Little Motionless

By CupcakesRule27

742 11 9

Basically,I just wrote about Chris being a little and Kuza eventually becoming his caregiver. I find Little C... More

Introducing the cutest Chris has been, EVER
The secret revealed and a new friend emerges!
Vinny you dick
Theres gonna be a lot of timeskips so fucking roll with it
Chris Gives Hell PT2

Chris Gives Hell

38 0 0
By CupcakesRule27

Just wanted to say holy HELL its been a while since I've updated this! Sorry guys!

        Well,now I've discovered a downside to little Chrissy; he really hates medicine. Like,HATES IT hates it. I've been fighting with him for over two hours to take some damned cough and cold medicine and he's gone and locked himself in the closet. He won't come out,no matter what I try. Sweet talking,bribes,even threats of spankings and time out. Nothing is working! Finally,I gave up and called Devin,he should know what to do,right?
     "Hello Kuza. Why are you calling me in the middle of what's supposed to be Ricky's nap time?" Devin asked,sounding annoyed as all hell.
    "I didnt mean to call you at this time,but Chris is sick and won't take any medicines. He's gone and locked himself in our closet." I explained. I heard Devin sigh on the other end.
    "Take a pudding cup and mix it in. Its the only food he won't taste the medicine in. Is that all?" He snipped. I frowned.
    "Yeah,sorry again dude." I said and hung up. Once I got to the kitchen,I took a pudding cup and mixed in the cough medicine. The pudding looked no different. Walking up the stairs,I saw Chris's face poking out our bedroom door. "Chris baby,I'm sorry. I got you some pudding as a peace offering?" I offered,smiling as I held it out. Chris eyed me.
    "Fwavow?" He asked.
   "Chocolate,like you like. Nice and cold too." I replied. He seemed to accept that answer and bounced over,taking the pudding cup from me and downing it within seconds. "Tank yew!" He added afterwards.
    "You're welcome honey,but now its punishment time. You were a brat to Daddy." I said. His poor little face fell and tears welled up in his beautiful eyes.
    "N-no! No Daddy,pwease! Sowwies!" He wailed.
     "I know you're sorry,but you need to be punished. C'mon,let's get this over with." I said,grabbing him gently.


      Chris began to howl and wail as he was brought to his punishment corner. Kuza sat in the chair and pulled  Chris over his lap.
     "Count." He said and started to spank. Chris counted each one,sobbing harder and harder after each one. His Daddy was being mean! All cause he didnt want those icky meds! Once he was done with spanking Chris,Kuza sat him in the naughty corner and set a timer for twenty minutes.
    "I'll be back when this goes off. I'm going to go fix lunch okay? Please don't make me have to punish you more baby." Kuza said as he left the room. Chris stared at the wall,hiccupping and sniffling. His daddy was a bastard! Punishing a sicky Chrissy! How mean! Chris hated this,hated his daddy! He was done,he would run away! Yeah,that'll show his daddy to be a big meanie!
     Chris quietly made his way to their room,taking a duffel bag and filling it with clothes,his blankie,stuffy,and binkies. Once he got his bag situated,he grabbed his phone and snuck out the back door. It was mid- November and still quite cold,but Chris didnt care. His daddy was mean.....just like his ex. Kuza didnt love Chris. Just loved to punish him.......

