Venomous Deception ✅

By Terra_Cody

423 37 9

Asato entered Yukinaga Boy's Academy on scholarship without friends and without a partner as he lost his midd... More

Main Characters
The Suzuhara Schools
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Character Sheet

Chapter Seven

15 2 0
By Terra_Cody

June 18th, 2028

Genji was nervous. He was early and he went straight to a table, but he fidgeted where he sat. The coffee shop was small but affordable for him. "Café au lait, please," he said to the waitress. "Someone will be joining me shortly."

"I'll be back when they arrive," she said, leaving with a smile.

Genji tapped his foot against the floor and wrung his hand through his bangs. This was the earliest we could meet. He's coming all the way here to see me. That's a good sign, isn't it?

"Genji Shimada?"

Genji launched out of his chair at the unfamiliar voice behind him and turned. He recoiled when he saw the hard face of the elderly man who stood before him. The man looked exactly like his own father, though his hair was fully silver and slicked back, and he was leaning on a cane with his left hand. Genji didn't know what to say.

Wakou Shimada did not look impressed by him. "Well?" he asked. "Are you Genji Shimada or not?"

"I-I am," Genji said, wringing his hands slightly. "Ah—nice to meet you...Grandfather."

Wakou didn't smile at him. "You look Ken. He was your heigh at your age. Are you as troublesome as him?"

"A-Ah..." Genji rubbed at his nape as his heart slammed against the wall of his chest. W...What do I do?

"It was a rhetorical question," Wakou said in a chipped tone. He walked past Genji and sat down at the seat across from him. Genji slowly retook his seat.

"Black coffee, please," Wakou told the waitress when she returned. She hurried off, leaving them alone again.

They sat in silence for several long moments, Genji kept his head ducked forward.

"Well?" Wakou asked sharply.

"Eh?" Genji looked up at him.

"The grandson whom I have never met called me out of the blue begging to see me," Wakou reminded him. "After traveling over an hour by train, I have come. So." He leaned back in his chair. "Why am I here, Genji?"

The waitress brought Genji his café au lait and Wakou his black coffee. Genji took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Okay. I'll tell you."


"Aguni I'm sorry, but they were sold out!" Asato protested into his cell phone as he fast-walked down the sidewalk.

"Are you sure?" Aguni asked. "Did you go to the right location?"

"Yes, I did! I was there, but the special edition tankōbon was gone!"

"Damn!" Aguni shouted in frustration. Asato held the phone away from his ear. "I really, really wanted to get that book for Nishioka! She loves that series!"

Sarina Nishioka was a student at Shirahime with whom Aguni had a crush on. Getting the tankōbon was his attempt at trying to "woo" her. "I'm sorry, Aguni, I tried," Asato said sincerely. "I even got up early so I would catch the first train to get here."

"No, it's not your fault. Ugh, WHY did my family schedule a trip to the zoo today of all days?!"

"Because it's Sunday?" Asato offered with a laugh. "I—" his voice broke off as he walked past the large window of a small coffee shop. His eyes widened as he peered inside. Wait, isn't that—

"Aguni, I have to go," he said, quickly hanging up the phone and entering the coffee shop. There was a long line at the counter and many of the tables were taken, but now that he was inside the building he could see the person clearly. Genji was sitting at a table deep in the shop. He was sitting with an elderly man. From his position, Asato could see that it was the elderly man who was mostly talking and Genji was listening to him. Except...

Shimada looks sullen. What is that old guy saying to him?

Asato moved deeper into the shop, pausing at the glass case and pretending to ponder over the croissants and scones. But having moved closer, he strained his ears to hear the conversation occurring between Genji and the older man.

"I'll send you the money."

Asato paused. Money?

"Thank you, Grandfather," Genji said.

Oh. Grandfather. Asato relaxed and smiled as he straightened. Shimada's with family. I won't disturb—

"You're a lot like your father."

Asato stiffened, and the smile faded. He didn't like Genji's grandfather's tone with that statement.

"Grandfather...?" Genji responded with a soft tone. The tone made Asato stomach turn, and he frowned deeply as he turned to stare intently at their table. What's going on over there?


