happened to me was horrible because if it wasn't then I would have been told already. I'm not stupid. I'm the opposite. I'm a seventeen year old boy that is less than twelve months away from graduating college for crying out loud," I spoke desperately looking down into her eyes, a single tear slipping out of hers. "Whatever you know, whatever you have come to tell me, I can handle it," I plead. "Please," I took a sharp breath. "Please tell me what happened," I begged.
"It's not that simple Marcel. Your panic attracts have made it hard to talk about," she tried to explain.
"Dalia, please. I can't live like this anymore. I'm scared shitless and don't know what to do. At least if I know, I can start to heal. Please, don't hold back. Tell me everything," I emphasised on 'everything' because I really wanted to know everything. I thank the boys and doctors for trying to protect me but it's just making me worse. The longer they don't tell me, the worse I know it is. It's just.... I don't know what could be that bad....

Niall James Horan P.O.V

"Hey," Harry spoke as he walked into the parents room, followed my Edward.
"You guys wanna go get some lunch?" Edward asked, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder at the door.
"I'd love to," Jenni smiled, standing up from her spot on the couch. "I'm craving something salty," she added with a smiled as she walked out into the hall to wait.
"Yeah, we'll come," Liam shrugged, pushing himself up from his position next to Zayn on the other couch. I followed their lead and got up from my spot at the dinning table and followed everyone out of the room.
"Hey," I smiled as I finally weaved my way through our pack, making my way over to Edward.
"Hey," he smiled back, his cheeks going a light shade of red.
He has been blushing a lot since I asked him out this morning. I hope that's a good sign. I hope that means that he really likes me.
"So I was ummm.... thinking about our date," I spoke up bravely as we continued to walk down the hall, our hands brushing against each other's as we walked.
"Oh yeah?" He questioned with a smirk, raising an eyebrow a bit as he looked over to me.
"Yeah," I nodded, looking away from his eyes. "I was thinking we could go out in maybe a few days. You know... after Marcel's out and the hype has died down a bit," I added when I saw the disappointment on his face when I said we could go out in a couple days.
"I can't go out then, Niall," he sighed, looking back towards the front. Our group stopped walking and entered the elevator to go to floor two. Once we were out and back in another hall, I continued our convocation.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because I'll need to study," he spoke, and I could hear in his voice that he was exhausted just with the idea of study. "Finals week is this week and I need to pass them to graduate high school. My grades have been fine so far so hopefully that'll help," he sighed again. "Frank has rung the school board and they've said that as soon as the drama starts to wind down, which could be in like a week since he'll be out soon, I'll need to start studying. From the day I start, I have fourteen days until I need to sit my exams. Weather they're actually at my school or in a quiet room supervised by an qualified teacher is yet to be decided," he said glumly.
God. I haven't had to sit an exam in years. Let alone senior finals. I left after grade ten to join the work force instead of continuing through seniors and graduating. I've never had to go through what he's going through. Must be hard. He must be nervous (Not meeting the queen nervous or playing at the Olympics closing ceremony nervous, but still nervous).
"Oh, okay," I huffed.
"But ummmm...." he smirked over to me, turning his hand and using his fingers to trace the back of mine. "If nothing big happens maybe we could do something tonight," his smirk turned into an embarrassed smile and a blush crept onto his cheeks as his fingers slowly fiddled with mine. Slowly our hands steadily intertwined, causing both of us to smile brightly. I was half in shock that it's actually happening and half in fondness. If you haven't noticed by now, it's like the Carley Rae Jepsen song, I really really really really really like him and I want him. Does he want me? Does he want me too? I love that song.
I smiled down at our hands before looking up into his eyes.
"You wanna go out tonight?" I asked and he nodded.
"If nothing happens, then yes," he smiled, staring into my eyes. My throat became dry as I lost myself in his eyes. His gorgeous green eyes. Though they might seem similar to Harry's to the untrained eye, I can defiantly tell the difference. Edward's sparkle in the light and you can drown in them they're so deep. I love staring into them. I could do it forever.
I was snapped out I my daydream when Edward cleared his throat. He raised his eyebrow at me in suspicion.
"Take a picture. It lasts longer," he said with a wink.
"Sorry," I whispered, my cheeks flashing red with embarrassment. I tightened my grip on his hand a bit as I looked away. We were at the back of the group so everyone was in front of us and (hopefully) had no idea on what we were talking about.
"Do you have any idea on where we could go?" He questioned after a while. I shrugged and thought about it.
"Well, you like football, don't you?" I double checked with him and he nodded. "Well, there is a match on tonight. Maybe we could go out for early dinner, nowhere fancy though because then we might be late, before going up to a box and watching the game," I suggested. He smiled and nodded.
"Sounds perfect," he blushed and looked away. God. I hope he likes me as much as I like him and he's not just blushing because he can some how control when he does.... if that's possible.
"We must be near. I can smell the Subway," Liam commented and Zayn nodded in agreement. I smelled the air to see and they were right. We turned the next corner and the food court/cafeteria was there. It had almost everything. It had McDonald's and KFC. It had Subway and a couple different Asian restaurants like a Chinese and Thai place. Not to mention the three different pizza chains.
"I can't believe they have Eagle Boys, Dominos and Pizza Hut but not one Nando's," I said in disappointment, dropping Edward's hand as I spoke because there was people around that could take a picture of us and I wasn't quite ready to come out to the public yet. He seemed to understand as he pulled his hand away.
"Nando's isn't everywhere, Niall," Louis said sassily and I could practically hear his eye roll.
"Anyway," Harry spoke to stop the half awkward silence that was slowly engulfing us. "Here's 30 bucks Jenni," he said, pulling out some notes from his wallet. "Go buy whatever you want and we'll all meet wherever the first person who's ready chooses. I'm in the mood for pizza so I'll be on my way," he smiled as he walked away, ignoring Jenni's persistent denial of the money he handed her.
"Hey," Edward said in my ear. I turned to face him and kitted my eyebrows together. "I'm in the mood for pizza too," he spoke. "I'm gonna go with Harry. Catch ya soon," he whispered, jogging off towards Harry but not before leaving a secret kiss on my cheek.
"Hey," another voice spoke.
"Yeah," I said when I noticed it was Louis, everyone else now heading towards their proffered lunch place.
"You and Edward seem to be getting closer," he whispered with a smirk as the two of us headed towards McDonald's. I only blushed and nodded. "So what's happening? Tell me everything!" He whisper-yelled excitedly, playfully slapping my arm.
"It's nothing really," I shrugged, trying to act cool. He just stared at me with a knowing look so I sighed in defeat.
"We're going out tonight," I tried to say causally but the smile that spread instantly on my face gave me away.
"O.M.G!" He whisper-yelled again, this time more like an excited teenage girl.
"I know," I smiled and nodded. "I'm so excited. We've decided we'll go watch a game. I think when I checked out the times last night that it starts at seven so I plan to be there by six. We'll be able to relax and watch the warm ups then," I informed Louis.
"Wow. That sounds great. He'll love it."
I hope so Louis. I really hope so.

