Izuku: The Ultimate Weapon

Par CotyMeanor

53.3K 865 567

What if deku was kidnapped at the age of 4. What if he was experimented on and was made into the ultimate wea... Plus

Chapter 1: Birth of the Ultimate Weapon
Chapter 2:Awakening
Chapter 3: New Beginning
Chapter 4: Enter Izuku Kayama
Chapter 5: My Hero Academia
Chapter 7: The Boys Are Back
Chapter 8: Assault on the USJ
Chapter 9: Burst Mode
Chapter 10: Season 1 Finale
Season 2 preview
Chapter 11: The U.A sports festival
Chapter 12:The calvary arrives
Not a chapter
Chapter 13: Shadow vs Mystique and Tournament battles
Chapter 14: The boy born with everything vs The boy who lost everything
Chapter 15: Last Man Standing
Chapter 16:Names
Chapter 17: Internships, Villains, and the Family
Chapter 18: Stain and Terra
Chapter 19:Shadow v Stain and Terra
Chapter 20: Shadow vs Sabertooth
Chapter 21: Sending A Message
Chapter 22: Wanted
Chapter 23: Shadow vs ALL!
Chapter 24: Battle of the Ultimates
Chapter 25: Poison of the Past
short stories
Chapter 26:Shadow vs Pyro
Chapter 27:Shadow and Bullseye
Chapter 29: Agents of Trinity
Chapter 30: Rings off
Chapter 31: Who is Izuku Kayama?
Chapter 32: Finals

Chapter 6:Life at U.A

2.6K 44 17
Par CotyMeanor


He was shooting. Shooting at what appears to be a target dummy. The gun in his hand was a pistol, it recoils every-time he pulls the trigger. The bullets hit their target which precise precision. The shots are all at head or at the chest. There is someone there, two women and a man. He turned and saw their faces. One woman has a smirk on her face and looked to be wearing some kind of purple/white outfit, she had tanned skin, and also had white hair. The other women had black hair in a bun and was wearing a lab coat with a proud smile on her face. While the tall man had a stoic face and a red spiky mohawk, he also wearing green and black clothing. He reloaded the gun and put into his holster. The white haired woman began to say something.

"We have a mission… **Shadow**."

* * *


Izuku awoke from his dream and this time he wasn't breathing hard. He went to his drawer got his dream journal and wrote what he had seen in the dream.

_'I'm glad I took mom's advice and wrote my dreams down. That woman I saw with the black hair must've been my second mother…Rebecca Holiday was her name, but who were the other two. It seems like I knew them…but how, and why did they call me Shadow?'_ Izuku rambled in his head as he was writing.

He looked at his phone and saw that it was time for him to meet All Might and this time he won't be alone. Izuku shivered at the thought of who was coming along to see the hero.

"ZuZu, are you ready?" His mom called to him.

"Yeah mom, I'm getting my shoes on now." Izuku had put his sweats on and grabbed his shoes.

It was time to meet All Might and all he could do was hope that the man was prepared for what he is about to face.

* * *


"Wow ZuZu, you weren't kidding when you said that All Might made you clean the entire beach." Nemuri said to her son impressed by his cleaning of the beach. "That is one beautiful view." She said as the sun was rising over the ocean giving off a beautiful lighting.

"Thanks mom, All Might should be here soon." Izuku said to her, as the mother/son duo waited, they enjoyed the view of the beach. Both mother and son sat on the sand and Nemuri put her hand on her son's head as he leaned on her shoulder. They got up when they heard the number one hero's voice.

"Young Kayama." All Might had arrived in his skinny form but he also saw that someone was with Izuku and when got closer he stopped and spit out blood at who Izuku had brought with him. _'Oh god.'_ Was the only thing the number one hero could think when he saw the woman next Izuku.

"Hello Toshinori, my son here tells me you've been training him. Without my permission I may add." Nemuri said and a very, very, very deadly like mother tone. Both Toshinori and Izuku felt their blood run cold when she said that sentence.

"N-N-Nemuri, I didn't expect you to be here. Yes, I have been training Izuku and I see great potential in him that will make him a great hero." Toshinori said sweating bullets in fear in what the woman may do to him.

"Cut the crap Toshinori, I know about One For All and why you gave to him." Nemuri says and that sentence made Toshinori's sunken eyes widen as he looked at Izuku in which he nodded, it answered his question.

