I Am My Wife. (Discontinued)

By Mommy_Eugen

109K 4.7K 1.9K

Here you go, Peeps! 7+ people commented to make this a fanfic. More

Chapter 1: Where The Heck Am I?!
Chapter 2: Reunion
Chapter 3: Koenji Rokusaki
Chapter 3.5: Verbal Violation
Chapter 3.9: Duet
Chapter 4: Swimming Class
Chapter 4: Swimming Class Pt. 2
Chapter 4.2: Serenading a Jealous Goddess
Ayanokoji Kiyone SS: Another One Like Me
Koenji Rokusaki SS: The Man Of My Dreams
Chapter 5: Kiyotaka No Basket
Chapter 5.5: A Glimpse Of What They Can Do
Chapter 6.9: Revelation
Chapter 7: Horikita Sisters
Chapter 8: Forgotten Feelings
Chapter 9.5: Rokusaki, Kiyotaka's Number 1 Fan Girl!
Chapter 9: Female Tyrant's Weakness
Chapter 10: Sakayanagi Ayato/Stuck With Your Crush
Chapter 10.2: Dream
Chapter 11: An Unexpected Reunion
Chapter 12: Midterm Exam
Chapter 13: Island Exam
13.5: Island Exam II
Chapter 13.7: Island Exam III Feat. Kiyotaka's First Cousin
Chapter 13.9: Island Exam IV
Chapter 14: Graham and Yelan
Chapter 15: Pranked
Chapter 16: Taming a Praise-Feeding Monster

Chapter 17: Sports Festival-1/4

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By Mommy_Eugen

??? Monologue: Strangers With Memories

In my entire life, I never would've thought that something so bizarre like this were to happen. And just like as everyone says, "Be careful what you wish for."

4 years ago, in the exact same place but in a different timeline, I met a wonderful and interesting junior. An anomaly to the so-called elite-producing school. A truly strange individual.

Our interaction with each other in that time was brief.

However, as time goes by, I got slowly attracted and pulled towards him. Although my intention at first was just to flirt with him to irritate his girlfriend since it's undeniable that I am a beautiful girl, or perhaps a woman with a perfectly toned body.

Don't get me wrong, though. I am not an easy-to-get woman. After all, I know my value. This junior, however, has this strange charm within him. I can't express it in words nor can I even describe it in the first place.

The only thing I know is that being with his presence alone makes my day. And speaking of days, time is against me. It was as if it loathes my very existence.

With each time his presence is not around, time seems to move too slow, and whenever I hang out with him, time seems to accelerate and just as I feared everyday at that time, the time for me to finally depart and get my ways separated with him finally came.

After the graduation ceremony finished where I will soon be embarking to a new journey of my life, I decided to call him to see me off. Alone, of course. I don't want his girlfriend to go on yelling at me with this very little time I have left with him.

It was painful for me just to even imagine the possibility that I might not see him again.

I can still remember everything we talked about. That proof alone is the proof that I truly treasured his existence.

"Senpai," he called. "Congratulations. Is there any particular reason as to why you called me here?"

"Can't I spend a little bit of my time with my favorite Junior?"

"I don't mind. But if Kei were to know of this I will have a free ticket into one of her 3-hour sermon special."

Hearing him mention that gal irks me. But I tried to play it off. "Now, now, you're not gonna get into trouble with her, alright? Well, you can count this as a woman pushing herself into you."

Despite the fact that there are other students here in my grade waiting to catch a bus to ride home, my ride however has already arrived. And all that's needed to accomplish is one thing.

A last first kiss with him.

I pressed my lips into his and wrapped my arms around him as hard yet as gentle as I could before saying my farewell to him. "Farewell, Ayanokouji. Let's be strangers again. This time however, with memories."

With that I rushed off.

Days turns to weeks; weeks turns to months; and finally, months turned to a year. In all of those time, I never missed a day of wishing to comeback in time.

And exactly a year and 4 months, I suddenly woke up in my old dorm room supernaturally. It was strange at first and somehow panicked but I remembered there's a possibility that I might see him again so I waited patiently.

A year passed and there wasn't any Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, rather it was an Ayanokouji Kiyone and a Shiba Kiyotaka.

What's worse is that a certain narcissistic junior turned to a woman and somehow became my cousin, and starts simping over a charismatic guy whom I've never once encountered before. It surely was strange.

