Bakugou X Kirishima "Rewrite"

By MiraculousChatNoir76

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Part 1
Chapter 8 Part 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Part 1
Chapter 13 Part 2
Chapter 14 Part 1
Chapter 14 Part 2
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 Part 1
Chapter 27 Part 2
Chapter 28
Valentine's Day ShinKami
Valentine's Day BakuKiri
Chapter 29
Update!!! (READ!!!)

Chapter 9

49 0 0
By MiraculousChatNoir76


Kirishima : It's great to be back at the dorms.

Bakugou : Yeah it's even better since the other extras aren't here.

Kirishima : Hahaha

Bakugou : "smiles at Kirishima"

Bakugou : "slips his hand into his pants pocket then looks shocked"

Kirishima : What is it Babe?

Bakugou : I think I dropped my phone on our way back?

Kirishima : It has to be out there somewhere, I'll help you look for it.

Bakugou : Thanks 

"Outside Of The Dorms"

Bakugou : "looks around for his phone"

Kirishima : "looks over by the bushes"

Bakugou : "goes over by the trees and finds his phone"

Bakugou : Found it! "picks up his phone"

Kirishima : Great "goes over to Bakugou"

Kirishima : "takes Bakugou's hand wrapping his arm around his waist pulling him over to him"

Bakugou : "blushes"

Kirishima : "smiles"

Bakugou : What are you doing?

Kirishima : Can I not cuddle you?

Bakugou : No- I mean-

Kirishima : Hehehe your to cute Babe.

Bakugou : "blushes looking away"

Bakugou : Whatever "turns around facing the tree"

Kirishima : "goes behind Bakugou undoing his tie and his vest"

Bakugou : "blushes grabbing Kirishima's hand"

Bakugou : W-What are you doing?

Kirishima : Nothing.

Bakugou : "gets nervous"

Kirishima : You okay?

Bakugou : Yeah "turns around facing Kirishima"

Kirishima : "pins Bakugou to the tree"

Bakugou : K-Kirishima?

Kirishima : Can I kiss you?

Bakugou : "shocked"

Bakugou : Y-Yes.

Kirishima : "kisses Bakugou rapping his arm around his back"

Bakugou : "pulls on Kirishima's coat with one hand and puts the other hand into Kirishima's hair"

Kirishima : "moves his leg in between Bakugou's legs"

Bakugou : "french kisses Kirishima"

Kirishima : "pulls Bakugou closer unbottoning his vest and his shirt"

Bakugou : "starts unbottoning Kirishima's shirt and his tie"

Kirishima : "unbuckles Bakugou's belt"

Bakugou : "rubs Kirishima's chest unbottoning Kirishima's pants"

Kirishima : "rubs their members together making Bakugou moan more into the kiss"

Bakugou : A~Ahh

Kirishima : "picks up Bakugou by the legs pushing him up against the tree"

Bakugou : "wraps his legs around Kirishima's waist wrapping his arms around Kirishima's neck"

Kirishima : "moves down to Bakugou's neck giving him hickies on his neck making Bakugou moan"

Bakugou : A~Ahh K-Kirishima h~hmm

Kirishima : I love you~

Bakugou : A~Ah I l-love you too

Kirishima : "slides his hand into Bakugou's pants rubbing his member making him moan"

Bakugou : A~Ah Kiri

Kirishima : Stop me if I go to far okay.

Bakugou : Okay.

Kirishima : "takes his hand out of Bakugou's pants"

Kirishima : "moves their members together"

Bakugou : A~Ah

Kirishima : "phone vibrates"

Kirishima : "takes out his phone looking at a text from Kaminari saying they're coming back to the dorms"

Kirishima : The others are on their way back.

Bakugou : H~Hm m-my room

Kirishima : What?

Bakugou : T~Take us to my room before they get here and see us.

Kirishima : Okay.

Kirishima : "takes Bakugou to his room closing Bakugou's door"

Bakugou : B~Bed

Kirishima : "sits on Bakugou's bed sitting him into his lap moving their members together"

Bakugou : H~Haa K~Kirishima

Kirishima : You okay?

Bakugou : Y~Yes I'm fine, K~Keep going.

Kirishima : "slides his hand into Bakugou's pants taking his member out of his boxers"

Bakugou : H~Hmm

Kirishima : "takes out his member rubbing their members together"

Bakugou : A~AHH Kirishima m~mh more.