"Sixteen years of no contact, and in our very first interaction you demand money of me. I would say that I was surprised, but I'm not."

It was a mistake meeting his grandfather. Genji knew that sitting there under his piercing gaze and condemning tone. There was no warmth whatsoever from this person. Only cold contempt.

"I spent a considerable amount of money keeping your father out of prison, and he repaid me by running off to Tokyo, running with Yankis and sending his only child after me to beg for money," Wakou spat out. "It's pathetic, a man of my age supporting the family of my worthless son. It's hardly your fault, you were raised in that environment, but I know a Yanki when I see one. You're a Yanki yourself, aren't you Genji?"

"...I was," Genji admitted quietly. "I'm not anymore."

"You're twitchy, Genji," Wakou pointed out. "Are you going through withdrawal?"

Genji flushed in embarrassment, but before he could say anything Wakou scoffed in disgust. "Now I see. The money you want from me. It's not for groceries, is it? Is it to support a habit?"

"No," Genji quickly protested, his eyes going wide.

"Show me your arms."


Wakou reached across the table and grabbed Genji's arms, flipping them over so that his palms were facing up. He stared intently at the crooks his arms for a long moment. "I-I'm nervous," Genji tried to reason with him. "I'm not—"

"No track marks," Wakou murmured, letting him go. "But that means nothing. I've changed my mind, I'm rescinding the offer. I'm not giving you money to put poison in your body, Genji."

Genji sucked in a sharp breath of alarm. No, NO! The last time he had food was Friday afternoon, when Asato brought lunch for him to school. He'd only had scraps and nicotine gum since then. "I—"


Genji jumped at this shout, and he gaped in shock when Asato approached their table with a wide, cheerful smile. "There you are, Shimada!" Asato said in a brightly cheerful tone. "What brings you here?!"

"N—Nakajima?" Genji barely heard his own voice. It sounded muted in his ears.

"Mind I sit down?" Asato asked them, but he didn't wait for a reply. He grabbed an empty chair and plopped himself down at their table. "So Shimada, are you ready for class tomorrow at Yukinaga Boy's Academy?"

Genji blinked at his grinning face in confusion, wondering why he enunciated the name of their school in such a way. But before he could respond, Wakou spoke up. "Genji, who is this boy?"

"Ah, excuse me," Asato said, turning to face him. "My name is Asato Nakajima, and I attend Yukinaga Boy's Academy with Shimada!"

"Oh, so you're a classmate of my grandson," Wakou said bluntly. "You don't need to emphasize the name of your school like that, Nakajima-kun. I saw the entrance exam results in the paper, I know Genji placed in the top 10."

"Oh, but did Shimada tell you how amazing he is?!" Asato asked. Genji gaped at him in shock. He still sounded cheerful, but he heard a tremendous amount of force behind his tone. "He saved me, truly!"

"Is that so?" Wakou asked dully.

"That's right! Shimada spent hours tutoring me for a makeup test, and not only did I pass the makeup test but I got a perfect score! It's ALL because of Shimada!"

"Can I help you, sir?" the same waitress came back to take Asato's order.

"Café au lait, please," Asato responded, using a more sincere tone for her. Genji flinched slightly at his request. He's ordering the same drink I did.

"So Genji helped you pass a test?" Wakou asked Asato. "Why did you ask Genji to tutor you as opposed to another student?"

"My homeroom teacher Maeda-sensei specifically recommended Shimada to me," Asato said through his grin. Despite his smile, Genji realized that Asato actually looked quite angry when he addressed his grandfather. "Because Shimada himself got a perfect score on the original test!"

Wakou looked at Genji. The older man looked impressed against his will. "So—you are in good academic standing, Genji?"

"He is!" Asato answered for Genji.

"Here you are." The waitress put the cup of café au lait in front of Asato.

"Thank you," he said to her.

"So Genji is your friend in addition to your classmate, Nakajima-kun?" Wakou said tersely. Genji could tell that he noticed the shifts in Asato's demeanor when he spoke to other people.

