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By Harishimo

68.4K 1.6K 1.4K

Ghouls x Reader/Mary Sue (Tall) (๐‘จ๐’๐’ ๐‘ฎ๐’‰๐’๐’–๐’๐’” ๐’‚๐’“๐’† ๐’‚๐’ˆ๐’†๐’… ๐‘ซ๐‘ถ๐‘พ๐‘ต, ๐’–๐’๐’๐’†๐’”๐’” ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐‘ท๐‘น๐‘ฌ๐‘ญ๐‘ฌ... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
1k Reads
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
A Random One-Shot Has Appeared
Thanksgiving ONESHOT
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Halloween ONESHOT
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Christmas Oneshot
Chapter 19
Forgive me

Chapter 12

2K 57 21
By Harishimo

"I'm here bae im at the front of the stadium"

"Okay i'm comin'"

Grabbing all my belongings that I had in the tiny changing room with me to ensure that I didn't forget anything, which wasn't much considering all I had brang in with me was my cellphone and the pair of clothing that I was currently wearing.

Which meant the only thing that was currently in my hands were folded up pieces of ghoul clothing and a phone in the other showcasing to the person on the other end what I was currently up to.

Pushing down the door handle to see Cirrus laying on the ground like a starfish. She had her legs propped up against the nearby closet. She looked like she hadn't even noticed me coming out of the room.

She had her fingers in front of her and they kept moving in a rhythm. As if she was counting imaginary sheep or maybe even numbers.

I stepped closer, making sure I was quiet and careful on where I walked. I suddenly, unfortunately, stepped on a loose plank and she jumped up in panic.


Her legs brought themselves off of the closet and onto the ground. She flipped herself over and hurriedly stood up, hands flying up in defense.

"So you think I'm a demon?"

I smirked and crossed my arms as her hands came up in front of her in defense for the supposed misunderstanding.

"What! No no no no no, your anything but a demon!-"

She waved her hands around frantically and stuttered out the things that immediately came to her mind and didn't even bother thinking about it beforehand. Forget about the 'Think Before You Talk' rule..

"Aren't you Satanic?-"

I looked at her skeptically as she stopped for a moment and thought about it. Suddenly a voice broke out throughout the silence and filled the entire room with energy.


Kasey could be seen with an annoyed look on her face as she leaned, or whatever part of her that could be seen through the phone screen, on the hard wall of the stadium.


I had nearly forgotten about her in all of the ruckus.


A hand flew up to her chest and the other hand on her forehead in a dramatic gesture. While the other individual in the room listened closely into our conversation in curiosity.

"Who is that? Are you cheating on me??"

Looking over back at Cirrus, she was tilting her head at me while slowly walking towards me, one foot in front of another.

"But we're not toget-"

My eyes widened in surprise as I spoke out the truth to the person physically in front of me. Who looked like they were about to pounce on my phone any moment.

"You're cheating on me with a ghoul?/you're hooking up with another girl??"

They spoke out in synchronisation and a dramatic look on both of their faces. The dramatic look being the all too familiar wide open mouth with eyes the size of plates.

"Ugh, you two should hang out. Your personalities would go perfectly together.."

I groaned and dragged a hand down the side of my face in both desperation to get away from the situation and from the exhaustion of battling between them to talk. Not even adding the fact that they were complete duplicates of each other's personalities.

Both of them chuckled at my annoyed tone, one of them louder than the other.

I was about to open the door to leave when Cirrus called out to me.

"You're not gonna help me up baby?"

My body stayed still and stiff as my head moved on its own slowly and menacingly until it faced the direction the voice came from and stared it right in the eyes.

She blew a kiss at me.

My head whipped back around at the speed of light as my legs started speed walking me to the entrance of the building to let the other spawn of Satan into the building.

After a couple of twists and turns around the halls later, I slowed my pace just to hear shuffling behind me. The shuffling gradually getting closer.

"Hey! H- woah hey wait up!"

Turning my head back only to nearly get knocked off of my own two feet by a small body. But luckily I managed to balance myself before I could lean forward and drop my phone, also going down with it.


Cirrus screaming out loud as I held her by her collar before she could fall and slip.

We were in a weird position, my left arm was twisted backwards to hold her shirt to prevent her from falling backward onto the cold hard surface of the ground, as my other hand was holding onto my device. My legs being the only thing stopping both of us from tumbling down.


I sketched out as I nearly dropped my phone from the unstable hold I had on it.

"Yo.. you good Signal-"

I could hear the teasing tone in her voice as she tried to make it seem like she was looking out for my well being. Remind you she could see everything as the phone was being held up by the hand that wasn't being strained to hold onto a person.

Even though Cirrus wasn't heavy, it wasn't everyday you had to hold the body weight of an adult.


I screamed at the brown haired woman on the other side of the phone.

