Shirou Emiya in the moon cell

By AllisterGamma007

3.6K 86 46

Shirou Emiya is a young boy that wishes to become a hero of justice, but the world around him has turned gray... More

Emiya Shirou, hero of justice
The new world on the moon
The return of Velber
The second servant
Incursion to the Zero Dark

A normal day in seraph

429 11 0
By AllisterGamma007

Shirou woke up in his room inside Charles Patricius. Seraph is an electronic world but it simulates earth in lots of aspects, including day and night, right now it was morning

Shirou: well, time to wake up, I gotta go talk to Hakuno again

Shirou stood up from bed, did his daily routine, and went out of the room. On his way down the hall one thought crossed his mind

Shirou: oh right, I should bring Saber with me

Shirou went back the hall and up to saber's room. And without knocking he opened the door

Shirou: hey, Saber, good morning, are you...

But when he opened the door he saw what he less expected to see. There was Saber inside the room, the thing is, she was completely naked

Shirou in that moment blushed and turned around ashamed. Artoria blushed lightly while looking at him

Artoria: Shirou, it's not good to invade someone's privacy

Shirou: Im sorry Saber! But in the first place why are you naked?!

Artoria: Is it that weird that I take a bath in my own room? And what are you standing there for? Close the door already

Shirou: r-right, sorry

Shirou then closed the door quickly, took some deep breaths and calmed down

Shirou: ah, this brings back memories

Back at the holy grail war this already happened once before, but back then Saber wasn't concerned in the least with Shirou looking at her.

She said she's a warrior before a woman, but now she acted more accordingly to a what a girl would've done

Shirou: I guess you really changed after all...- he thought to himself

Saber then opened the door of her room, now changed to her normal attire

Artoria: Im ready Shirou, did you need something?

Shirou: oh, not really, I just thought that you should come with me

Artoria: oh is that so? I don't mind, let's get going

Shirou: right

They both got to ground level and went directly to the throne room to talk to Hakuno once more, but he wasn't there

Shirou: huh... he's not here, I wonder where he went

???: if you're looking for master he's busy at the moment

A voice sounded on Shirou's ears, but he couldn't recognize where the voice was coming from, then in front of him a silhouette appeared, that then materialized into a man in a Chinese traditional gi

Assassin: master told me about you, Shirou Emiya right? I'm assassin, sorry if you see blood on me, I assure you it's not mine

Shirou: ah, nice to meet you

Artoria: can I ask where master went assassin?

???: he's resting

Nero Claudius appeared from the back of the room and walked to where assassin was

Shirou: resting? In the morning?

Nero: well of course, he was working all night long after all

Shirou: I see, must be tough

Nero: it is, but that's that, now that you're here, did you need something from my praetor?

Shirou: yea, I wanted to continue the conversation we had yesterday

Nero: ah you're still with that? Well I don't see why not, but he's tired right now so he should rest, why don't you go and have some fun meanwhile?

Artoria: I agree, let's go Shirou, we can come back later

Shirou: well, there's nothing I can do if he's resting, I'll return later to talk with him

Nero: umu, assassin I have a matter to talk with you, it's a serious matter, do you have time?

Assassin: kaka, of course emperor, if it's fighting I always have time

Nero: good, let's go

Nero and assassin left the room, leaving Artoria and Shirou alone

Shirou: well what do you want to do now saber?

Artoria: actually there's a place that I wanna go, can you come with me?

Shirou: sure, I don't mind

Artoria took Shirous hand and started walking fast towards the street. After reaching a certain place they stopped and Shirou understood immediately what saber wanted

Shirou: I knew it, a restaurant

Yes, it was a restaurant, a pretty fancy one at that, they both entered and were greeted at the entrance by a familiar face behind the bar

Archer: welcome

Shirou: wha...!!! Archer! What are you doing here?!

Archer: don't panic, Emiya Shirou, I'm the chef at this restaurant, I'm here to serve food

Shirou: eh...?

Artoria: hello archer, how have you been doing?

Archer: well, same as always I would say, you seem to be pretty happy as well, saber

Artoria: well of course, your food is always the best

Shirou: he's completely different to how he was yesterday...

Shirou wondered if the sudden change was due to the command seal or due to an external factor, but he was indeed different

Archer: what's wrong, Emiya Shirou? You seem confused, did the cat got your tongue?

Shirou: no, it's nothing

Archer: I see, well what would you two want to eat

Artoria: give me all the deluxe orders with extra rice please

Archer: coming right up

Archer returned to the kitchen while saber and Shirou took a seat

Shirou: what happened to him? Yesterday he was normal but now he looks like a whole different person...

