His Fated Mate || Bang Chan

By azaluvx7

24.3K 823 221

(if you're not STAYTINY, this fic is not for you) Y/n's the omega helper of the k-pop group ATEEZ. She has be... More



3.7K 115 17
By azaluvx7


If it's one thing Y/n loves to do is wake up from a nap wrapped in the thick arms of Choi San. He's warm and surprisingly soft with his beautiful scent surrounding her. Y/n's met a lot of omegas in her life but the omegas in the ATEEZ pack have some of the most unique and serene scents. San smells distinctly like frangipani and jasmine with undertones of vanilla and tuberose. It's possibly her favorite scent in the world and she relishes the smell as she begins to stir.

    San squeezes her once, humming from sleep. "You awake?"

    "Kind of," Y/n murmurs back. She briefly peeks her eyes open but immediately regrets it as the fluorescent lights beam above her head. She groans in annoyance and promptly shoves her face deeper into his neck.

San chuckles and kisses the top of her head. "Not ready to get up?"

    "No," she grunts. "Fucking forgot we were here."

    San smiles. "So grumpy. It's alright. We're all here. You'll be fine."

    Y/n sighs but doesn't argue, she knows he's right. Y/n's just a bit... sensitive after sharing a rut with Hongjoong and inevitably going into heat. It doesn't help that Hongjoong had to immediately get back to work and Y/n had to accompany him, so they didn't get the proper aftercare they both deserve. Y/n isn't complaining though because the others have been giving her the affection she still craves and Hongjoong has never gone longer than 10 minutes without being near her. Even now, Y/n can feel and smell him close by.

    Being their omega is a fun job. When Y/n first started off, she was just as young as the others when they debuted. It's been a recent rule for K-pop groups to be assigned dynamic helpers from the start of their debut. Growing up with these 8 guys has been a whirlwind of emotions but she wouldn't take it back for anything.

    Y/n and San stay cuddled up together, shifting once so San can plow into her boobs, pestering small kisses there. Y/n knows he's not intentionally trying to turn her on, it's just a thing he does so she sits still and lets him be, blatantly ignoring the heat pulling into her gut as she runs her hands up and down his back.


"What?" he grunts.

    "Would you let up on Y/n? I can smell her arousal from here," Seonghwa reprimands.

    Y/n feels San's lips pull into a pout. "But I like giving kisses."

    "I know," Y/n tilts her head back and watches as Seonghwa runs his fingers through his dark hair. "But you're getting Hongjoong and Yunho riled up."

    "That's their problem," San grumbles.

He relents anyway, sitting up with a stretch. Y/n watches as San makes grabby hands for Seonghwa. The other omega rolls his eyes but leans down and lets him shower his face in kisses. Y/n gets a strong whiff of his scent, dark oak, lilies of the valley, and red roses. She melts into the cushion underneath her and purrs heavily. Seonghwa smiles down at her and pushes San away.

"Hi, omega."

Y/n blushes under his intense gaze and turns her head. "Hi, Seonghwa."

Seonghwa laughs softly, leaning into her face and scenting her. "All these years and I still make you shy."

She rolls her eyes as her blush deepens but accepts his affection. "Shut up, Hwa. You're just too damn beautiful."

"Cute." He presses a featherlight kiss to her hairline before walking away.

The two of them watch him leave.

"You know he's gonna fuck you to tears when we get home, right?" Wooyoung quips from the floor in front of them, eyes still trained on his phone.

"Most definitely," San nods.

Y/n groans, covering her face with her hands. "Why did I sign up for this job?"

Wooyoung and San continue to tease her, ending in a wrestling match. Afterward, Y/n and San are smooshed against Wooyoung's chest, watching something on his phone. Wooyoung's scent is pretty flowery for an alpha but it suits him, magnolia, ripe cherry blossoms, and spruce.

Most of their downtime is spent like this. Y/n's always cuddled up with someone else while watching something or simply relaxing. For the members who aren't as physically expressive, Y/n will spend time with them in whatever way they prefer without question or complaint. She's never had to complain about anything though. The others are pretty laidback.