       Wandering the streets when he was Big was no problem,Chris knew his surroundings. But CHRISSY however,was a lost little puppy. It had nearly been four hours since he had run away and now his phone was dead. Chrissy had no clue where he was,or even if anyone was searching for him. 'Probably not. Kuza must be happy to be rid of you. Devin and the gang too. You're just a stupid stupid baby. ' Chris's mind told him. Chris sat on the sidewalk,hiccupping and beginning to cry. He was still feeling icky and now he was cold and hungry and sad. And no one was looking for him! No one cared! No one-
   "Chris? Chris is that you? Holy shit what are you doing out here,its too cold!" A familiar-and unwanted-voice called to him. Chris looked up to find the one and only Andy Biersack coming towards him with what looked to be Jinxx behind him. Chris began to cry harder,making Andy hiss.
   "Shit,hey hey,no,no crying! I-I know,I'm the last person you wanna see,and I'm sorry,I'll explain more later,but for now follow me okay? I'll get you warm and some food and call uh,call Devin okay? C'mon,its alright." Andy tried to soothe him,gently picking Chris up and carrying him a few yards away to what seemed to be their tour bus.
     Once inside,Andy wrapped Chris in a Batman blanket and made sure he was warm. He looked to Jinxx,who was already making some soup for Chris. Andy oicked up his phone and found Devin's Instagram,calling him.
    'What the fuck do you want Biersack? I'm kinda busy with something!' Devin's voice came,sounding panicked.
   'Would that something be looking for Chris?' Andy asked. Devin gasped.
   'He's on our tour bus right now,poor thing is shivering his ass off,hungry,scared,and sobbing his eyes out. My guess is his phone is dead as well. He's alright,Jinxxie is making him some soup,I'll send you our location,and I'd like for you to bring everyone please? I-I uh,I have some explaining to do to everyone.' Andy said.
   '..........if one HAIR on his head is misplaced or abused,I'm chopping your dick off Andrew. And this explanation of yours better be good. Be there in a few. Let me speak to Chris first please.' Devin said. Andy held the phone to Chris,who hiccupped.
    'G-Ghos! Home! Soweey,soweey!!' He wailed. Devin coo'd and sounded heartbroken.
    'Its okay baby boy. Me and your daddy are on our way okay? Hang tight pumpkin,everything's okay.' He soothed. Andy soon hung up and sent the location,sitting beside Chris and heloing him eat some soup to warm up. Jinxx plugged in Chris's phone to charge and looked through the duffel bag,getting out his stuffy and pacifier.
   "Andy,I think Chrissy here was running away." He said. Andy looked at Chris.
    "Honey,is that true?" He asked. Chris nodded,sobbing harder. Andy coo'd. "No no no! So crying honey,I'm not mad! I'm worried,are you okay? Is everything at home okay? Did anyone hurt you?' He asked.
    "Why the fuck do you of all people care Biersack?" Came Kuza's voice. Chris turned to it,holding out his arms.
    "D-Daddy!" He sibbed. Kuza scooped him up and rocked him.
   "Don't EVER do this again baby! I was so worried! I nearly had a heart attack when I saw you went missing baby boy! Why?" He asked.
   "D-Daddy punish,cause no take ickies,daddy no wuv me,meanie woke An'y!" Chris explained. Andy winced at the accusation,but sighed.
   "A-about that? Nay I explain please?" He asked. Chrus looked at him,sniffling. The rest of MIW surrounded Chris,ready to pounce if needed. "I-I want to say,firstly,I'm so sorry for what I did and what I put you through Chris. I truly am,I'm horrible and I'm so sorry,and I know me just saying g it won't change much,but I wan a say it cause I truly am sorry. I was wring and going though shit and took it out on you wrongly. I'm so sorry,I hope one day you can forgive me." Andy started.
    "What kind of shit were you going through that caused you to berate and abuse this angel?" Balz snarled are him. Andy shrank in on himself.
    "A-alot. Undiagnosed depression,anxiety,schizophrenia and PTSD for one,and then I was questioning my sexuality and drinking like crazy and I'm sorry! A-also,I couldn't be a good Daddy,cause I'm not one. ......I-I came to a realization,that I'm a little.....thats why I sucked at taking care if him......I'm so sorry!" Andy explained,starting to cry himself. Jinxx sighed and picked him up,carrying him to the back if the bus. He came out a few minutes later,looking at the guys.
     "Sorry about that,he's still coming to terms with what he did to Chris. I apologize on his behalf as well,so do the rest of the guys. But we do hope you can forgive Andy. He's being medicated now,and going to therapy regularly. He's changing,I promise." Jinxx explained. Chris sniffled and wiggled out of Kuza's arms,waddling his way to the back of the bus. Kuza went afyer him,as did Devin,and found him curled up with little Andy in his bunk. Chris was wiping away Andy's tears and cooing softly to the very regressed singer. Chris looked up at his Daddy,eyes shining.
    "Baby." He said softly,craddling Andy in his arms. Andy seemed to relax,suckling on a Batman pacifier and looking around like a baby would.
     "His headsoace us from infancy to maybe two. He goes young." Jinxx said from behind. Chris gently laid with Andy,tucking the younger in and yawning. He curled up and closed his whiskey brown eyes,falling asleep with Andy by his side. Kuza sighed.
    "Well,Chrissy seems to have forgiven Andy. Question is if Chris will." He said.
    "You guys can stay the night if you want. We dint leave for another two days,hopefully enough time to sort......this.......out." Jinxx said,gesturing to Andy and Chris. Kuza and Devin shared a look. This was going to be fun..........

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