_'So, it seems Nemuri now knows about our secret.'_ He thought. Toshinori decided to tell Nemuri about the truth of One For All and why it was given too Izuku. He told her about how her son will be carrying on the will of the previous holders of the quirk, make Izuku the Symbol of Peace, and most important to protect him from Trinity.

As much Nemuri didn't like it, she knew that the number one hero was right. Trinity has been silent for two years, Smoker is still investigating them and has been in nothing but dead ends.

"Alright Toshinori, you're right Izuku needs OFA, but I don't like it that you went behind my back. As his mother I should've been asked that you were planning on taking my son as a student." Midnight scolded All might. Say what you want about the heroine, her son's safety is the most important thing to her.

"Don't blame him mom." Izuku said finally making his presence known. "I decided to accept All Might's proposal. I could've easily come to you, I just decided that it would be better if less people know about One For All the safer they be." He said with his head down.

"I know ZuZu," Nemuri says as Toshinori laughed at the nickname of his student and Izuku blushed as he sees his mentor smiling. "I know you could have easily said no. You were tempted by the opportunity to work with your idol and I haven't forgotten your punishment from keeping this from me either." She said eyeing Izuku and he began to sweat.

"Now, how many people know about this One For All?" She asked the Number One Hero and All Might told her of the people that know about One For All existence.

"Alright I've made my decision. You can still work with my son and help him control this quirk of yours." Both All Might and Izuku let loose a breath of air that they were unknowingly holding.

"But if anything happens to my precious son Toshinori, I promise I will make the injury that the villain gave you look like child's play when I get my hands on you. I do have plenty of new toys I would love to use on the Number One Hero…mhmm just the idea of using them on you makes me feel soooo good~." She said in her sick twisted dominatrix smile.

Toshinori shivered at the thought of Midnight using her…toys on him, Izuku was no better.

"Un-Un-Understood Nemuri. I promise he will learn to control all of One For All. He's already mastered 10% which is faster than me." Toshinori said trying to calm the mother/dominatrix.

"Fine then ZuZu, I'll leave you to your training with All Might. I have to get to U.A., as do you Toshinori. We have opening day tomorrow." Nemuri said to the hero, reminding him of his teaching job.

"Right, Izuku it will be harder for us to meet like this." Toshinori told his student and Izuku nodded his head.

"I understand All Might. You have other students to teach and besides I don't want to feel like I'm getting special treatment or something. So, just reach me however you can." Izuku says. Toshinori and Nemuri were smiling at Izuku. The boy puts others before him no matter what.

_'He's going to a great hero.'_ Both the pros thought as they left the beach.

* * *



_'This is it. I can't believe that I'm really standing in front of the best hero school in the word. Ok Izuku, clam down. No geeking out.'_ Izuku thought as he stood in front of the gates of U.A.

_'Huh…some nice security here. The gates only allow people with quirks to pass though.'_ He thought breaking down the security gates of U.A.

Izuku began walking to his class with his headphones in listening to Drake _Underground Kings_. As he was walking he ran into a familiar face in the form of Ochako.

"Oh hey, Izuku." Ochako greeted Izuku. Izuku's headphone volume was low enough where he can hear people and still hold a conversation.

"Hey Ochako, you look nice today." Izuku said back to Ochako which made her blush.

"What class are you headed to?" Ochako asked the green haired boy.

"I'm in Class 1-A." Izuku told her and the round face girl got excited from hearing that.

"Really me too." Ochako said excitedly, as they both began walking and some girls were taking peeks at Izuku and blushing when they saw him.

_'Uhhh great. It's starting again, the fan club will soon be created. Can this day get worse.'_ Izuku thought, thinking about his previous school girls and how they fawned over him even though he was hoping that he would be able to escape it when coming to a hero school but it was wishful thinking.

His mom always tells him that he is a good looking young man, the muscles and quirks he has are just an added bonus. Both Izuku and Ochako reached the Class 1-A door. Ochako was surprised by the sheer size of the door and Izuku told her that some students may come in different shapes and sizes. They both open the door and met their classmates…too bad two of them were arguing.

"Get your feet off the desk, you must have proper respect for the school property." Came the voice of the glasses wearing boy that Izuku saw at the exam. The other voice…well Izuku knew it and him well.

"What kind of stuck up school did you go to four eyes?" Came the voice of one Katsuki. From Izuku perspective four-eyes…I mean Tenya lida, felt very offended and told Katsuki that he went to a private school.

