By remixthestory

32.4K 1.6K 128

Shehryaar left his home towards an unknown turn which led him to fall, literally down the valley and metaphor... More

✩ Prologue
✩ Chapter 1
✩ Chapter 2
✩ Chapter 3
✩ Chapter 4
✩ Chapter 6
✩ Chapter 7
✩ Chapter 8
✩ Chapter 9
✩ Chapter 10
✩ Chapter 11
✩ Chapter 12
✩ Chapter 13 Ep

✩ Chapter 5

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By remixthestory

The hand squeezed hers and she looked up at her mother, her eyes red withholding the moisture for so long. Manizeh nodded at her and she blinked to let her tears drop.

The thick net separated her from the man who sat listening to whatever the marriage officiator said, stating the meaning of marriage and its significance. Her father sat beside him, holding his hand under the covered cloth, handing over his daughter's fate to him.

"Qubool hai," Shehryaar said.

"Do you, Shehryaar bin Firoz take Azeen bint Habib as your wife to protect, love, and cherish?" The Qazi repeated his question for one last time and their eyes met, she averted quickly, not being able to see the promise his grey eyes held.

"Qubool hai," he said without missing a beat.

It was her chance now, to speak the words which will seal her life with him.

"Do you, Azeen bint Habib take Shehryaar bin Firoz as your husband to love, support, and cherish?" Qazi repeated his question one last time.

"Qubool hai" She whispered for the Qaazi to hear from behind the veiled partition in the mosque, this one louder than the last two times.

The murmurs in the mosque started, some congratulating her parents, some talking about this impromptu wedding, some gossiping about his existence, and others being themselves cooking up stories to entertain their life.

"Mubarak Azeen, bohut mubarak ho." Saleha, Ahmed Sahab's wife patted her head with a face that said she knew everything behind this fiasco.

"Mubarak" A dry scoff came from Shafiqa who enjoyed the scene sitting on a little distance from Azeen, she and her mother-in-law had sat with smug faces as the nikah was performed.

"Come, Azeen," Manizeh whispered to her daughter who did not look up but stared at the embroideries on her simple red Anarkali dress. That was the only option available to be termed as bridal attire at such short notice.

The red floor-length Anarkali but simple and beautiful with a golden border intricately woven into the soft fabric, it was paired with a dupatta used as a veil, the netted fabric with a heavy border had her face covered leaving her eyes to see through the fabric.

Taking small steps she walked to the other side of the partition to sign the documents with no other males but family.

Her father kissed her forehead with tears in his eyes, she couldn't make out of they were from joy or anguish of being tied to a deadline to protect her.

Zain smiled brightly at his sister, taking her hand gently as he brought her near Shehryaar who sat infront of the officiator.

He looked up and smiled at her which she couldn't reciprocate, not yet. He had changed into a simple white pathani which once her father wore at his own wedding. She couldn't pinpoint the emotion when she saw him accepting the attire without another word but a smile filled with gratitude. She didn't know him yet the small gesture made her heart content to a certain extent.

No, she wasn't onboard with the whole idea of marriage, not with him or with anyone but she did not have another option. None of them.

Clutching the pen with shaky fingers she inhaled and scribbled her name on the certificate. She signed her life away. She was no more Azeen Habib Alam.

She had signed herself to be Azeen Shehryaar now, a married woman.

He signed for the groom using his right hand, his left was plastered. Manizeh helped her to walk and Zain supported him, he may have overcome his pain but walking still strained his injuries and her inner self wanted him rested and sleeping, only if she could have held herself from caring for him they wouldn't have landed her, married.

It was early morning when they had the nikah ceremony held, now that they were returning home. She felt everything crashing on her, the burden of her actions, the reality of life being flipped.

"Kha ja rahi ho, Azeen?" Manizeh stopped her before she could enter her room.

(Where are you going, Azeen?)

She glanced at her room door and back, "I want to be alone for a while, Ammi."

"Okay, but Zain will bring Sherry to your room so be prepared." She informed.

"But why?" She questioned inaudibly.

"He is your husband now, Shouhar hai wo tumhara. He has the same right as yours in this house and your room. Now go, take some rest." Manizeh told her and left.

