Son of Maleficent || Dark!Har...

By astro_chan418

176K 5.7K 733

A/N I suggest you watch "Maleficent: Mistress of evil" before you read this story Maleficent was flying throu... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 1

14.5K 396 63
By astro_chan418






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"Harry, come get your breakfast!" Maleficent called out to harry from down stairs. "Coming mother!" Harry replied as he got out of bed.

It's been 3 years ever since Maleficent adopted Harry and ever since then things have been going great. Harry is no longer with his abusive relatives and is living a fairly happy life with his new mother. Maleficent is also very happy, ever since aurora died thousands of years ago she has never been the same and has fallen in and out of depression. Diaval is still around he asked Maleficent to make him live along side her until the day she dies and ever since then, he is still very much loyal to Maleficent. Diaval absolutely adores harry since he reminds him of aurora. Harry knows he's adopted and that his biological parents are dead but to be honest he doesn't really care about his past family. All he cares about is his mother, diaval and his people. Maleficent has ruled the magical creatures of her world with a firm hand but she's a very kind ruler. Many of her subjects love harry as there own and treat him with respect. Maleficent, diaval and harry live in the castle aurora used to live in with her husband, since humans have abandoned this realm, they have been living here peacefully.

Harry finishes getting ready and goes down stairs to eat breakfast. "Good morning mother, morning Diaval." Harry greeted his family as one of the house elves named Winnie, served his breakfast. He thanked the house elf and ate his breakfast. "How was your sleep harry?" Diaval asked as he ate his berries. "It was good though I did accidentally fall off the bed." Harry said as he rubbed the back of his head. "Don't talk while you're chewing raven." Maleficent said as she wiped the crumbs off harry's face. They finished their breakfast and got ready for the day.

Harry helps his mother go around the kingdom, it's kind of their daily routine. As they're walking around the kingdom many dark fey and other creatures greet the mother and son with smiles on their faces. "Mother, I have a question I would like to ask you." Harry said as he faced his mother. "Go on, raven." Maleficent replied as she and harry came to a stop as they approach the river. "Well I wanted to ask if you could teach me magic, since I'm a wizard and all. I don't want to wait until school to learn magic." Harry said as he looked at his mother with pleading eyes. Maleficent thought for a moment before nodding. The mother and son went back to the castle so that Maleficent can teach harry.

"Back so soon?" Diaval asked as he approached the duo. "Yep! Mother's going to teach me magic!" Harry said excitedly as Diaval looked at maleficent in shock. Maleficent was a bit over protective when it came to her children so you can imagine Diaval's surprise when she agreed. "Yes. Raven, go wait in the courtyard while I get some things ready for your first lesson." Maleficent said as harry nodded and sped to the courtyard. "Are you sure about this?" Diaval asked Maleficent. "I'm sure. Besides I'm only teaching him for self defense. Can you handle my duties for a while?" Maleficent asked and Diaval nodded. Maleficent then grabbed a spell book and left to the courtyard.

"Are you ready, raven?" Maleficent asked as she approached harry. Harry excitedly nodded as he stood up from where he was sitting. "Good. We're starting from the basics, I expect that we can atleast start casting spells by the end of today." Maleficent said as harry nodded in agreement.

A few hours later, harry managed to learn alot of spells. Maleficent was impressed since most people can't learn so many spells in such a short amount of time. Harry also seemed to give off a very strong magical aura  for his age. He was able to fire spells with just 1 or 2 tries, it was like it was second nature to him. "Good job my little raven. We can learn more tomorrow but for now I think we need to go to dinner." Maleficent said as she stretches her wings. Harry nodded and he and his mother go inside for dinner.

"Diaval!" Harry said as he ran to diaval. "How did it go harry?" Diaval asked as he sat harry down. "It went great!  The spells were very easy to learn and I got to learn alot!" Harry replied beaming with joy. Diaval smiled at the young boy and turned to his master. "My queen, Borra needs to speak with you. It's urgent." Diaval said in a serious tone. "Look after harry for me for a few minutes." Maleficent said as she excused herself. "Ofcourse my queen." Diaval replied bowing as he turned to harry.

Maleficent met Borra at the top of one of the towers of the castle. Ever since after the great war before aurora wedding, some of the dark fey and other creatures have decided to form an army to help Maleficent protect the kingdom if there was ever a threat. Borra is one of the four generals of this army. "My queen." Borra greeted as he bowed to Maleficent in respect. "Whats so urgent you have to summon me before dinner." Maleficent replied a little irritated that she had to meet him before she could even have dinner with her family. "My apologies my queen but we have an issue." Borra apologized as Maleficent looked at him with a stern look. "Go on then." Maleficent said. "There's a creature in the woods. It's been killing many of the animals near the moors. We found some petrified animals around the kingdom." Borra explained as Maleficent thought. "Does anyone know what the creature look like?" Maleficent asked. "No, but we fear it may start killing our people if we don't find it." Borra said. "I want you and the other to capture this creature and once you do alert me, we need to figure out what it is. Now if you must excuse me I need to go back to dinner." Maleficent said as Borra nodded.

Maleficent flew back down to the castle and entered the dining room only to see that harry and Diaval are still there with their food untouched. "I'm sorry my queen, but he refused to eat until you came back." Diaval said. Maleficent gave a small unnoticeable smile and sat down to eat.

After dinner, Maleficent and harry bid diaval a Goodnight and they went to harry's room. Maleficent tucked harry to bed and was about to leave when harry grabbed her hand. "What did borra want to talk about earlier, mother?" Harry asked. "It's nothing to worry about my little raven. You should sleep now so that tomorrow we can start our traing early in the morning." Maleficent said as harry nodded yawning. "Goodnight mother." Harry said sleepily. "Good night my little raven." Maleficent said as she bid her son Goodnight and went to her own quarters.

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What do yall think the creature is? Leave a comment if you have a guess and make sure to vote. Have a wonderful day/night!

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