"A private school, so you're one of stuck up rich kids, huh." Katsuki said to Tenya, which offended him.

"Everyone calm down." Izuku said finally making his presence known and now having all eyes on him. "Do we have to be enemies right off the bat? I mean it's only the first day." He said trying to diffuse the situation.

"You are Izuku Kayama, correct?" Tenya asked Izuku in which he nodded. "I must congratulate you, you figured out the final test objective where I clearly did not and not only that you also got a 100% on the entire exam." He said to Izuku and he shrugged his shoulders.

"It was no biggie, I just did with any hero would do." Izuku said to the tall boy as he took a seat behind Katsuki.

Everyone was shocked that this kid passed the exam with a complete 100. A certain red and white haired boy was paying close attention to Izuku.

"Sup, Katsuki." Izuku said hello to him.

"I told that's not my name you damn Deku!" Katsuki was about to get up and throw explosion at Izuku till the doors open revealing a…well a caterpillar like man making his way to the desk and taking out a juice box while every one of the students sweat dropped.

"It took you eight seconds to quiet down. Time is limited in the job of a hero, so go somewhere else if you want to chit-chat." The caterpillar man said to the students.

"My name is Shota Aizawa, I'll be your homeroom teacher for the Hero Course." The now named Aizawa said to the students in a creepy smile that made most except Izuku and another student shiver. "Put these on and meet me outside." He said giving the students gym uniforms.

"Wait we're not going to be doing orientation." Ochako asked.

"U.A. is a school known for free-styling. They basically do whatever they want to push the students to go beyond their limits. Go Beyond Plus Ultra, it's the school motto." Izuku answered Ochako question and again everyone was shocked by the that he knew that.

Izuku got up from his seat, his headphones still in his ear and grabbed a uniform. "My mom works for the school." Izuku told them as he left the homeroom.

* * *


Izuku was the first one down wearing the gym uniform with some modifications. He was wearing his red sneakers, also he ripped the sleeves of the jacket which made it sleeveless, and left the jacket part of the uniform open revealing his black tank top. The rest of the students came down and were lined up for what Aizawa had planned for them.

"Alright we will begin a your quirk assessment test." Aizawa says making some of the students looked at him confused, others were interested, and Izuku…well he was jamming out to his tones.

"Katsuki you're up first." He says tossing him ball. "How far could you throw a ball without your quirk?" He asks Katsuki in which he thought about and answered.

"It was 73 meters." Katsuki answered and Aizawa nodded.

"Good, now try with your quirk." Aizawa orders making Katsuki grinned and grabbed the ball let threw it into the air as high as he could scream 'Die' as he did.

Students sweat dropped, including Izuku. _'A future hero ladies and gentleman.'_ Izuku thought as he saw the ball come to the ground. Katsuki accomplished what Aizawa said though, he got a high score on the ball throw.

"This looks like fun." A pink skinned girl said and others were agreeing with her. Aizawa decided to put some fear into them by giving them an ultimatum.

"Fun huh…well if you think that it's so much fun then the dead last at the end of the test is expelled from school." Aizawa threatens.

* * *


"Good luck today Young Kayama, from today on you have Eraserhead as your homeroom teacher." All Might said worried about his student, knowing about how Eraserhead operates his classes.

Aizawa expelled an entire hero class because he thought that they weren't enough to be worthy enough to be heroes.

_'He is by far the toughest teacher in all of U.A., and that saying something considering my old teacher.'_ All Might thought as he looked at Aizawa file.

* * *


"EXPELLED!" Came the voices of the students.

"Game on." Izuku said looking directly at Aizawa, the students jaws dropped at Izuku just said.

"Oh…you don't seem nervous." Aizawa said.

"Nope, not all." Izuku replied back casually. "How about we raise the stakes sensei?" He asks making Aizawa raises an eyebrow.

"How so?" Aizawa asked curious to know what the stakes are.

"If I don't rank number one at the end of the assessment, I alone will be expelled and everyone else will be safe." Izuku said which made everyone jaws dropped even further.

_'This guy is insane, he's really gonna to that for us.'_ Was the thought of the all the students.

"Deal." Aizawa said to Izuku in which he nodded. "Good then let's begin these tests." He said as Izuku changing the song on his headphones to Logic _Fadeaway_.