It was minutes of silence that Azeen dropped herself near the window settee when the door opened and Zain peeked inside, helping him inside and onto the bed as he scrunched his face in pain.

"You should rest sometime, Bhaijaan. I'll let you know if there is any call for you." Zain nodded, passing an assuring smile to Azeen who blinked and looked away at the window.

She gulped as Zain left them alone, this time closing the door behind them as now she shared her room with her husband.

"I'm sorry." He whispered breaking the silence between them. "For whatever happened."

"Me too." She said back and turned to look at him with wobbling lips as she bit on them. "I shouldn't have come to your room but you know, you shouldn't have dragged yourself into this. You should have left. You had an option to go away from here, unscathed. Why did you not leave? Why did you agree to this? Why did you ask my hand for marriage? Why couldn't you just leave?"

"Is this the first thing you want to ask from me as your husband?" He asked with a raised brow, lips curving at the sides "Think well, Azeen. Me giving you all the answers may make you lose your chance to have a proper wedding gift."

"This is no normal wedding, so what wedding gift are we talking about?" Azeen smiled bitterly turning back to glare at the sky.

He sighed, "Come here"

Azeen shook her head furiously wiping any trace of tear which left her eyes.

"Come here or else I'll come there, you know straining my already exerted wounds, who know I tear open a stitch or two with so much walking I'm doing in the last 12 hours." He shrugged and she snapped at him.

"This will be the first and last time you blackmail me." Giving him a deadly glare she huffed and sat opposite him on the bed, her dupatta now fallen back on her shoulders and legs crossed to sit in a challenging way.

Shehryaar bit his grin but raised his hand as if backing out, "Maaf karien, begum. Ab nahi karenge."

(I'm sorry, wife. Won't repeat it again.)

Azeen bit her cheeks to hide the warmth caused by his eyes and then those words. She pulled her knees closer to her chest, her cheek resting on her knee as she look at him, looking like a clueless child.

"I don't leave when I know I can right things wronged by me, I'm not a coward, Azeen. I would never leave or turn my back on any situation we face in our lives, I have done it and I'll never do it." He assured leaning back, "Your second question on why I agreed to this, Do you think I'll ever find someone like you again? You treated a man in need during a storm, and you cared for a stranger not caring for any consequences if any. Your family took in a stranger and treated him with utmost kindness and generosity. I was fazed. I wondered what you will do to someone whose family to you, thinking about the lengths you could go to for your people made me ask for your hand in marriage. I know the timing wasn't right, nor the place or circumstances, but I didn't want to think about all the 'what if-s' and 'if only-s' when it felt like the right thing to do. I don't have parents, Azeen. My parents didn't return from one of my father's business trips." He bared his heart to her.

"I..I am sorry about them, Shehryaar." She said to him trying to smile to comfort him.

"It doesn't hurt, who am I lying" He looked away and shook his head scoffing "It does hurt but I'm used to it now. So what I was telling you was that for the last two decades, it has been always Dado and me. My uncle and aunty had their own things to handle so they never bothered with me. I have had only witnessed affection from my grandfather and cousins if they had nothing good to do. When I saw you all, I craved that bond, one you and your father have, a mother who believes you above everyone and anyone's words. A sibling who was ready to move the world because he couldn't see you hurt. I got a little selfish there, thinking this way I might actually be a son to your father who called that as a way of addressing. I...I know it hurt you in the process but trust me, I had no bad intentions then nor do I have any now. Trust me on this, Azeen. That's all I am asking you to."

"I need time to get used to this." She admitted slowly. "It feels like I was shoved into being married because some people can't help but feel an unknown offense of a girl being independent or attaining education when they wished to latch them inside the confines of their home. I have seen those smiles of victory thrown at me when I muttered my agreement to this alliance."

"We have an abundance of that, a life full of it so take as much as you want, but" he paused and she looked up expectantly for him to continue. "Do not let your thoughts get directed by what they think, do or act like. You are trying to do things for yourself and not to prove them wrong. You are not in some sought of war with these people that victory or defeat matters. What matters is your achievements, your dreams, your happiness, and you only. Nothing else."

"Thank you" She whispered, "Thank you for not leaving."

"Never I will leave or I'll let you face something alone, you will have me at your side for a long-long time, begum. Get used to me." Shehryaar smiled charmingly at her and she shied away from his gaze.

