Uthando lwabaphansi.

By ZennyMbovu

379K 19.1K 976

2 hearts and 2 souls refusing their destiny , Nkosenye and Nomzamo facing their fate ,a course of the ancesto... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
funeral 🤍🕊️
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70
chapter 71
chapter 72
chapter 73
chapter 74
chapter 78
chapter 75
chapter 76
chapter 77
chapter 79
chapter 81
chapter 80
chapter 82
chapter 83
chapter 84
chapter 85
chapter 86
chapter 87
chapter 88
chapter 89
chapter 90
chapter 91
chapter 92
chapter 93
chapter 94
chapter 95
chapter 96
chapter 97
chapter 98
chapter 99
chapter 99
chapter 100
chapter 101
chapter 102
chapter 103
chapter 104
chapter 105
chapter 106
chapter 107
chapter 108
chapter 109
chapter 110
chapter 111
chapter 112
chapter 113
chapter 114
chapter 115
chapter 116
chapter 117
chapter 118
chapter 119
chapter 120
chapter 121
chapter 122
chapter 123
chapter 124
chapter 125
Authors Note 🫶🏾❤️
Bonus Chapter

chapter 42

3K 160 25
By ZennyMbovu

Nomzamo's POV

Luthando's programme is still going it's already gift opening time ,she picks up the pink gift bag that I bought her and takes out a gold Pandora necklace in a glass emerald box with a rose on top

She looks around at me from the stage and smiles and runs up to me I stand up and meet her halfway one would swear it's been a long time since we have seen each other

Nkosenye already left he wasn't even planning to stay vele vele anyways it not like he was invited or anything like or not I have been thinking about our kiss in the bathroom since the party started

The kiss raised a lot of mixed emotions deep within me but one thing I know is that I want him to value and not treat me like one of his screws nah that unfortunately couldn't be me shame !!! I'm thwanks

She pulls me to the stage okay now I'm officially freaked out I look at her and she just smiles

She takes the microphone from the mother and talks still holding my hands

Lee:"okay first off thank you all for coming her today to celebrate my birthday it truly is such a pleasure ,and thank you for the gifts to you all I know I haven't unwrapped them all but I would like to actually take this moment to actually dedicate some words to someone very special

Y'all are all special don't get me wrong but this person is just so different and I hold her too valuable in my life I love you too mom (she winks at her mom) it's nomzamo Nkosi she's been my best friend for the longest of time and shed some light in my life

Through thick and thin like a wife promises her husband I promised to be there for her always and forever ♾️ the way I feel about you can never be placed into enough words I love you Lee kakhulu (Lee being for Liyana ")"

Okay right now I'm in tears I feel tears slip down my cheeks but I am not brushing them off my face I glance at the crowd and naledi is crying ,and a few people looked so touched

Lee:'so right now my bestie can you please do me the honour of tying this around my neck as a pact "

I nod my head and chain the necklace around her neck she looks so beautiful with it she sees me looking at it and the way it suits her and she smiles

The programme continues people start dancing and singing well it's already like 16:45 party is over we just mingling with some people and honestly having some fun I'm half drunk a bit sober and also a bit drunk

Ohh and guess what asembo was invited so he came with no other than mpumelelo Lee and Asembo settled for a chilled and peaceful break up ,they talk sometimes though I know that, that ain't good at all but she's going to realise it on her own I don't want to dictate her life

I still think she likes Asembo but shes just kind of shying away qnd trying to keep it lowkey maybe she thinks we actually to judge her Im definitely the last one to judge
Luthando ,naledi and amahle are dancing im the dance floor everybody is dancing literally I'm sitting down on one of the Tiffany chairs and just sipping some non alcoholic champagne I don't want to lie I am tired kade edansa umuntu

Someone clears their throat behind me and a hand pulls out of a chair I look up and it's him the very first guy that introduced me to the life of being played and cheated on geesh he's looking at me with so much love



Sabelo:"why aren't you dancing ?"

I laugh at him

Me:'sabelo we dated for about four months I'm sure you would have noticed I can't dance "

He chuckles and looks at me

Sabelo:"you look tired "

Me:"what's the time ? I really am so tired I honestly want to go home right now "

Sabelo:"can I take you home ?"

I look at him with a questioning look right now I really want to go home and I know nolwandle is going to be worried about me sooner or later I look at him and then look at Lee

Me:"no funny business "

Sabelo:"I promise I respect you enough "

Me:"okay then let's go "

He takes my purse from the table and holds it for me man!!! He's fast

Me:"well let me first go say my goodbyes "

The girls are dancing and the music is so loud

Me:"girlllllssss I'm going home now "

I hug them all but they don't hug me back I'm sure they are wondering why I'm leaving so early little do they know that my parents aren't home so I need to get back way early before curfew

Lee:"why so early ?"