"Izuku, you shouldn't do this. If you just apologize to Aizawa sensei I'm sure he'll let you off easy." Ochako said to him worried as were other students.

"It's cool Ochako, I want to test myself and I want to see how far I've come with the training I've done." Izuku said as he looked at all his fellow classmates.

"You guys give it all you've got and show him what future heroes looks like. I'll pass and see you all in the next class." He said in a tone that had everyone single student believing that he was going to pass the assessment and made them show Aizawa what they can do.

_'Plus I also get to see what all your quirks are capable of.'_ He thought to himself, always analyzing his friends or enemies.

The first test was the 50-meter dash. Izuku lined up first along with some other students, while Aizawa held the gun in the air and pulled the trigger. Izuku bracelets began to glow and the students saw this. When they blinked Izuku was gone and before the other students could even take off, they saw someone at the end. It was Izuku.

_'How did he get there, so fast.'_ Thought all the students.

"This dude is so manly and unreal." A red spiky haired boy said in shock and others were nodding to him.

Izuku clocked in at 1.5 seconds. Aizawa looked uninterested and reminded the other students that they need to hurry, but inside his head a different story was happening.

_'This kid is going to breeze through the assessment. He might even be in the same league as the Big Three. So, why is he willing to do this if he knows he's going to pass the test?'_ Aizawa thought, until it hit him, remembering what Holiday said about Izuku. ' _He's doing to this to see what his other classmates are capable of. He is studying and breaking down their quirks.'_ He thought.

The next test was the grip strength were a boy named Rikido Sato who got the highest score until the next person came to take the test. Izuku was next, when he grabbed the device he channeled One For All in to his hand which made the red streaks appear. Izuku then began to grip the device as hard as he can. No one knows what Izuku scored because he broke the device.

"Are you kidding me, how powerful is he?" A short boy with grapes on his head said.

The students didn't know what to say, those who were in the same testing area as him know he was strong form seeing him to destroy the zero pointer, but they didn't know that he also fast.

"What's the next test Aizawa-Sensei?" Izuku asked ready for the next test.

Standing long jump was the next test that the students participated in and in this text there was a three way tie. Katsuki used his Explosion quirk to clear the sandbox, then a boy with sparkles on his face cleared it his Naval Laser quirk, and the final was Izuku who just jumped over the sand.

_'Huh, looks like I tied with Katsuki and sparkles over there. I wonder how long he can hold that laser of his. There have been a lot interesting quirks so far. That green haired girl has a frog like quirk its seems, the black haired ponytail girl can create anything by the looks of it, and there is that guy whose mouth is covered. It's seems like his quirk allows him to use his limbs differently.'_ Izuku thought with interest, mentally taking notes of his fellow classmates quirks.

In the next test there was a shocker to everyone including Izuku, he had tied again to the grape haired kid in the Side Steps test.

"WOW! I tied the top student in the test." The grape boy said and Izuku walked up to him.

"Hey, what's your name?" Izuku asked him.

"It's Minoru Mineta." The now named Minoru said to Izuku.

"Not a bad idea of how you used quirk to pass the test." Izuku congratulated Minoru which he accepted.

"Thanks, just because you're the alpha around here doesn't mean I'm going to sit back and do nothing. I'm aiming to become a hero as well and get the ladies." Minoru said to Izuku in which the taller teen nodded.

The next test that Izuku dominated was the sit up challenge. As soon as Aizawa said go to the students Izuku was in another world. Most students had stopped or gave up at 30 or 40, but only Katsuki, Izuku, and another boy named Shoto Todoroki kept on going. Izuku being the stamina freak that he was accepted the silent challenge that the other two boys gave him.

The three boys were now at 60 sit ups and Shoto and Katsuki were started to get tired, while Izuku was still going. When they reached 80 Katsuki gave and Shoto gave at 85. Izuku was still going not even realizing that the boys had given. Izuku was at 100 and still going, he now had a heavy sweat on him but he wasn't breathing heavy. Aizawa decided he had seen enough and called it.

"Izuku enough, you have clearly passed the test and possibly set a school record for the most sit ups." Aizawa said to the stamina monster.

"Got it." Izuku said taking off his jacket and tank top, which made all the girls blush.

_'HOLY SHIT!'_ Was the thought of all the girls when Izuku took off his shirt.