"Oh my bad"

She snickered as I groaned and wanted to flip her off desperately but at last couldn't because I currently had no available hands to flip her off with.

The weight and muscle strain on my hand and wrist suddenly turned into nothing as I felt arms around my waist. I turned around to see that Cirrus had attached herself onto my torso.

Her back was slightly bent with her backside arching out with her chest moved forward to hug my torso.

My face erupted into a massive blush. My eyes directed themselves down to the hands that were gripping my waist tightly. I stumbled backward and immediately attached my own hands on top of them to try and pry them off, but the attempt became futile because of the strong grip she had on me.

I once again tried to stick my hands in between the fingers and even tried to suck in my stomach to create room for my hands only for the grip to tighten on me.

I started to panic as my breathing picked up and suddenly images flashed in front of me,

The last thing I heard was Kasey screaming out my name and a loud thud and a crash that sounded like glass has shattered onto the ground as my vision was filled with black dots.

"Why would you go and embarrass us like that?!"

My mother, my own mother, the one that had brought me into this world, who would no doubt remove me from it as well, shouted at me.

"It doesn't help that you're a mistake but to mess up in front of an audience?!"

I had an audition for a band and I had nailed every note to perfection. Well, almost every note. Because if I did, I wouldn't be in my current position.

But I had unfortunately messed up when my arm had stretched the wrong way and pressed against a bruise that had formed because of previous beatings.

I felt a harsh pain erupt from my cheek as I fell to the ground in shock. The younger version of me stared in horror as the guitar dropped down, causing a harsh thud to sound out throughout the silent room. Aside from my own heavy breathing.

I slowly stumbled as I attempted to stand up straight with a hand attached to my cheek in some sort of comfort to the stinging pain I felt.

As I stood up straight the guitar hung by just the strap. Which was also coincidentally the only thing connecting it to me and the only thing causing it not to crash and fall against the hard ground.

My glossy eyes travelled upward only to see the furious looks of the two people I was suppose to call parents locked onto me.

The guitar weighed me down as my body turned around to sprint down the hallways. I ran, and ran until I couldn't. My legs strained themselves onward in desperation to get away.

If I paid attention, I could hear the loud footsteps of two figures running at me. Not daring to look behind me as I just made more trouble for the future me.

Turning a hallway to reveal a long staircase. Sprinting up the steps of the staircase that seemed to be an endless staircase to hell.

Twisting and turning down hallways and hallways just to reach a familiar door that led to a familiar bedroom that seemed to be my only source of comfort and safety.

An expression of relief spread across my face as my hand reached out to push down the door handle that seemed to grow further away by the second, which only fueled me to run faster.

The white guitar bouncing against my stomach pushed my legs to keep going and not break down on me.

The expression of relief disappeared as fast as it appeared.

Just before I could reach the door handle, I was snatched by the waist by strong arms. The grip they had on my stomach was overwhelmingly tight.

The air in my airways escaped immediately which made me breathless.

I squeezed my eyes shut in desperation to escape the situation. Wheezing for air, the voice behind me gradually got louder.

"–Hey! He..!! Signal?! Take deep breaths for me okay?"

Snapping open my eyes in a frenzy to see an unfamiliar area with Cumulus holding me in her lap. One hand on the back of my head and the other on my arm. The hand she had on my head slowly stroked it.

I was practically sprawled on top of her. Not even noticing that my breaths were irregular until she had mentioned it.

My eyes whipped around to scan the situation as I made eye contact with her. Her eyes lit up when she had finally caught my attention and brought me back to reality.

"Good, good, you're back. And okay!"

She giggled lightheartedly and patted my head. I took a couple of moments to regain my consciousness and rose from my place in her lap, minus the struggle.

I scanned the room around me to see a worried Kasey, a guilty Cirrus, and a happy yet relieved Cumulus.

My eyes immediately locked onto Cirrus. Her face was facing downwards and she was fiddling with her fingers. Her usual happy and flirtatious aura was now turned gloomy and sad.

I could immediately tell that she was guilty thinking that she was the problem and cause of, what I assumed, was a panic attack. I hadn't had one in awhile, but it wasn't like it was the first time.

Kasey was usually there to help me with all of them, but in my case, this time she wasn't.

I sighed and shook my head. Before I decided to call her over I touched my face to ensure that I still had my mask on. Cursing at myself for not checking earlier.

I have to make that a regular thing..

After I guaranteed that I had it on, I called her over.


Her head perked up, but not as energetic as it would usually be.


Her voice cracked a bit at the end of the word as she quietly sniffled.

I sighed and shook my head internally at myself for making such an angel cry.

"Come here,"



Mhm.. angst? Yes your honor i don't know how to feel about this but I tried.. sigh Cirrus ❤️🫶🫶

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