Me:"abazali the parents "

Amahle:"as who's taking you njengoba udakiwe kanje"

Me:"why thank you but mpumelelo is taking me home "

I can barely stand on my own I make a mental note to take these shoes off when I get into the car

Nale:"mpumelelo you say mmmmmhhhh"

The look at me with questioning looks

Lee:"how exactly would your husband feel knowing you are leaving with another guy "

Me:"exactly how I felt when he came with nozbhece to the launch ciao ladies"

I blow kisses at them and leave honestly I'm way too half drunk for this conversation it's not like I'm going to sleep Ka mpumelelo

Mpumelelo is looking down at something on his phone ,mmmmm this guy really is gifted he's so handsome and yummy but just not like Nkosenye man that one is god's right hand man ungafah!!!!

He turns up from his phone and sees me admiring him actually staring at him leaning on the door frame
I quickly fix myself and I'm officially sober

He smiles when he sees me feeling embarrassed if I was a yellow bone I'm sure my cheeks would be red thank god for this mellanin skin

Sabelo:"you good ?"


We walk to his Mercedes sprinter SLS it's a cool car and it charcoal not my favourite colour but aiuuooo

He opens the door for me and I get in the front seat then jogs to his side and opens the door .he looks at me and smiles then takes off and starts playing roodie rich don't get me wrong roodie rich is a cool guy but I would prefer it if I listened to drake and young stunna with nkosenye

Get him out of your mind

My subconscious reminds me ,man I'm still thinking about that kiss
We have some light conversations about his life and I didn't even dare mention weddings or anything just school and friendship when I told him about my life

He finally parks the car outside my gate he switch's off the engine and lies back then tilts his head to look at me
He opens his door and comes around to open mine

So right now we are standing so close to each other looking at each other in the eyes the alcohol is not helping he's looking down at me

Sabelo:"where did we go wrong ?"

Me:'why do you ask that ?"

Sabelo:"because you taught me how to actually love someone "

Me:"and you taught me how it feels to be loved and love someone with everything and then have them cheat on you "

My shoes are already off and I'm holding them in my hands
I laugh I don't know why

Sabelo:"I get that you drunk neh but could you please answer my question"


Sabelo:"do you still love me ?"

Me:"I don't know "

He steps closer to me our bodies physically in contact with each other his lips only a few centimetres away from mines

Sabelo:"maybe this will help you "

And ladies and gentlemen he smashes his lips onto me making me feel things I can feel the electricity rushing in my body only
It's feels familiar

I moan against his lips

Me:"Nkosenye "

He immediately stops kissing me and looks at me with hurt , confusion and anger I'm trying to find love in his eyes

Ohhhhh shittttttttttt!!!

Sabelo:"wha....wha...what did you just say ?"


Sabelo:"so it's been him all along "


Sabelo:"NO??? how can you say no when you just fuckin kissed me and moaned another guy's name "

I try to act cool ohhhh noooo I have officially ruined everything worse I ruined Their friendship

Me:"you know what you just only insulting me here so I'm only going to leave "

Sabelo;"you just bruised my bloody damn egoooo I love you I have always loved you yet you were fucking my friend "

I slap him ,just one plain hard pat on the cheek

He looks at me with so much anger and a lone tear falls down his cheeks I really want to wipe it off but I can't

He looks at me for the longest if time without saying anything mind you we are still outside my gate he gets into his car and just drives off

I really hope he isn't going to nkosenye

Nkosenye's POV

Amahle keeps glancing at me ,she's sitting next to me on the front seat I just came from picking her up from the party and mind you she's way drunk

Me:"why the fuck do you keep glancing at me ?'

Amahle:"ohhhh meee noooo nothing I'm definitely not glancing at you "

Me:'then what's the deal ? Okay what are you hiding from me "

Amahle:"ummmm......well......... nomzamo left the party with mpumelelo"

I feel my heart beats decreasing I guess she's back together with him out of all people he chose to cheat on me with the dumbest player

I just freeze for a moment just a few seconds and grit my teeth I'm angry ,livid even why would nomzamo use me like that ? Now this is way I don't fucking do commitment loving someone comes with day to day dangers like this one nje

I guess all girls will play you

Amahle:"are you okay "

Me:"yeah I'm okay "

I increase the volume and bump my head along with the beat I'm just zoning out

I park the car in the garage and leave while amahle is still in the car she's going to lock the car uyazi naye drunk or not drunk
Mom and dad went for something In umzinto my uncles house I think

I head straight to my room lock the door and just throw my self on the bed looking at the ceiling im absolutely not going to cry over foolish stuff

I take out my iPhone and see 32 missed calls from mpumelelo I wonder what he wants I call him back it just goes straight to voicemail I click my tongue and scroll on my Instagram

(Three days later )