"Guys," Jongho wanders into the room. "Stray Kids are here."

San and Wooyoung perk up at that and Y/n huffs out a laugh, sitting up. San and Wooyoung are off the couch in seconds and Y/n settles back, cuddling up in her blanket. She watches peacefully as the other group walks in bowing slightly and exchanging pleasantries. Y/n avoids all of their eyes for obvious reasons. She smiles watching San, Seonghwa, and Wooyoung coo over Felix.

Y/n isn't close with the Stray Kids members herself. She was there for them during Kingdom but she was preoccupied with taking care of ATEEZ and their mental state rather than interacting with the other idols. She's heard a lot of good things about them though.

"Wow. Forgotten just like that," Y/n playfully pouts.

San wordlessly leaves Felix's side and gives her a kiss. Wooyoung makes a fuss about her teasing but kisses her also. Jongho and Yeosang give her cheek kisses in passing as they get comfortable.

"Oh?" Mingi walks in. "Are we giving our omega kisses?"

Y/n makes a face. "No, we are not."

"Too late."

Y/n yelps as Yunho suddenly scoops her up into his arms. She purrs as he thoroughly scents her and practically melts into his arms, wrapping her legs around him. Yunho smells like morning dew and sage. Y/n can feel their eyes on her and knows the Stray Kids members are watching them but she doesn't care. Her pack has never been shy about showing their affection for her. There's been plenty of pictures across the internet of them actively seeking out her affection in public settings. Y/n was worried in the beginning but quickly let go of any fear once Hongjoong made it perfectly clear to their fans that Y/n was part of their pack and wasn't going anywhere.

So knowing her pack doesn't care, Y/n lets Yunho do his alpha thing. Out of all four alphas, Yunho is the only one who doesn't let himself indulge in his alpha. He claims that he likes to have control over himself so he doesn't let himself go. It's times like these that Y/n cherishes his affection the most as the alpha gently rumbles at her.

"You're hogging," Jongho speaks up.

"Yunho," Hongjoong briefly glances at him. "We have company."

Yunho rolls his eyes but sets Y/n back on the couch. He helps her get settled and she bats his hands away after the fourth tuck.

"Alright, alright," she laughs lightly. "I'm comfortable."

Yunho smiles bashfully before leaning forward and capturing her lips into a slow kiss. Kissing Yunho has to be one of Y/n's favorite things to do. His kisses are slow and attentive, effectively erasing all the thoughts from her head each time.

Yunho smiles wickedly at the blissed-out expression on her face and kisses her nose. "Cute."

Y/n flushes as he openly stares into her eyes. Under usual circumstances, Y/n would never be staring so openly into the eyes of an alpha. It's a wary and intimate affair in their society. Everyone knows that if you look into someone else's eyes, there is a chance of you meeting your fated mate.

It's a common occurrence for people to try to meet the eyes of their mates in public but Y/n hasn't allowed herself to do that. She has a job to do and she's not so sure she will be able to continue if she ever met her fated mate. Though at the start of her career, it was required for Y/n to look into the eyes of each member of ATEEZ. They didn't want to risk the chance of her being everyone's omega while fated to one of them. Though ATEEZ already has its pairs of fated mates, it's not uncommon for some people to have more than one.

Y/n playfully pushes Yunho's face away. "Yunho, stop it."

Yunho grins giving her one last kiss and walks away. "Alright, who's next?"

Seonghwa immediately comes to her side, heavily scenting her before kissing her cheek. "Love you, jagiya."

"Love you, too, Hwa," Y/n responds, rubbing their noses together.

Hongjoong wordlessly leans over and kisses the back of her hand before leaving her side. Mingi plops himself down next to her and Y/n flushes under his intense gaze. She can never get over how ridiculously beautiful this group of men is. Most of the time she's able to control herself, but when it comes to Mingi, she always gets shy.

"Hi, Mingi," Y/n tilts her head.