Kirishima : What~

Bakugou : M~More

Kirishima : "lays Bakugou down laying beside him"

Bakugou : M~Mmm h~ha

Kirishima : Feel good?

Bakugou : M~Mhm

Kirishima : F~Feel close?

Bakugou : Y~Yes I'm really close Kiri!

Kirishima : "rubs their members together faster"

Bakugou : A~Ahh "cums"

Kirishima : You okay?

Bakugou : Yeah.

Kirishima : Lets get changed and clean up.

Bakugou : Well yeah this is my bed!

Kirishima : Hahaha

"After They Cleaned Up And Changed Their Clothes"

Bakugou : "lays down on his bed"

Kirishima : "comes out of the bathroom walking over to Bakugou's bed laying on top of him"

Bakugou : Feel better after a shower?

Kirishima : Yes.

Bakugou : Glad.

Kirishima : Can I get a good night kiss? If that's not too much of a request?

Bakugou : "kisses Kirishima"

Kirishima : "kisses him back"

Bakugou : "backs away" Night Kirishima.

Kirishima : Night Babe.

"The Next Day"

Mina : Come on Bakugou where did you and Kirishima go?

Bakugou : That's none of your business Pinkie!

Mina : Come on!

Sero : Mina it's no use in trying.

Kirishima : "comes into the lounge"

Kaminari : Hey Kiri!

Kirishima : Hey.

Sero : Kirishima do you have plans today?

Kirishima : Yeah I have a full day planed.

Kaminari : What are you doing today?

Mina : Are you taking someone out?!

Kirishima : "blushes" No Mina that's not what my plans are for today.

Sero : Then what's your plans?

Kirishima : Nothing important.

Kirishima : "starts walking away pulling out his phone going to Bakugou's contact texting him"

Kirishima Texting : Come to my dorm room.

Bakugou : "feels his phone vibrate"

Bakugou : "grabs his phone seeing the text from Kiri"

Bakugou Texting : Okay, Be there in a minute.

Kirishima Texting : Okay see you soon.

Bakugou : "puts his phone in his pocket and walks towards the elevator pushing the button to go to the second floor stepping into the elevator"

Bakugou : "steps out of the elevator walking towards Kirishima's dorm knocking on the door"

Kirishima : "opens the door"

Kirishima : Hey, come on in.

Bakugou : Why did you want me to come here? "closes the door"

Kirishima : I wanted to know if you maybe wanted to go on a date?

Bakugou : "blushes" How are we supposed to leave without the others seeing us both leave at the same time?

Kirishima : Don't you go on your run in a few minutes?

Bakugou : Yeah, I go at the same time everyday.

Kirishima : Then there we go, When you leave for your run I'll leave 10 minutes after.

Bakugou : I guess that could work.

Kirishima : So will you go on a date with me?

Bakugou : Yes I'll go on a date with you and it better be good.

Kirishima : I've been planning it for a few days now so I hope we have fun.

Bakugou : We better.

Bakugou : I'm gonna go get ready for my "run" I'll meet you outside.

Kirishima : Okay Babe.

Bakugou : "blushes turning around leaving Kirishima's dorm going to his dorm changing out of his uniform into jeans and his skull shirt with his jacket putting on his boots"

Bakugou : "leaves his dorm room locking it going to the elevator heading to the lounge"

Bakugou : "walks into the lounge"

Iida : Oh Bakugou, Are you going on your run already?

Bakugou : What do you mean? I go at this time everyday!

Momo : Just make sure to be back before curfew.

Bakugou : Yeah yeah I got it! "leaves the dorm building waiting for Kirishima at the tree 4 feet away"

Kirishima : "puts on his shoes leaving his dorm room going to the lounge"

Kaminari : Hey Kirishima!

Sero : Hey dude!

Kirishima : Hey guys.

Mina : You look nice where are you going?

Sero : Is it a date dude?

Kirishima : No you guys I'm just leaving to go look around town.

Kaminari : Can we go with you?

Kirishima : I would like that but I'm going to um buy my Mom a birthday gift and I know you guys can't keep secrets.

Sero : Oh come on dude.

Kirishima : Maybe next time guys, I gotta go I'll see you guys later "leaves the dorm building"

Mina : We're following him, Come on.

Sero : Come on Mina.

Mina : Kirishima's Mom's birthday already passed.

Kaminari : That's true!