They saw his hard abs, his muscular muscles, and not to mention the sweat from the previous test gave a glow to his body that made most of them start to drool. Izuku saw this and sighed.

_'Oh well…guess it can't be helped. Though these girls are kind of cute compared to my old school, especially Ochako with those marks on her cheeks.'_ Izuku thought looking at the girls and decided to wink at them which really made them blush. Izuku headed over to where Aizawa was and got ready to begin the next test, which the ball throw.

"Since Katsuki already did the ball throw and scored a 705.2 meters, the rest of you will be participating." Aizawa told the students. "So who's first?" He asked eyeing which of his students will step to the test.

Everyone went and the only one to surpass Katsuki was Ochako who scored an infinity, Izuku whistled at score she received.

"Impressive." Izuku said impressed that the girl could send the ball that high. ' _It seems if she doesn't close her hands together to turn off her quirk, the object she touches will keep on floating higher and higher.'_ The teen thought as he analyzed the quirk.

"Nice quirk you got there Ochako." He said making Ochako blush.

"Th-Th-Thanks Iz-Izuku." Ochako struggled to say because of her stuttering.

"Izuku, you're up next to throw." Aizawa lazily said to Izuku. Izuku walked up to the circle and grabbed the ball. Everyone waited with anticipation for what the Izuku was going to do.

_'This test is supposed to push so we can know our upper limits, but I haven't been able to do that yet. I want to combine both One For All and Chaos but All Might said unless it's an emergency I can't do it. So what am I to do?'_ Izuku rambled trying to figure out a way to throw the ball.

"Today Izuku and I want to see your full power." Aizawa said to Izuku with his eyes glowing red.

_'Could Aizawa know about the incident. If he does he know about One For All…no, he could believe that I was training to use my Chaos power. He is one of the few that know about it. Alright then if Aizawa wants to see my full power I'll give it to him.'_ Izuku thought finally coming to a conclusion on what to do.

* * *


All Might was hiding behind a building watching his student about to take on the ball throw and test. Worried that Aizawa might do something rash and until someone called out to him.

"What are you doing?" All Might turned to the voice to see that it was Izuku mother, Midnight.

"M-M-Midnight what are you doing here." All Might said in shock to see the woman.

"I just asked you that. Are you spying on Izuku, he'll be fine don't worry." All Might nodded and began to wonder why was Midnight here.

"Midnight why are you here, hmmm?" All Might asked the question with a smirk and it got Midnight to blush.

"I was…uhh…just taking a walk, yeah." Midnight says obviously lying.

"No you weren't, looks like I'm not the only here worried about Izuku." All Might said still smirking to Midnight who turned her head in embarrassment.

"I…fine I was worried about him, you know Aizawa reputation with students." Midnight said in which All Might nodded. All Might then turned around to the ball test and what he saw widen his eyes.

"He wouldn't." All Might said with fear.

"What…what's happening?" Midnight coming up close to the end of the wall to see Izuku about to throw the ball.

"I told him unless it's an emergency he can never use those quirks."

"Toshinori, what is happening? What is Izuku about to do?" Midnight began asking, her worry rising.

"Izuku is about to combine both One For All and Chaos." All Might said which made Midnight eyes widen.

* * *


"Alright Eraserhead, you want my full power then you'll get it." Izuku said as he tossed the ball from hand to hand and then tossed the ball back to his right hand and closed his eyes to focus.

' _Alright, it's just like before only this time I am going to put it to my finger instead of my whole body. Hopefully it won't be as bad as last time I combined these quirk_ s.' He thought as he felt the power course through him.

The students watched as red streaks appeared on Izuku right arm and then his bracelets began to glow very brightly. Izuku open his eyes and he had his warrior face on. Eraserhead swallowed a lump in his throat as he remembers that face and those eyes very well. Izuku got into a pitching form and threw his arm back. As he was throwing his arm back the red streaks on his arm began to get smaller and disappear. Everyone there saw the streaks disappear, but that was far from the truth.

Izuku focused One For All to his index finger and as he did this the glow on his bracelets disappeared. His index finger now had the One For All streaks and had a gold aura surrounding it. Izuku launched the ball as far as he could he in the air and when he did dust clouded the off air.

The ball skyrocketed into the sky as fast as it could, to some students it looked like a meteor going up instead of coming down. The ball was still going, putting holes in the clouds and eventually it became too hard to see. The machine made a noise and brought everyone's attention to it including Eraserhead who also shocked by the display of power but he did not show it. When Eraser Head looked at the machine it took everything he had so that his jaw would not drop at the sight of the score that Izuku just got.