It was new, whatever this was. Talking her heart out, letting her emotions out in the rawest form, it wasn't anything she had done before. She had always tamed down her words, thinking a lot many times before she spoke but here, she let out all her questions, her bitterness, her disdain, her insecurity, and her gratitude. She laid everything for him to see, choose and talk to her about.

She had always heard that the words spoken at nikah bind people together, in a bond mystical to human understanding. It was as if getting two people hitched and boom, they become more to each other without any external force. The power nikah held was unknown to others but to those witnessed it.

"Bhaijaan" The voice hollering outside, behind the door had her jump back to her feet as she picked up her dupatta and placed it back. She had forgotten about it sliding down her hair.

"What is it Zain?" Azeen asked raising a brow as Zain shoved her aside and handed the phone to Shehryaar who looked amused for reasons known only to him.

"Assalamualaikum, Yes?" he spoke into the device and hummed to whatever was said on the other side.

Azeen watched as he placed the backdown and looked at the pair of siblings who waited for whatever news he had to share.

"Azeen, better pack your things now, you have just two more hours to assemble everything. The car and driver will be here in due time to take us home." He said the last part was addressed to Zain whose face dropped dramatically.

"What? Only two hours? Why can't you stay for a bit more days, if your going is not enough, you will take Appi with you too." Zain stomped his feet like a child "Huh! Forget it. I'm not talking to you two."

Azeen gaped behind him, "Wait, Zain! What is my fault...."

Her voice fell on dead ears and she sighed.

"He will come around, don't worry. Now, why don't you pack? I'll help you if needed." Sherry offered and she agreed with a pout.

She picked a simple suit before marching into the bathroom and changing, her dress was simple but did not qualify to be light. It was as heavy as it comes and packing up her entire life in two hours with that was not something she was in favor of.

Buttoning up her blush pink kurta and taking the darker shade of shawl pinned on her head, she tucked the baby hairs away from her face, her red, henna covered fingertips resting on her face as she tried to make out any difference from the girl who stood here yesterday and the girl who stood today, the only difference was the henna on fingers, yet she felt different.

Shaking the thought away, she stepped out with her dress folded neatly and placed it on the bed.

"When are your exams?" Shehryaar asked conversationally to avoid staring at her far more than required, she looked an epitome of innocence in that pink suit and white Palazzo pants hiding her whole behind the loose fitting, unlike the red dress she wore as a bride. It was a little more tailored to her build than being loose-fitted.

He still had to remind himself that she was his wife for a few hours each time he averted his eyes away from her feeling like a creep staring at her.

"In two months, I don't even know how I'm going to go to and fro from your place to college. Well, where do live? Where are you from?" Azeen grimaced asking. "I don't even know the basics about you."

"Nothing to worry about, I'm here to answer all your questions, begum Sahiba." Sherry waved her worries aside. "I believe your college is in Hyderabad."

She nodded.

"I live in Hyderabad. You won't have any problem commuting, I will ask my driver to take you anywhere you have to go. Problem solved." He gave her a one-shoulder shrug.

"Driver? What do you do? I mean what....how to phrase this?" She ended up whining and he chuckled.

"I am a businessman, I am looking after the family business after Dado retired. I was coming for a meeting in Anantagiri, to check up on our factories when this happened. I still have a fuzzy vision of losing the balance of the car and crashing it into steel boundaries breaking it and falling down. It is a little hazy." He said thoughtfully and she nodded again.

Gathering all her books she sized up her bag and then the books. "How about I pack my books in a carton?" she thought and decided before telling Zain to ask him to bring spare cartons.

"You own a factory in Anantagiri? I have heard only Shah constructions having plants in that area." She mussed.

"Yeah, it is ours. The biggest plant is in Anantagiri and some on another side. We have some 7 plants in total all over the state." Shehryaar said while placing her books in the box laid out.

Azeen who was busy bringing a pile of her things dropped them all on the floor, jaw hanging open as she tried to process his words.

"You okay?" he asked quizzically seeing her sitting with mouth agape in between clothes scattered.

"What do you mean, you are Shehryaar Shah?" Azeen asked once she gained her processing power back.