Harry Edward Styles P.O.V

"Wait up Harry," Edward called as he jogged over to me. I stopped walking and stood outside the Dominos front door as I waited for him to catch up. Once he did I pulled the door open for us to enter.
"Meat lovers?" I questioned and he nodded. After a few minutes of waiting in line I gave the lady our order, which was one full meat lovers pizza, before I turned to talk to Edward. I know exactly what him and Niall talked about and I don't know if I'm 100% on board. Maybe 85%. 90 at most.
"So," I started, sitting down on one I the chairs as we continued to wait.
"So," he repeated my words while repeating my actions.
"Tonight?" I questioned. With that one word he knew exactly what I was talking about.
"Oh God." His face when bright red as he hid it in his hands. "You heard?" He questioned and I simply nodded.
"Are you okay with it?" He questioned, looking over to me.
I shrugged. "Not entirely but I'll live. You two are great together but I'm just thinking of our careers and our future."
"Stop it then," he spoke, siting up. "No matter what happens between the two of us, it won't affect your career or Niall's. I'm not saying we'll even get together but if we do and it doesn't work out, we'll be professional and we'll still be friends. Nothing will go wrong," he assured me. I thought about it for a while my before taking a deep breath in.
"Promise?" I questioned, breathing out.
"Promise," he smiled, sticking out his pinky finger. I gladly wrapped mine around it.
"Okay, but I have rules," I said and he just rolled his eyes jokingly. I do think my paranoia is annoying him but I do think he understands that he is my brother and Niall is my best friend and practically my brother and I want the best for them both.
"Okay," I started. "No sex-"
"Wow!" He said in shock. "Straight to the point why don't you?" He said, eyes wide open.
"I know. It's just, I know you both really like each other but I also know Niall's not a virgin and you are," he rolled his eyes again, obviously he's had enough with people talking about his virginity. "I know you said you want to wait until you're in love or you know for sure that you want to do it. Don't get caught up in the moment," I warned.
"Whatever. Is that it?" He questioned with yet another eye roll.
I nodded in content, turning back to face the front.

**********4 hours later**********

Edward Marcel Styles P.O.V

"Hey Marcel," I spoke gently as I quietly opened his door and stepped in. "How's everything going?" I questioned, closing the door behind Harry and I.
The two of us plus the other five have been siting in the food court for the last four hours. Mackala called me up every hour to keep us updated and told us that Dalia and Marcel were still talking. She had only said about five minutes ago that Dalia had stepped out of the room. As soon as we heard that news we made our way as fast as possible to his room.
Right now he was curled up on the top part of his bed, the bed itself was in the corner of the room. He had pulled his knees up and wrapped his one good arm around them. He looked much better, a bit shaken and stirred but better. Not to mention he only had one cord attached now, fluids. (The nurses must have disconnected the others while we were away).
'Be gentle. He didn't take it 100%,' Dalia's words echoed through my mind. We spoke to her briefly before we came in but I know he took it better then the other times because Mackala told us that there was no need for anyone to calm him. He hadn't had one of his server panic attacks.
"Marcey?" Harry whispered gently, placing his hand on Marcel's foot. Marcel looked down at Harry's hand before pulling his foot in a bit, making Harry remove his hand. After a few minutes of Marcel still not speaking to us, we both turned around and pulled up the two spare chairs.
Once we were both siting and comfortable, Marcel finally looked up at us.
"I thought we were friends," he spoke quietly, his voice cracking a bit at the end. Oh no. He's been crying and he's about to start again. If he starts crying I'm gonna start. I can't have my best friend in tears. He's been so tough, so strong. Everything that has happened to him he never deserved yet he's been so brave threw it all.
"We are friends," Harry smiled weakly, leaning forwards and placing his hand in the edge of the bed.
"But.." Marcel started to speak but stopped, rethinking his words. "We're brothers?" He questioned, looking me straight in the eyes.
"Yes," I smiled, nodding at his statement. "Do you remember or are you taking Dalia's word for it?" I questioned curiously.
"Both," he spoke, looking back down to stare blankly at his bed sheets.
"So you remember a bit?" Harry asked. I nodded as I agreed with his question. That's the exact one I was about to ask.

Marcel Harry Styles P.O.V

I thought about his question. I do remember a bit now. Dalia told me everything she could and vague memories came back. I've yelled in anger at her, balled my eyes out in front of her, felt terrified and confused because of her words. I feel so guilty making her witness all of that. My emotions seem to be so uncontrollable at the moment.
She said that no one really knows what happened to me. Just that I was kidnapped. She said that unless I tell someone, they don't think anyone will ever know because the suspects have pretty much all been killed.
She doesn't have to worry though because people will know. I do remember. That's what scared me the most.
Why would they do that to me? To anyone? I know they thought I was Harry but still, he's only seventeen. Who would be so cruel? All the torture I went through. The cuts. No food. The things they did to me. I...I
"Marcey?" Edward questioned, standing up from his chair and leaning over my bed. He placed his hand on my cheek and used his thumb to wipe away the stray tears I didn't know I had let fall. I sniffled a bit and used my own had to wipe my cheeks again, knocking his hand off me.
"Are you alright Marcey?" Harry asked worriedly. "What are you thinking about?"
I shrugged. "Nothing," I mumbled out.
"Come on babe," Edward spoke, trying to get me to smile. "You can tell us anything," he spoke calmingly.
"It's just-" I stopped myself, looking up to the both of them. "They hurt me. I didn't know what pain was like until they took me. I've been beaten up for the past three years, I've brought razor blades and knives to my own skin, I've starved myself for days and only eaten and apple for relief," Edward sucked in a little air in shock when I said that. I guess I never told him about that but I ignored it and continued. "I haven't looked after myself. I was depressed and hurting and I thought that that was my only relief. But what they did to me I-" I was stopped by a loud sob escaping my lips. "They could have killed me," I whispered, looking up into their eyes. "I never wanted to be dead. Death was never my destination but I almost visited that place more times then I can count. Their beatings went longer and they were bigger. They hit me with things and not just there own hands," I let out a loud sob, ignoring the tears streaming down my face and my quivering lip.
"They cut my face and my wrist. Threw me on the ground with shattered glass and broken bottles. I was trapped in smoke filled rooms because of all the cigarettes. I was knocked out and passed out a hundred times a day. Medically, I don't know how I'm still alive. Anyone else would have died," my voice finally cracked when I finished speaking.
"Hey hey hey, shhhhh," Edward cooed, climbing on the bed with me and wrapping his arms around me. Harry crawled onto the bed as well and wrapped me in his arms too.
We sat like this, all curled up in the corner of the bed for ages, no one speaking. They just let me cry as much as I needed. I needed to get this out of my system. I've kept my walls up the whole time and I couldn't live like that. They let me finally let my feelings out. They let me finally be weak. I've been strong for too long.
"You're so strong Marcel," Harry whispered in my ear after a good ten minutes. "You're so so strong. You've been through hell and back and you have a few scars to prove it, that's all. You should be proud you've made it so far baby. You've fought the devil himself and made it out alive. Not just alive but alive and kicking. You should be proud of yourself. I know Edward is. I know I am," he finished with a smile.
I sniffled and wiped away my tears as I looked at the two boys in front of me.
"That's not true," I disagreed with a shake of my head.
"But it is," Edward's words followed. "We're so fucking proud of you. You're our baby brother. You mean the world to us," Edward smiled comfortingly, a single tear falling from his eye.
I stared at the both of them in admiration. So this is what a family feels like. I like it. It may just be three seventeen year olds but it's perfect.
Just by looks not many people would want it but it's mine and it's all I need. By appearance people mightn't want us but I don't care. Yes, Edward's tattoos and piercings (even though he's currently only wearing his ear studs) make him look tough. His criminal record and all his bruises when I first met him doesn't help change his bad reputation but that doesn't matter. No matter what he looks like, I know how much of a sweetie and a softie he is. He's got so much love in his heart it's unbelievable. I know it's hard for him to show the real him and I'm so glad I'm honoured enough to be shown his true self. I would have never thought of him as a young boy who cares too much. A person who gets hurt because of how much he loves. I feel so lucky that I'm one of the few people he let's his guard down with, who he shows his real self to.
And Harry. What to say about Harry? The media's perspective doesn't show him in much of a good light. I never would have guessed that he would be so caring. The media had made me think he was just another self-centred, rich, celebrity but he's the complete opposite. He's so selfless and generous I couldn't believe it when I first met him. He's so humble and normal I almost didn't believe it was The Harry Styles from the magazines and articles. He's the best person anyone could wish for. People call him a womaniser, a player, a selfish celebrity or just another rich bastard. I don't know how they can say that. He's so loving and caring. When he walks passed trees he thanks them for providing oxygen. He helps old ladies cross the street whenever he can. He spends so much time and money with heaps of charities. Hundreds of hours of his own time have been spent with Comic Relief, anti-bullying organisations and many more. You couldn't have a more humble person.
I love him. I don't see how anyone else can't. He's an amazing human being and cares for everyone. I know I've hardly spent any time with him but the little time I have spent, his overpowering kindness and generosity has shown itself.
I'm so glad I have Harry and Edward in my family. I'm so glad it's the three of us. I don't know how I'd cope if they weren't here for me.