Mingi wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her onto his lap, promptly burying his face in her neck, running his big hands up and down her back. "Hi, baby."

Y/n shivers as his deep voice ring in her ear. "You okay?"

"Mm," he hums, running his nose up nose before beginning to scent her. "I'm fine. I have to leave soon but I'll be right back. Just wanted to scent you first."

"Ah okay."

Y/n sits diligently still as he works his scent over him. Mingi smells distinctly of silver birch leaves and white geraniums with bursts of sandalwood and sequoia wood. It's heavy and earthy but she loves it either way. Once Y/n's able to only smell Mingi and Mingi only, the alpha lets up, tucking her back in her blankets, and leaves with a soft kiss that gives her butterflies. Y/n watches him saunter out of the room with a whipped look on her face.

"Stop staring. He's already gone," Jongho quips.

Y/n scrunches her nose at the beta. "Whatever."

"It's okay, Y/n," Wooyoung leans forward in his chair. "We all know how crazy you two are for each other."

She rolls her eyes. "Will you stop? I am just doing my job and he's just indulging in his instincts. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Yeah, no one believes that," Yunho grins.

"Didn't you hear Mingi this morning?" San joins, leaning his head on Felix's shoulder.

"This morning?" Y/n frowns.

"He was going on and on about how much he loves his precious omega," San tells her. "Even claimed you as Misuk's dam."

Y/n's eyes widen at that and she ducks her head, messing with her fingers. "I'm not..." she fights a smile as she glances back up at San. "Did he really say that?"

"I was there for that," Hongjoong lifts his head. "He really said it."

Y/n slumps down onto the couch with a huge smile on her face. Wooyoung, Yunho, and Seonghwa make kissy faces at her and she whines, burying herself under the blankets.

"Stop teasing her, hyung," Jongho bats at Yunho's leg.

Y/n is only a bit in love with Mingi. He's the softest alpha she's ever encountered and is extremely delicate when it comes to her. He's rough when it counts, like during his rut or whenever they play, but he always treats her so well. All the alphas do in the pack, but it's different with Mingi. Y/n knows a part of it is because she was there for him along with Yunho when he was on hiatus due to his anxiety and having Misuk. She made it her life's mission to help his alpha along with helping him with his pup. Bonding through parenting is intimate but Y/n wouldn't take back anything she's done for Mingi or his pup. She loves them both dearly. Mingi calling her the dam of his pup makes her want to purr endlessly.

"Shall we get started?"

Y/n shivers at the alpha's voice and peaks through her blanket. Despite her feelings for Mingi, Y/n would be lying if she said Bang Chan wasn't attractive. He's wearing a simple black shirt under the hoodie Y/n watches him take off and hand it over to Lee Minho, Seonghwa's new omega friend that he's obsessed with. The omega immediately slips it on and buries his nose in it.

Y/n watches carefully as the group begins to talk, letting out her scent when Jongho gets a bit overwhelmed or Wooyoung gets too excited. It turns out that the two groups are doing an EP together and have come together today to go through some brainstorming with everyone. Y/n notes some of their producers are there as well but aren't actively involved. After a while, Hongjoong wheels his chair over to Y/n and wordlessly hands her a familiar laptop.

She frowns as she sits up, accepting it. "Joong?"

"Can you work your magic on the tracks in the folder I have for you?" he asks, absently wringing his wrists.

"Oh, yeah sure," Y/n settles the laptop in front of her. "Why didn't you say anything earlier, Joong? I could've helped."

"I just," he shrugs. "It's my job so I didn't want to burden you after our cycles so soon."

She gives him a stern look and he presses his lips together, mumbling an apology to her. Y/n shakes her head, reaching out to run her hand through his hair. He chuffs at her once, bumping his nose against her wrist.

"You work too hard, alpha," she chides with a soft smile on her face. "You can lean on me anytime. I may not be Seonghwa but I'm still yours."

Hongjoong flashes his alphan eyes at her, letting out a small possessive growl but nods his head. "I know. Sorry, baby."