"So sensei what did I get?" Izuku asked Eraserhead, who didn't even tell him or the students, no he decided to show them the score.

When the students saw the score everyone was in shock. Izuku score was 1500 meters.

"That-That's incredible." Came the voice of Tenya as he was in shock and others were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

_'Could that man be right about this boy?'_ Shoto thought as Class 1-A came to Eraser Head to see their results.

1st. Izuku Kayama

2nd. Momo Yaoyorozu

3rd. Shoto Todoroki

4th. Katsuki Bakuguo

5th. Tenya Iida

6th. Fumikage Tokoyami

7th. Mezo Shoji

8th. Mashirao Ojiro

9th. Eijiro Kirishima

10th. Mina Ashido

11th. Ochako Uraraka

12th. Koji Koda

13th. Rikido Sato

14th. Tsuyu Asui

15th. Yuga Aoyama

16th. Hanta Sero

17th. Denki Kaminari

18th. Kyoka Jiro

19th. Toru Hagakure

20th. Minoru Mineta

"Well as you can see these are the results are the assessment test and with Izuku placing at the top, all of you are safe…for now." Aizawa said as students let loose a breath knowing that Izuku was number one and Eraserhead would honored the bet." This test is one of many that you will face. I better see improvement in all of you that includes not only the bottom listers but also those who already at the top." He said to the students with a red glare.

"Understood sensei." Class 1-A said together.

"Now go change and head to your next class, oh and Izuku have fun because your favorite class isn't far from now." Eraser Head said his weird creepy smile.

All the students were confused at what he meant except Izuku, he knew what was coming and he feared it. As the students were heading back to the changing room they all began to congratulate Izuku on winning the bet and began to introduce themselves.

"Dude that was so mainly challenging Aizawa-Sensei like that, by the way names Eijiro Kirishima." Eijiro said, a pink skinned girl agree with him next.

"Yeah that takes a lot of guts, also name is Mina Ashido and this Toru Hagakure." Mina says.

"Hey." Toru said introducing herself as Izuku saw floating clothes waving an arm. Izuku was getting compliments left and right from students and honestly he was overwhelmed.

"Uh…thanks guys but I really need to change." Izuku says trying to get away from the attention.

"Aww…do you have too?" Mina and Toru asked which had some of the girls silently agreeing too. They really didn't want him to put his shirt on.

"Sorry ladies perhaps another time." Izuku said.

"Wait, Izuku." Ochaco called out to him. "Why did Aizawa-Sensei say that your favorite class is coming soon?" She asks which Izuku just blushed at the question.

"Uhh…it's nothing don't worry about." Izuku said but nobody believed him.

_'What could his favorite class be?'_ Class 1-A thought, not knowing soon they will meet Izuku's mother.

"It seems like you must like this class, if it's making you blush *Ribbit*. Also I'm Tsu, just call me that." The now named Tsu said.

"It's not that I like it…it's more of I'm hoping that I don't get embarrassed by it." Izuku said still making Class 1-A confused.

* * *


"Hey Eraserhead." Midnight said to the lazy teacher walking off.

"Oh, Midnight and All Might, seeing how your boy was doing Nemuri." Eraser Head said to his fellow teacher and Midnight blushed from his statement.

"Eraserhead what do you think about Young Kayama." All Might said making his presence known.

"I think that the kid is powerful. Probably the most powerful student this school has ever had, but given the circumstances around him I'm not surprised." Eraserhead said as All Might and Midnight nodded to him understanding what he meant.

"There's also the fact he was studying his fellow classmates. I could see it in his eyes, the way he looked at them. He was breaking down their quirks, seeing how they worked and what their weakness are. I can guarantee that by the end of the first semester Izuku will know more about their quirks than they do, but the question is who will find out about Izuku quirks because he clearly used more than one?" He asks and All Might and Midnight understood not many in U.A. know about Izuku other quirks.

"Overall the kid's got the potential, but what will he do when **they** come back? That remains to be seen." He said giving his assessment of Izuku. "I get why Midnight is here, but why are you here All Might." He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I-I was just here seeing the new potential, I am training them tomorrow." All Might stuttered.

