By 007Sassy

26.1K 1K 35

A relationship between two people is already hard enough no matter how much they love each other, what about... More

Warning: Adult Content 🔞
Main Characters
Supporting Characters
New Supporting Characters


434 23 0
By 007Sassy

     NamJoon was waiting for YoonGi in his room. He knew YoonGi wanted privacy but wasn't sure why and since YoonGi shared a room with SeokJin and he shared his with TaeHyung his room was the best choice. The maknae line were all in JungKook's room playing video games so he and YoonGi would be alone.

*Knock Knock*

     "Come in." NamJoon knew it was YoonGi. YoonGi quickly stepped into the room. "I'm sorry Joon-ah. I know these were suppose to be turned in a few days ago." YoonGi handed over some paperwork. NamJoon looked at it and then at YoonGi confused. Then he actually looked at the papers seeing several empty lines. "Hyung, this isn't filled out all the way and all you had to do was sign a copy of the old ones. Why did you get new ones?" YoonGi sighed. "NamJoon, what I'm about to tell you needs to stay between you and I."

     Now NamJoon was a little concerned. He hasn't been called NamJoon by YoonGi in years. This was serious. "Okay Hyung." YoonGi started, "My... My parents no longer want me to be apart of their family. They will no longer acknowledge me as their son." "Wait. Why? When? Hyung..." NamJoon's voice got softer and looking at the man in front of him he's worried. 'Is this why he hasn't been sleeping enough? Is this why he's been so stressed? How long has this been going on? Why didn't he say something before?' NamJoon was stuck in his train of thought when he heard YoonGi speak up again. "Its been months. It doesn't really matter. They've never been very good parents to me. They've always preferred my brother and I've known that since I was very young. Since I have to have someone on my medical forms and a next of kin and all that I was.... I was wondering if I can put you down? I mean I don't have to put you its just I don't really have anyone else since my Grandmother passed and my brother has enough to deal with."

     "Of course Hyung. I can fill out all my info and then you can sign it." NamJoon didn't even think twice. "Also if anything were to happen to me everything I have is to go to you, the guys, and my brother." YoonGi wanted NamJoon to be aware that he had already made changes to his will since their group was doing well they now had a lot to leave behind if anything ever happened to them. "Are you sure you're okay with having to make medical decisions for me if I can't do it myself? I mean I'd understand if that's too much. I know we have always had you listed as an emergency contact as the leader of our group but this is... Its more. You know?" YoonGi was worried that what he was asking was maybe too much. NamJoon shook his head. "YoonGi-ah I love you. I have loved you for a long time. Of course, I will gladly do this for you. Anything for you."

     NamJoon walked over to YoonGi gently placing his hand on his cheek, cupping it and rubbing his thumb across YoonGi's cheek bone. He didn't understand why or how YoonGi's parents could abandon him like that. They have always been crappy parents to him but he always tries to understand their side and where they were coming from. NamJoon asked, "Why'd they decide to all of a sudden to abandon you YoonGi-ah? I mean I know you guys fought a lot before and they were abusive before you joined the group. I mean we saw some of it as much as you tried to hide it, but I thought things got better?"

     "It doesn't matter Joon-ah. You guys are my family and I still have my brother. I saw this coming for a while and I guess they were finally done with me." YoonGi continued. "We had been fighting and they were insisting that I started dating some girl they had picked out. I refused. They just couldn't handle the fact that I'm pansexual and that there was a possibility that I'd end up with a man. I already love you guys and I refuse to date someone just to please them. They didn't care how I felt. Just like they didn't care how I felt about music." He sighed, "I'm not going to lie to them or myself about who I am or who I love. It would kill me if I had to do that."

     NamJoon took in every word YoonGi said. "I understand Hyung. I know you've never been one to lie. You've always been very straight forward. Why didn't you tell me before? You said it's been months. I could of been there for you. I know this has to be hard and you know the guys would be there for you too. Why don't you tell them?" NamJoon had a hard time reading YoonGi. He always seemed to keep his emotions in check. YoonGi spoke again. "I don't want any of them to worry. Its not a big deal. Its been almost a year now and honestly we fought so much before that, *sigh* that it feels like its been longer for me."