Y/n waves him off. "It's alright. You're getting better and that's all I can ask of you."

Hongjoong gives her a soft, vulnerable smile before hesitantly tilting forward. Y/n waits with an open expression as he leans forward, sliding his hands across the surface of her thighs and capturing her lips in a slow kiss. He growls openly, fangs nipping at her lips as he grips her hips and licks into her mouth once before pulling away. Y/n shudders as his scent covers her, osmanthus and tiare flowers with spearmint and eucalyptus. Hongjoong has a healing scent but when he's turned on, he smells like an aphrodisiac.

"Thank you, Y/n," he slowly opens his eyes, gazing up into hers and gently raking mindless patterns across her lower back with his exposed claws. "You mean a lot to me, to us. I hope you know that."

"I know, Joong," Y/n smiles, bumping her nose against his. "Go. I'll work on this for you."

Hongjoong gives her one more kiss before rolling away again. Y/n catches Seonghwa watching them. As their eyes meet, he shoots her a smile and a grateful nod. Y/n winks back at him before grabbing her equipment from the side of the couch and setting to work. She quickly loses herself in the music.

Y/n composes just like Hongjoong and Mingi but because she's their omega, she didn't pursue this dream. She's happy where she is. She likes taking care of her omegas. She likes comforting her alphas and being whatever her beta needs from her. She trained for this very job and there was no way she'd ever abandon it. But music is still part of her life thanks to them. She's helped them with song ideas, tracks, and themes. They begged her to take credit for it but she wouldn't let them. It was minor anyway, a few shifts here and there.

She has her own music though. The only person who knows about it is Mingi and Yunho by default. They've pushed her to at least share them with the company for potential new groups but Y/n doesn't think she's ready for that. The thought of sharing her work with the world scares her. Maybe one day she'll go for it but for now, she'll stay with ATEEZ as their omega caretaker with pride.

About an hour later, Y/n's interrupted by a small body jumping on her.

She glances down and laughs brightly as she slides off her headphones. "Misuk!"

Misuk beams up at her with her father's beautiful brown eyes, her long black hair falling behind her. "Umma! I missed you!"

Y/n wraps her tightly into her arms, burying her face in the pup's neck and heavily scenting her. "I missed you, too, pup."

Misuk giggles, hugging her tightly with her small arms. "Appa missed you too."

"Oh really?" Y/n grins, lifting her gaze to the alpha as he walks over to them. "Did Appa tell you that?"

"Yep!" Misuk lets her go and drops into her lap, nuzzling into her stomach. "He was talking about you all the way here."

Mingi chuckles bashfully, sitting down next to her. "You didn't have to tell on me."

Misuk shrugs. "Not sorry."

Y/n shakes her head at him. "I wasn't even gone that long."

Mingi actively avoids her gaze. "I know, I just didn't expect your heat to come on during hyung's rut. It never usually triggers unless you're with the other omegas or Yunho."

Y/n wrinkles her nose at him before kissing his cheek. "Cute. You worry too much."

He rolls his eyes before pulling both girls into his arms. Misuk makes a fuss as she barrels her way between the two of them, cuddling in the middle. The rest of ATEEZ briefly watch them with smiles on their faces.

"That's his kid?" Changbin asks.

Wooyoung nods his head. "Yep. That's Misuk. She was born right before Mingi went on hiatus."

"Oh my god, hyung," Hyunjin pouts. "They have a pup in their pack."

Minho glares at him. "What do you want me to do about it?"

"I want a pup," he shakes him. "Can we please have a pup?"

"I'll carry it," Felix offers, eyes bright with wonder.

"Whoa whoa whoa," Chan waves his hand. "Time out. You want pups?"

Both omegas nod their head.

"Why haven't you said anything before?" Changbin asks.

Hyunjin and Felix turn toward Minho. The head omega sighs and faces Chan.

"We may or may not have been talking about wanting pups for a few months now," he briefly meets his alpha's gaze before glancing away.

