Yuichiro is Finally in Love?!

By Hobo2603

3.2K 18 11

Who is Yuichiro in love with???? Read to find out😉 More

The Characters' Descriptions
He's back
The Invitation
The Day Before and the Day of the Party

The Object of the Game

794 3 1
By Hobo2603

Be easy on me! This is my first time writing a Yuichiro and  Daki/ Ume story which was asked!

This is about Yuichiro and Daki/Ume, since they are a very unexpected couple!

I think that they are ah-dorable couple!

Here's a word from the rare couple!

Ume- We are not a couple!

Me- Yet

Yuichiro - Ume , let's just leave it; this author is not going to stop calling us a couple!

Me- Oh yeah? I think I do recall you two telling my other friends Mitsuri and Shinobu that you were a couple....I think that you two are a couple (grins wickedly)

Ume- (blushes)

Yuichiro - How dare you spy on us!

Me- What? It is my story!

Ume- She is right Yui.

Ume- (sigh) Fine, me and Yuichiro ARE a couple.....

( Yuime/ Yuki fans cheer)

Yushiro - (Appearing out of nowhere) How could you?! I thought you loved me Ume, and I thought that Yuichiro was my friend! (And then he ran out to only God knows where)

Me- Well, that was awkward

Ume- You are lucky that you don't have him chasing you around everywhere! (Shakes head slowly)

Me- Yeah, well remember that time where you held on to Yuichiro because you were scared in that dark forest?

Ume- Well, you try walking in a forest that is dark with a bunch of cowardly boys, I mean Yuichiro was the bravest! (Blush)

Yuichiro - Thanks Ume!

Me- Why didn't you just go to Gyutaro , isn't he your big brother?

Ume- Yeah, but I had a crush on Yuichiro ! (Blushes madly)

Me- Ohh k, I think I will start my story now !

Now here is chapter 1!

"I am so bored!" yelled Ume

Ume and the boys had become close friends when they went to the same camp. They were at Yuichiro and Muichiro's house because it was a Sunday.

"I have an idea!" said Senjuro

"What?!" yelled everyone

"Let's play truth or dare!" said Senjuro

"Okay, but here are the choices, truth, dare, double dare, repeat, or mimic!" said Ume

"Awesome Ume!" said Sabito with a hand up for a high five, but Ume just happily ignored it

"Okay, Sabito, truth, dare, double dare, repeat, or mimic?" asked Senjuro

"Dare" said Sabito

"Kiss Ume" said Senjuro with a wicked grin

"Ummm...why?" whined Sabito

"Just do it!" said Senjuro

"SENJURO!" said Ume and threw a pillow at the boy

"Fine, Ume, let's just get this over" said Sabito and kissed Ume on the cheek

"Oh thank God that it was on the cheek! Wait, what am I saying? Ume can't possibly like someone like me!" thought Yuichiro and he just shook his head

"Okay, Muichiro , truth, are, double dare, repeat, or mimic?" asked Sabito

"Mimic" said Muichiro

"Okay, mimic...Yushiro !" said Sabito almost ready to burst out laughing

"Alright that will be easy....ahem...ahem...I LOVE YOU UME ! WILL YOU PLEASE MARRY ME! FORGET ABOUT ALL THE OTHER BOYS WHO LIKE YOU AND LOVE ME! Okay, I am done!" yelled Muichiro and the group burst into laughter

"I think you did Yuichiro , not Yushiro " said Sabito

"I am not like that!" said Yuichiro blushing a light shade of pink

"Okay, Ume, truth, dare, double dare, mimic, or repeat?" asked muichiro

"Ummm...truth" said Ume

"Okay, is it true that you like somebody?" asked muichiro

"Yes" said Ume as she blushed

"Who?" asked muichiro

'You already used up your question" said Ume

"That's not fair" said Muichiro

"Well it is in my eyes!" said Ume

"Alright...ummmmmmmmmm..... Yuichiro , truth, dare, double dare, repeat, or mimic?" asked Ume

"Repeat" said Yuichiro

"Okay say 'I Yuichiro , will allow Ume , to give me 10 dares" said Ume

"I Yuichiro , will allow Ume , to give me 10 dares" said Yuichiro

"Alright, first, kiss your dearest brother on the cheek" said Ume

"At least we are related" said Yuichiro and he kissed Muichiro on the cheek

"Next, ask Sabito's mom out" said Ume

"You are insane" said Yuichiro

"I know" said Ume

"Fine, give me the phone!" said Yuichiro

Riiiiiiinnnnnnnnnggggggggg Riiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnngggggggg Riiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg

"Nobody's home" said Yuichiro

"Okay, ask the boy you hate most out" said Ume

"Okay, Sabito would you go out with me?" asked Yuichiro

"Hell no!" said Sabito

"Next, hug me!" said Ume with open arms

"I have a feeling that this is going to get stupid" said Yuichiro as he hugged Ume

"Don't worry, it will" said Ume

"Next, sing the song you hate most!" said Ume

"Fine" said Yuichiro and got ready to sing

"Hi Barbie Hi Ken!

Do you wanna go for a ride?

