London's Call

By winterkonijn1

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London has fallen to the Templars. Their rule has been so long that it has been more than a hundred years sin... More

Chapter 1: Meeting With Allies
Chapter 2: Mystery Twins
Chapter 4: The Ladies Scott
Chapter 5: Dinner with Sarah and Olivia
Chapter 6: Securing The Price
Chapter 7: The Past And Future
Chapter 8: Clara Scott
Chapter 9: The Kenway Mansion
Chapter 10: Going For It
Chapter 11: The Troubles Of The Mind
Chapter 12: Capturing The Mind
Chapter 13: Explaining The Past
Chapter 14: Coming Home
Chapter 15: The Council of London
Chapter 16: A New Foundation
Chapter 17: The Reemergence Of Maria
Chapter 18: Commitments
Chapter 19: Following Tradition
Chapter 20: Clara's Request
Chapter 21: Jenifer White
Chapter 22: Home
Chapter 23: The Last Play
Chapter 24: The Shroud
Chapter 25: Epilogue
After word

Chapter 3: The Search Begins

315 16 0
By winterkonijn1

Evie Frye

Evie patiently waits in Henry's shop for Jacob. Her mind is occupied by the two Ladies. Their operation bears investigation. It is too suspicious. A sigh leaves her yet again as she wants to get this gang business over with.

"Something the matter, Miss Frye?" Henry asks as he puts the delivery of the Scotts together. Evie nods as she stands back up.

"It does not make sense how Sarah and Olivia are so able to ward off Starrick. The Templars have been in control for decades and they are having trouble with ousting two women? It eludes me as to how they could achieve it," Evie says while pacing in the room. Henry chuckles as he watches her pace around the room.

"After we have freed Whitechapel, I am sure you can get to the bottom of this, Miss Frye. There is a fire lit in your eyes that tells me you will get the answers you seek. Be patient. All good things come with time," he says.

"Patience seems to be something Kaylock no longer has, he challenged us for control over Whitechapel. Freeing the children, taking out his henchmen, and locking up his associate has made him desperate," Jacob announces with pride.

"Good. Where will the dispute be settled?" Evie asks.

"At the train station of Whitechapel. He will bring his lads while I bring the Rooks! He even bet his train on this fight!"

"Excellent. That train will be useful," Evie points out. Henry nods with a knowing smile. "Very sharp of you, Miss Frye. That train will serve as our headquarters. It moves around the city, making it hard for Starrick to locate us. We will be able to operate without him breathing down on us," Henry adds.

"My exact thoughts! Jacob, you may not have a brain, but luck is certainly something you have," Evie says and pats him on his shoulder.

"Is that an insult or a compliment?" Jacob asks as he follows Evie. Henry hurriedly followed the twins as he quickly grabs something from behind the counter.

"Both. Come, Jacob, let's get this done."

A small area was created close to the train station for the coming fight. It was marked by barrels, buildings, and the train. The Rook and Blighters were already present. Both parties were arming themselves and pumping themselves up for the fight. Evie looks with a frown around the crowd. There is no sign of Rexford Kaylock. He is missing. The crowd only contains a few onlookers. Some children, a few men making bets, and a group of women. All of them are looking towards the gathering of gang members. Evie turns to Henry who was perched next to her on the roof.

"There's no sign of him," Evie points out.

"Yes. I suspect he will show himself only after the fight. He is large and intimidating, but he is not the confrontational type," Henry says in turn. Evie rubs her chin in thought.

"He must be close or he would lose face. Not the crowd, not the train station as that would make him look like a coward... I see. He is on the train that stands just next to where they're fighting," Evie concludes and turns to Henry. "Go to Jacob and give him one of the Kukri knives. He will be thrilled. I will make sure this Kaylock isn't going anywhere."

"Very well, Miss Frye. You have a sharp mind, just like your father. Be careful," he says and stealthily climbs down to get to Jacob. Evie waited on the roof before she moved out herself. It always helps to act while a distraction takes place. What better distraction is there than two groups going at each other?

Jacob discreetly tips his head as a signal to Evie who jumps from the building into a haystack. As the sounds of a fight start to fill the space, she started to make her way to the train. Men and women alike were shouting. Some while they were fighting, others to encourage both parties to give it their all. Probably because they have money on the outcome of the fight.

By the time she reached the train, the fight was already starting to simmer down. Evie saw that Jacob easily defeated the blighters with the help of the Rooks. If Jacob is good at one thing then fighting would be number one of them. When Evie reached the side of the train, she climbs to the top of one of the wagons

"There you are," a deep voice says, just over the ledge Evie hangs from. "Come and get me you prick!"