I looked back into their eyes and saw them both smile at me. "What are you thinking about?" Edward whispered with a smile. I paused for a moment before speaking.
"I'm just thinking about how much I love the two of you," I spoke, a genuine smile spreading across my face.
"We love you too Marcey. With all of our hearts and souls," Harry smiled happily.
A quiet knock at the door brought us out of our special moment.
"Edward, Harry, can I have a word?" Nurse Mackala spoke from the door. The boys both sighed before turning back to me.
"Won't be a moment," Edward tried to smile, rubbing his hand on my cheek. I nodded and let the boys go.
They slowly made their ways off the bed and walked over to Mackala at the door. With a weak smile and a small wave, Harry left the room, closing the door behind him and Edward.
The room was dark and felt lonely without them. I curled back up into a ball and pulled the sheets from the bed up over myself. One or two more sleeps and I can go... 'home.' Wherever that is.

Edward Marcel Styles P.O.V

"What?" I spoke gruffly to her as we stepped out of Marcel's room. I didn't mean to sound that rude but she did interrupt us from a special moment. "I mean ummm... What's going on?" I corrected myself before she spoke.
"We got his results back from yesterday," she spoke monotoned, her face not changing from the frown plastered on it.
"And?" Harry asked sheepishly, the fear imprinted on his face.
"It's not good," she said causing Harry and I to breathe in a breath of suspense. No. This can't be happening. He's been through so much he doesn't deserve any more.
"We finalised and he can officially go home in two days and our new findings won't stop that," she informed us which made me sigh a bit in relief. At least it's not so bad that it forces him to stay. I hate hospitals and I know he does too. Well... not as much as me because he works in one but I know he hates being on the other side.
"So what's the problem?" Harry finally managed to ask.
"Well," she sighed, looking into my eyes sadly. "His blood results show that all the drugs he was given has effected his bloodstream and internal organs. Which basically means he's been poisoned."
No. No no no no no. God, why do you have to keep testing us? You know he's strong and you know we won't give up on him, so why do you keep throwing obstacles at us?
"So how will you fix it?" Harry asked for the two of us because my throat had gone dry. "And how long until he's cured?"
She sighed before turning towards Harry. "He can't be cured," she looked down.
"W-what?" I managed to say even though my throat was now bone dry.
"We can't manage to find what particular drugs he was given. We think it must be something they made themselves. It's hard to trace all the ingredients. His entire bloodstream has been effected and he doesn't seem to be sobering up. So far the effects haven't been too bad though and we hope it stays like that. We do have medication for him to take a few times a day so don't worry. They won't cure him but they'll stop him from getting worse," she explained to us but every word hit me like a brick.
"We suspect that," she sighed and I knew her next words wouldn't be good. "He'll have to take them for the rest of his life."
"Oh god," was all I heard escape my lips.
"So after all he's been through, he has to go the rest of his life with problems because of it?" Harry asked and she nodded sadly. "What would happen if he didn't take them?" He asked, his face pale like he had seen a ghost.
"It's not certain but it's not good. It ranges from cancer to different types of neurone or organ failures. His brain or lungs or even his heart could fail. They could fail over time or instantly. We have absolutely no idea. I'm so sorry," she said before turning around and walking away, leaving us to comprehend it all.
"I guess," Harry started. "I guess it could be worse," he shrugged. "At least he doesn't have cancer now. At least all his organs haven't failed yet. As long as he takes his medicine everything should be fine," he tried to convince himself along with me.
"Yeah. Wait. Mackala!" I called, jogging to over where she went. I caught her just as she was about to walk into a staff only room.
"Yeah?" She stopped and turned to me.
"You said he's been showing side effects but they haven't been too bad. But what are they?"
"Oh. Ummm... He can't control his emotions properly. That's why he gets angry or disorientated. Kinda like a different type of bipolar. His medicine should keep him in control though.
One of the other effects is his blood pressure can go through the roof or drop dramatically in a matter of seconds. Because of that he's susceptible to strokes and heart attacks. It also means he can get fainting spells. Overall, his heart isn't the best anymore and by what we understand, it wasn't the best to start with." I sighed and nodded. I know it couldn't have been too good with the way he was treating his body. Not only was he not eating but he was over working himself at the gym. I'm still surprised that he never fainted and went to hospital earlier.
"So will he have to have blood pressure tablets too?" I questioned.
"Not yet but it's pretty much guaranteed. He'll need to have blood tests weekly for a few months and then we'll see how he is reacting to the medicine. He may not need any if the medicine works better then expected but we just don't know yet. He can still play sport or whatever he wants to do normally. It's not like normal cases where he's restricted. He can do whatever he wants. They aren't caused by anything other then not having his medicine. He can still live a relatively normal life. I'm sorry that he has to go through it though. I really am," she sighed again. After a moment of sorrowfully looking into my eyes she turned and entered the staff only room.
I looked down at my feet in disappointment. I can't believe Marcel still has to suffer for something he never deserved. I felt a comforting hand grip onto my shoulder. I turned to see who it was and saw a disappointed Harry. I'm sure our facial expressions would be exactly the same.
"Should you tell him or should I?" He questioned after a moment.
"I will," I breathed, heading back towards his room.