"He's one of my best friends," Asato responded, almost defiantly and without a change in expression.

Genji couldn't stop staring at Asato in the moment. Where did he come from? A-And—And why is he helping me?

"If you're Genji's friend, do you encourage his habit?" Wakou asked bluntly.

"What?" Asato asked, his smile slipping.

"Grandfather, you have it wrong!" Genji protested.

Wakou held up a hand to silence him, his eyes on Asato. "I know an addict when I see one, Nakajima-kun. If you are his friend, then how can you support him in this?"

Asato rubbed at his forehead and looked between them in confusion. "I—I don't understand," he said. "Why wouldn't I support Shimada giving up cigarettes?"

Wakou's expression changed completely, and his eyes widened. "...Cigarettes?" he asked bluntly.

"Yes, cigarettes!" Asato forced another smile at him. "Shimada hasn't touched a cigarette in three months! Isn't that incredible?"

Wakou quickly looked at Genji. "T—That's what's caused your withdrawal symptoms? Cigarettes?"

Genji didn't respond to him in words. He pulled out his wallet and withdrew a small blister pack strip of nicotine gum and set it on the table. Wakou stared at the gum for a moment, and the color drained from his face.

"I-I mean, why would you think that Shimada was using drugs?" Asato asked Wakou. "He's your grandson, why would you assume that?"

Wakou flushed, but Asato leaned forward. "And why would you make such an accusation in public like that where other people can hear you? Don't you think that's a little inappropriate, sir?"

Wakou's face turned bright red, but to Genji's immense relief he didn't get angry. He looked appalled, and he hid his face in his hands for a moment.

Asato calmly picked up his cup of café au lait and took a sip. "This is good!" he said cheerfully. "It's too bad I don't live near here and can't come here often!"

"Ah—what brought you over to this side of the city, anyway?" Genji asked quietly.

"Oh, Aguni asked me to grab a special edition tankōbon for him," Asato sighed, shaking his head. "It was only available at one book store in this area, but they sold out while I was waiting in line!"

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay—"

"Genji," Wakou interjected. Both boys looked up at him. He reached into his coat pocket and withdrew his wallet. He opened it and slid a card across the table. Genji and sucked in a sharp breath. It was a bank card.

"Go to this bank to make withdrawals," Wakou said. "I'll put money in the account weekly. You should see the first deposit within two hours. But don't give your father access to the account. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, thank you!" Genji bowed several times as he accepted the card. The joy that spread inside of him was so intense that he was afraid he would start crying.

"If you need gum, I can order it for you," Wakou said, but Genji shook his head. "The store owner from the store I buy from knows me and knows I'm trying to quit. He doesn't ask for my ID when I buy the gum."

"Good. Smoking is a disgusting habit. I've been a smoker for over thirty years and have not been able to give it up. The fact that you have taken steps to break your habit is commendable. And I—apologize," he said quietly. "For how I treated you earlier. I had already decided before meeting you the kind of person you are, and I was wrong."

"I-I..." Genji ducked his head forward.

"I should be going," Wakou said, standing up. "I'll pay the bill for all three of our drinks."

"That's not necessary—" Asato protested.

"I insist, Nakajima-kun."

"Should I see you to your train?" Genji asked, standing up as well.

"That's not necessary, I as a grown man can see myself to the train station," Wakou said. He looked between them for a few moments of silence before looking at Genji. "Genji."


"If you continue to surround yourself with positive influences like this boy—" he gestured to Asato. "Then you'll make yourself a fine man yet." Then he made his way towards the register.

"Can you believe that?!" Asato huffed when Wakou was out earshot. "Accusing you of doing drugs? Checking your arms for track marks?! Seriously, who just does something like that to a kid?! It—"

Genji grabbed his arm gently. He wanted to hug him. He wanted to hug Asato and cry. But he held himself in check because he didn't want to create a scene.

He saved me. Grandfather would have left me with nothing and would have continued to see the worst in me if it weren't for him.