Sure Ken!

Jump In...I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world

Life in plastic, it's fantastic!you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere

Imagination, life is your creation

Come on Barbie, let's go party!

I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world

Life in plastic, it's fantastic!

you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere

Imagination, life is your creation

I'm a blond bimbo girl, in the fantasy world

Dress me up, make it tight, I'm your dolly

You're my doll, rock'n'roll, feel the glamour in pink,kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky...

You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"


I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie worldLife in plastic, it's fantastic!

you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere

Imagination, life is your creation

Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please

I can act like a star, I can beg on my knees

Come jump in, bimbo friend, let us do it again,hit the town, fool around, let's go party

You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"

You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"

Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Come on Barbie, let's go party!


I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world

Life in plastic, it's fantastic!

you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere

Imagination, life is your creation

I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world

Life in plastic, it's fantastic!

you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere

Imagination, life is your creation

Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Come on Barbie, let's go party!


Oh, I'm having so much fun!

Well Barbie, we're just getting started

Oh, I love you Ken!" sang Yuichiro and then he finished

The whole group burst out into laughter.

"I didn't know that you hated that song that much Yuichiro !" said Ume

"Well, I do, now let's get on with the dares!" said Yuichiro

"Next, wear my pink dress!" said Ume holding a strapless pink dress

"Oh no!" said Senjuro

"Fine" said Yuichiro and then he went to the bathroom and changed

"Now, wear the matching high heels!" said Ume and Ume put them on

"Now here is a pink bandanna!" said Ume

"Fine" said Yuichiro and he traded his bandana for the pink one

"You know you look similar to my cousin, Sara!" said Ume laughing

"Thanks for the support!" said Yuichiro crossing his arms

"Uh oh, I think that it is that time of the month again, that means mood swings!" said Yushiro and the group started giggling

"Okay, ask my cousin out!" said Ume

"Fine, give me the phone" said Yuichiro

"Hello? Sara, I was wondering if—" said Yuichiro , but the girl hung up

"Next, paint your cell phone purple!" said Ume and Yuichiro got out some paint and started painting his Sidekick

"Now, kiss me on the cheek!" said Ume and Yuichiro blushed and gave her a quick peck on the cheek

"Now, say that I rule and that no one is better than me!" said Ume

"Ume rules and no one is better than her! Done finally!" said Yuichiro

"Okay, after all that torture, Yushiro, truth, dare, double dare, repeat, or mimic?" asked Yuichiro

"Dare!" said Yushiro

"Okay, I dare you to kiss Ume on the cheek!" said Yuichiro for revenge of all that he had done

"Alright!" said Yushiro and kissed Ume on the cheek

"EEEEEEEEWWWWWWW! WHERE IS THE BATHROOM?!" yelled Ume after Yushiro kissed her

"To the left" said Muichiro

"Thanks!" said Ume and ran to the bathroom to wash her face

"Thanks a lot" said Ume when she came out

"You're welcome" said Yuichiro grinning

"Oh you are mean!" whined Ume with a pout on her lips

"That's so true!" said Muichiro

"Oh you and comments" said Yuichiro

"Hey, deal with it!" said Muichiro

"Forget you two!" said Ume and got her bag and went out the door

"Ume !" yelled the both of them and chased her

"This is going to be good" thought Ume and she hid behind a tree

"Where do you think she went?" asked muichiro

"Maybe to the park, let's go!" said Yuichiro , and with that the twins left to go to the park

"Mission accomplished" said Ume as she went back inside the house

"Hey Ume, where did you go?" asked Sabito

"I hid behind the tree while those two bundles of joy went to the park to find me!" said Ume laughing and Yushiro , Sabito, and Senjuro all started laughing also, and it got harder while the two twins came in soaking wet

"What happened to you two?" asked Yushiro laughing so hard

"Well, I fell into the lake because I tripped on a pebble and I accidentally took Yuichiro down with me" said Muichiro

"What were you doing near the lake?" asked Ume giggling

"We were looking to see if you were swimming in it!" said Muichiro

"Well, now I know that you can never win a non-clumsy contest for sure" said Ume and everyone burst into laughter including Yuichiro

"Whatever, come on Yuichiro let's go change" said Muichiro and the two went upstairs and came back down wearing fresh new clothing

"Because of you my bandanna got wet!" said Yuichiro

"Well, because of you, YUSHIRO KISSED ME! THAT IS SO WORSE!" yelled Ume

"You didn't like my kiss?" asked Yushiro looking hurt

"Well, let's put it this way, I liked Yuichiro's hilarious singing so much more, I mean who hates Barbie Girl? Oh wait, Yuichiro does" said Ume

"What? Who doesn't hate I'm a Barbie Girl in a Barbie world?" asked Yuichiro

"I don't!" said Ume

"Okay, let's just forget about this, and continue the game!" said Yuichiro

"I agree" said Ume

"Next, Senjuro, truth, dare, double dare, repeat, or mimic?" asked Yushiro

"Truth" said Senjuro

"Is it true that at camp, that you had a crush on Ume?" asked Yushiro

"No, I loved her like a big sister" said Senjuro shaking his head

"So I am the only one who loves her?" asked Yushiro

"Puh-lease, other guys on my soccer team love her" said Sabito and he turned to Yuichiro and smirked, and Ume went up to use the bathroom