**********2 hours later**********

Harry Edward Styles P.O.V

"Okay. We'll come back as soon as we can tomorrow. Love you Marcel," Edward smiled and waved as we started to leave.
It's about 4:30 now and we've been with Marcey all day. When we told him what Mackala had told us he just nodded and said "I figured something like that was bound to happen," which caused me great pain. He's so young, he shouldn't know how bad things are for him. No one that young should.
After that we just hung out in his room.
Niall and the others all headed home about one, maybe one and a half hours ago because they were bored as the nurses wouldn't let them come in with us because they said only two visitors at a time. Personally though, I think it's because Niall wanted to get ready for his date with Edward this afternoon and he'd need everyone's opinions to help him pick the perfect outfit.
I had told him in more of a serious way compared to when I told Edward that I seriously don't want the two of them going too far. Not just that but I don't want Niall's public reputation to go bad and I don't want Edward's to get any worse. I'm just really worried about it. My gut's saying no and my instincts tell me it's a bad idea.
When I told Niall that though he said, "Well, your in-stinks. Don't listen to them." Him saying that made me laugh and I moved on ignoring the feeling in my stomach.
"See ya tomorrow Marcel," I smiled as I went to close the door behind us.
"Don't be in a rush though. Love you guys," he spoke with a frown. His frown made me upset. I don't know if he's sad because he doesn't think he's important enough for us to rush to him or if he's upset about saying he loves us. I think him knowing he's our brother just confuses him. I don't think he remembers everything which would be hard on him. One day I hope he does though.
I turned to Edward as we made our way down the hall and to the lift. He was smiling ear to ear and jumping up onto his toes as he walked. His hands fiddled with the hems of his shirt at either side of his body.
"You excited?" I smiled at his nervousness. He's so cute when he acts like this. I guess I can see what Niall sees in him.
"I guess," he shrugged, trying to act natural now but he couldn't hide the pink in his cheeks.
"So do you know exactly what he has planed for tonight?" I questioned with a bright smile. He shrugged.
"He said we'll grab diner but the night will be spent watching the football. I think he said he'll get us a private box," he answered, his smile still shining bright.
"Better get you ready then," I added, pressing the button on the lift.

Liam James Payne P.O.V

"Niall, this is the twenty-second outfit you've tried on. Edward is going to be back soon so you need to leave and organise everything. Which outfit do you want?" Louis told Niall as he stood in front of the mirror examining himself. Lou, Lux, Dalia and Jenni have been helping him with all of his outfit picking while the other boys and I have been relaxing on the lounges and complaining the whole time.
None of us have ever spent this much time on picking our outfits for any of our dates we have ever had.
The girls have been so excited about his date though that they've been happy to help choose his outfits and change his hair for him. Because they are so willing to help, Niall has kept asking for different clothes. Usually he wouldn't try on more then three sets of clothes but he's tried in heaps now. I think Zayn has actually fallen asleep.
"You know what, you're right," he spoke as he stepped away from the mirror. "But are you sure this is fine?" He asked and we nodded.
"Positive. Plus, I doubt he'll care what you're wearing," I said with a smile.
"Yeah, you'll be out of it half way through the night anyway," Louis added with a smirk.
"Stop it," Niall blushed, fixing his jacket a bit. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt with a little brown jacket over the top. He was also wearing navy blue skinnies and black vans. His hair was styled upward with a bit of hairspray as well. "You really think so?" He added quietly which made everyone in the room laugh.
"Don't talk like that around Harry though. I've got the feeling he's not 100% pleased with you asking his brother out," Dalia commented.
"Yeah," Niall frowned a bit. "He's not too pleased with me but I understand why. Ignore the fact Edward's his brother, he's concerned about my career along with the other boys'. He doesn't want our decisions to effect anyone else. I respect that and I know that no matter how ridiculous his rules may be, I should follow them. Plus," he took a small breath before continuing. "I would never have sex on a first date. Especially with someone who's never done it before. He deserves to do it with someone he's in love with," he finished.
"Awww. How sappy," Jenni spoke to herself but we all head it and laughed. Once she realised we were laughing at her comment she blushed and laughed too.
"Okay, well," Niall spoke after a while. "I guess I'll go get tonight organised. I have no idea what I want to plan though. We can't just watch football," he said. We waved goodbye as we left the room.
"Okay," Jenni said loudly.
"No," Dalia snapped her head towards her friend.
"I've been good Dalia. You have to let me," she begged before turning to us. "Okay, I've been dying to ask this and I've waited for the perfect moment and I guess now's a good time. Can I please get a selfie and autograph with you guys?" She begged. I laughed a bit as I nodded and stood up from the couch.
"Of coarse you can love," I smiled as I walked over to her.

**********5:30 on the dot**********

Edward Marcel Styles P.O.V

Okay. I can not tell you how excited I am. I can't believe I get to go in a date with Niall! I know I haven't shown any interest in him before he asked me but I always found him attractive. All of 1D are. They're all hot. But I've always found Niall the most attractive. Not just his looks but his personality. I just try to never admit to myself that I have a crush on a straight guy because if I do then it's so hard to move on and rejection is guaranteed.
I really do like him. He makes me happy and he makes me laugh. He's so friendly and caring. I know I've only known him for what? 2-3 weeks?
It seems like such a short amount of time but in that time, I've really started to get feelings for him. This morning when he asked me out it just brought all my feelings to the surface.
"Edward?" An Irish accent called from the hall, walking into our 'living room' type area.
"Oh my gosh! He's here!" Louis started to fan-girl, hitting my shoulder excitedly.
"I can see that," I whispered as I stood up and patted down the crinkles in my shirt. I was wearing something quite causal. I didn't want to dress too fancy because that's not who I am. I was wearing my usual black skinny jeans along with a black t-shirt. Over that I had a dark blue denim jacket with fluffy wool inside of it. I had pulled the sleeves of the jacket up to my elbows to show a bit of my tattoos as well as my scars which I'm no longer ashamed of.
I've decided I don't want to keep my hair black and I want it to go back to my natural brunette colour so Lou used a special shampoo on me that apparently helps take the permanent-ness out of the colouring. Overall what I mean is, my hair is a lot less black and looks like a dark brown now. I'm happy with it. I didn't bother styling it very much because I just slipped on a blue beanie over it.
"You excited?" Zayn asked, standing beside me.
"Defiantly," I smiled, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"Oh yeah," I nodded. Just as I did Niall started to walk towards me.
"Hey," I smiled, walking over to him. I reached my hand out and he took it in his.
"You look amazing," he commented with a smile. His compliment made me blush and look down. "And you've changed your hair back to natural," he added.
"You like it?" I questioned nervously.
"Love it," he said with a blush too. "Ready?" He asked and I nodded. We started to head towards the door when Harry called out.
"Keep it PG!" He yelled from the bedroom.
Niall and I both rolled our eyes. "Bye Harry," we both said in unison before we left the room.
"So what's happening?" I asked, tightening my grip on his hand a bit because of my excitement. The elevator doors opened with a ding and we stepped in.
"I thought we could have diner at Nando's before going to the stadium and watch a game. We'll reach Nando's by about 5:50 maybe 6 o'clock and we can take as long as you want. I previously wanted to go to Allianz Stadium to see the game but it starts too early. So I've decided you can choose what stadium to go to considering there are quite a few games tonight," he looked over to me as he spoke.
I chuckled a bit. "It's America Niall. Of coarse they have heaps of stadiums playing the exact same sport the same night," I smiled with a shake to my head. Niall chuckled a bit too.
"I guess. Would you proffer Suncorp Stadium or Primex? Suncorp's match starts at 8:30 and Primex's starts at 9," he asked me.
I didn't really care, as long as I spent time with him. "Primex's time seems to fit best," I said after a few moments. He nodded in agreement as we stepped out of the lift in the basement.
"Right this way," Niall spoke as he opened my car door for me.
"Such a gentlemen," I blushed at his gesture.
"Like always," he smiled but followed it up with a loud burp.
"Niall!" I playfully yelled.
"Yep. I'm such a gentlemen," he giggled a bit as he crawled in and closed the door after.
"Nando's please Richard," he said to the driver he nodded and started the car.
Niall hesitantly took my hand again after a few minutes silence. When our hands were together I squeezed his in reassurance that he could hold my hand anytime.

