A Lion's Sin ~Bronn~

By Autumnsday

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Relia is the youngest daughter of Tywin Lannister. Her father describes her as a Harlet will she ever marry t... More

Betting man
Just Some Fun
Father Is Home
Authors note
The Trial
Where it began


425 9 0
By Autumnsday

Arriving at Winterfell it was freezing. I wore more clothes then I ever had. Especially furs I normal wore silks and thin fabric. I felt heavy and weighed down in these clothes. Walking through Winterfell there wasn't a lot of color either. I sigh settling in my room. It didn't take long for Jamie to show up to inform us he was the only one coming. The preparation started I sat drinking how did I end up here.  I walked out as the commotion picked up.
"Relia," Tyrion calls out.  I stop looking at him. "I know there is no being ready for this, but I think we have a good chance."
"I hope you're right." My voice solemn and unsure.
"It's time!" A guard yells signaling us to go in the crypt. Sitting down here looking at the kids and women. I go as far away from everyone and sit. Near a few empty crypts. I liked being alone in these moments I held a small dagger I had brought down. It wasn't dragon glass. It was just plain steel it would kill me if I needed it too. Hours went by before sudden screaming happened at the other end of crypts seeing the dead I crawl back behind the empty crypt hiding covering my mouth being as quiet as possible as I listened to childern and women scream.  The sounds got closer and closer. I shut my eyes hoping it would go away. Until I felt a hand on my leg. I open my eyes holding the knife it was a kid I pulled him to me and held him as close to me as possible putting my finger to my lips.  I wrap my cap around him so he can't see and covering his ears. This poor kid was less then 6yrs old. Suddenly the noises of the dead stop and all I could hear was sobbing. I didn't move until I heard my name.
"Relia!" I hear Tyrion causing my to crawl out of where I was. "RELIA!" I help the boy out and see Tyrion.
"GAVIN!" A women runs over grabbing the boy."Thank you!" She looks to me. Tyrion comes over to me. I smile nodding.
"I thought we lost you sister." Tyrion speaks to me. "Let's go see the damage."
So many were dead. People begun preparations to burn are dead. A lot of people were lost. I search for Jamie finding him.
"Jamie!" I yell catching his attention I was wrapped in his arms before I knew it. "I tought we were all dead last night."
"Me too," he pulls away. "I was almost a few times."
By the time daybreak rolled around the pyres were set. Everyone said their goodbyes. Speeches were said as I stood next to my brothers. Most of us slept in the morning unable to sleep last night. When night rolled around there was a feast.
Sitting next to my brothers, Brienne, and Podrick.
"My turn," I point at Podrick."You are a virgin." Knowing he wasn't I smirked drinking before he could answer.
"That is not how this game is played," Tyrion states laughing at me.
"Oops," I smirk at my brother.
"Okay, and you are in love with Ser Bronn." Podrick states bluntly. My eyes go wide was I?
"Maybe his cock," I drink playing it off the best I could.
"Jamie your turn," Tyrion states.
"You are a only child." Jamie points at Brienne.
"I told you I was," She objects.
"You didn't," Jamie smirked.
"I did," Brienne states.
"I surmised," Jamie states. She drinks with a smile.
"Go again," Tyrion says to Jamie.
"Why does he get to go again?" Brienne asks.
"Cause it's my game," Tyrion teases.
"You have danced with Renly Baratheon" Jamie says clearly happy with himself.
"Drink," Tyrion says and Brienne doesn't even agrue.
We conutined this for a while getting drunker until Tyrion pushed it to far Brienne.  Jamie went after her.
"Good job brother ruining our fun." I nudge him.
Well later I find Tyrion and Jamie in a room talking about Jamie's conquest. I sit down pouring myself wine.
"What she like down there?" Tyrion asked.
"What!" Jamie looks at Tyrion disgusted." Thats none of your concern."
"I haven't been with a women in years give me a bone," Tyrion says.
"You're a dog," I shake my head drinking.
"I'm the imp and I demand to know." Tyrion leans forward.
"I knew you were fucking her." Bronn's voice rang out.  Looking over to were it came from he approached with a crossbow.
"A pair of tall blonde chops must be like looking in the mirror." He stops not far infront of the table.
"Ser Bronn of the Blackwater where's your drink?" Tyrion asked.
"What are you doing up north?" I stated.
"What are you doing with a that?" Jamie being the only sane one out of us apparently.
"Oh this," Bronn lifts it, pulling a chair over." This is for you all of you."
"You're supposed to be south," Tyrion states.
"You boys are both gold plated cunts. You know that, and you-" he gestures go me.
"That's a bit rude," Tyrion interjects.
"Year after year I've shoveled Lannister shit and what do I have to show for it?" Bronn says annoyed.
"You're a knight thanks to me," Tyrion interjects.
"Thanks to me and that title is worth about as much as the blonde hair on your brothers balls." Bronn got more and more annoyed.
"Power resides were men believe-" Tyrion starts.
"Shut your mouth," Bronn voice raised.
"I was just trying-" Tyrion  conutined.
"I've never hit a dwarf before but say another word and I will belt you," He warns.
"I don't believe you'd do that-" Tyrion was cut short by Bronn punches him in the face.  I lean over to Tyrion to look at  his nose.  Jamie stands so does Bronn. 
"You couldn't do it on your best day you one handed fuck and your best days are long gone. " Bronn speaks to Jamie I hear him sit back down.
"I think it's okay, " I say to Tyrion.
"You broke my nose. " Tyrion yells.
"I did not break your nose. " Bronn states annoyed.
"How do you know? " Tyrion asked.
"Because I've been breaking noses since I was your size and I know what it sounds like. Now listen!" His voice was firm."Your sister offered me Riverrun a nice big castle good land plenty of peasants that do what there told."
"You trust Cersei?" Jamie asked.