"What are you looking at me for?' asked Yuichiro

"Oh you know you do" said Sabito

"What do you mean?" asked Yuichiro

"You know you like her" said Sabito

"Like who?" asked Yuichiro

"Ume " said Sabito

"Fine, but shut up!" said Yuichiro

"Yes I knew it!" said Sabito and started happy dancing

"You may like her, but she is mine!" said Yushiro

"She doesn't even like you" said Sabito

"Oh well" said J.P

"Hey guys I am back, let's continue the game" said Ume

"Yeah!" said everyone

"Next, Ume , truth, dare, double dare, repeat, or mimic?" asked Senjuro

"Truth" said Ume

"Why did you tell Yuichiro to kiss you on the cheek?" asked Senjuro

"Because I wanted to see him blush" said Ume

"Liar! You wanted him to kiss you on the cheek because you like him! Ume, you are such a liar!" thought Ume in her head

"Thanks Ume, that really meant a lot you know" said Yuichiro and put his hand to his heart and nodded

"I am so glad it did" said Yuichiro and she grinned

"Wow you two make such a cute couple!" said Senjuro

"SENJURO!" yelled Yushiro and smacked the hat off his head

"Senjuro, how could you?" asked Ume

"Exactly what she said!" said Yuichiro

"I have to go home" said Ume and she took her bag and left

"Ume! Wait up!" said Yuichiro and chased after her

"Awwww, isn't that cute? Yuichiro caring for her" said Muichiro , obvious of his brother's crush on Ume

"Maybe we should play matchmaker!" said Senjuro

"How do you know all of this stuff?" asked Sabito

"Don't forget that I am already in high school!" said Senjuro

"Freshman!" said Yushiro

"Oh well" said Senjuro

"So what do you guys say? Want to get Ume and Yuichiro together?" asked Senjuro

"Oh yeah!" said all of them

With Yuichiro and Ume

"Yuichiro , what are you doing here?" asked Ume who was sitting on the park bench which was gazing out into the lake

"Oh, you ran off so suddenly, what was that all about?" asked Yuichiro and sat on the seat next to her

"Nothing really, I just really didn't feel that I wanted to stay there" said Ume blushing

"Then what is with the cherry tomato face?" asked Yuichiro

"I just have a lot on my mind that's all" said Ume

"What's it about?" asked Yuichiro

"I really like this guy, but I don't know how he feels about me" said Ume

"IT IS YOU!" thought Ume but she kept it to herself

Right there, Yuichiro's heart tore into a million pieces.

"Well, who is he?" asked Yuichiro

"You will laugh at me" said Ume

"No I won't" said Yuichiro

"Fine, his name starts with a Y" said Ume

"Ohhhhh, it might be me! Stop thinking Yuichiro , she could never like you!" thought Yuichiro

"So, who's the lucky guy?" asked Yuichiro

"You" mumbled Ume but Yuichiro didn't here her

"Who?" asked Yuichiro

"I said YOU!" said Ume and then she blushed when she realized what she had said

"Me?" asked Yuichiro in complete shock

"Yeah" said Ume and then she blushed, and she was in shock when Yuichiro kissed her right on the lips ever so softly

"I like you too, actually I think I might even love you" said Ume

"Then, I love you too" said Ume and she kissed him on the cheek and they stared at the sunset

An old friend returned, and he stared straight at the new couple.

"Ume , you were my friend before, but you will be more than that soon" said the voice hiding in the bushes.

Sorry that I left you hanging!

I will be looking for a lucky reviewer who will give me a good review!

I will send a message to that lucky reviewer to state if they have won!

Other reviewers that tried will receive a part at the ending credits!


1)You have to message me on my homepage!

2)It has to be at least 3 sentences long!

3)And, it has to be appropriate! (Sorry to sound like a teacher, but I couldn't think of other rules)

Also, the next chapter will be dedicated to that reviewer!

The longest and best review will win!

Good luck!

Also I am aware I changed up Yushiro's character in this story, his character will be acting completely different, I want it to be like the way he acts towards Lady Tomayo in demon slayer

Now a word from the new couple!

Ume - Hey, we are a couple now!

Me- I told you "yet"

Yuichiro - Who is that "old friend"?

Me- Oh, I will pick a name!

Yuichiro - Pick a bad name, that guy wants to steal my Ume! (Grabs Ume and hugs her)

Yushiro - No, my Ume ! (Grabs Ume and practically hugs her to death)

Sabito- My Ume ! (Hugs her so very tight)

Me- LET GO OF UME ! (They let go)

Ume - (panting) Thank you!

Me- You're welcome! Now Yuichiro take good care of Ume or you will get killed out of this story!

Yuichiro - Yes m'am

Me- Good boy (pats Yuichiro's head)

Ume - Since the author of this story is busy pampering my boyfriend, bye!

Me- Remember to review!

Everyone- BYE!

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