**********8:23 pm**********

We had just finished our chicken as we made our way into the car. We spent the last three hours in the restaurant talking about anything and everything. I learnt is much about him and his family. He asked me more questions about mine which I happily answered. Yes, my life in France did end in a disaster but since I told the boys and stopped bottling it up, I've started to heal. I want to talk to them again. They deserve it.
I was so happy the whole time that I didn't care what we were talking about.
"Primex Stadium?" The driver asked and Niall nodded.
"Yeah buddy," he said quickly before turning his attention back to me. We intertwined our hands together and sat quietly.
"Niall?" I asked and he looked over to me.
"Yeah babe?" He said casually.
"I know you might think this is weird but I'm having a really fun time and I was wondering if I could get something to remember it," I said and he looked at me confused. "Can I get a selfie?" I asked. He chuckled and nodded.
"As long as you promise to send it to me," he agreed. With that I quickly pulled out my phone and opened my camera.
"Say cheese," he said happily before I pressed the button 💢photo given💢
"That's a keeper," I smiled as I opened up the camera roll and stared at it. Niall nodded in agreement and squeezed my hand.
The rest of the short drive to the stadium was spent in comfortable silence.
It was about 8:45 by the time the driver, Richard I think, pulled up to a gate.
"Sorry sir, soccer champions only," a man outside said when Richard opened his window to talk to him.
"I know but I have Niall Horan and Edward Styles in the back and I didn't want to cause a scene," he explained. The man's face turned shocked and he smiled.
"Really?" he questioned, smiling as he tried to see in.
"Yeah. It's us," I called. He smiled brightly and nodded before walking into his box thing and pressing a button to open the gate.
"Thanks," I called to the man as we drove in.
"I can't wait for the game," I said enthusiastically as we stepped out of the car.
"Yeah. It'll be fun. I think it's America vs. England," he spoke before grabbing my hand. We walked towards a door that led to a long white hallway.
"I guess you're routing for England," I said and he nodded.
"Obviously. Wouldn't you be?" He asked curiously.
"No," I let out a laugh. He looked over to me, half in shock and half in puzzlement. "I may be from England but I don't remember it," I explained. "My preferred team would obviously be any French team, my second preferred would be American because I've spent the last seven years here, then I'd rout for England," I explained like it was obvious, which it was. Why would I go for an English team when there's an American one too?
"Oh," he said in disappointment.
"I guess my surprise won't be as good then," he said, pulling us down a corridor.
"A surprise? For me?" I questioned with a blush. He took the time to plan a surprise for me? He's such a gentlemen.
"Of coarse. What kind of date would I be if I didn't throw in a surprise?" He questioned rhetorically.
"What is it?" I asked as he pulled us down another corridor. This one had photos on the walls of all the players that have played here. There was signed jerseys hanging up along with newspaper articles and trophies.
"Wow," I breathed.
"If you think that's impressive, wait 'til you meet the people," he smiled, pushing open a wide door.
My eyes opened in shock, in surprise and in amazement. Inside the door was a locker room filled with star football players. Some were in their uniforms, some only in towels and some in shorts.
"Edward, meet Manchester United," I smiled as he had to pull me in because I was frozen with amazement. He dropped my hand as he extended his arms wide to show me the locker room. I know I don't go for that team but they are my third fav. Manchester United is world famous and I know all of their names. Now I know what the Directioners feel like when they get to meet or even see the boys.
"Niall!" One player called, coming over to us. He flung his towel over his shoulder (don't worry he was fully dressed) and gave Niall a fist bump followed by a few sideways high fives then another fist bump that ended in an explosion.
"Edward, this is Wayne Rooney, captain of Manchester United," he introduced.
"Hey Edward," Mr. Rooney spoke, extending his hand for me to shake. I stared at it for a few moments but Niall elbowed me and snapped me back to reality.
"Oh. Nice to meet you too sir," I smiled, wide eyed. Niall and Mr. Rooney both laughed.
Niall elbowed me playfully and whispered in my ear. "He didn't say it was nice to meet you," he laughed.
"Oh," I mumbled in embarrassment.
"It is nice to meet you though Edward," he chuckled.
"It's nice to meet you too sir," I repeated.
"Sir?" He questioned with a laugh. "I didn't expect to be called sir, especially by someone like you," he said with a chuckle.
"Someone like me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He froze a little in realisation.
"What I meant was ummm..." He said, embarrassed.
I chuckled and waved it off. "It's fine. I have a few more tats then normal people and have a criminal record so I'm used to having people judge me," I shrugged.
"Now you're making me feel bad," he chuckled guiltily. "I was in the zone but you brought me out of it. I mightn't win the game anymore," he tried to joke but I just nodded.
"I hope you don't," I said under my breath but he caught it.
"Oh," Niall said, ready to explain. "It's just that he's pretty much American so he's going for the other tea-" the locker room was suddenly filled with a loud chorus of 'boos' and towels being thrown at us. I laughed and shook my head.
"No. The American team sucks and you're totally gonna win but I'm just saying, American teams are my second favourite football team."
"Football? If you're American shouldn't you call it soccer?" Another member of the team said, walking over to us and shaking my hand.
"Well yeah. They call it football in France and I grew up there so I learnt to call it that," I said simply. It's true. I didn't even know people called it soccer until I moved here.
"You lived in France?" The man asked.
"Yeah. I spent my childhood there," I informed him.
"Eh bien , salut -Édouard , je suis David de Gea . Je suis originaire de l'Espagne mais je appris le français quand je avais quinze ans," he spoke confidently.
{Well, hi Edward, I'm David de Gea. I'm originally from Spain but I learnt French when I was fifteen.}
I raised my eyebrow in surprise. "Eh bien , agréable d' enfin rencontrer quelqu'un qui peut parler le français. Normalement, les gens que je rencontre parlent espagnol et seulement Niall et Marcel peuvent leur parler."
{Well, nice to finally meet someone who can speak French. Normally the people I meet speak Spainish and only Niall and Marcel can talk to them}.
I love that he can speak my natural language. I love speaking in French. You don't know how hard it is to have to think about every word you say before you speak it. Yes, I can speak English easily but sometimes I still have to stop as think about the words. Just being able to not have to think makes me feel happy.
David laughed a bit before speaking again. "Eh bien , étant donné que je suis espagnol, je peux parler espagnol . Je serais ravi de voir à quel point Marcel est capable à elle . Je serais ravi de le rencontrer un certain temps . Comment il va par le chemin ? Je l'ai vu tous les bulletins de nouvelles . Je ne sais pas quoi croire."
{Well, considering I'm Spanish, I can speak Spanish. I'd love to see how well Marcel is able to it. I'd love to meet him some time. How's he going by the way? I've seen all the news reports. I don't know what to believe}.
I shrugged. "He's fine. Maybe one day you guys can talk," I spoke, going back to English because I saw that Niall was confused and after all, it's our date. I need to pay attention to him and only him.
