Double cross (Jim Hawkins x R...

By CedricDiggorysthot

10.7K 302 75

Corrupted and menacing, this mission is like every other That Y/N has done. Cheat, steal, lie and threat. B... More

2. Plan
3. The same
4. Chores, chores and more chores
5. Canteen
6. Guilt
7. In to deep
8. The truth
9. Bad at confrontations
10. Small universe
11. Redemption?
12. In another life

1. Suspicious

1.7K 28 5
By CedricDiggorysthot

The shirt is meant to be white, I just made it grey in the picture so it stood out from the background. As always you can imagine something else. (The pants are meant to be sweatpants/trackies but I made it look a little like leggings, oops)

I also like to imagine Y/N with a ton of Piercings on one of her ear, and like only one on the other.

Your choice tho!

I really wanted to write Y/N a villain and then thought I'd this, I had so much fun writing it and can't wait to write more Y/N villain stories.


"Can we go to the coral galaxy next " Y/N asked, more as an order than a question towards the cook (Silver) as he prepped up some vegetables for the coming meals.
"I've heard so many beautiful things about that place"
She had swung herself over on the bench, kicking her feet excitedly.

"Where'd ye get tha' from?" Silver chuckled, resharpening the knife on his hand.
"Haven' we already been?"

"No" she replied sternly. "It's one of the last few places I need to tick off my bucket list"

Silver hummed in amusement. "I'll tell ye what, after we finish our business with the treasure, I'll take ye there" he winked towards her before turning back to the chopping board, grinning happily.

Y/N grinned happily before groaning dramatically.
"Ugh. Now I'm bored"

"Then go wash some o' me dishes then"

"But that's not fun"

"I'm workin' leave me be" Silver scolded her, shooing  her away as she rolled her eyes, he flicked a small chopped vegetable at her.

Y/N had pulled out her dagger and stabbed it mid air, grinning before eating it off the knife.
She Then turned her heart towards the stairs as she heard footsteps followed by voices make their way down.

"It's my map and she's got me bussen' tables?" An unfamiliar voice filled the room. Silver started to whistle a tune.

Y/N quickly wiped the blade of her knife in her pants before walking off to do the dishes.

"Mr Silver!" An affirmative voice shouts.

"Why Mr Arrow sir! Bringin' in such fine and distinguished gents to grace our humble galley" Silver spoke, bowing down to Mr Arrow and the two unknown guests.
"Had I known, I'd 'ave tucked in me shirt"

The boy, who looked to be around Y/Ns age glared at Silver suspiciously.

"May I introduce Dr Doppler, the financier of our voyage" Mr Arrow introduced and the Man stood up to shake Silvers hand.

"Love the outfit doc" Silver complimented, scanning it down with his mechanical eyes.
He was wearing a large metal suit.

"Well thank you uh, love the eye" he replied hesitantly, covering his private area with his hand, as is Silver could see through it.

"This young lad is Jim Hawkins" The doc stepped away, pulling the boy out in front.

Silver stuck out his hand for Jim to shake, however his numerous sharp tools were on, no his mechanical hand.
Silver laughed at himself before switching back his hand.

Jim eyes the hand, then Silver.
"Ah now, Don't be to put off by this hard hunk of hardware."

"Did you already scare them off?!" Y/N laughed from inside the kitchen, turning around from the dishes to meet the people.

Y/N wiped her forehead before turning around to see the person who was financing the voyage. Silver was blocking her view before he stepped to the side.

Y/N and Jim locked eyes, both their faces falling with slight shock. It had been awhile since Y/N had interacted with another human.

Sure, she'd seen a few back at the spaceport but hadn't interacted with one is such a long time, especially one in similar age.

Y/N stood up a little straighter, taking a spot besides Silver.
"Oh yeah! How could I forget about this firecracker?!" Silver laughed heartedly, Patting Y/N on the back as she approached.

"Gee thanks" she rolled her eyes playfully.

"This is my darlin' Y/N" Silver held Y/N by the shoulders and presented her to the doc and Jim Hawkins.

Y/N looked up at Silver tiredly and nudged him in the stomach.

A small smile made its way onto Jim's face, glancing down at the ground. It was nice to know he'd be surrounded by one other person that was human, and wasn't his mum.
And someone his age as well, someone he could actually relate with.

This smile didn't go unnoticed by Silver.

Silver walked off now, back to the bench where he gutted some type or fished and threw some chopped vegetables into a pot, pretending to chop off his hand in the process.
"These gears have been tough getting used to, but they do come in mighty handy from time to time"

He cracked another three eggs into the pot before heating it up with the welding setting on his hand, then threw the mix into another pot sitting on top of the stove.

He sprinkled some more seasonings before giving it a little taste test, after humming in satisfaction he made two bowls. Handing one to Jim and the other to the doc.
"Here now, 'ave a taste of me famous bonzabeast stew"

Delbert dipped his tongue into the bowl.
"Mmm! Delightfully tangy, yet robust."

"Old family recipe" Silver replied. At the same time, an eyeball popped up from the stew, Delbert shrieked.


"In fact, that was part of the old family!" Silver laughed, hitting Delbert on the back.

"I not'ing if I ain't a kidder" Silver winked, nudging Jim not the shoulder before grabbing him. "Go on jimbo, 'ave a swig"

Jim lifted up the spoon hesitantly, however it was like the spoon at the food itself before it grew eyes and turned into a pink blob.

"Morph!" Silver cooed.

"That's where you were hiding?!" Y/N shrieked, stepping besides Jim to gaze at the pink blob.
"You swore no cutlery!"

The pink blob giggled sheepishly, turning into a straw and drinking up the rest of Jim's stew.