"Shimada?" Asato sounded concerned. "Are you okay? Don't worry too much about that jerk, okay? I don't know what's going on, but he was wrong about you. And at least he knew he was wrong about you in the end, right?"

Genji kept his head ducked forward, his eyes closed. It took a moment to steady himself before he spoke in a quiet voice. "I owe you."

"What?" Asato sounded confused.

"I don't know how, but I will repay you for this," Genji said quietly. "I...thank you, Nakajima."

Asato was silent for a long moment. Genji lifted his head, and he was confused when he saw a conflicted look on Asato's face. He's acting peculiarly again.

"Hey," Asato said.

"What is it?"

Asato hesitated for a moment before saying, "Since we're friends now, do you want to use first names?"

Genji was surprised by the question, particularly since Asato still had a conflicted look on his face. Like he almost regretted asking the question but didn't want to take it back.

"If you're fine with it then I'm fine with it," Genji said finally. "Asato."

Asato flinched from hearing his name from Genji but after a moment he smiled and nodded. "Okay...Genji."

Genji smiled. "I—"

"Oh, I was craving egg salad because Okaa-san bought too many eggs," Asato quickly added. "Would you like me to bring you a couple of egg salad sandwiches for lunch tomorrow?"

The statement didn't make a lot of sense to Genji, but he felt an unexpected warmth in his chest from the offer. He still wants to bring me lunch to school? "That sounds good," he said aloud.

"Great!" Asato quickly finished his café au lait. "I have to get home and finish my homework. I imagine you have to do the same too, Shi—Genji."

"Ah, yes," Genji said, looking down at his new bank card. "But I have to make a quick stop..."


The school week was a little too chaotic for Asato's taste, all starting with Monday and the official announcement for the location of the summer trip.

"If you have not heard by now, the summer trip for first year students will be to Macao," Maeda-sensei announced during Monday homeroom.

"MACAO?!" several students screamed.

"YATTA!" Kubo shouted.

"If you are interested the forms can be found in the teacher's room," Maeda-sensei bluntly. "The trip will be from July 24th to July 28th, and the cost per student will be 690,000 yen. As you may be aware the school scholarship does not cover the cost of school trips, and a deposit of 130,000 yen will be due when you submit the trip form."

So I won't be going to Macao, Asato thought, slumping in his seat in disappointment. Ah well, at least my kendo camp is covered under the scholarship.

"Sensei, who will be the chaperones for this trip?" Ryoto Sendoh asked excitedly.

"Okabe-sensei and myself," Maeda-sensei responded without a change of emotion.

The students in the class did little to hide their disappointment. "Why couldn't they select Kyutsuki-sensei?!" Yamashi complained loudly. Tomayo Kyutsuki-sensei of course being the homeroom teacher of room 1-3 and the only female homeroom teacher of the first year students.

"I don't know why I was chosen to be a chaperone, but it is what it is," Maeda-sensei responded. The bell signaling the end of homeroom sounded then and he collected his things. "Have a good day."

He doesn't sound happy that he was chosen, Asato thought. Hopefully a trip to Macao will help him relax so he's not so intense when he comes back.

The topic of the trips monopolized most of the conversations for the rest of the week, as the second years were going to Sydney and the third years were going to Vancouver. Asato tried to ignore as best as he could and try not to feel too disappointed.

It's fine. We went to Australia last year and it was great. I don't need to go to Macao.

By Friday the gossip had died down, and Asato got to see Genji again. They had been busy during the week with their class work and respective clubs that they hadn't had time to hang out. Most times Asato only had time to drop off a lunch with Genji and that was before homeroom. Asato was surprised by how much he wanted to hang out with Genji, but he knew that it was because he was just so happy to make a new friend.

I don't think he got the wrong idea from me when I ask if he wanted to use first names. But he IS my friend now, so it makes sense that we speak to each other with familiarity.

Asato hadn't been entirely understanding of Genji's conversation with his grandfather, but he had interfered with their because hearing the older man refer to Genji so disrespectfully made Asato so angry. And at the same time, it made Asato feel even more worried than he had before.