"You're on in 10 minutes!" A man yelled, poking his head into the locker room then leaving again.
"Fuck. We need to start warm ups," Wayne said, snapping his head to look over to his team. "Boys! Out!" He yelled.
"Well, see ya," David spoke before waving to Niall and I and following Wayne who was jogging out of the locker room in front of everyone else.
"That was amazing," I finally said to Niall as we walked down the hall, hand-in-hand. I was leaning down and rested my head on his shoulder as we walked.
"I know. I remember the feeling I had the first time is met them," he smiled, sighing happily at the memory.
We continued to head down the corridor but just as we were about to turn a corner, and English accent called Niall's name.
"Niall?!" Someone called. Niall instantly dropped my hand and knocked me off his shoulder as he turned to see who it was.
"Hey!" He cheered happily once he saw who it was. "What are you doing here?" He questioned to the redhead.
"Olly and I came to watch the game. What are you doing here?"
'He's on a date so fuck off Ed,' I said in my head. I know it does sound rude and I have no right to say that but he made Niall drop my hand and knock me off so I'm a bit mad. I know that Niall isn't ready to come out yet but I thought him and Ed were best friends. He should be able to hold my hand in his presence.
"Edward and I came to watch the game too. We just finished meeting up with Manchester United," Niall said to Ed as they gave each other a bro hug.
"Edward?" The redhead said, turning to look at me. "Edward Styles?" He questioned.
"In the flesh," I tried to smile and act causal.
"Wow. You and Harry look identical. Well, apart from the obvious," he laughed, pointing to my tattoos. "And I see your parents have a great taste in names," he laughed.
'Yep. Harry Edward, Edward Marcel, Marcel Harry. Such a great taste in names,' I said sarcastically in my head again.
"Do you like being called Ed?" He joked.
"Absolutely not," I shook my head. "Nothing other then Edward," I said seriously. Dan used to call me Ed and Eddy and Edwin and all the nicknames you can make from Edward when he beat me up so I hate when anyone calls me that. Reminds me of bad times.
"Anyway, Niall. The game's just about to start. Didn't you say we could have a private box?" I asked, changing the subject.
"Wait. Why don't you two come up with me. It's VIP so not too many people will be there," Ed suggested. I was about to open my mouth to protest but Niall's words beat mine.
"That sounds great. I'd love to see Olly again," Niall smiled at Ed. What? Why would Niall say that? This is our date, we should be alone, not with two of his friends.
"I think Katy was gonna come tonight too. It'll be like a little party," Ed said cheerfully, throwing his arm around Niall's shoulders then mine and started to head in the opposite direction we were going in.
I turned to look at Niall to see if he was trying to get out of it but he just seemed happy, like he didn't notice I was disappointed that we were going with him.
After a couple more moments, we reached a set of double doors. Ed took his arm from around me and opened the doors to reveal a luxurious room with a large window at the front that had a perfect view of the field.
"Niall!" The guy I recognised as Olly Murs called happily, walking over to us with wide open arms. Niall enthusiastically gave him a tight squeeze before starting a small convocation with him.
I stood behind the three guys and waited to see if Niall would invite me into the convocation. Jesus. This date is starting to go down hill. I can't believe he's let people crash it. I guess we'll have to go to our box after kickoff.
"Hey," I heard a women's voice speak by my side.
"Hey," I said back causally before turning to see who it was. As soon as I saw her face I recognised her instantly.
"You're... Katy Perry!" I said in shock. "I'm not allowed to think this but your songs are great. You're so talented," I complimented. I shouldn't say that to her though because if the people from school found out I listened to Katy Perry I'd lose my rep.
Well... Maybe not. People may get jealous that I'm Harry Styles' brother, I've hang out with One Direction, I've now met the Manchester United football team, Olly Murs, Ed Sheeran, Katy Perry. Not to mention Simon Cowell and so many more. I'm getting off point...
"You listen to my music?" She questioned curiously.
"Yeah. More mashups of your music and not the actual songs but they're still really good."
"Cool. So ummm.... Yeah. I'm Katy and you must be Edward," she said with a polite nod.
"Yep," I smiled. We stood there for a little while longer, the air between us getting a little awkward.
I cleared my throat before speaking again. "So ummm... You like football?" I asked, wondering why she was here. She looked at me and comprehended the question a bit before laughing shaking her head. "Not at all," she laughed.
"Then why are you here?" I asked with knitted eyebrows.
"Well, I was bored and this stadium is near my hotel. Last time I was bored I came to a game and met up with Harry and met Marcel for the first time. I thought that maybe I could hopefully finds some friends here or meet some new ones and looks like I was in luck. You're the last Styles' I had to meet," she said with a laugh which caused me to crack a smile.
"What are you doing here?" She said after a while.
"Oh. Niall and I are-" I stopped myself from speaking. I didn't want to tell her we were on a date because that would mean she'd learn that Niall was gay and I don't think I have any right to tell people that. He should do it in his own time.
"You're what?" She asked politely.
"Oh, nothing. We just came to watch the game," I answered.
"Well, cool," she said before it went silent again.
After a few minutes I got a bit frustrated that Niall hadn't payed any attention to me.
"Niall," I said, interrupting his convocation.
"Yeah?" He asked with a smile.
"The game's about to start," I whispered in his ear.
"Is it?" He said with wide eyes, showing that he'd lost track of time. "Guys, we should go sit down. The game's about to start," he said to the others. They all smiled before following Niall to the window.
They sat down on a fancy looking couch. It was leather and had no back. It was long and quite narrow with large arms at both ends. It could fit about ten people.
I sighed a went over and sat next to Niall, one seat spare next to me and the arm. I stared out the window in boredom. I can't believe he's ignoring me. I thought tonight was going so well then he goes and does this. Boys. Why do they have to be so complicated? Why couldn't he have just said no when Ed offered us to come up with him?
Soon the game started but Niall, Ed and Olly didn't seem to be paying attention. About ten minutes passed, the game at 3:4 England, and Niall hadn't even turned to look at me. He was too focused talking to Ed who was next to him and Olly who was next to Ed. His back was turned to me and I was starting to feel a bit hurt. It doesn't feel nice to be ignored by someone you care about.
I sighed again, trying to focus on the game when Katy came and sat on the spare space next to me. I have no idea where she was in the last ten minutes but I didn't care.
"Hey," she spoke, sounding a bit concerned.
"Hey," I mumbled back, leaning my chin on my hands and my elbows on my knees.
"I know Harry well enough to know that's his unhappy face. Is it yours too?" She said sisterly. I'm starting to hope Katy and I could become good friends. She seems like she'd stick with you through thick and thin and that's a rare quality to find these days. but when you do find it, you need to take advantage of it and befriend that person.
I shrugged and she nodded. "Well, are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" She questioned, rolling her eyes playfully.
"I don't know," I mumbled, sitting back up straight and taking my head out of my hands, before crossing them across my chest.