"Oh my god," Wooyoung covers his mouth. "Felix with pups? That's so cute! Imagine their freckled little faces."

"Hyung," Felix whines, his face turning red. "You're embarrassing me."

"Pups?" Seungmin speaks up. "Right now?"

"Felix would make very cute pups," Jeongin nods. "All of our omegas would."

"Okay. Hold the fuck on," Chan huffs exasperated. "First of all, we can not have any pups right now. We are entirely too busy with this new collab and the hundred other things we have planned for this year. We can't do this. We've had enough mishaps with Hyunjin and you, Felix, being out of commission. We can't do that to STAYs."

Both omegas pout at the logic. Minho wordlessly reaches over and rubs Felix's back.

"I'm sorry, guys, but that's out of the question," he sighs. It's quiet for a moment before he breaks into a huge grin. "Our omegas would make very cute pups, though."

"Yah! Don't get my hopes up," Hyunjin complains, crossing his arms over your chest.

Jisung snorts and pokes his cheeks. "Baby."

"We can have them later on," Chan waves. "Right now, let's focus on our career, okay? Please."

"How is he handling parenthood and idol life?" Minho asks.

Seonghwa and Hongjoong glance back over to Mingi who's talking softly to Misuk and Y/n. They can hear Y/n's purring from where they sit. Misuk subconsciously chirps back at her every now and then.

"He's handling it pretty well but Y/n, our omega, has been a huge part of it," Seonghwa tells him. "Misuk's real dam dipped as soon as she gave birth to him, leaving her in Mingi's care. He started breaking down from stress after 2 months with her. He didn't want help at first but Y/n put her foot down for Misuk's sake and took over. She practically is her dam and she helped Mingi comes to terms with everything.

"She comes with us almost everywhere. Sometimes when our schedules are too busy for her own schedule, Mingi's grandparents will take care of her. For right now, ATINY doesn't know about her. Mingi was gonna wait until the pup could walk and talk but-"

"She's doing pretty well with that," Minho interrupts. "She's, what, 2 years old now? Her Korean is amazing and I thought I heard her speaking English with your omega."

"Ah yeah," Hongjoong smiles in pride. "That's Y/n's doing. She tries to speak both Korean and English with the pup to keep her well-versed."

"They're not fated?" Changbin asks. "Y/n and Mingi?"

Seonghwa and Hongjoong shake their heads.

"Ah, that's too bad," the alpha sits back in his seat. "They seem perfect for each other."

Chan tunes out the rest of the conversation as he actively watches the small family. His heart yearns for something like that. Despite telling off his pack, Chan has always wanted to be a sire... and there's something about this specific omega caring for a pup that soothes all the withering aches inside of him.

Chan won't deny that he's been subconsciously eyeing her since the moment they stepped inside the room. She was there during Kingdom as well but he only saw her a few times. Regardless, the same pull was there even back then and it's only 10 times worse now. He finds himself smiling as she tickles Misuk and showers her face with kisses. Y/n is despicably beautiful with her hair lazily sitting in a massive bun and her alluring clear dark skin peeking out of the baggy sweater she's wearing. He can't smell her from here but he wishes he could.

"Mingi," Hongjoong leans back in his chair. "We're heading to the studio with 3racha to look at some tracks Chan-hyung has. Are you coming?"

"Oh," he lifts his head. "Uh, yeah, I'll come."


Y/n glances up as Hongjoong walks up to her. "Yes?"

"Can you come with us?" he tilts his head. "I'm not quite ready to let you out of my sight yet."

Y/n glances at the rest of her pack.

"Don't worry about us, noona," Jongho nods. "We'll be fine."

Yeosang and Yunho nod in agreement. Wooyoung and San are too busy with Felix and Hyunjin. Seonghwa's tangled up in a conversation with Minho, their fingers linked as they sit close to each other.

"Alright," she sighs, setting Misuk on her feet. "Let's go."