I knew something was up, but his grandfather opened a bank account for him just so he has grocery money? And he told Genji not to tell his dad about the account? Just what the hell is going ON in Genji's house?!

"You going to go see Shimada?" Tadashi asked when Asato left his seat at the start of lunch hour.

"Yeah," Asato said. "You coming, too?"

"Yeah, definitely! I want to talk to him about his game!"

"You've been talking more about Shimada's game than your own," Aguni laughed.

"But it's amazing! Has he told you about it yet, Asato?!"

"Not yet," he said as they headed towards homeroom 1-4. "What's it about?"

"Oh, he can tell it better. Shimada!" Tadashi called into homeroom 1-4. Asato smiled reflexively when he saw Genji sitting at his desk with the bento he had brought. "Come on, let's go! Let's eat outside!"

The students in 1-4 looked stunned by Tadashi's offer, but Genji swiftly stood up and grabbed his bento. Aguni suddenly leaned in to Asato's ear, "Isn't that one of your boxes, Asato?"

Asato felt heat on his face, but thankfully Genji reached them before he needed to say anything. "Hello," he said.

"Hi, Genji," Asato greeted them.

"Oh wait, it's Genji now?" Tadashi asked. He looked a little hurt. "How come you got to Genji before I did, Asato?! Shimada's in the same club as me!"

"It's not a race," Asato said indignantly. "Ask Genji if you can use his first name!"

"No see, if I ask now I'll look pathetic!"

"I'll ask then," Aguni interjected. "Shimada, can I call you "Genji"?"

Genji choked on a laugh. The trio jumped in shock, and a student inside of homeroom 1-4 actually screamed when Genji laughed. "Sure," Genji said.

"All right, let's go," Asato said, quickly walking away and keeping his head ducked. He didn't like how flustered he was suddenly feeling.


"They've certainly gotten friendly," Giichi said irritably as they watched the group of four walk down the hall in the opposite direction.

"It looks like they're becoming friends and Shimada isn't about to pulverize Nakajima," Kazz said. He looked at Koryu. "It looks like your plan is backfiring."

Koryu watched them leave in silence for a long moment. Then he smiled sadistically. "Then I just need to change my strategy."


'I want to repay you for Sunday. Would you like to get sushi tonight?'

Asato had received that text before the last class of the day, and he pondered over the text for his entire Math class. He could feel his heartbeat in his ears, and his breaths burned in his chest. It's a date. Genji's asking me out on a date.

He closed his eyes and ducked his head forward. Damn it. I DID give him the wrong impression when I asked to use his first name. I-I thought that maybe Genji would understand that I only want friendship from him when Tadashi and Aguni pushed to use his first name too, but he didn't. Now he wants to take me on a date, and—oh God, what if he confesses to me?! What will I do?!

It was...strange, though. The thought that Genji was looking to confess his feelings for him didn't fill him with dread anymore. His heart started pounding a little harder when the thought came to him, with a twinge of pain. He couldn't describe the sensation, or why he was feeling like this.

It's because I feel guilty. I know that he loves me, and by being his friend I've given him false hope. I need to reject him.

Asato tucked his cell phone underneath his desk to send a reply. He knew exactly what he needed to say: 'I'm sorry Genji, but I don't see you in a romantic way. I only want to be friends with you. I hope you understand, and I apologize for giving you the wrong impression of me.'

It was a simple text to send to Genji, but he couldn't get his thumbs too work to type out the words to send. His throat felt tight when he looked at Genji's "date" offer to him. He thinks he owes me a favor because I stood up for him to his awful grandfather. I don't want him to think we can be together as a couple, but...

Asato frowned deeply and closed his eyes. ...No. I can't do this via text. That would be rude and inconsiderate after everything he's done for me. I'll go on this "date" with him, but I'll reject him and cover my own meal. That's the polite thing to do.

So he texted back, 'Sure.'

"Asato, you okay?" Aguni whispered to him.

"Yeah," Asato lied, sliding his cell phone back into his desk. Maeda-sensei still had his back to the class writing on the chalkboard without pause. I have to do this properly. No more games.