"Come on Edward, you can tell me," she encouraged. I took a deep breath as I thought about it.
"I don't know," I repeated, looking from the field and focusing my attention on her.
"Tell me. I don't want to guess," she said with a laugh.
"Fine," I obeyed. I looked over to Niall before back to Katy to tell her. "I'm mad at Niall," I spoke in a whisper so he wouldn't hear but I doubt he would even if I was speaking in a normal voice. He hasn't payed any attention to me at all since Ed showed up.
Katy looked over my shoulder to Niall and looked back to me with knitted eyebrows. "Why?" She asked curiously.
"It's just," I shrugged. "This is ummm..." I said nervously. What if she judges? "It's just that this is a date and he's ignoring m-"
"You mean like a date-date?" She interrupted quietly with wide eyes. I nodded and hoped she wouldn't start judging. "Like, you like like him and he like likes you kind of date?" She questioned and I nodded again. She then got her two pointer fingers out and touched their tips together, indicating two dicks touching. I smiled and laughed a bit before nodding my head. "Yes Katy. Like that," I laughed slightly.
"Oh," she said, going back to normal from her shocked state before she suddenly got a little angry. "You mean this is a date and he hasn't spoken a word to you?" She questioned.
"Well, not since we came up here," I admitted.
"That's not okay," she said, standing up and walking in front of Niall. She then leaned forward and smacked him across the head.
"Oi! Whatcha do that for?!" He said in shock but Katy just glared at him.
"Who do you think you are?" She said angrily. "What- what do you mean?" He said in confusion.
"You're completely ignoring Edward and not caring at all if he's having a good time. What kind of guy does that?" She said angrily. Jesus. Remind me never to get on her bad side.
"What do you mean? He's having a great time," he said, looking over to me. I just looked at him sadly and shook my head. "You're not having fun?" He said disappointedly and I just shook my head.
"Why would he be having fun Niall? You're ignoring him and your attention is 100% on two other guys he doesn't even know. You need to learn how to treat people," she said, crossing her arms. "Us girls gotta stick together," she whispered, sending me a wink which made me smile.
"What?" Ed said confused, trying to figure out what she was talking about.
"What is happening is that Olly and you will follow me to a different viewing box right now," she said, grabbing onto his arm and dragging him up. Olly slowly stood up too, confused about everything.
"Why-?" Olly was cut off by Katy grabbing the back of his shirt and pushing him out.
"Have fun!" She called happily, pushing the two confused men out of the room before closing the door behind her.
After a few slightly awkward moments, Niall turned to look at me with a disappointed look on his face. "I'm sorry," he started but I just shook me head.
"It's fine. I'm sorry Katy interrupted you," Niall tried to interject but I continued. "You seemed to be having a good time with your friends I had a fun night tonight so maybe we should have ended our date."
"No," he said with pleading eyes. "Please don't end the date," he begged.
"I don't know. Maybe we should. Maybe we just wouldn't work out. I don't want to continue if it's gonna end up down the drain."
"No. Edward, I'm so sorry that I ignored you," he sighed and took a deep breath before looking into my eyes. "Look," he let out his breath, turning to look out the window. "I'm sorry that I started being a jerk but I've never been on a date with a guy before. I didn't know what to do when Ed showed up," he said looking back at me. "I thought that you might want to go hang out with the guys because that's what guys do. I'm sorry that I did it because I now know it was the wrong thing to do," he continued his rant. As he spoke I turned on the chair to face him and brought one of my legs over to the other side of the couch. I slowly leaned in closer to him as he spoke so I could concentrate on his words more.
"Edward, I really like you, like, really really like you. I just get so nervous when I'm around you that I get so distracted and I don't know what I'm doing half the time. You make me happy and warm and giddy," the more he continued the more the butterflies in my stomach flew. He makes me happy and warm and giddy too. I can't believe he can say all these good things about me. I can't believe I make him feel that way. I'm just me. There's nothing special about me.
I couldn't have him talk anymore so I did the only thing I could think of to shut him up. I quickly closed the distance between us and placed my lips onto his. My eyes were closed as I just lived in the moment.
After a couple seconds, Niall's shock wore off and he started to kiss be back. It was a deep and passionate kiss but at the same time it was so innocent and sweet.
We slowly parted and rested our foreheads on each other's.
"What was that for?" He blushed.
"You were talking too much," I breathed.
"Maybe I should talk too much more often," he blushed. I closed the distance between us and kissed him again. We got lost in the moment as his tongue brushed across my bottom lip. I smiled but didn't let him in. He made a small grunt of frustration as I teased him but he continued to persist. After a few minutes I opened my mouth and he took advantage and slipped his tongue in.
His tongue roamed my mouth as we fought for dominance. He tasted so good, I couldn't get enough of him. I lifted my hands up and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He swung his leg over the chair and sat like me before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me towards him.
My hands wandered up to his head, playing and gently tugging at his hair. Niall smiled into the kiss, moaning a bit in delight.
After a few more minutes we both broke apart for breath, resting our foreheads together again. We breathed heavily as we looked into each other's eyes. Niall smiled and started to giggle.
"What?" I questioned, panting a bit.
"I like this," he breathed, quickly pecking my lips.
"I like it too," I smiled. "We should do it more often," I giggled a bit too. He just nodded before placing our lips together and starting all over again.
Our tongues roamed each other's mouths again as Niall leaned into the kiss more, causing me to steadily fall back. Slowly I fell back onto the chair, Niall on top of me.
He smirked as he pulled his legs up and placed his knees on the space left on either side of me.
"I always wondered who'd bottom," he said with a smirk as he straddled my body. I just giggled a bit and shook my head.
"Only this once," I smiled. He chuckled at my response before he slowly detached his lips from mine.
"I really like this," he said cheekily as he started to kiss down my jawline.
'Huh,' I mumbled to pleasure as his lips went lower and started to suck a place on my neck. I turned my head so he could have a better angle.
He sucked until he left a red mark where he was working.
"Niall," I complained into his lips once I realised he'd left a mark. "Harry's gonna kill you," I said, bringing my hand up to the spot.
"What Harry doesn't know won't kill him," he spoke hungrily, shutting me up by sliding his tongue across my bottom lip.
I moaned in pleasure and let him in. Our make-out session started to heat up and I felt myself getting hard. I've never done this with anyone before. I've never felt this way or been in this position. Now I know why people like it so much. Niall started to move his body, his hips pressing down on me.
I smiled into the kiss as I felt him too. I guess I'm not the only one excited by this experience.
Niall's body went back up before slowly coming back down, moving his hips up and down as he deepened our kiss. I didn't know that it was possible but somehow he did.