Sero : He lied!

Mina : And we're going to find out where he's going, come on.

Mina, Sero And Kaminari : "gets their shoes on and leaves the dorm building following behind Kirishima"

Mina Whispering : There he is.

Sero Whispering : Wait is that Bakugou?

Kaminari Whispering : I thought he was going on his run?

Mina Whispering : Was he waiting on Kirishima?

Bakugou : "sees Kirishima"

Bakugou : There you are, ready to go?

Kirishima : I should be asking you that question.

Bakugou : I asked it first, where to first?

Kirishima : "takes Bakugou's arm" You'll find out when we get there "pulls Bakugou forward"

Bakugou : Okay.

Mina Whispering : Let's follow them.

Kaminari And Sero : Okay.

"With Kirishima And Bakugou"

Kirishima : Here we are.

Bakugou : The mall.

Kirishima : Yes come on "grabs Bakugou's hand pulling him into the mall"

Bakugou : "smirks"

Mina Whispering : We still have to follow them, come on.

Kirishima : Where do you wanna go first?

Bakugou : I guess we could go to hero merch stuff.

Kirishima : Okay that sounds fun!

Bakugou : We can also go see the movies and other stuff.

Kirishima : Okay "holds Bakugou's hand"

Bakugou : "grips Kirishima's hand"

Sero Whispering : Am I the only one seeing that they are holding hands?

Mina Whispering : No I see it.

Kaminari Whispering : Maybe it's just so one of them doesn't get lost.

Mina Whispering : I don't think so but maybe.

"After The Mall"

Bakugou : Where are we going now?

Kirishima : One of your favorite places.

Bakugou : Okay.

"At The Sunflower Field"

Bakugou : I didn't think any bloomed yet?

Kirishima : They planted them early this year "picks one of the Sunflowers handing it to Bakugou"

Bakugou : "smiles taking the Sunflower from Kirishima's hand"

Bakugou : Thanks.

Kaminari Whispering : I didn't know Bakugou liked Sunflowers.

Sero Whispering : I didn't either.

Bakugou : Where to next? I'm not gonna lie I'm intrigued.

Kirishima : Come on "pulls Bakugou"

Bakugou : Okay okay.

"At The Beach"

Bakugou : "smirks"

Kirishima : I thought it would be the perfect night to come down here.

Bakugou : It really is.

Kirishima : "takes off his jacket pulling off his shirt and his shoes"

Bakugou : What are you doing?

Kirishima : "pulls Bakugou towards the water"

Kirishima : Come on!

Bakugou : Hehe fine "takes off his shoes and his jacket"

Kirishima : "pulls Bakugou into the water with him"

Bakugou : It's cold!!

Kirishima : Hehehe

Bakugou : Nope can't do it "walks out of the water shivering"

Kirishima : "walks out of the water handing Bakugou his jacket"

Bakugou : Thanks.

Kirishima : No problem.

Kaminari Whispering : Did I just hear Bakugou say thanks?

Sero Whispering : Yep.

Mina Whispering : Something isn't right.

"After Bakugou And Kirishima Got Dresses And Started Walking Back To The Dorms"

Kirishima : Did you have fun?

Bakugou : Yeah it was fun.

Kirishima : I'm glad.

Mina : Come on we have to catch back up with them before we miss anything!

Sero : We're running as fast as we can Mina.

Kirishima : "kisses Bakugou"

Bakugou : "kisses Kirishima back"

Bakugou : "pulls away"

Kirishima : Lets get back inside.

Bakugou : Yeah.

Sero Whispering : There they are.

Mina Whispering : Come on.

Kaminari Whispering : Wait for me!

"Outside Of Bakugou's Dorm"

Bakugou : I had fun tonight.

Kirishima : I'm glad.

"Meanwhile Around The Corner"

Mina Whispering : They're splitting up.

Sero Whispering : Wait look.

Mina, Kaminari And Sero : "looks towards Bakugou And Kirishima"

Kirishima : I'm glad you had fu-

Bakugou : "pulls Kirishima in a kiss"

Kirishima : "kisses him back"

Mina, Sero And Kaminari : "shocked"

Bakugou : "pulls away" Night Kiri.

Kirishima : Night Babe.

Mina, Sero And Kaminari Thinking : BABE!?

Bakugou : "goes into his dorm closing the door"

Kirishima : "goes to his dorm"


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