Asato still felt sick to his stomach when he met Genji at Yukinaga's gates. "I saw a place not too far from here," Genji said, gesturing in the direction opposite of where Asato went to catch his train. "It's about twenty minutes away but it's a conveyer belt restaurant and it's pretty affordable."

"Conveyer belt?!" Asato exclaimed, feeling a surge of excitement. "I've never been to a conveyer belt restaurant!"

"Neither have I, so it'll be a first for the both of us," Genji said.

"Come on, let's go!" Asato forgot himself in the moment and tugged on his arm. The joy did fade within a few minutes though as Genji led him towards the restaurant and Asato felt sullen again. I'm such a jerk...

The excitement returned to him though when they reached the restaurant and he couldn't help but smile at how vibrant the interior was. They were led to a booth, and Genji turned the menu monitor towards him. "If you want to order anything specific then go ahead, Asato," he said. "I insist."

"I might look in a moment," he said, looking towards the conveyer belt rotating above their booth filled with dishes. He reached up and grabbed a full plate. "This looks like spicy tuna!"

"I think you're right," Genji said.

"Here, we'll share!" Asato put it in the center of the table. "And you don't need to worry about treating me—"

"But I want to," Genji said. "You brought me lunch for the last week, and you helped me with my grandfather. I really appreciate what you've done for me, Asato."

Asato shrugged, though the gesture was stiff. "It was nothing," he said. "I wanted to help my friend."

"And I appreciate it, more than you know Asato."

Asato swallowed thickly, and avoided meeting his gaze. "Let's eat this fast, okay?" he said quietly. He was trying to prevent Genji from giving the confession he undoubtedly wanted to make.

I need to reject him. I need to make it clear that I only want to be his friend.

Both of them got a little carried away though with the conveyer belt, and soon their table was covered in plates of different types of sushi. Asato couldn't help but laugh as he finally relaxed. "I should be feeling full now, shouldn't I? But I can't stop eating!"

"Neither can I," Genji said.

"I'll ask Haha and Okaa-san to bring me here for my next birthday," Asato said. He saw Genji quickly look up when he said that, and he awaited the inevitable question that he was used to answer.

But he didn't expect the question Genji asked. "When's your birthday?"

Asato blinked in confusion, but then realized that Genji was fishing for information about him. Damn! Why do I have to make things more complicated?!

"April 12th," Asato said after a long moment. "So we're past it now."

Genji's brow rose, and his eyes widened. "April 12th?"

"Yes. What about it?"

"My birthday's April 13th."

"April thir—are you serious?!" Asato sputtered in shock.

Genji pulled out his wallet and showed Asato his ID. Asato leaned in and saw the birthday clear as day. 13/04/2012.

Laughter burst out of Asato's throat and he slapped his hand over his mouth. "I—oh my God!" he exclaimed. "Our birthdays are a day apart! I'm a day older than you!"

"I'm surprised, too," Genji said, tucking his wallet away. "It's quite an odd coincidence."

"Yeah, no kidding—"


Asato froze at this familiar voice. He suddenly realized that people were standing beside their table. He turned to his right and looked up. When he saw the faces standing there, his stomach clenched tight.

"Asato, what are you doing here?" Kairi asked. She was standing directly in front of him. Reito was at her side, his arm around her shoulders. Asato's best friend. Rather, ex-best friend was standing in front of him, his arm wrapped around the shoulders of Asato's ex-girlfriend with a familiarity that was clearly not a platonic gesture.

Oh. They must be dating now. He was surprised by his own...indifference to the reveal that his ex-best friend was now dating his ex-girlfriend. He looked around them and saw four more familiar faces. Chikara, Waon, Jion, and Atomu. All had been friends of Asato. And all of them abandoned him when he chose to go to Yukinaga.

Why are they here? Why are they here? It was a frantic mantra inside his mind.

"This your new friend?" Atomu asked, gesturing dismissively to Genji. "So you had no problem leaving the rest of us in the dust for your fancy prep school, huh?"

What?! YOU all left ME in the dust! Asato was growing angry, but he couldn't form the words in his mouth.