'Be careful what you wish for Kaylock,' Evie thought as she looks over the ledge. She sees a large bulky man laughing at Jacob. As he whistles, the train starts to move startling Evie in the process. Jacob starts to run after the train like a mad dog. He makes it but many Blighters were coming on top of the train while Kaylock casually starts to walk to the front of the train.

With the help of a strong push, Evie comes to the roof. Jacob is killing his way through the Blighters towards Kaylock who awaits him. Evie saw him looking in surprise at the sudden appearance of Evie. A small smirk forms on her lips as he pulls out her gun, aiming it and firing at Kaylock. The bullet entered his chest making him stumble off the train. Let's say that he didn't have a soft landing. Evie's gaze goes back to Jacob who is breathing heavily as he pushes a final Blighter of the train.

"You know... you could have helped," Jacob says as he catches his breath. Evie smiles as walks towards him.

"Why bother when I saw you were doing great! I didn't want to steal your thunder, dear brother. And why, I helped. I killed Kaylock, didn't I?" Evie answers Jacobs as her arm swings around his shoulder.

"Right... at least we got the train now. Shall we?" he says motioning to a door leading into the train. "Yes, let's get this train sorted out."

Not much time was needed to get the train sorted out. After making sure the engine driver was paid well and assured she would be treated better, the twins drove the train back to the station. Henry pushed his way through the crowd with some of his belongings. Evie greeted him as she helped him aboard. Jacob was currently obsessed with the toy that belonged to Kaylock. A rope shooter of sorts, but it was broken.

"You know, it was an excellent idea to use the train as a hideout, Miss Frye," Henry says as he puts his items on a table. Despite being a gang leader. Kaylock was very insistent on having train compartments that contain everything someone could need. It was basically a moving house.

"Alright, we best start planning-"

"I am not doing anything until this rope shooter is fixed," Jacob interrupts Evie. Henry pops his head in between the deadly stare of Evie and the hardened one of Jacob. "I know someone who could help with that," Henry chimes in.

Jacob glances at Henry. "I knew you would, Greenie," Jacob says with a disgruntled voice. Evie sighs...

Two days went by as they settled in their new hideout and secured their hold on Whitechapel. It was becoming clearer to Evie that Jacob was seeking glory by wanting to get into action. Fighting the Templars across London. Evie was more of an opinion to secure the Piece of Eden. It is no wonder he hasn't become a Master Assassin yet, the council was right about that at least.

Henry Green still managed to avoid a full-blown fight between the siblings. Jacob goes after Templar targets while Evie investigates the Piece of Eden. Her search starts with the mystery twins. It is why Evie went to them. To see what is happening in the world of Scott.

Henry gave her the address of their house and now Evie looks at a medium-sized home. It is located in a wealthier part of town, but it still doesn't scream money. Another strange observation, Evie thought. If they are reeling in money, how come they live in an average house? Without further distracting thoughts, she knocks on the door and waits for it to be opened.

One minute passes by as she waits in the open street. Blue skies above her and the sun shining brightly. For London that is a small victory already. The streets are often drenched in the usual rain. Today, however, no rain and hardly any clouds.

A second minute passes, and Evie concluded that the Scott twins were not home. A small setback, but it also gives her the opportunity to search the home. It may not be very justified, but concerning the heap of mystery surrounding the two women, Evie thought it warranted.

The building consisted of three floors, but no opening was seen at the front side. She could pick the lock, but with the many people walking about... not the best option. Therefore she discreetly climbed her way to the other side, which was made much easier by the rope shooter. Evie has to agree with Jacob on this point. It was a good idea to have the thing fixed.

Evie landed in the garden and saw again no open windows or any other openings she could use. However, the door was out of view and, from a quick glance at the lock, easily picked. Evie took out her tools and started to work. The small metal tools made their way inside the mechanism of the lock, carefully putting pressure on the right spots.

It took a minute, but soon a click sound was heard and the door was open. Evie scanned her environment once more before entering the house. There was no one she could see. Satisfied by being alone, she entered the Scott home.

The ground floor was very homey. She was first in the kitchen which still had dishes in the sink that needed to be washed. Several shelves and cupboards filled the room along with a stove and oven. There was even a small corridor that leads to the pantry that was filled with food.

Directly attached to the kitchen was the living room and dining room. The fireplace still showed a few smouldering embers. It looks like the twins only recently left the house. Aside from the fireplace, there was a corner with a comfortable-looking couch with a table. A large dining table with several chairs filled the rest of the room. On the walls, there were a few paintings.