I did some digging and later found out that there are two existence of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka in this time line.

Now this question begs: should I go for the male or the female one?

Kiyone POV

At last this day is finally here. The dawn of the sports festival which is shaping up to be a long day. Wearing jerseys, the entire student body marched in as one just as rehearsed.

But even if it's called a march, most of the students were just walking normally. They only showed enough seriousness to not disrupt discipline.

Speaking of discipline, for the past weeks of our practice for the Sports Festival, Ijuin-kun became the white team's inspiration because of how much he has improved thanks to following Shiba-kun's routine and disciplining himself.

Because of it, the first years of the white team's fighting spirit skyrocketed. There's no doubt about it anymore nor there's no need to ask. Shiba-kun used Ijuin-kun just for this very moment to increase the class, if not, the whole first year white team's fighting spirit.

No wonder his nickname is dubbed with a "Lion." Shiba-kun's leadership proves the saying that a lion with an army of sheeps is a lot more dangerous than a sheep who leads an army of lions.

And by sheeps, I mean, that he is leading a class full of students with defects.

[A/N: I don't really know if that's the correct term, but you get the point.]

Truly, the perfect person to bury me in every way possible.

"Kiyone-chan, you've been spacing out while looking at Kiyotaka for a while now," Kei chan tapped me by my shoulder and showed an amused and teasing expression. Same to the one I did when I attempted to tease Shiba-kun that ended up backfiring to me.

"Now, now~ Have you already fallen for Kiyotaka~ Be honest~ I won't tell him."

Fallen for him, huh. Unfortunately, I don't know if that is the case, but the feelings I am currently feeling is knull. Nothing. Void.

Or if I really need to specify it, I call it anticipation. Anticipation for my upcoming and probably inevitable defeat.

"Maybe I have or maybe not. Who knows?"

Kei-chan pouted to my vague response. "Ah mou! Please? I promise I won't tell...!"

"Kei-chan. You know, you somewhat sound like a little sister who's proud of her nii-san when their classmate told them she likes her older brother," I replied to change the subject.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be! Kiyotaka is my brother-figure, after all!"

"On a related note, don't you really feel any romantic feelings for him? I mean, there has to be a point in your life where you thought about it, right?" To change the subject away from me as far as possible, I decided to pass her the ball and ask her the exact same question.

[Kei die hard fans, please don't attack me! (^_-)]

Kei-chan smiled softly, as if denying my question.

"To be completely honest, I don't. Although the only thing that will make me jealous of girls approaching him are other younger girls that he treats as his little sister. That thought alone haunts me." At the end of her response, she gave a nervous laugh.

"Although if Aunty Miyuki were to have a daughter, I will accept her and treat her like how Kiyotaka treats me."

"I see."

In the opening ceremony, 3rd year Class A's Fujimaki was the one who gave the opening declaration. By the way, on the outskirts of the school grounds, there weren't many but I could see the figures of spectators scattered here and there.

They are probably adults who work on-campus and there are ones who are wearing face masks and their hair color and hairstyles looks somewhat familiar to me.

In regards to them, it doesn't seem like the school has set any restrictions. Occasionally, I could see smiles and hands waving.

On the other hand, the teachers were watching over the students with nary a smile on their faces while adults who appear to be medical staff could also be seen.

Furthermore, a cottage that could fit roughly 20 people was built and installed inside was a cooler, a water dispenser and the such. Just like the uninhabited island, the preparations were flawless.

By the way, the competing Red Team and White Team were provided with tents installed on opposite sides of the track as though sandwiching it between them. As such, it has been made so that there could be no possible contact other than during the contests.

"Kiyotaka-kun! Good luck!" Our classmates cheered for Shiba-kun as he walked to his place and get into his positions.

I wonder. Did he set a trap or have any strategy to counter the enemy's strategy or something? Knowing the individuals known as Ryueen and Arzenon, they probably have something up in their sleeve.

Of course, I shouldn't just directly assume that they will just immediately partner up or gang up to beat Shiba-kun and his team when there are factors like Sakayanagi-kun and Yamashiro-san who's probably opposed to it and the fact that Sakayanagi-kun and Ryueen doesn't really get along that much.

With that in mind, Class A will surely be in chaos, now that there are individuals that are as capable or probably even more capable than their leader, Sakayanagi Ayato-kun.

But, there's no doubt that it is still a possibility. I couldn't just ignore that.

