VIPER→ s. pea [1]

By MuffledYells

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"I'm not just doing it to disappoint them, I swear." ˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚ In which the snake slither his way into her l... More



198 11 8
By MuffledYells

"i know i be on some bullshit,
know i be driving you crazy"

Walking through the halls of Riverdale high was Jughead, his serpent jacket officially left behind in the name of not becoming suspended, a flannel in its stead. After having finally given in to Mr. Wheatherbee's pressure, the Jones had decided to start a club at the high school, a club where the serpents could lay low, but still be themselves. After all, the serpents didn't shed their skin, no matter the pressure. So Mr. Wheatherbee and the rest of the Northsiders would've had to do a hell of a lot more than banning gang paraphilia and enforce ridiculous looking uniforms to force the snakeskin off.

     The honoring of the town's founding father, General Aaugustus Pickens, was coming up, and festivities were in store for Riverdale. It was fascinating almost how quick people were to move on from the horrors that had plagued the small town. Mere weeks had passed since the Black Hood had been shot and killed by Sweetwater River by sheriff Keller, Archie scarcely escaping a live burial. Not to mention Addison Byers near brush with death, and Harley's participation in both horrific events. Everything was changing, and no one was sure yet if it was for the worse or the better.

     Harley didn't return back to her house until her mother was discharged from the hospital. The Byers girl had taken it upon herself to ensure her mother's smooth return home, wanting nothing more than to just forget the words they had shared in the car before the wreck. Fortunately, Addison herself wasn't to keen on bringing it up either. For a moment, Addison had taken days off work to recover, which had given Harley a glimmer of hope that things were changing. But alas Addison had returned to her work, and her husband was still glued stuck to the couch with a beer at hand. With the town drastically changing around her, Harley wasn't sure if she was to appreciate the consistency in her home or not.

     Either way, life was moving on, and Harley had little to no choice to abide by it. Which was why she was currently walking down the halls of Riverdale high with Jughead by her side. After the accident, the two had grown closer, managing to mend their friendship. The kiss had shook Harley, but these much needed weeks spent healing from everything, physically and mentally, had really helped the two along. As well as the fact that Jughead and FP had allowed her to stay with them whenever she needed to, to which he was eternally grateful for.

     Harley had been the one to convince Jughead that shedding the leather jacket for the sake of his education. The girl desperately needed him at school, or else she was sure she would loose her mind over the rough transition that had been enforced after Southside High had been shut down. Reggie and Cheryl was hellbent on making the entire thing as horrible as possible for all parties involved. Harley needed the small bit of normalcy her best friend provided.

     Midge had been oddly absent lately. When Harley and tried pressing the girl about it, the Klump girl had chalked it off to the recent changes, and that she needed to focus on Moose's recovery. Harley wasn't sure if she was totally convinced, but she decided to relent on the topic for now.

     A lot of stuff had changed over the course of the last few weeks. Now that Hiram Lodge was officially back in town, Veronica was slowly edging into his little girl once again, wanting nothing more than to be included. And with her Archie Andrews followed, making several attempts at making the Lodge man to favor him. Betty's life was changing a lot too. She had this haunting feeling that despite the Black Hood being dead and gone this miserable nightmare was far from over. As well as that, Polly ( her sister ) had run away to some farm where she had her twin babies, and where she made the decision to cut off her family. In her place, Betty's long lost brother entered. Chic had yet to be introduced to Betty's friends, but he was suppose to be attending Pickens day. Harley was beyond curious about the boy, excited to see Betty's brother for the first time.

     "I see you're back in your cheer uniform." Jughead observed, noting Harley's attire. The blue and yellow uniform fit her like a glove. Today was her first day officially back in the squad. She had decided to take a well deserved break to heal from everything after the accident, but she was more than happy to be back in uniform. The squad had her back, and she needed the distraction.

     "Yeah, it's good to be back. Officially. And with basketball season closing in, I need to me on my A game. At least that's what Cheryl told me when she not so kindly demanded I retire my 'break' from the Rivervixens." Harley sighed deeply, clenching the straps of her backpack as the duo made their over to the student lounge. "Don't tell me my uniform doesn't fit the dress code of your new club."

     Jughead chuckled. "Swords and Serpents require a little more of an edge I'm afraid."

     "Yeah yeah whatever. I'm glad you're figuring things out, Jug. I really am." Harley smiled, genuinely happy things was starting to calm down. "Look, I have practice, see you later!"

     With the bid of goodbye, the cheerleader went on her merry way towards the gym. She quickened her pace as she noticed the time, desperate to be on time. She was in no mood for a Cheryl bitch fit. Luckily she made it quick and unscathed to the gym, but not before locking eyes with the uniform wearing serpent.