A few showed the seas, another showed an island in the Caribbean. Evie wasn't sure which one, but it was lush with jungle and it has a small port town. The last painting was one that showed a ship. She couldn't read the name of the ship, but it was a very beautiful and fierce ship from the looks of it.

Evie couldn't find anything of interest on the ground floor which caused her to go upstairs. The first floor was the floor that contained the sleeping arrangements of the twins. Two bedrooms were in use. One for Sarah and another one for Olivia. There was also a third room, but it was a guest room. As that particular room was fairly empty, she skipped that one during her search.

Olivia's room was very standard. It contained a desk and a painting of herself and her sister together. There was also another painting of an older woman, but Evie did not know who it was. Probably their mother. The older woman resembled the twins with her golden blond hair, bright blue eyes, and a few freckles on her nose. Her face was delicate, but Evie sees the sparkle of a strong-willed woman in the expression she wears. It seems the twins take after their mother.

Evie went over to the desk and looks through it. Nothing interesting was there. Only a few letters talking about deliveries, arrangements with Henry about books, and several potential sights for expansion. Evie sighs as she couldn't find anything. Are they really just businesswomen?

Evie wouldn't give up easily when there was still more to see. The next room was Sarah's sleeping quarters. Unsurprisingly, it was very similar to Olivia's in decor. There was another painting of the sisters together. Only this time there was no second painting, but on the wall, there was clearly a spot for a second painting. Curious, Evie thought.

Evie concentrated and let her minds eye wander around the room. It is an ability few Assassins have. They can sense hidden messages, items, or spaces through the use of 'eagle vision' as some have called it. Her brother and herself have the ability. Even so, she couldn't feel anything amiss or hidden. It was no secret mechanism. Lastly, she went over to the desk to see if it contained anything of interest.

The desk contains nothing of interest again. All documents showed only business-related topics and correspondence. Evie starts to wonder whether Starrick was wrong about these two sisters. What is so special about them? Evie exited the room and looks to the stairs again. There is one more floor she could check, but she wasn't very hopeful to find anything.

Evie took a soft breath and walks towards the stairs to climb to the next floor. As her right foot stepped on the first wooden plank, a sharp knife was pricking into her back. Evie froze in place. She didn't hear anything during her whole search. No window opening, no door that was opened. Nothing. Who is this?!

"Miss Frye, to what do we owe the pleasure? Are you here for me by any chance?" Sarah asks. It would have sounded playful and flirty considering the word choice, but the sharp knife and stern voice made the words land differently.

Evie frowns as she glances behind her. Sarah and Olivia stand behind her. Sarah held a hidden blade against her back while Olivia held her under gunpoint. Both women had a hardened expressions on their faces.

"My Ladies, I am not your enemy," Evie calmly says to both women hoping to defuse the situation.

"Assassin business? Or is this Templar business, Miss Frye?" Olivia asked. Evie looks at Olivia with confusion. She knows about both organisations?

"I am with the Assassins, Lady Olivia. May I ask that you put your weapons away? We can talk about this."

"It would be nice to get some guarantee. In case it is a trick to kill me and my sister when we lower our guard. I am sure you understand, Miss Frye," Sarah says.

"Perhaps if you give us your gun, knives, hidden blade, and Kukri. It would certainly make us feel more comfortable. We can even talk over a cup of tea," Olivia suggested, but it came over more as an order. Evie knew at a glance that these two were highly skilled. They have her cornered and under shot. There's nothing else to do but comply.

"Very well. I assume you would rather remove the weapons yourselves?" Evie says with a defeated tone. Father would be disappointed in her. Getting captured by a potential enemy.

"Olivia?" Sarah says. "Most certainly, Sarah."

Olivia methodically starts to search for any potential weapons. All five throwing knives, her gun, her Kukri, hidden blade, and even a small razor blade Evie did not even knew she had was removed from her.

"Sarah, better not not grope her. You know how I feel about you touching those I fancy," Sarah says jokingly. At least that is what Evie assumed, but it was hard to say with the way Sarah looked at her. Cold and calculating was the only way to describe it.

"I don't fancy women, Sarah. She is all yours," Olivia answers in return. 'Do they not know I am standing right here? Being searched and held under knife point?' Evie thought to herself.

"I am right here, you know," Evie points out in a soft and confused tone.

"Of course, congratulations for being here, Miss Frye. It certainly makes my day," Sarah says more at ease when every weapon was locked away by Olivia.

"Now, how about some tea?"

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