Shehryaar frowned "Yes, the same that I'm Shehryaar Shah. You heard my name at the time of nikah, Azeen. What is wrong with you?"

"You did not clear this once to me that you are Shehryaar Shah." She stated once again as she glanced between him and the mess she had created around herself.

"Are you okay? First, get up and come here." She walked robotically near him.

"Why are you, Shehryaar Shah?" She asked perplexed.

"What do you mean, Azeen? Ese behki behki baatien kyu kar rahi hai aap? Do you have a fever?" He touched her forehead but she swatted it away and cringed in pain. "Calm down, I'm still hurt."

(Why are you talking as if intoxicated?)

"You did not tell me you were this businessman let alone royalty. Ya Allah, Shehryaar, you could have told me that you were this Shah." Azeen sat with her shoulders slumped in defeat. "How am I to adjust? I'm just a plain girl, I can't do this. No, no. I can't go with you."

"Aree, what do you mean by that?" Shehryaar asked confused at her sudden demand. "And what royalty you are talking about? I'm just a simple man born into an age-old business that I'm handling for past years. What is there to be in so much stress?"

"Aap nahi samajh rahe." Azeen complained frustrated. (You are not understanding)

"To samjhao, main nahi samajh raha yha esa kya hai jo app ese panic kar rahi hai?" (Then explain, I'm not getting what there is to panic so much about.)

"Aap mujhe aap nahi bolo." She demanded.

"To Aap bhi aap nahi bolo." He played along.

"Ya Allah, you understand nothing," Azeen grumbled and he blinked in utter confusion.

"Azeen, What is it about?" He asked seriously and she sat straight, looking him dead in the eyes inhaling to clearly word out her misery.

"You are a multi-millionaire, Shehryaar. You own factories and lengths of businesses all over the state. You are a big deal. People know you and your family, you are famous in your own way." She said.

"Okay?" he proved further.

"I am me, Shehryaar. Plain and simple girl who never cares about her looks or clothes or anything but her studies. I am the nerd people usually talk about. I'm not going to fit in your world. I'm not among the elite class. I'm not one of them, I'm going to stick like a sore thump. You should just leave me here only. You should go back, look they wanted me married, we got married now they won't bother me, yes it is best. You should go alone...."

"Do you even think what you are speaking?" He snapped and she recoiled back, his palm held her arm firmly and he jerked her forward. "Biwi ho tum meri, sochna bhi mat ke me tumhare bina yha se jaunga ya tumhe chodunga. Aaj ye bola hai ainda ye wapas mat kehna."

(You are my wife. Never think that I'll ever leave you here alone. You have said this today but never repeat it again.)


"Shush, Get back to packing. You are coming with me whether you want it or not. You are my wife and I'm not leaving you back." He stated with finality.

Azeen retracted herself from the bed, quickly picking her things up to fill her bags.

Shehryaar sighed looking at her as she shot things in the bag as if firing bullets, he cursed himself to react that way. He tried to slide out of the bed to walk to her when she looked up and shot him a warning look.

"Come back here" he demanded sitting back.

She stared at him for a few seconds before averting her eyes, she threw another shawl in the bag and stomped her steps towards him.

"You are angry?" He held her palm in his hand.

She kept mum.

"Azeen, I'm sorry. I want you to come back with me, please." He asked her nicely this time.

She gulped and looked away from him "I'm scared, how will I adjust there?"

"By being just the way you are. You don't need to change or compromise a single thing, you take this as a change of home and nothing else. The way you live here, you can live there too. Just you will have to bear my presence, which I should say is very amazing." He grinned and she deadpanned looking at him.

"I can already guess how much amazing it is going to be." She joked rolling her eyes.


"Azeen, Shehryaar?" Came a knock and the door opened.

Azeen stepped back from him, hand dropping quickly. "Ammi, andar aaye, please."

Manizeh smiled at the duo, her eyes taking in the bag which Azeen seemed to be done with halfway.

"It is good you are packing your things." Manizeh gave a smile that didn't reach her eyes, they spoke of sadness behind them.

"Yes, Ammi. Everything seems to be fast-forwarded, I guess." Azeen tried reasoning.