Shiba-kun replied to their cheers with a smile and a thumbs up. On the line was Arzenon-kun, he greeted him by hitting Shiba-kun on the shoulder.

Is it a coincidence that they are assigned in the same category and group? No, that's hardly the case.

They must have met up somewhere before the festival started and exchanged information about the categories of sports they are in, and compete with each other to their heart's content without anyone having to intervene with them.

This is the only logical conclusion I can come up with after knowing Arzenon-kun's attitude of challenging Shiba-kun in every way possible. However, during the first week he transferred here I haven't seen him challenging Shiba-kun to a contest, which still, until today, remained an unsolved mystery to me.

In some distance from where I am seated, I can see them talking to each other on the line with a smile.

I diverted my attention away from the two and brought it to their opponents. I can see that there are only few students in the first year that are notable for their physical abilities like Shibata-kun from Ichinose-kun's class.

This sort of information I obtained is from the girls' gossips I always overhear in our group. Although, I don't really talk that much every time Kei-chan and the gang hangs out, I sometimes brought up a certain topic other than the "Angelic Twins" or that's what Hirata-kun and Shiba-kun are called to our peers.

I pulled away from my thoughts and focused my attention to the two interesting contenders and made sure to ingrain every single little details to my memory. After all, it's not worth forgetting something as exciting as this.

"This is tense! I should just cheer for Arzenon-kun and Kiyotaka!" Kei-chan said.

The confident air that Shiba-kun is radiating as he is in a crouching stance made my classmates hold their breaths in anticipation. Should Shiba-kun lose, which is not a possibility as long as he doesn't trip, the class's built up confidence will shatter in a matter of moments.

Then, as the signal rang out, Shiba-kun and Arzenon-kun, in perfect sync, kicked on the ground and immediately covered a couple of meters and overtook the opponents in front of them.


"NOW THIS IS SOME OPENING!!! BRING HOME THE BACON, KIYOTAKA!!!" (Ken, Yosuke and Kiyotaka calls each other by their given names BTW)

"Good luck, Kiyotaka-kun!"

This sight caused a massive uproar from everyone, even I can hear the shout from the senpais several meters away from where I am. Then, just as I expected, Shiba-kun's harem members including Koenji-san who is his official girlfriend, (for now) cheered and squeeled in a high pitch voice.

Seconds after seconds pass, the lead and advantage Arzenon-kun had slowly disappeared as Shiba-kun slowly caught up with him. But I doubt that they are going all out.

Arzenon-kun and Shiba-kun kicked into the ground even more and sped up their pace and went to full throttle mode, leaving the other contenders behind even the athletic Shibata Sou-kun of Class B in the dust.

The audience didn't care about the other contenders anymore. I could see and observe that their whole attention was on the two ahead and the cheers that was there earlier was nowhere to be found.

Even I am starting to unconsciously hold my breath as Shiba-kun and Arzenon-kun approaches the finish line.

Who will win? Will it be Shiba-kun? Will it be Arzenon-kun? I don't know. Only time will tell.

Just as there was only approximately 20 meters left to cover until they cross the finish line, Shiba-kun's running figure slowly overtook Arzenon-kun's figure. And eventually, Shiba-kun won the contest with a barely visible gap.

It was without a doubt one of the most exciting contest I've seen in my life. I wonder, was he holding back or not? I can't tell. His expression back then was farely serious.

"YOSSSHAAAAAA!!!!" Sudo-kun punched the air and cheered along with our classmates in Shiba-kun's victory.

Soon, the crowd followed. Arzenon-kun may have lost, but the competition he gave is still something worth praising for, knowing the capabilities of Shiba-kun.

In the finish line, Shiba-kun and Arzenon-kun were both smiling at each other giving off the vibe that they enjoy each other's competition.

After their great battle ended, both of them give each other a fist bump amd a smile before going on separate ways.

The spectacle I just seen now reminds me of my days inside the White Room.

Of course, it goes without saying that there are competitions held there, albeit it's not really official but for the sake of an ensurance for survival.

Inside that cold place, the reward for being at the top in every unofficial competition is survival even if it's exhausting and painful. That's why I'm still alive even today.

My mental strength is a factor too, if I don't, I'd be long gone and wouldn't be able to witness this spectacle sight and event.

Now then, should I reveal my a faction of my true physical abilities or not?