"Yeah, alright. Shouldn't you be getting ready to harass Izuku on his first day, Midnight." Eraser Head said to the mother.

"Don't worry about that, ZuZu is going to have a great first day." Midnight said making All Might and Eraserhead laugh at her son's nickname.

* * *


The rest of the day went by pretty normal for Izuku. He had language with Present Mic, and then there was modern literature with pro hero Cementoss. Everything was going well till his next class came and this was the one he was fearing the most. It was his mother's art class.

"Izuku, how long are you going to wait outside the class?" The voice of Hanta Sero came.

"As long as I can, but unfortunately I'm not that lucky." Izuku sighed as he took his seat in the class.

"Relax dude how bad can art class be?" This time it was Denki Kaminari speaking.

"It's not the class I'm worried about, it's the teacher." Izuku said making the class confused. The door opened revealing the art class teacher

Izuku groaned knowing that his classmates will know doubt be having perverted thoughts about his mother and who could blame them. His mother was beautiful, attractive, and sexy. She relished in making people be attracted towards her, but she also enjoyed breaking them just as much.

_'Those poor, poor, poor fools. They have no idea what she really capable of or what she really is.'_ Izuku thought as his mother had begun to ask the class to introduce themselves to her. Everyone had introduced themselves and it was finally Izuku turn.

"Uh…Ms. Midnight, can I go to the nurse. I'm not feeling very well." Izuku said trying to get out this situation anyway possible.

"Oh…ZuZu you look just fine to me."

_'ZuZu.'_ Class 1-A thought strangely, while some were laughing at the name even Katsuki was laughing cause he knows what Midnight was doing.

"Yeah Deku, you look just fine." Katsuki said. Izuku was trying to not look embraced after hearing his mother call him by his nickname from her.

"Well looks can be deceiving…I recently feel like I have a *cough cough* cold." Izuku said faking the cough and making everyone sweat drop. "It looks to be serious so I should go see Recovery Girl and make sure I'm okay." He said and his mother decided to play his game.

"Well it does seem serious, but luckily the nurse is right outside isn't that right…Recovery Girl?" Midnight asks and just like that the door opened revealing the school nurse.

"Yup." Recovery Girl said opening the door like it was planned.

_'DAMN!'_ Izuku screamed in his head. _'She knew I would do this and planned ahead.'_ He thought coming to conclusion of what just happened.

"I can see that this young man is perfectly healthy and can continue with class." Recovery Girl said making eye contact with Izuku before she left.

"Have fun Zu-Zu." Recovery Girl said laughing. The class began laughing at Izuku expense.

"So Zu-Zu, now you're _perfectly_ healthy can you introduce yourself to the class." Midnight said making some boys take deep breaths to calm themselves from the way she said perfectly as Izuku got up introduced himself.

"My name is Izuku Kayama." Izuku says introducing himself. "You're enjoying this aren't you?" Izuku said to his mother and she responded with a smile.

_'Those two definitely know each other.'_ The students thought, some of them began to wonder what their relationship was. Some thought that they were friends and others thought they were secret lovers. Everyone had their own opinion on the matter but no one had thought that what Midnight would say next.

"A pleasure to meet all of you. Most of you know that I am the 18+ Only Hero: Midnight." Midnight said introducing herself and she wasn't done yet. "You may call me by my hero name or you can call me… **Kayama-Sensei**." She finished making the class except Katsuki turned their heads quickly to Izuku and stare at him with wide eyes.

"Uhh…Kayama sensei could you by any chance be related to Izuku here?" Eijiro asked the art teacher, in which she smiled.

"Of course I am…Izuku is **my son**." Midnight said.

"Oh ok…wait WHAT?!" Eijiro screamed in shock. The class just froze, no could believe it. The possibly strongest student in the class and the best looking in the girls' opinion, was the son of a pro hero. Not just any hero but possibly the most attractive and hottest in the world.

_'No wonder he's so hot, he must've got his looks from his mother.'_ Came the thought of the girls, not really knowing that the hero and her son are not really related.

"Dude your mom is literally the walking embodiment of sexiness." Minoru whispered to Izuku.

"Dude you have no idea, she is not what all the hero magazines say. Yes she is sexy, but there is another side to her that people don't know about." Izuku said to the grape boy which confused him.

"Lot of girls have kinks." Minoru said back to him.

"Let's just say that the whip she carries is not only for taking villains out, it has other means." Izuku warned to the perverted boy, but Izuku wasn't done.