"You should be careful," Chikara said to Genji. "This guy uses people for friendship and then tosses them away."

"I-I do not!" Asato finally managed to blurt out.

"But you had no problem tossing Kairi aside, didn't you?" Reito snapped at him, glaring at him with hate that startled Asato deeply. He's never seen Reito look at anyone that way before. "You had to break her heart and throw her away like garbage! But guess what, Asato? I was there for her when you weren't, so don't even think of trying to get back together with her!"

"I wouldn't choose him if my life depended upon it!" Kairi said, looking at Reito with a smug smile. "You're all I need, Reito."

"He probably has some stupid rich girlfriend who keeps him as her boy toy!" Waon spat, folding his arms over his chest as he glared at Asato. "We're not good enough for the likes of him, remember?"

"Yeah, that's right," Jion bit out.

"N-Now wait a minute!" Asato snapped, waving his arm furiously. "You all abandoned ME! Not the other way around!"

"Really?" Reito said incredulously. "Then why are you at Yukinaga while the rest of us are at Futako?"

"Excuse me."

Before Asato could reply, a low and dark voice interrupted him. He quickly looked across the table at Genji, but Genji was looking at his former friends. All six of them were staring at Genji with wide eyes.

"You are all being very rude." Genji's voice was calm and still low, but there was a dangerous edge to his tone. "Please go away and leave us in peace."

"H-Hey, we're just looking out for you!" Atomu said feebly. The rest of the group was frozen where they stood. "This guy—" he pointed to Asato. "—is a selfish asshole who doesn't care about anyone but himself! He's just using you, he doesn't want to be your friend! If you know what's good for you, then—"

Genji abruptly stood up out of the booth, and stood to his full height. He towered over the other six kids, and his expression looked dangerous and his hands were clenched into fists at his side.

"If you insult Asato one more time, you'll be sorry," he warned them. "No one hurts my friends, and you all are hurting my friend. You have no idea how good he is, and if anyone is lucky then it's him that he doesn't have any of you as his friends any more.

"Now. GET. LOST. Before I get really angry."

Asato gaped at Genji with wide eyes. His heart was pounding in his ears once more. Thankfully the group backed away and hurried down the aisle away from them without another word. He continued gaping at Genji as the other boy sat back down and brushed his fingers through his own bangs. "I'm sorry," Genji said, his demeanor relaxing and his tone softening. "I didn't want you to see me like that."

Asato gestured after his ex-friends, his mouth opening and closing without making a sound. "That was my...ugly side," Genji confessed softly. "When I was a Yanki, that was the persona I maintained. It's exhausting and I don't like acting like that, but I didn't like how they were talking to you, Asato. You didn't deserve it, and I wanted them to leave you alone."

He saw Asato's expression and raised his hands. "That's not the real me," Genji reassured him. "Like I said, that was a "persona" I had when I was still in a gang. I would never treat you like that, Asato. Or Tadashi or Aguni. You have my word, you will not see that side of me again."

Asato relaxed. He realized that he wasn't scared of Genji or his "Yanki persona". He was moved that Genji stood up for him. He had felt so cornered and trapped being confronted by his former friends, and when Genji saved him he felt—free. And safe.

It's stupid. Why do I feel safe? They weren't threatening me, but I feel great that he did that for me.

"I'm not scared," he said finally. "And thank you for standing up for me, Genji."

"I only spoke the truth," Genji said. "You're a great friend, Asato. They have no right to say those things about you."

"T-They were my friends once," Asato said. "The girl—Kairi—she was my ex-girlfriend. They all dropped me though when I got in to Yukinaga."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's fine," Asato said with a smile. "I have great friends now. Better ones."

The rest of the meal was less awkward, and though Asato was stunned by the bill Genji paid for it without complaint. When they parted to go to their respective trains, Asato realized that Genji had not taken the time to use this "date" to confess his feelings for him.

Oh. Wait. My ex-friends talked about me having a girlfriend and I told him about Kairi. So Genji will know now that he doesn't have a chance with me romantically.

His stomach twisted again, and he rubbed at it in confusion. What is this reaction?

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