Artoria: hmm? What do you mean Shirou? Archer is always like that

Shirou: wait, really?

Shirou was confused, for him archer was a sarcastic sadistic who would make everything to achieve his goals, but now he seems a little more normal, like he regained consciousness of himself

Shirou: well, this isn't so bad

Archer returned from the kitchen with a lot of food in hand, it was like 8 plates full of food

Archer: sorry for the wait

Archer placed the food across the table and saber didn't wait a second to start eating

Artoria: *munch* *munch* this is... superb as always archer, your skills at cooking never rust

Archer: I see, guess I haven't lost the touch, what about the boy? Won't you eat anything?

Shirou: ah, no, I'm ok thank you

Archer: heh, for you to be thanking me, that's really like you

Shirou: was that a compliment or an insult...?

Archer: I don't know, what would it be?

Shirou: I get more and more confused...

Archer: *sigh* still the same idiot... Well, I'll be at the kitchen if you need anything

Artoria: yes. Oh right, the tab runs on master

Shirou: so I end up paying huh? What's the currency of this world? Bitcoin works here?

Artoria: what do you mean by that Shirou? Master is paying, not you

Shirou: oh right, I forgot for a second you have another master now

Shirou was a bit disappointed that saber had a new master, he enjoyed the time he was with her in the holy grail war, but now that she lives in the moon cell peacefully she has another master to serve as his servant

From the table aside of them laughter could be heard

???: hahahaha, nothing better than a good sake and good food before conquest

???: calm down king of conquerors, you'll bother other customers

Artoria: ah, king of conquerors and the holy maiden, it's good to see you both here

Shirou: king of conquerors... you're king Alexander the Great!

Iskandar: yes I'm the one and only, but I would rather you would refer to me as Iskandar

Shirou: oh alright

Jeanne: I apologize if he bothered you

Artoria: oh don't worry about it, I know he may be noisy sometimes

Iskandar: ha, that's mean king of knights, it's always good for a king to be charismatic and confident, it raises moral

Artoria: I would rather eat my food in silence...

Iskandar: oh I know, let's do a drinking competition, whoever drinks more without passing out wins, how about it?

Artoria: I would normally refuse, but a duel is a duel, and refusing would stain my honor as a knight, so I accept the challenge!

Shirou: eeeeeh?!

After a good drinking competition, saber was going side to side while Iskandar was still laughing completely unfazed

Iskandar: what's wrong, king of knights? Is that all you can handle?

Artoria: don't underestimate... the will... of a king... I won't... lose...

Shirou: oh right, I forgot saber has a problem with losing...

Saber tried to drink one more shot, and passed out before drinking it all


Jeanne: you crossed the line there king of conquerors...

Iskandar: really? I thought this was a friendly competition between kings!

Archer: I would appreciate it if you keep it down, there's other customers here

Iskandar: ah, my apologies chef, I should be taking my leave now

Jeanne: I'll go too, thanks for the food

Archer: don't mention it, also, Emiya Shirou, take that drunk king to bed, she drank too much

Shirou: right... I'll be going too then...

Shirou took saber to bed and went to his room to rest too. In the end he was so tired he wasn't able to talk to Hakuno again, but it was not that bad of a day

Meanwhile, Hakuno and Nero were on the palace of Rome, bathing together in their room

Hakuno: aaaah, finally some relaxation...

Nero: umu, this is peace...

Hakuno: so saber, what do you think about Shirou?

Nero: umu, he's a little naive but he's a good guy. Even though wanting to be a hero of justice is a childish ideal, there's a certain beauty to it that I can't describe

Hakuno: I see, so I guess it's ok for him to stay here for a little more, but I don't think that's a good idea

Nero: hmm? Why do you say that praetor? Wait, is it related to what happened with archer?

Hakuno: indeed, when I analyzed archer with the regalia I found traces of the zero dark, which means...

Nero: Velber... I guess the umbral Star is still roaming around here

Hakuno: yeah, I eliminated the traces, but that may be the cause of his sudden change in behavior, and I don't know why, but it seems Shirou has something to do with it

Nero: umu, it's too suspicious to be a coincidence, want me to tell assassin to keep spying him?

Hakuno: I don't think that would be necessary, for now tell assassin to rest, then I need him to go to the zero dark territory and look for clues using his presence obfuscation

Nero: that's the best plan, for now we should take an eye on Shirou and see if he's related to this matter

Hakuno: I agree, but for now... let's just relax

Nero: umu, let's...

To be continued...

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