Dan and Tommy's Story Volume...

By AidenJivin

352 14 4

MATURE CONTENT This book is intended for 18 and older The boys' relationship is growing closer as their summe... More

Coming Out: Dan
Coming Out - Tommy

Club Aut

56 2 0
By AidenJivin

A/N: I totally forgot to add this chapter at the correct time! And it's an important piece of the story! My bad folks!

They could hear the thumping bass from inside the club over the rumble of Dan's muffler-delete Buick. The parking lot of Club Aut was mostly full and well-lit. The building was pretty non-descript with only a few neon beer signs randomly hanging on the walls and a yellow-lit street sign emblazoning the business name.

When the boys rounded the front corner of the building, there was a short line waiting to be granted entrance inside. The two took their place at the back of the line and slowly moved with the group until they were next.

"ID?" the thin, clean-cut doorman asked as they stepped up to him.
Dan and Tommy both reached for their back pockets, pulled their wallets out, and dug for their driver's licenses. One at a time, they handed their cards to him. After looking at the date on their IDs, each received a red 'fragile' stamp on their right hand before they were allowed in.

The inside was opposite of the outside. Loud thumping music filled the air, there was an empty stage with laser lights blasting out bouncing across a crowded dance floor area and back up to the stage. Just inside the door stood an L-shaped bar with two bartenders racing back and forth serving patrons.

A young man was wearing almost nothing, dancing on the corner of the bar. As people passed by, they'd stop and gawk at his body a little, before stuffing money in the waistband of his tight pink thong underwear. He never stopped moving and just gave a nod of appreciation for the deposit.

The boys looked around the room with a mix of awe and wonder at the controlled chaos. People were dancing to some Lady Gaga song, people standing at the bar waiting their turn to be served, and some sitting at tables speckled around the room.

"This place is wild!" Dan said loud enough to overcome the cacophony of music and yell talking while pointing to an empty table, "Let's sit." he suggested.

Tommy's wide eyes scanned the room taking everything and everyone in. "I so was not expecting this!" he admitted.

"Did you see that guy dancing on the bar?" Dan asked curiously as he watched the bar dancer getting more money put in his underwear from all angles.

"Oh my god yeah! He's making a fortune." Tommy answered with more intrigue than Dan was comfortable with.

"Think I could do that and make money?" Dan asked with the intent to get a reaction out of his partner.

Without missing a beat Tommy replied, "You're body is better than his, but you don't dance Dan!" He quickly looked away from bar dancer and smiled at Dan just as he shrugged his shoulders in submission to Tommy's truth.

"Maybe I'd dance for money. Besides, he's basically just getting paid for lookin sexy and wiggling his hips." Dan argued trying to convince himself and Tommy of his ability to pull it off.

Calling Dan's bluff, Tommy responded sarcastically, "Put yer money where your mouth is. If he comes down, get up there!" while winking in sarcasm at Dan.

"I'm in boxers." Dan pretended to consider the challenge. "Maybe next time."

Their attention was diverted by someone yelling out "OMG you guys came!" As pink-haired Rowan came bouncing and skipping to their table wearing very short and tight cut-off jeans and a half shirt that flaunted his smooth hairless midsection.

Rowan pulled out a third chair and sat it close to Dan before sitting in it. The bubbly personality he showed while he worked at the ice cream shop was obviously throttled. Tonight he seemed extra to Tommy.

"Hey Rowan." Tommy offered trying to hold the discomfort he felt behind a smile.

Rowan drew his attention away from Dan to acknowledge Tommy's greeting before saying he was so happy to see them. His lip curled a little when he noticed the purplish-brown hickey on Tommy's neck. "I wanna dance!" Rowan said over the start of Dance Monkey coming through the speakers. He grabbed Dan's hand.

Without thinking, Dan pulled his hand back before he said, "I ah, I don't dance. Tommy is the dancer in this couple." He looked over at Tommy who was visibly unhappy at Rowan's actions.

Taking the hint, Rowan looked over at Tommy. "Come on, let's dance!" he offered.

Tommy looked at Rowan, then back to Dan, and thought to himself Keep your enemies closer, before standing up and motioning Rowan to follow. The two went to the closest edge of the dance floor and started moving to the music. Dan sat back, feeling satisfied that he got Rowan away from the table.

The longer the song played, the more synchronized Rowan and Tommy's movements got. Their hips swayed together erotically, almost too erotically in Dan's opinion. Every once in a while Tommy would turn to face Dan. He was a natural out there with all the queer dancers and it made Dan happy to see him let loose. He's such a free spirit, Dan thought as he watched his boyfriend find his element among the group.

Dan watched as Rowan pulled a third guy in and formed a small dancing group. The third guy wasn't moving as much as Tommy and Rowan were. He seemed uncomfortable and not as much of a dancer as the others. He was more like, more like Rowan's pole for a pole dance routine of sorts.

Rowan rubbed against the other guy, turned around and backed up against his crotch, and rubbed his ass against the man. A few times it looked like Rowan was trying to climb him. Mostly, the man stayed still, except for his randomly flailing arms.