     "Sweet Pea. . ." Harley halted infront the tall Southsider, weighing her words. Harley really hadn't seen him much since the accident. The girl excused it as her having too much on her plate, but really that was just a part of it. Facing the fact that she was starting to actually like the serpent raised questions she wasn't sure if she was ready to answer. Harley felt the urge to run in the opposite direction everytime she had seen him over the course of the last few weeks. One of the reasons was that the girl realized that she needed to do right by Reggie. Sure, he was an class A level jerk, but she didn't want to have him on her conscious if anything was to ever really happen with Sweet Pea.

     "Harley." Sweet Pea stared longingly down at the girl, her presence magnifying just how much he has missed her. He had been worried to death about her when he had saved her after the car accident, but for his own selfish reasons he had backed off her for the last few weeks. But now here she was, right infront of him.

     Sweet Pea opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, someone threw their arm around Harley's shoulder, pulling her away from the serpent. "Is this snake bothering you, Har?" Reggie wore a cocky smirk as he pulled the girl closer to his body in a display of power, eyes locked on the serpent.

     "Reggie, don't." Harley begged, trying to break from his grip on her.

     "Not to worry, Harley, I won't let anything happen to you."

     Sweet Pea snorted. "Oh what, you're protecting her? From what exactly?"

     "From you. Snake are unpredictable, you never know when they'll bite." Reggie spat, glaring widely at the Southsider.

     "I would be more worried about catching something from you. Dogs carry fleas you know, and I have a suspicion you haven't had your shots yet." Sweet Pea fired back, his temper getting the best of him.

     "Reggie just back off, okay? Don't you have prepping for basketball tryouts with Archie? I'll just meet you in there." Harley sighed, sending the bulldog on his merry way. "You just can't leave good enough alone, can you?"

     Sweet Pea rolled his eyes at the girl. "He's the one barking up my tree, not the other way around. Besides what do you care what I do?" Hostility was evident in his voice as he spoke.

     Harley frowned deeply at his hostility. "You know what, I don't. Do whatever you want, I don't care. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be in there, with the Rivervixens who will be cheering for those Bulldogs you hate so much. Good luck making the team with that attitude problem of yours."


With Archie Andrews having suddenly made the swift decision to trade basketball with wrestling, it left a gaping hole in the basketball team, a hole Sweet Pea himself was intending to fill. Despite Harley having objected to his idea the second he had told her, he wasn't budding. In fact, he was now more so than ever set on making that team. He wanted to get on Reggie's every last nerve. And he really wanted to piss Harley off after their last conversation. Why? Because she had really pissed him off.

Sweet Pea wasn't even sure why he was this agitated over their recent encounter. Maybe he was just now realizing all over again that she was nothing but the pompous northside princess he always thought she was.

     Harley was equally as pissed at Sweet Pea, but on courtesy of Jughead she had decided to swallow her pride and tolerate his presence. Ignoring him had been successful for the rest of the school day, until it wasn't.

     "Quite the performance." Sweet Pea made his unexpected presence obvious with his words. Harley spun around, a shocked expression on her face. She had stayed behind after school, deciding to brush up on her cheer moves in the empty gym. She hadn't heard anyone let alone noticed Sweet Pea leaning up against the wall watching her the entire time.

     His serpent leather jacket was now on as Mr. Wheatherbee wasn't around to reprimand him for it. Harley frowned deeply at the sight of the serpent. She shoved her stuff into her blue and gold gym bag, pulling the strap over her shoulder.

     "Stalker much?" She questioned, heading for the exit.

     Sweet Pea pushed off of the wall he was leaning up against, stepping in her way. It wasn't like he had creeped on her on purpose. For some reason he had lingered behind after school, and as he went to leave, he had heard the music blaring from the gym. Curiosity had gotten the best of him and the sound had led him directly to her. He figured he'd give her a piece of his mind.

     "Entitled much?" Sweet Pea fired back. "What is it with you northsiders? Do you really think the world revolves around you?"

     Harley crossed her arms over her chest in impatience. "Your hate train for the northside is getting old, and quite frankly I'm sick of it."

     "I'm getting sick of your attitude." Sweet Pea spat, his cold eyes locked on her.

     "You're such an asshole." Harley scoffed, glaring at the serpent. She was beginning to wonder why she had every decided to associate herself with him to begin with.


     Before Harley could stop herself, her palm crashed against his cheek. The slap echoed in the empty gym, catching both of them by suprise. Sweet Pea stared wide eyed at the girl, not having expected the slap. But what she did next was even more unexpected.

     Harley had no idea what came over her, it was almost like her body got a mind of its own when she suddenly pushed the serpent up against the wall, tugging the dog tag around his neck to pull his head down. Her lips pressed aggressively against him. Just as fast as she had done it, Harley pulled away. The two stared at each other for a moment, silence engulfing them. In one swift move Sweet Pea plucked the girl from the floor, her gym bag crashing against the floor as it dropped off her shoulder. He flipped them around, now pressing her against the wall. His hands was secured on her butt with her back leaning on the wall. Her hands found his hair, tugging longingly as the kiss deepened.