We continued for a while longer until we were interrupted by the one person we didn't want to be interrupted by.
"Get off my fucking brother!!" Harry bellowed from the door before throwing Niall off me, his body colliding with the hard floor. "How dare you!?" Harry yelled. Niall managed to stand up and stare at Harry in shock. Harry was fuming, his face going red.
"I gave you one fucking rule!" He screamed walking around the chair to the window side where Niall was now standing in fear. "And you fucking broke it!" He yelled, pushing Niall back with all his force. Niall's body fell backwards, his head slamming into the glass as he fell.
"What the hell Harry?!" I yelled, finally able to find my voice. He kept his eyes on Niall who had sat up a little and was curled up in a ball on the floor. He was leaning on the window as he kept one hand on his head where it had hit the window and the other on one of his shoulders. He was in tears and shaking slightly. He looked scared but mostly hurt. Emotionally and physically. His head did hit the glass with incredible force.
"What the hell?!" Harry repeated. "What do you mean what the hell?!" He yelled at me. "I gave the both of you one fucking rule, do not have sex, and you broke it," he hissed out.
"We did not!" I shouted angrily.
"Yes you did!" He argued.
"We did not. We're both fully dressed and in public you idiot," I said, pushing him away as I walked to where Niall was cowering on the floor.
"Are you okay?" I whispered, pushing a stay hair out of his face.
He shook his head. "My...head," he managed to sob out as he kept his hand on it. I stood up a bit to check his head. I placed my hand on his and gently pulled it way. It wasn't bleeding but I could see I bump forming. I crouched back down in front of him.
"Is your head sore just from where you hit it?" I asked and he croaked out a 'no.'
"I have a headache and I feel dizzy," he said through tears. He closed his eyes and continued to sob.
"You probably have a concussion," I sighed.
"Really?" Harry said sarcastically. "He's just a wimp. He doesn't have a concussion," he said, rolling his eyes.
"Excuse you. Which one of us lived with a medical professional who tells you as many medical and fist aid facts he can?" I yelled. I was so angry at him. Not only did he disturb us but he really hurt Niall and he doesn't seem to care.
"Neither of us."
"Marcel is pretty much a fucking doctor Harry. I lived with him. I know stuff!" He was beyond pissing me off now. "Why the hell would you hurt Niall like that. You said he was your best friend?!" I asked furiously.
"No fucking friend of mine would have sex with my brother," he hissed.
"We weren't having sex," I huffed, having to repeat myself.
"Yes you were," he growled.
"No Harry. It could have lead to that but we weren't doing anything. Niall was dry humping me. That's all! And if I wanted him to stop then I would have made him stop!" I yelled.
"I am your brother. I'm supposed to protect you. You said you wanted to wait. Wait until you were in love or sure you wanted to do it. I had to get this fucking perv off you," he tried to argue his point, pointing towards Niall who was still balling and sobbing quietly.
"A perv?! How?" I yelled. God. If I wasn't on the pills Mac gave me this morning I know he'd be out cold by now.
"You're seventeen and underage. He's eighteen and legal. He can't do it with you!"
"What do you care Harry? You never cared about me before this. You never cared enough to come and find me and rescue me from an abusive house and after finally moving on and putting that in the past you stop me! Niall and I were having fun. Do you want me to be miserable? Because that's what you're doing," I couldn't stay like this. I'm gonna break something if I don't leave soon.
"THAT. is not my fault. I had no idea you were in an abusive house. How bad to you reckon I feel already? I didn't know and I didn't try but I'm trying to protect you now. I'm your brother," he said. His voice was more hurt then angry now.
"You," I glared at him. "You are no brother of mine," I spat. His eyes opened wide in shock and a watery glaze instantly started to develop. I ignored him and turned to Niall.
I picked him up bridal style as he continued to sob in my arms.
"Edward," Harry choked out. I didn't say anything. "Edward, please," he begged.
I turned to glare at him before I left. "No brother of mine would ever hurt someone. Especially a friend," I spat before marching towards the door Katy and the boys left from.
I pushed Zayn, Louis and Liam aside as I walked through the doorway. I can't believe the nerve of that guy. What was he doing here in the first place?
God!! I just want to punch a wall. He makes me so angry.
"Where we going?" Niall whispered.
"Outside. I'll call for a taxi and we'll stay at a hotel. No way we're going back tonight," I answered sharply. Niall seemed like he was going to protest (probably because he wouldn't want to be out in public without a bodyguard) but thought against it. We're not going to be mobbed. It's like nine thirty at night. I doubt a swarm of preteens would be out on the streets this late.
I found an exit and kicked it open before walking Niall and I out. I had to place Niall on his feet with only one of my arms around him as I signalled for a cab. After a few failed attempts one pulled up.
"Where you headed?" He asked once we were both in.
"The furthest hotel away from here," I answered as I buckled Niall up. He was suddenly very sleepy which was a sign that he hit his head really hard. All he needs is some head medicine and a good night's sleep though.
"How much you willin' to spend?" The driver questioned, looking at us through the rear view mirror.
"I don't know. A hundred bucks," I shrugged. Niall was buckled up now and was resting his head on my lap and that was all I cared about. I quickly buckled myself up but tried my best not to disturb him.
How dare Harry treat him like that. I don't care if he thinks he was trying to protect me. Hurting his best friend and not even apologising is unforgivable. He didn't even look concerned and he called him a wimp for crying. God. I could show him exactly how it feels. Having pain inflected on you by someone who is supposed to care for you and love you is the worse thing anyone could ever do. I should know.
"Okay lads. Buckle up. We could be a while," the taxi driver spoke as he turned the car on. We slowly drove out of the park when I saw Harry run out of the building, his face wet from the tears streaming down it.
"Wait!" He yelled, running over to us. The driver saw him too but I just glared at Harry.
"Leave," I demanded to him.
"You guys twins?" He asked. I nodded.
"Yeah. Now leave," I said.
"I just hope whatever you're fighting about is worth it," he mumbled under his breath as he sped off. Harry chased the car for a couple metres before giving up and collapsing to his knees, the other three boys quickly running to his side.
"Is worth what?" I asked the driver once we lost sight of everyone.
"Brotherhood is the most amazing feeling anyone could ever have especially when you're twins. I hope your fight is worth loosing it," he spoke, concentrating on the road.
I sighed. It is worth it. I don't want to be related to someone who could do that to a friend. I have the feeling of love and brotherhood with Marcel, that's all I need.

💢Hi guys. I'm so so sorry I haven't updated in like a month. I don't really have an excuse other then I lost track of time. I started reading more then writing and I'm so sorry. I tried to make it up to you by writing my longest chapter yet, 13,065 words (not including this). It's like 3,000 words longer than my previous longest chapter. I'll try and not take this long ever again because we're almost finished. YAY. If you have any suggestions on how I can improve (other then time management) please tell me. Anyway, I guess we have to wait for the next chapter. Thanks for reading✌️💢

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