Occasionally, Dan would catch a weird look on Tommy's face as he saw Rowan dance on the third man.
The three of them danced away as Dan sat back and enjoyed watching Tommy having fun. He knew from many high school dances that Tommy liked to dance but this looked different. It seemed like Tommy was freed from holding himself back.

Tommy, Rowan, and the more masculine guy returned to the table a few songs later, all glistening with sweat that reflected in the red, green, and blue laser lights. Rowan pushed the fourth man down into the chair and sat on his lap.

"This is Tony guys. He's a friend of mine!" He touted with an extra emphasis of bubbly.

When he finished his impromptu introduction, Rowan leaned back against Tony's chest leaving Dan and Tommy to finish introducing themselves because Rowan was too distracted by Tony's presence. Tony returned nods as each offered their names. "I haven't seen y'all before?" Tony responded with a deep southern accent.

"First time." Tommy told him. Dan offered that they were from Monroe and just here for the weekend.

"Cool!" Tony added looking around Rowan's bobbing head, "Happy to meet y'all."

Tony was struggling to hold the conversation with Rowan dancing and bouncing in his lap so they just let the talking fade away into awkwardness.

"I'm thirsty" Tommy told Dan, "I'm gonna get a pop. Ya want one?" he asked Dan as he stood up. Dan nodded his affirmation.

———AT THE BAR——-

Tommy waited patiently behind a small group of guys and girls getting their drink orders filled. His eyes wandered to the dancer on the corner. The way he moved was more than wiggling his hips as Dan had put it earlier. The motion was smooth and sultry as he elicited several guys and a few girls' attention.

He had several different denominations of bills folded and wedged between the elastic of the bright pink thongs and his dark tan skin. His eyes remained closed as he swayed almost trans-like to the beat of the loud music that filled the room.

When someone gave tribute by adding another treasury note to his collection, he'd open his eyes and offer them a smile in return.

Tommy was captivated by him, his big soft brown eyes when they were opened, his beautiful smile, and the way his small but well-defined muscular frame would bulge and relax as he moved.

Feeling his own groin warming up as he watched, he wondered how the dancer's already sizable bulge remained soft with all the hands brushing his cock as people added more cash.

He was caught by surprise when the shirtless man behind the bar yelled "What can I getcha handsome?"

Trying to play off his being enamored by the dancer, Tommy held up his right hand, flashing the fragile stamp, and said "Ah, Pepsi. Two Pepsi's please?" He could feel his cheeks flush as he spoke.

"Two huh?" the bartender asked as he reached for the glasses. "So, you're with someone? That's a shame!" he said smiling as he winked at Tommy.

"Ah yeah. My boyfriend's right over there." Tommy pointed back in the direction of their table. He was positive his face had changed to full-on red.

He smiled back at the man behind the bar but he felt like all of the eyes in the place were focused on him. Tommy held their gaze to show a facade of confidence but inside he suddenly felt vulnerable after being caught lost in the dancer.

The bartender finished filling the two glasses and slid them towards Tommy. "Here ya go cutie." he said with a smile that flashed his jade green eyes in Tommy's direction. "That'll be five dollars."

Tommy pulled his wallet out and gave the man a five and stuffed a couple ones in his tip jar. Putting his wallet back into his pocket, he started to pick up the drinks but stopped. He looked up at the dancer. He removed his wallet one more time, pulled out the three remaining one-dollar bills, and put his wallet back away.

Tommy slowly moved closer to the dancer who looked like he was off in some exotic place in his mind. Tommy's heart nearly froze when the dancer's eyes opened as Tommy reached up and bumped his leg while he was in mid-sway. Tommy knew the dancer saw his discomfort when he smiled down at him and temporarily stopped his movement.

Tommy clumsily raised his hand to the man's waist. He watched, smiling as Tommy fumbled to put the folded ones in the top band. As Tommy finished and started to retract his hand, the dancer started swaying again still holding his gaze on Tommy. Tommy's eyes got as big as saucers when his hand brushed the front of the dancer's thong.

Through a big toothy smile, the dancer mouthed "Thank you." to Tommy before blowing him a kiss. Tommy nodded and turned away in haste, still blushing with excitement.

————-AT THE TABLE———-

While Tommy was at the bar, Dan sat uncomfortable, trying not to watch Rowan basically molest Tony just across the table. Although he noticed that Tony seemed to enjoy it.

To Dan, he thought if they weren't dressed they could be fucking, the way Rowan was moving in Tony's lap. But what made it most uncomfortable for him was the way Rowan was looking at Dan while riding Tony.

Rowan wore a pouty kind of smile while he undressed Dan with his eyes as he moved back and forth or side to side on the other man's lap. Rowan was cute, Dan though but he was already spoken for. He adored Tommy and Rowan didn't hold a candle to him.

Dan kept looking away, he was trying to settle his mind with the overload of people being so open with their gayness. It made him feel a little envious of their lack of fear. Guys were dancing on guys, girls on girls. In a few darker areas, he could see couples kissing. There were a couple of girls the thought could be trans, and everyone seemed more comfortable than he felt. In his heart, he coveted what they all seemed to have.

