My Cold Mate

By Bae0409

576 40 0

"I Hate you" the trueblood alpha muttered She heard him saying something unfamiliar . Probably she never he... More

Author note
Characters 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Characters 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapters 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 4

21 1 0
By Bae0409

Hi guys💜
Hope you guys are doing well😇

Ignore mistakes🙏


Liam POV

"Chill.... he's safe"

"I want to see him...."

"Ok just wait here I'll inform Ace" he said

I'm so worried and happy at the same time .It's super cool that he finally found his mate but I want to know about his mate he a good guy?? or

I don't know ..................I just want to see my brother ,even though he's safe

"Hey don't worry ,he have a mate now and I'm pretty sure he's no harm.Afterall he is Andre's son" vincent said

"I don't care who son he is,All I want to see my brother"

I felt a familiar scent .I turned around and saw my Brother, he ran towards me and hugged me tightly .I'm so happy because he's safe . I felt a pair of eyes staring at us . I took a step forward and glared at him but he look calm

"So, you're his brother "


"I'm Ace ,your brother's Mate "he said politely

"I can see"

"I'm sorry brother ,I left you without saying anything" My brother said

"So,care to explain"

"After I left you in the club I met someone"


Alan Pov

"And my father is head Alpha"I said

Suddenly I froze on my spot.I can sense a amazing scent ,that made my weak and my legs trembled. My wolf howling and screamed


I felt a hand on my shoulder made me turn around ,then i realized ,I found my mate! He's so freaking handsome and hot

"Hello mate" Holy shit!!!!!
His voice is so sexy

"H-Hi " I said and mentaly slapped myself for shuttering.

"You're so cute" he said and I'm looking like a tomato now.

He leaned to kiss me .I closed my eyes waiting for sweet moment .I felt a pair of lips brushing against
my lips. He's so gentle and our lips move in sync. he held my waist and pulled me closely to deepen the kiss . After a heat kiss he finally pulled out and flashed a smile

Wowwwwww just wow

He's so handsome ~~~

We lost in our own world and suddenly a voice intrrupt us

"Mian.Where were----first of all what are you doing here shithead"
A female omega said and pointed to my mate

WTF how can she say that . I glared at her

"Hi lia .I finally found my mate . He is pretty than you isn't it "my mate said

Seems like they are just friends
I guess

"Wow. Congrats and I admit that he's pretty but not than me " she playfully said

"Anyway cutie ,my name is lia and bestfriend of your mate"

Oh shit i didn't even know his name

"Hi and I'm Alan"

"And my name is Ace"

"And I'm a fucking thirdwheel" A beautiful voice said I frowned and realized the voice of the owner is Princess Mian"

"Hey sis"my mate said nervously laughed WAIT WHAT?????

Why he's calling her sis

"Don't get confused he's my elder brother"Miss Mian said


"Anyway which pack are you from "

"Red Moon pack"

"His father is head alpha" Miss Mian said

End of flashback

Liam POV

"And after that we came here and Ace introduced his Pack members"my brother finished

"Ok now lets go to our pack"

"Sadly you guys can't"Ace said I frowned


"Because its pretty dark outside now ,you can go in the morning"

"About that"I hesistate

"Please bro ,I want to cuddle with my mate" he begged with his puppy eyes

I nodded

"Ok Good night then" Ace said and about to leave but I stopped him

"If you hurt my brother. I will kill you no matter who you are" I said sternly

He just flashed a smile and nodded

And left with my brother

"Ok .you guys can sleep in guest room" head alpha said

"Thank you"

"Good night boys" he hugged me and vincent

Seriously he's too kind and soft


Bye guys💜
Hope you like this chapter and don't forgot to comment and vote🤗❤

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