A paper flower: Albedo X Fem...

By Mrs_Kamishiro

100 9 33

Female reader x Albedo - Fluff - This book does contain mention of blood, death, and human harm - My spelli... More

Day 1: every story has a start
Day 3: trust

Day 2: the beginning

32 3 10
By Mrs_Kamishiro

You were still fast asleep

Nothing really mattered to you at the moment, even though a lot of things should have. The room was silent except for the occasional rustle of leaves or the sound of falling snow  

You eyes shot open as you felt something touch your arm. You jump and move back into the chair seeing a girl.

She had pretty orange eyes and green hair that was tide in a thin ponytail in the back.

"O-Oh your awake. I wanted to make sure you were ok, you've been sleeping for quite awhile now."

She said as she adjusted her glasses. You look at her up and down with wide eyes, still not knowing who she is.

"I'm Sucrose, Albedo's assistant"

Albedo's assistant

You relax a little. "I brought some new clothes for you, your old ones are probably still covered in blood"


You take the clothes from her and she leads you to a small room off to the side "I'll be out here if you need any help." She says with a smile as she leaves the room.

You watch her leave and look down at the neatly folded clothes in your hands with a rap for your wound laying on top. You set them down and  unbutton the coat you were still wearing, letting it fall to the floor

You look at your arms seeing a couple scars on them


You franticly look down at the rest of your body. Your eyes widen seeing scars here and there

When did I get these

You trace one with your fingers. You try not to think about it and  slowly begin to unwrap it the bandage. Unwrapping more and more you see the bandages beginning to become stained red.

You look at the large cut on your stomach. You begin to take of your shirt, that you really couldn't identify as a shirt anymore.

"Hey sucrose do you have that book on how to-"

You turn around to see albedo standing in the doorway, his face slightly tinted pink. "I'm so sorry I don't think I was supposed to see that-" he says wide-eyed as he quickly leaves the room.

You can feel your face burning up.

Welp that just happened-

You pick up the the bandages and begin to rap the wound once more. Once you were satisfied, you picked up the clothes and put them on.

The clothes consisted of a light blue top and a slightly a darker blue skirt. (Ofc you don't have to were this this, is just an outfit that came to mind when I was writing it) there were also a pair of black leggings. The shirt had long, slightly baggy sleeves. You tucked the shirt into the waist strap of the skirt and smiled.

You did a spin and let out a small giggle, happy with the way the new clothes felt on you

You took the coat that you took off and put it back on. You dug your face into it and breathed in the soft smell of Cecilia. You walking out of the room to see albedo sitting in a chair talking to sucrose.

Seeing you, he gets up and walks over to you with a an awkward smile. "Hey sorry about that, I wasn't aware you were that room." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"I-It's fine" you say looking down at the floor. "How about we go see that nuns at the church in town, they can probably help heal your wound." You look back up at him and gaze into his turquoise eyes.

"Sure" you say not knowing where town was, who these nuns were, and how the hell they could heal you. But you agreed

He smiled at you. "Alright then we should get going" his gaze shifting from you to sucrose. " we hopefully won't be gone for long."

He waves good bye to sucrose as you both make your way down the mountain.

"Make sure you stay close to me" he says to you. You both walk shoulder to shoulder, even though he was a few inches taller then you, it didn't matter.

The walk was a little awkward, neither of you saying a word. You finally get to the city gates filled with bustling people. The amount of people here made you nervous, and Albedo could tell.

"It's ok y/n, I'm right here." You feel him grab ahold of your hand, you slightly wince at the physical touch. You have only meet this guy for a day, but yet you felt safe around him. He did save you from certain death so you figured you could trust him a little for now.

Some people gave you odd stares so you just directed your eyes to the ground. In a short time the two of you made it to a large church and walked in.

You see a young girl talking to a nun. She turns and looks at the both of you, quickly saying something to the lady she was talking to and began walking over to you.

"Hello Albedo." She says reaching you two. She was quite pretty, with light blue eyes and blond curly hair in pigtails. She looks at you and looks back at Albedo with a confused look.

"This is y/n" he says knowing you probably don't feel comfortable introducing yourself at the moment, and he was completely right. You were shaking you were so nervous, hell, you probably would explode if you had to say something-

Who is this girl

"Oh is this your girlfriend?" She asks looking at the both of you holding each other's hands. You both turn bright red at this statement. "N-No she just a friend."

You look up at him wide eyed

I'm his friend

"Oh I'm sorry for the misunderstanding" she says bowing her head. She looks at you. "I'm Barbara! A Nun at the Cathedral, nice to meet you"

You give her a nervous smile. "So what brought you guys to the cathedral today?"

Albedo briefly explained what happened, not going into much detail. The Nun quietly gasps and covers her mouth with her hands.

"Oh my that's horrible, I will do my best to heal you" you look up at Albedo, and he nods. Letting go of his hand you begin to walk with the Nun.

She walks you into a small room and shuts the door. She instructed you to sit down on the chair and bro, you were sweating bullets right now. You probably looked like you were going to pass out any second now but you tried to keep a straight face.

"My I?" She said briefly hovering her hand over your stomach, you nodded and lifted up your shirt revealing the bandages you raped around yourself. She gently undoes your bandages and softly places her hand on the wound.

You feel a cold feeling on your skin as she begins to hum. You close your eyes and In a few minutes you can feel the coldness leave your body.

"Alright that should do it!" You open your eyes to see her smiling at you. "That took a lot of energy out of you, so you will need to be careful for the next couple of days." She says as you wearily get to your feet.

"Ok let's better not leave your boyfr- I mean Albedo waiting any longer." You looked at her with a confused look as he walked you outside the room.

You walk out the door to see Albedo leaning against the wall. His eyes light up when he sees you. You walk over to him with a weak smile.

"She had a lot of energy drained do to the healing process, so she needs to rest whenever she can." Albedo looked at her and nodded. You turn around to face Barbara. "Thank you." You say with a weak smile.

She gives you a wide smile. "No problem! Just doing my job." She said with a laugh as she turns around and begins to walk away.

"We should probably get going" he said as he watched Barbara leave. "You think your ok to walk?" He asked as he looks at you in your weary state. You nod at him and smile. "Alright lets go"

[word count 1395]

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