"It is life, it happens in the most unexpected way." Manizeh shrugged looking between the two. "I...I wanted a grand Rukhsati for you two after a rushed Nikah, but it seems we will have to do with just a simple meal and intimate family."

"Aunty, please don't worry..."

"Ammi it is. You are our son now, so it is Ammi for you." Manizeh interrupted him.

He nodded complying, a happy smile on his face. "Ammi, it is a matter of a few months. Once Azeen completes her exams we can hold an entire wedding like the one she deserves back in the city. Just a few more months."

He felt her gaze on him but he didn't meet her eyes as he smiled at the motherly figure in front of him.

"Shehryaar, how about we perform the Rukhsati after her exams, let her live hear only. I'm not yet convinced with the idea of her going away." Manizeh suggested, praying for him to agree but he averted his eyes sighing.

"I don't trust the people here, Ammi. Not that I doubt you, Abbu, or Zain to not protect her from them but I will constantly be restless if I leave her back between the predators. Please don't stop us, let me bring Azeen with me to home. I will protect her with everything I have." He stated ever so softly. He had enough trust in her family but seeing the way Rehman behaved last night, he clearly said he wanted Azeen gone and he will do just that, take her away from his reach.

"The car is here." Zain's announcement pushed her heart into summersault. It was here, the time to leave her home to go to another.

The next minutes went in a jiffy, them having a meal where Manizeh had gone all out, preparing a feast for her daughter and son-in-law.

Azeen had to sip on the water multiple times when the urge to cry had her heart clench, she could stomach only so much when the entire time she kept looking at her family, the room, the walls, and the place.

The feeling of leaving her home had dissolved her hunger. Grateful that none commented on it. Zain carried her luggage down, his face morphed into a somber expression as she followed him with her books and handed him to arrange in the back of the car.

"Ready?" He whispered quietly and she looked up at him, he had changed into a white kurta and trousers paired with brown Oxfords which came into the bag sent for him. The contents had a new phone, some cash in the wallet, and wrist watch which he had left untouched as his left hand was in a cast.

She couldn't say the words but nodded for him.

He forwarded his hand to hers, to hold and support. She placed her palm in his and he clutched her hand in his firm grip as the two stood up to move. She held his bicep to stabilize the weight and balance. He glanced at her gratefully and took her aid to walk.

Azeen caught her parents wiping the moisture away in due time which broke her own resolve. She let herself break as Zain covered her head under the Holy book-Quran. It was a ritual to perform the sending of, of the bride in the shadow of the Quran.

Shehryaar left her hand, gesturing her to go to her family, leaning against the car, letting her off from his burden to meet her parents for one last time.

Azeen hugged her father, then mother not letting herself break, the moment she hugged Zain had her forget about resolve as the siblings held each other exchanging silent emotions, letting their hearts do the talking as they stood there for what felt like hours.

"Such a crybaby you are, Dr. Azeen." Zain pulled away from her, rubbing her cheeks clean from any moisture as he rolled his eyes which withhold his tears back, joking "Aapke patients bhaag jayenge ye shakal dekh kar."

(Your patients will run for the hills seeing this face of yours.)

"As if tumme surkhaab ke par lage hai." She shot him a comeback to which he grinned.

(As if you are the most handsome man to grace the world.)

"Aapko kya pata Lage ho?"

(What if I'm?)

"Drama karwalo bas." Azeen scoffed playfully and Zain pulled her hair in return.

(Drama king)

"Ammi?" She whined complaining.

Manizeh shook her head "I doubt if they both have actually grown up."

Shehryaar chuckled but covered it immediately seeing Azeen giving him a sharp look.

"Abhi se darne lage, Shehryaar miyan? Abhi to adha din bhi nahi hua hai nikah ko." Habib patted his shoulder and Shehryaar blushed to hide it behind a mocking chuckle.

(You have already started fearing her, Shehryaar? It hasn't been half a day to your nikah.)

"Nikah itself makes you fear your wife, Abbu. You should know it best." Shehryaar teased making Habib roll his eyes playfully. "Chalein?" he asked Azeen.

"Yes." She answered with a nod, no more hesitant and he marveled at the agreement.

The duo settled inside not before Manizeh kissed their foreheads and whispered protective surah on them.

"Allah nigeban" she mumbled.

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