     As NamJoon and YoonGi talked NamJoon filled out the paperwork. Even though YoonGi kept saying it wasn't a big deal about his parents NamJoon knew it was. YoonGi hated the way his parents treated him but he still always loved them and had always hoped they would come around and understand him. NamJoon spoke up. "Hyung, I love you, the guys all love you, we aren't just a band or idol group, we are your family, I'm happy to do this for you."

     NamJoon had finished filling out the papers and set them down on the nightstand next to his bed. He walked back over to YoonGi cupping his face with both his hands and lifting it up just enough so that YoonGi was looking at him in the eyes. He looked him over. YoonGi looked exhausted, he was a little thinner than usual, and he had bags under his eyes accompanied with dark circles that makeup could only lighten.

     "Hyung, you should get some sleep now. You can stay in here with me, if you want. I will get the papers to Bang Pd tomorrow." He spoke softly. "Thanks Joon-ah. I'm just going to go to my bed for now." At this point YoonGi just wanted his bed

     NamJoon leaned down and kissed YoonGi's lips gently. Then embraced him in a hug. YoonGi has never been big on skin ship and as much as he didn't want to push his Hyung too far he also just wanted him to know he is there for him and that he wasn't going anywhere. He gently whispered in YoonGi's ear. "I'm here for you always Gi."

     YoonGi didn't fight or push back he embraced NamJoon, hugging him back and breathing in his scent. He felt more relaxed and ready to finally get some sleep. "Thank you Joon-ah. I'm just going to go to bed now. I'll see you in the morning for rehearsal."
"Okay Hyung. Sleep well." NamJoon answered back.

     And with that YoonGi walked out of the room. NamJoon was glad that YoonGi told him about his parents. Even with YoonGi saying it wasn't a big deal they had all noticed the difference in YoonGi and although they all know that sometimes while working YoonGi can get so into his music that he doesn't take care of himself and the members would all help to remind him to eat and sleep but this felt different and now he knows why. Now he can help his Hyung a little more.

     NamJoon then decided that he should probably try to get some sleep. It was a little after 20:00 (8pm) and he could use the sleep. He quickly grabbed his clean clothes and headed to the restroom for a quick shower. About 15 minutes later and NamJoon is walking back to his room in his clean clothes. When he came back he found TaeHyung sitting on his bed. "Oh TaeHyung-ah I thought you'd still be playing games with JiMin and JungKook. Is everything okay?" "Is YoonGi Hyung okay?" TaeHyung asked. "Yeah. He's okay. He should be in his room right now getting some much needed sleep." NamJoon responded. TaeHyung sighed. "Oh good. I'm glad. We've been worried about him. Like that something must be bothering him. He hasn't been eating much and he's been working all hours. We don't want him to get sick or anything."

     TaeHyung was sitting on the edge of his own bed fiddling with his fingers in his lap. NamJoon looked at TaeHyung listening to his concern. 'Cute.' "We?" NamJoon asked. TaeHyung had a small smile and answered, "Yeah. Me, JK, and Mini. We were talking about it and we were all just worried about him. I mean we all know that he has mood swings at times and can even be hard to talk to at times but this seems different somehow. Is it getting bad again? Will he have to go back to that doctor again or take those pills he hated again?"

     NamJoon couldn't help but smile knowing that they all really did care about each other and hopefully they would all be together as more than just a band/group, friends, or brothers. He couldn't wait for the day when he can freely show his love to each one of them as his boyfriends. "Well I just talked with him. We talked for a little bit and he was going to bed so he should start feeling better soon. Try not to worry too much. Okay?" NamJoon ruffled TaeHyung's hair as he walked by and then climbed into his own bed. "You should get some sleep too. We do still have to get up tomorrow." NamJoon mumbled as he was getting comfortable in his blankets. "Okay Hyung." TaeHyung quickly said back.

     TaeHyung quickly grabbed some clothes and headed to the restroom for a shower before he too would go to bed and get some sleep. NamJoon was right. They had to be up tomorrow and needed rest but before going to the restroom to shower he went to JungKook's room to let them know that NamJoon had already talked to their YoonGi Hyung and that he was already in bed getting his much needed sleep.


Word Count: 1761

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