Today is the last fitting with phindile and I have to go with nomzamo it's the way the parents wanted us to be with each other and they can't come because they are busy and also preparing for the lobola

The umembeso is going to be Ka nomzamo next year February and then the white wedding once we are officially done with school so I guess we got a long way to go of hating each other

I lotion my body I just got out of a very chilling and refreshing shower honestly I'm not going to suli around this whole issue with nomzamo, mpumelelo really never called after that day

I have been in my room doing some workouts if not I'm studying for the last term and also just watching TV never been out plus ayanda is in peitermaritzburg visiting his cousins for the holidays and olwethu didn't come back

Kwanele is in Johannesburg it was a family vacation for him
Today I decide to kill them with some damn swag I'm wearing my white hat with some strings you know the ones in style these days

A green and white graffiti hoodie and my white trackpants and green and white AF1S and of course my infamous chain I Take some pictures in the balcony and lost them on my Instagram

@nkosenye_.rsa 🏆💚
@ayanda_original and 10,678 others liked ❤️
@kwanele.rsa ishuuuuuu✌️
@ayanda_original my boy 🤝🥵

I close my Instagram app and head downstairs,amahle is sitting on the high chairs eating a chocolate


Since the lobola planning these days it's mainly just her and I every morning the parents are so busy

Nomzamo' isn't actually going to be paid lobola by me it's going to be money from abakwa dlamini because mainly we are still kids but she's betrothed to me being their son

That's how the process needs to be done

Amahle:"hey "

She looks at me with questioning eyes trying to check my mood

Me:"I'm human you know "

Amahle:"yet these days you act too dam immortal for my liking "

Me:"it's the holidays futhi finall exams are approaching"

Amahle:"if you say so "

Me:'yeah I do say so "

Amahle:"where are you going today ?"

Me:'town with your friend "

Amahle:"so she's my friend now ?"

Me:'kanti akayena yini?"

Amahle:"she is but she's also your wife "

Me:"mxm I'm as single as they come ,athi ngihambe bye "

I take my car keys on the counter and leave
She calls my name just as I open the door


I turn around to look at her


Amahle:"you know shes not the bad guy you are painting her out to be "

Me:"I would also say the same about my friend Ayanda to all the girls that like him "

I open the door and leave

After minutes of driving I park outside her gate luckily she's already coming out of her house thank god amahle told her that I already left

She is wearing her shades and looking so sexy in that outfit
She opens the door and gets in the front seat


I look at her and she looks at me


After that I play my young stunna tracks increasing the volume making sure not to have any conversations with anybody's girlfriend

But nop !!! The girl has other plans she decreases the volume I glance at her while I'm still driving

Me:"why did you do that ?"

Her:"because I want us to talk "

Me:"heeeee so one kiss and you already think you my girlfriend"

Her:"one fact I'm more than that I'm your fiancée"

Me:"I wonder if your boyfriend knows that "

Her:"jealousy really doesn't suit you "

Me:"neither does acting like a bitch suit you "

Her:"woah woah .....no matter how angry you are never call me one of your loose screws "

Me:"difference between you and my screws is that it's a no strings attached I kiss them and they come back for me and I don't love them "

She looks at me shocked ,,ohhhhhh shitttt what did I just say

Her:'i know you like me "

Me:"and I know the feeling is mutual"

I smile and just continue driving if this pissing off game is getting this heated then baby I'm all for it

We arrive at phindile's boutique,we try on some dresses and some traditional outfits well she's the one doing all of that I know I probably almost confessed I like her heck I did just not the actual direct way

After the fitting and since nomzamo is happy and excited about her dress we head back to the car she gets into the car and I do the same just as I insert the car and get ready to drive she holds my hands and I look at her what is this girl trying now

She tilt my face with her hands so I can face her and gently links my lips with her's one of the most sparkful kisses that I have ever had
I smile In between the kiss and she does the same

Me:"what was that?"

Her:"that was me kissing you "

Me:"I know I meant what did it mean ?"

Her:"just keep driving "

I know she's shying away from the answer because she dosent know where I stand with all of this

Either way I kissed her !!! And it was the best
The entire ride we get to know each other more I don't know what this is or what it means but I know I like it

Though I'm kind of a bit scared and fearful she might wake up and not want this at all

Wait hold up not want what ?!

Aiii there's no title

@dat_shawty.nomzamo🧸🤍 milk and honey
@nkosenye_.rsa and 7881 others liked ❤️
@olwethu_.ma'ol 👑❤️ntwana😭
@uggggh.amahle 🥹❤️my oooh myyyy!!!

ᕦ⁠[⁠ ⁠◑⁠ ⁠□⁠ ⁠◑⁠ ⁠]⁠ᕤ

Nomzamo and Nkosenye is popping now ❤️🤝

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