Morph flew up to Jim cheek, stroking himself against it before grabbing Y/Ns hand and dragging her back to Silver.

"What is that thing?" Jim asked offensively.

"What is that thing?" Morph imitated.

"He's- a morph!" silver replied.

Y/N smiled, holding her palm out as morph shifted into a mini Jim, copying his stance upon her hand.
Jim reached out his hand to touch it, but morph quickly shifted back and flew to Silvers cheek.
"I rescued the little shapeshifter on Proteus one, took a shine to me, we've been together ever since"

"We're about to get underway, would you like to observe the launch doctor?" Mr Arrow offered, clearing the way for Delbert.

"Would I? Does an active galactic nucleus have superluminal jets?"
Everyone just looked at him weirdly.
"I'll follow you" he added sheepishly.

Jim tired to follow but was pushed back by Mr Arrow.
"Mr Hawkins will stay here in your charge Mr Silver-"

Silver choked on his stew upon hearing what Mr Arrow said.
Jim accidentally backed into Y/N who then fell into Silver.

"Beggin' your pardon, sir, but-"

"I'm already in his charge!" Y/N retorted.

"Captains orders!" Mr Arrow yelled above them. "See to it the new cabin boy is kept busy"

"Wait but you-"

"It'll be to crowded-"

"You can't"

"C'mon! Cant you-"

They all sighed, seeing as it was no use.

"So, captains put you with me aye?" Silver eyed Jim suspiciously, walking around with his hands behind his back.

Y/N wasn't in the mood so she walked back to where she had put the potatoes and hoisted herself up next to it.
She grabbed the dagger from her thigh and began to peel them.

"Whatever" Jim replied, glaring back at Silver.

Silver shrugged. "Well, who be a humble cyborg to argue with a captain?"
He walked over to the dishes, starting to wash and dry.

"Yeah.. y'know these purps" He grabbed one from the barrel. "They're kinda like the ones back at him, on monstressor. You ever been there?"

Y/N eyed Jim suspiciously up from her potato.

"Ehh, can't says i 'Ave Jimbo" Silver replied casually.

Jim took a bite, also hoisting himself up in the bench.
"Come to think of it, just before I left I met this old guy, who was um, kind of looking for a cyborg buddy of his"

"Is that so?"

"Yeah" Jim nodded. "What was the old salamander's name?" He rubbed the purp against his forehead. "Oh yeah, bones. Billy bones"

"Bones? Booones? Mm-mmm. T'ain't ringin' any bells"
Silver shrugged, walking past Jim.

"Must of been a different cyborg" Y/N shrugged, looking to face Jim now. She smiled sweetly. "There's a few that roam this port, y'oud be surprised"

They all looked up, upon hearing a whistle.
"Prepare to cast off!" Mr Arrow yelled from above.

"Off with ya lad" Silver pushed Jim off the bench.
"And watch the launch, they'll be plenty of work a-waitin' for you afterwards"

Once Jim was out of earshot, Silver turned to Y/N, who crossed her arms, still staring at the spot Jim had left in.

"We best be keeping a sharp eye on this one" Silver muttered, feeding a piece of food to morph.
"We wouldn't want him staying into t'ings he shouldn't"

Y/N hummed in agreement, still eyeing at the direction Jim had left in. Until Silver slapped her on the shoulder lightly.
"Go' watch the launch lass, I know ye want to"

Y/N smiled at him before starting to head off, morph excitedly landed on her shoulder, his tongue sticking out excitedly.


Y/N had climbed up the rigging, letting herself lean from the ship as her hair flew behind her.

Morph stuck in tongue out like a dog in a car, as the wind pressed up against them.

Jim was standing not to far away, back on the deck and leaning over the edge to further gaze upon the Orcus Galacticus', whale like creatures.

Y/N called out to him, locking one of her elbows with the ropes behind her.
"It's better from up here" she grinned, nodding to the shrouds she was entangled with.

He hesitantly walked over, but still didn't climb up.

Y/N rolled her eyes playfully. "You guys are the ones paying for this, you might as well make the most of it"

Once he had the okay, he grinned and climbed up, now standing beside Y/N.

Y/N laughed in return, now stretching out from the ridding further to try and touch a fin from the animal, she was successful at it since it flew by close to the ship.

"Is that safe?" He asked.

She only laughed as she continued to stroke the animal. "It seems like it. Have a try"

He seemed hesitant at first. Making Y/N give him a look.
"What's the point of living if you never try?"

After thinking about her words, Jim reached out at the animal as well, chuckling in response at the feeling of it's fin.
The creature lowly groaned.

"Look at this things eye!" Jim spoke excitedly, taking another step on the rigging to take a closer look. The creature eyed him as Jim followed.

Y/N attention then turned away from the view as she felt morph leave her shoulder.
Her eyes followed his trail back to Silver who was talking to the captain.

"A momentary aberration, Cap'n, soon to be addressed. Jimbo!"

Jim turned upon hearing his nickname Silver had given him.
Y/N had already hopped off and started making her way to Silver.

"I got two new friends I'd like ya to meet" Silver continued, hiding something behind his back. Jim looked to each side of the Bakst before looking Silver up and down.

"Say hello to Mr mop! And Mrs  bucket" Silver tossed Jim both, He caught it frustratedly, laying onto the rigging lazily.


Y/N lightly chuckled at the annoyance on Jim face.
"Muah!" She blew Jim an over the top fake kiss, mockingly waving her hand from her lips as Silver chuckled at his own 'joke'
"Don't work to hard, you might slip!"

Jim scowled in return as her and Silver walked back down into the galley.

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