Mingi grabs Y/n's stuff as she stands up and stretches. She subconsciously lifts her head and accidentally makes eye contact with Changbin, one of their alphas. Nothing seems to happen though so Y/n just smiles and waves at him. Changbin shoots her a soft smile and waves back.

"Here," Hongjoong taps his ankles, her shoes in his hands. "Put these on."

Y/n bites back the urge to laugh at the gesture but relents, setting her hands on his shoulders as he puts on her shoes for her.

Seonghwa lets out a snort. "Such an alpha, that one."

Hongjoong's ears turn red as he blatantly ignores his fated mate and pack's teasing.

"Yah," Y/n hisses softly. "Leave him alone."

Y/n reaches down and scoops Misuk in her arms before grabbing a blanket. "You're coming with me."

"Aw, why?" she pouts. "I wanted to stay with Uncle Yunho!"

"Nope," Y/n gently bats her hand away. "Don't think just because you were gone that I forgot your schedule, Mimi. It's time for a nap."

Misuk pouts, plopping her head on Y/n's shoulder. "Mean."

The older omega rolls her eyes and follows after her alphas. Hongjoong and Mingi are busy talking to Chan and Changbin up ahead. Y/n notices Jisung hang back and bumps his hip.

"Hey," she grins. "Long time no see."

The alpha smiles at her, meeting her gaze. "You too. How are things going for you?"

Y/n lifts an eyebrow. "I believe I should be asking you that."

Jisung sighs at the stern tone in her voice. "Noona-"

"Did your alpha handle that omega bitch?" she asks. "From what I witnessed and what you told me, she had better been fired."

"She was," he nods with a sigh. "We were just gonna stick with just our alpha caretaker but we really do need a professional omega caretaker. We found a new one. She's older than us, older than Chan by 3 years, but she does wonders."

"Okay and the sex?" Y/n tilts her head. "How are you handling that?"

Jisung bristles but sighs. "I've been working on it... Right now I can only handle sex with Seungmin and Chan-hyung. I can't quite handle the scents of the omegas when they're aroused yet."

"And that's okay," she gently grips his wrist. "Healing takes time, Jisung. How about your ruts?"

Jisung actively avoids her gaze and Y/n frowns at him.

"I..." he sighs again. "I haven't had my rut since the incident."

She blinks at him. "I- What?"

"I just can't handle it," Jisung shrugs his shoulders. "I can't go a rut without an omega. Even before I properly presented, I still had the omegas from my pack at home with me. I don't want to have a rut if I can't enjoy it with the omegas that I love."

Y/n hums in understanding. "Alright. I'm glad you're getting better though and I'm glad your alpha handled it."

"Yeah, he did," Jisung huffs out a laugh. "Channie-hyung was furious when he found out but he handled it well."

"That's good. You seem to have a good alpha."

He smiles at her. "That I do."

Y/n remembers the day like it was yesterday. It was during Kingdom. The group had taken a break and was getting ready to get back to practicing. Y/n went on a search for Yeosang in the bathroom when she saw it. Jisung had been pinned to the ground by his omega caretaker with a camera in his face as she took advantage of him. His distressed scent was all over the bathroom. It was clear he wasn't enjoying it and when Y/n had stepped further inside, she had heard him beg her to stop and get off of him. After that Y/n had seen red and almost beat the omega to a pulp. Jisung had begged her not to say anything as she tried to help calm him down.

It turns out she didn't have to go against his wishes as the omega had dumbly exposed herself in front of the rest of his pack barely 30 minutes later, asking him to talk only to freeze as Jisung violently flinched at her touch and practically sub dropped in the middle of the practice room. Minho and Chan had all but dragged her away from him as Y/n helped Seungmin soothe the dropping alpha. That's when everything came to light. The omega had stupidly dropped her phone revealing thousands of videos of her assaulting Jisung. She was fired and put in jail immediately after that. It's a miracle they were able to keep it under wraps but everyone in Kingdom knows. Their sunbaes still check up on the alpha from time to time, just like Y/n.