     The warm feeling of his hands squeezing her made her sigh against his lips, silently begging for more. In response she pulled him closer, wanting to eliminate any sliver of space between them. The cold feeling of his rings pressed against her skin underneath her cheer skirt, ever cell in her body acknowledging their closeness. Her mind was suddenly wiped for every thought and replaced by an explosion of feelings. Harley kissing a Southside serpent was so wrong on every level, but it felt so damn right.

     Sweet Pea had to fight the urge to let his hands roam every inch of her body, itching for more. This was without doubt one of the stupider decisions he had ever made; he was climbing in bed with a bulldog. The Northsider had a pack of family and friends who hated him with the burning fury of hell, and he had a gang of serpents ready to beat some sense into him for even wanting this. But there was no turning back now.

     Harley found herself playing with the hem of his tee shirt, her hands slipping underneath. Her hands were cold compared to his warm skin which automatically sent a shiver down his spine. Her touch was like a match in gasoline, lighting each spot it touched on fire. The girl was fighting the urge to rip every article of clothing off his body, instead settling for the feeling of his skin against hers. She had to remind herself that they were still in the gym, and that anyone could happen to stumble upon them at any given moment. And the second that realization came to mind, Harley pulled away.

     His hand was firmly holding her up, his forehead leaning against hers. The sound of their heavy breathing filled the gym as they stared deeply into each other's eyes. Sweet Pea desperately searched for something— anything that would reveal what she was thinking in the moment.

     "I-I need to go."

     The serpent softly dropped her down on her feet, watching her scurry to grab the blue and gold gym bag, and in typical Harley Byers fashion, run away.


     Pickens day was finally here. The festivities were being held in Pickens park with the entire town gathered. Lodge industries and Andrews constructions were hosting the day, making sure to elevate it to be grander than ever before. The tension was high, especially considering the very raw article Jughead had posted in the blue and gold where he exposed the so call hero for being a mass murder, having stolen the lands from a tribe. Harley hadn't really gotten a chance to talk to Jughead about what it all meant, so it came as a rather big suprise when protesters led by Jughead crashed Pickens day as Veronica sung onstage.

     Harley's eyes locked to his dark ones. Tape was covering his mouth as he carried the sign which read 'Honor the land'. The serpents marched through the crowds, all sporting tapes mouths and similar signs. Harley approached Jughead, confusion dominating her features.

     "Jughead? What the hell is going on?" Veronica questioned, approaching the boy in question.

     Before anyone had the chance to respond, Toni yelled. "We're here representing the dead and the silenced." Harley watched intently, her eyes locked on the tall serpent standing next to the Topaz girl. "Pickens day is a lie. General Pickens slaughtered the Uktena tribe, my grandfather's family, and this land, the land that we're standing on, the land that will soon give way to a new Southside, was stolen from them. And we can't bring them back. But we can and we must honor them."

     "Hey folks, hi. Uh, I think we can all be proud to live in a Riverdale where young people stand up for justice." Hiram Lodge interrupted Toni as he took the stage, desperate to save the day. "Where a young woman can defend the honor and legacy of her grandfather. And where we can celebrate the living legacy of the Uktena, who contribute to the rich tapestry that is Riverdale, that is the Southside, and that will be SoDale. So let's hear a round of applause for that, am I right?"

     People immediately began clapping for the Lodge man, the serpents once again silenced successfully. Jughead shook his head, ripping the tape off his mouth. He stepped towards the stage, but the heavy hand that belonged to Toni's grandfather pulled him back.

     Harley scoffed at the round of applause, pushing past Toni and Sweet Pea to reach Jughead. "Jug what's going on?" Harley questioned, grabbing the Jones boy. Jughead grabbed her by her wrist, pulling her along and away from the crowds.

     "I'll fill you in."

     Harley's mind was honestly all over the place. After what had happened with Sweet Pea at the gym, she wasn't sure what to make of anything. She was frantically twisting the rings decorating her fingers, trying to put her mind at ease. Whether it was sexual frustration or actual feelings, Harley had no idea. All she knew was that she craved his touch all the whilst she was scared to ever see him again. And after running out on him, leaving him high and dry like that, she wasn't even sure if he wanted to see her.

     The girl spared a look in his direction, her breath hitching in her throat as his eyes connected with hers. Shit.

word count; 3095

hii, i'm back again with yet another chapter ! i'm super excited to get back into this book and write for you guys ! i've comeplety abounded the book lately, i know and i'm sorry, but lately my interest in writing has peaked and i'm back once again to write as much as i can possibly muster. the thought of finishing this book off is bitter sweet; i have so much love for harley and her plot, and i don't want to finish the book, yet i'm excited to see where her story goes, and to possibly start planning a second book. . . anywho, hope you guys enjoyed chapter twenty, and stay tuned for more !


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