"I knew your sister was dead the second I saw those dragons. Now your army may be torn to sit but I'd still bet on your dragon queen to win. And it just so happens I'm a betting man. If Cersei is dead she can't pay up. " He drinks Tyrion's wine," That's good. Of course the odds change if the dragon queens hand and her General show up dead. All of a sudden. "
"May I speak," Tyrion says.
"Why not only death will shut you up." Bronn gives in.
"We made a deal a long ago so you remember?" Tyrion asked.
"If anyone offers me money to kill you'd pay me double.  What's double Riverun?" Bronn asks.
"Highgarden," I state before Tyrion could say anything. " You could be lord of the reach."
"Highgarden, are you mad?" Jamie asked.
"It's better than being dead," Tyrion says.
"He is not going to kill us he wouldn't be talking to us-" Jamie is cut off by a bolt next to his head.
"The way I see it, I only need one of the Lannisters alive." Bronn states point the crossbow straight at Jamie.
"Highgarden will never belong to a cut throat," Jamie states.
"No? Who were your ancestors, then one who made your family rich? Fancy Lads in silk?  They were fucking cut throats. That's how all the great houses started isn't it? With a hard bastard who was good at killing people. Kill a few hundred people they make you lord. Kill a few thousand they make you a king.  Then all your cock sucking grandsons can ruin the family with their cock sucking ways.  Highgarden give me your word." Bronn states.
"You have our word, none of this means anything until we take kings landing. We could use a officer with knowledge of the city defenses." Tyrion stated trying to get Bronn to join the fight.
"Oh no my fighting days are done." Bronn stands. "But I still got a few killing days left you hear me? I'll come find you when the war is done until then don't die. " He leaves the room I get up following him.
"Bronn wait," he stops looking at me. "Highgarden is mine currently I'm the lady of the reach. So, I can offer it to without the war being over.  The debt will be paid up front." I speak confidently.
"Yeah your just going to give it to me?" He asks annoyed.
"No, but if we marry you'll be lord of the reach immediately under my queen." I step closer.
"You want to marry me a cut throat. " He smirks.
Noise causes me to stop. "Follow me," I lead him to a side room. 
"Locked In a closeted with the man who just threatened to murder you." He teases.
"Shut it," I glare at him."To answer you question no I don't want to marry you I want to fuck you and be free of  Proposals from all the lords of the 7 kingdoms."
"Not even a little?" He grabs my hips slamming me back into the wall.
"Maybe a little," I smile as I go to kiss him. He pulls back slightly.
"That's not very lady like of my betrothed." He smirk was now pissing me off.
"Bronn it also impolite to leave a lady waiting." I stare at him drapping my Arms over his shoulders. My fingers caress the nape of his neck.
"But I'm a cut throat not a lord." He leans in pressing his lips to mine.
"Then fuck me like a cut throat." Groaning as his lips part from mine briefly. That was all it took. He pulled away  enough to spin me around pinning me hard againist the cold stone wall. Gasping as the cold pushed through my body.
He lifts my skirts grumbling almost inaudible."God damn cold."
The cold kissed my legs creeping up as he raised the skirts I groan shivering slightly. Feeling his hand touching my bare skin the roughness scratching at my smooth skin. As he steps up behind me. He slips himself inside of me. Moaning as his hand slips into my hair pulling my head back. He lets go of my hair slightly but just enough to slide his hand around my neck. I turn slightly so I can see him in the corner of my eye. He stops pulling away I whined.  As he turned me around he lifted me up my back on the wall. As he  leaned forward biting my collar bone he remembered excaltly where all of my favorite spots.  I pull his face up to mine finding his lips pressing on mine hungrily. I felt my body shudder as I got close to climax.  Finally feeling my body hitting the release I moan trembling with every thrust after. My body extra sensitive after each thrust he made I whimpered in pleasure.
"Fuck," he groans as he finishes.
"God I missed this," I pant  as he sets me down my skirts falling to floor. He leans his forehead againist mine. I softly kiss him as he returns it. A softness I rarely got from Bronn. 
"Why don't you leave with me?" He asks.
"I am not going to kings landing that's a death sentence." I state shaking my head.
"I'm not dumb enough to go to kings landing and be roasted by those fucking dragons." His tone snark, "I think you would know me better. "
"Then were?" I ask.
"I'm a cut throat I can live in a barn." He smirks,"I know that's probably not up to your standards."
"How about Highgarden?" I roll my eyes.
"Thought you'd never ask," he chuckles.
"I have to inform my queen I'm leaving. I can't just leave." I push pass him softly. "Meet me at the stables." Finding the queen  who looked worse for wear.
"My grace I would like to return to Highgarden it should be repaired. May I return to Highgarden?" I ask politely her back to me.
"Why? Did you brother talk to you?" She asked back still towards me.
"No, your Grace. I am just worried being in the front line. I would like to just begin moving on. I'm no use to you here. I'm not part of your council or a warrior, but I can start reforming the crops and taking control of the reach. " I answer her.
"You may leave but if you betray me I won't hesitate to burn Highgarden down." She turns to look at me.
"Thank you your grace," I turn leaving.  Going to the stables to find Bronn. With a horse saddled.
"One horse," I ask.
"Can only take the one I brought these. Dothraki won't let me near one of theirs no matter how much gold I offer." He shurgs,"I've seen them in battle. I don't need to get into another one."
"Now my lady," he jokes, offering me his arm. I take it he helps me on the back before hopping up being sure not to kick me.
"Have I ever told you I hate riding?" I say, holding on to his waist side saddle.
"Well, it's better than walking. Sorry, I don't have a fancy carriage or a dragon." He teases.
"I don't like being on a horse. Let alone a dragon." I chuckle. As we head out for the reach.

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