He didn't notice when Tommy came back to the table until he sat down next to him and slid a glass of Pepsi in front of him. "Whatcha thinking about?" Tommy asked, noticing Dan was somewhere else in his mind.

"Just lookin around at everyone!" Dan answered vaguely not wanting to get too deep in public.

"I know! This place is amazing!" Tommy responded excitedly. "I ah, I tipped the dancer while I was up there." He admitted, blushing through the confidence he felt inside.

Dan smiled at how cute Tommy looked with his face all flushed. "Congratulations baby!" he responded genuinely. Dan liked watching Tommy having so much fun. It was making his heart swell with a sense of his own pride.

By this time, Rowan had turned around on Tony's lap so they were chest to chest as he rocked his hips over Tony's inevitably hard cock. Tommy nodded to Dan in their direction causing Dan to roll his eyes at the view. Tommy however, was amused by the scene playing out in front of them.

After taking a drink, Dan put his glass down on the Jack Daniels coaster and slid his hand over Tommy's, catching him by surprise. Dan looked at Tommy for a few long seconds contemplating life before leaning in. Before Tommy could react, Dan's lips brushed against his as his hand cupped his cheek in a loving embrace.

The sincerity and passion Dan was communicating with his lips floored Tommy. His heart felt like it was going to explode as their tongues entwined in Tommy's mouth. Tommy moved closer to his man as the room around them faded from sight. They lost themselves in their embrace.

When Dan pulled away, he mouthed the words "I'm sorry baby." He felt like Tommy deserved more than he had been able to give him. He longed to be as secure in himself and his love for Tommy as the people surrounding them were.

Tommy's face flooded with concern as he read Dan's lips. He leaned in closer for privacy. "What are you sorry for Dan?", he asked feeling sadness creeping into their space.

"I've been telling myself I'm trying to get to a place where I'm not scared with you and people knowing about us. Seeing you tonight, in this place with all of these happy people, I think I've been lying to myself." Dan responded. His eyes glassed over as he continued. "I want to give you the things you deserve. I want the world to know that I love you." Dan finished squeezing Tommy's hand.

"It's ok Dan. I understand. I'm not sad, you make me happy." Tommy tried to convince Dan. "I always feel special and safe with you." he smiled and put his hand against Dan's cheek trying to comfort him.

"I think I can do better baby!", Dan whispered to his lover. He smiled through his words invoking a smile in equal measure from Tommy.

Dan pulled Tommy back in and kissed him again before saying he promised he'd do better. "But it's getting late and I need to be up early. We should probably go.", he finished his thought.

Tommy agreed and looked over at Rowan and Tony who were now locked in a deep, hot make-out session. He initially wondered if he should interrupt them before he tapped Rowan's shoulder. "Hey we're heading out." he told the confused pink-haired boy.

Rowan wiped the remaining moisture of Tony's kiss away and turned his body to face the other two. "Awww really?" he pouted as if he was really paying them any attention. He looked at Tommy and asked for his phone number.

Surprised, Tommy looked around for something to write on and with. Not finding anything he swiped his phone awake, opened up the texting app, and handed Rowan his phone.

Rowan entered his number before typing 'Heeyyyy', hitting the send button, and handing it back to Tommy.

"I'll save your contact info." Tommy confirmed as he pocketed his phone.
Tony spoke up and asked if he could get their numbers too and the boys agreed thinking it would be good to have friends when Dan started school and moved there. They swapped numbers and texts before saying their goodbyes and turning to leave.

Dan took Tommy's hand in his as they walked across the bar and out into the parking lot. When they reached Dan's car, he followed Tommy to the passenger side. He put his arms around Tommy's waist and stepped in closer watching his expression as he brushed his lips across Tommy's.

Dan whispered "This was good." in Tommy's ear before he opened the door.

"I had a good time." Tommy responded as he bent and sat down.

He smiled lovingly up at Dan before the door closed and Dan walked around and got in the driver's seat. Dan turned the key and the Regal rumbled to life. Neither spoke on the short drive back to their hotel room.

Once they were back in their room, the two got themselves ready for bed. Tommy came out of the bathroom last to find Dan laying comfortably in the bed and waiting for him. He patted the bed next to him. "Too bad they only had a double bed. Now ya gotta sleep next to me."

Tommy pulled his pants off, then his shirt. In his slick boxer briefs, he crawled under the covers next to Dan. "Damn, I forgot about that!" he joked as he snuzzled in close to his man. "I had so much fun tonight. Thank you!"

"Me too baby." Dan agreed. "It was awesome seeing you have so much fun. Aut was really cool. We should go back next time." he finished as he ran his fingers through Tommy's hair.

"We should." Tommy agreed before reaching up and kissing Dan's lips. "I love you."

He laid his head back down on Dan's chest and Dan returned to playing with his shaggy hair. "I love you too baby." Dan replied.

Tommy listened to Dan's heartbeat as he subconsciously synchronized his breathing with Dan's. The two of them drifted off to a peaceful sleep, each finding the other in their own individual dreams.

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