"I don't remember if I said this or not but," Jisung stops, taking Y/n's hand in his. "Thank you so much for helping me. You protected me without hesitation and you didn't even know me. Without you... that omega would still be here and I would've never had the courage to come forward. So thank you, Youn Y/n."

Y/n's eyes well with tears and Jisung panics in front of her.

"Shit! I didn't mean to make you cry! Fuck, wait-"

She snorts, furiously wiping her tears with her free hand. "It's fine. I'm still a bit emotional after my heat. You don't have to thank me. I would do it again in a heartbeat."

"Everything okay?"

Y/n turns to Mingi who's giving Jisung a blank look.

"It's okay, I'm fine," she assures him. "I'm just a bit emotional, that's all. Don't worry."

Mingi gives a short nod and walks away. Jisung and Y/n quickly follow him and Jisung lets out a deep breath.

"Mingi-hyung is scary," he whispers.

Y/n snorts. "He is not. He's a big teddy bear. He's just tall with a resting bitch face."

Jisung laughs brightly at that but nods his head. "Whatever you say, noona."

They follow the others into the spacious studio. Chan is setting up with Hongjoong next to him. Changbin's leaning over him, glancing across the dashboard. Y/n's arms grow sore and she glances down to see Misuk fast asleep.

She shakes her head with a wistful smile. "All that fuss about taking a nap and you're already knocked out."

Mingi glances back at her and smiles. "Cute. Do you want me to take her?"

"No, it's okay," she walks over to the couch and gets comfortable. "My omega is intent on holding her and keeping her close for at least 3 days."

The alphas in the room laugh at her as she gets comfortable with the pup splayed across her chest. A dark look crosses Hoongjoong's face at the sight and Mingi gently elbows him.

"Hyung," he playfully chastises. "We have company. Stop looking at her like that."

Hongjoong takes a deep breath in and lets it out, blatantly turning around with a small growl in his throat. "Right, sorry."

Chan snorts. "You're good. I understand how you're feeling. Still a bit hazy from your rut?"

"Yep," he sighs, running a hand down his face. "I've been busy since the day it let up and haven't gotten much chance for aftercare for me or my omega."

The other alpha grimaces and Hongjoong sighs again. "Yeah, I know. That's why she's here with me. I hope you guys don't mind. She helps us out with all of our music as well."

"Really?" Changbin lifts an eyebrow, glancing over to the omega who's hyperfocused on the pup in her arms.

"That's amazing," Jisung bobs his head.

"We don't mind, Hongjoong. Don't worry."

The five of them get to work rather quickly. Y/n watches from the couch as they slip into their element. It's truly endearing seeing Hongjoong and Mingi working on music with other alphas their age who are as eager about their music as they are. 3racha works a bit differently compared to Hongjoong and Mingi and Y/n hates how attractive it is to see Chan take control of the room.

Hongjoong gets irritated once over something Y/n wasn't entirely paying attention to staring at the lines in Chan's back but she lets out calming pheromones and all 5 alphas relax, the pup in her arms purring in her sleep. Hongjoong sends her a thankful chuff.

She shakes her head. "Quit being stingy and work it out. Compromise, Joong."

Hongjoong nods his head, turning back to talk with Changbin. Y/n shifts around on the couch settling Misuk in between her and the back of the couch before cuddling her close and getting comfortable.


Mingi lifts her head and sets it back down onto something. She realizes from the sheer smell that it's a makeshift pillow from his hoodie. Y/n tilts her head with a beaming smile. "Thanks."

Mingi simply stares at her for a minute before kissing her breath away. "Get some more sleep, baby. We're gonna be in here for a while."

Y/n does as she's told, passing out cold with her omega sated and safe from the alphas around her. Chan finds himself glancing back at her every now and then, smiling softly to himself. Mingi catches him every time and bites back the urge to growl at the man. He understands how endearing it is to see an omega caring for a young pup so he ignores it. But something doesn't quite sit right with his alpha at the yearning in the older alpha's look. Mingi makes a note to talk to him about it later.


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