Kiyo POV

I would've never guess that Graham has already improved that much after just a year of training, that I was forced to increase my pace more than what I originally intended to.

No, that is hardly the case considering he mainly focuses on beating me in mental battle because physical capabilities isn't really necessary to become the next President for the company if Grandfather Celis retires.

He may came from the branch family along with Yelan, but because of the system I planted in the company that the President place does not matter as long as one got the skill to lead and continue the dynasty of the Arzenons.

And while at this, I managed to free my mother up from her supposed obligations. And the price of it is me.

Anyway, it was probably a psychological phenomenon that cause a rush of adrenaline in Graham's body after finally getting the chance to challenge me for the first time after a year of waiting.

But even if that was the case, I can't deny that I had fun putting up against Graham's challenges.

I slowly walked back and got greeted with congratulations from my classmates.

"Congratulations, Shiba-kun!" "Congratulations, Kiyotaka-kun!"

"Thanks," I replied with a small smile.

"Damn, even after running that fast you're not even tired nor you sweated a bit! You sure have a monstrous stamina, Kiyotaka!" Ken gently patted my shoulder.

I shurgged his praise off.

"Good luck to you, Ken. Looks like you are up against Ichinose and Sakayanagi. I can tell that those two are as immensely athletic as you," I said.

Just by the roster selection, anyone can already predict that this wouldn't be an easy win for Ken now that two immensely athletic students are all in a single line, fighting for the top position.

But with Ken's endurance, I am confident that if it's more than 100m dash, Ken is indefinitely getting the W.

"Yeah...." Ken enhaled a deep breath and closed his eyes as if shaking his nervousness off. "Yosuke, Kiyotaka, cheer up for me, will ya!"

"Got it! Good luck, Ken!"

"Good luck to you, Ken-kun!" Yosuke cheered with a thumbs up.

"Good luck, Sudo-kun!"

My classmates followed on cheering Ken up. He walked to the line with a smile that contains his excitement for the competition he will be having.

Meanwhile I sat on one of the seats and tried to find Rokusaki but looks like she's not here.

"Have you seen Rokusaki anywhere, Kei?" I asked.

"Just after you crossed the finish line, she sprinted to the restroom. It appears that she's holding her urine just to see you in your cool mode once in a while,"Kei replied.

"You sure are lucky, Kiyotaka. You better not make her cry or we'll gang up against you." she gave a deadly glare at the end of her reply.

"Of course I won't. Don't worry," I replied and gave her a light karate chop on the head which caused her to make a cute "owww" and after doing so, I took my seat.

I wonder if Ryueen will be targetting Rokusaki instead of Horikita now that Rokusaki is the reason of their defeat in the Zodiac Exam? So far, I haven't seen her make a move yet.

But, oh well, I guess I should make some counter for Ryueen's moves. She is like an open English book.

Since I've tamed Kushida, who was Ryueen's source of information in Class D from the past, she doesn't have any information about any of our contestants so she will most likely resort to her specialty: playing dirty.

And her target will either be Kei or Rokusaki who was with me back then putting the fact that they have their beef ever since Ryueen took my first kiss in this reality.

As for the possibility on why Ryueen will be targeting Kei, Ren must have already told Ryueen that Kei was bullied in the past, so she will most likely target Kei rather than Rokusaki to trigger Kei's fear of getting bullied again.

I figured the Ryueen in this reality isn't really the type to put grudge first rather than having fun by crushing some else and continuing her beef with Rokusaki, which she must've deemed unnecessary for now, is just something she must deal later on.

The sound of the starter gun reverberating in my ears dragged me out of my internal monologue and soon, the sound of several feet stomping on the ground followed.

Sudo and the rest shot themselves forward and started running as fast as they could. Ken is currently on the lead, followed by Ichinose, and with Sakayanagi running fourth. The gap between the four are close for a suspense atmosphere to build up.

In my opinion, this set is far more interesting than the first. Rather than an easy-to-predict match where you could narrow the winner of that set to two, it is much more exciting to guess and watch three notable students fighting each other for the top.

"Sudo-kun!!!! Do your best!!!" Onodera shouted.

Feeling fired up from the cheers he got, Ken's face sped up, slowly and surely overtaking Ichinose who was ahead of him by little.

I see. So that's what it is, huh. Good for you, Ken. I figured Horikita and you lacks chemistry in every other way.

[This is just my opinion. Correct me if I am wrong.]

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