"Not to mention there is her room where she keeps her toys. As I fellow man trust me when I say this, You Do Not Want To See That Room." He says. The class ended but the embarrassment was there and it will always be there.

"See you at home ZuZu. I love you." Midnight said making the class laugh and some students in the hallway laugh as well.

"Yeah, I know mom." Izuku said, but that wasn't what Midnight wanted to hear.

"I said I love you ZuZu." Midnight repeated.

"Mom are you serious?!" Izuku asks blushing with embarrassment.

"I love you ZuZu." Midnight repeats.

"I have to go to my class!" Izuku shouts.

"I love you." Midnight repeats, again.

"There are people watching us right now!" Izuku says.

"I love you." Midnight repeats for a fifth time.

Everyone was laughing out loud and Izuku wanted to die right there. Izuku sighed and decided to give his mother what she wanted.

"I love you too, mom." Izuku said to his mother.

"See was that so hard?" Midnight asks to her son. Izuku sighed and left the school as quickly as he could. Ochako and Tenya had caught up to him at the entrance and the trio headed towards the train station together.

"Hey Izuku, before you leave can I ask you something?" The round face girl asked him and Izuku nodded.

"Is Midnight really your mom?" Izuku sighed and answered her question.

"Yeah she is my mom. I know I don't look like her, but that because she adopted me after this accident with my mother." Izuku told withholding the information on Trinity for obvious reasons.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Ochaco said now feeling bad about asking this.

"It's cool. I moved on from it and besides Midnight is the only family I need right now. I owe her everything." Izuku told her.

Ochako and Tenya could see from Izuku words that the mother and son have a strong bond.

"One more thing why did Katsuki call you Deku?" Ochaco asks as Izuku just told them an honest answer still not wanting to tell her and Tenya about his memory lost.

"It's just some nickname that he gave me to call me useless." Izuku answers.

"So it's just some derogatory name for you." Tenya had said.

"I like it." Ochaco surprising Izuku and Tenya with her answer. "What, I do." She said blushing with the boys eyes on her now. "The name could also mean 'you can do anything' and from what we saw from Izuku can do anything." She said and Izuku smiled.

"Deku, huh…fine then, you can call me Deku if you like it so much, Ochako." Izuku said to her.

"Besides I don't want people calling me ZuZu except for my mom." He tells them.

"Cool then from now on you're Deku." Ochaco saw that it was getting late and her train had arrived and headed towards it. "See you Deku, later Tenya." She said goodbye to her new friends.

"I best be own my way as well." Tenya said waving goodbye.

Izuku had walked to his train and put changed a song on his phone to _Hillside_ by Tory Lanez.

_'So that was my first day at U.A. huh, got say it could have gone worse but overall it wasn't that bad. Those classmates of mine do have some interesting quirks. I'm curious of how strong they will become as time goes on. I can't wait for what challenges this school brings me.'_ Izuku thought with a smile.

* * *


All Might was in the teacher lounge looking at his hero costume.

_'You did well on your first day my Young Kayama, but come tomorrow the real challenges will begin. I can only hope you're prepared for the battle training.'_ The Number One Hero thought because as of tomorrow Class 1-A will be begin the training to become heroes with All Might himself.

* * *


Shoto had entered his house and was welcomed by his older sister Fuyumi Todoroki. "Hi Shoto, how was your first day at U.A.?" Fuyumi asked her brother.

"It was interesting." Shoto replied back, soon Shoto began walking to a certain room. "Is he here?" He asked but he already knew the answer.

"Yeah he's in his office." Fuyumi told her brother.

As Shoto was walking he saw that his mother, Rei Todoroki, was in the garden looking at these red flowers. He waved to her and kept walking. Shoto was so glad and happy to have his mother back, as was the rest of the Todoroki siblings. After what that man put her through, the siblings thought that they would never see her again. Shoto had reached the door to the office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Shoto open the door and saw the man who made basically made his life a living hell, his father, Endeavor.

The man obsessed with becoming number one, the man who treated his family like dirt except for Shoto who he trained and trained. The man who is now looking for redemption from his family.

"Hello Shoto, how was your day at U.A.?" Endeavor asked his son, but Shoto didn't care about that, no he was here in front of this man for one thing and one thing only.

"Who exactly is Izuku Kayama?" Shoto asks.

Continuer la Lecture

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