The Frenzy Dragon of Remnant

By Shirou_Hakeyama

161K 3.4K 1.9K

A young Rose who has yet to find her thorns, runs away from home at the news of her mothers death, after gett... More

A Rose Meets The Virus
Professor Ozpin and Gore Magala
The Frenzy Virus
From 'Dust' Till Dawn
A Monster at Beacon
The First Night at Beacon
Monsters Unleashed
First Weeks Are Always A Pain
Jaune, The Bunny Faunus And The IceCream Girl
Jaune And Cardin? Friends?
The Forever Falls Forest
The Docks
Roman Meets The Team
The Last Day Of The First Semester
The Paladin Mission
The Journal Of The Wizard
Combat Class And The Dance Question
Ice Queen And The Draconic Rose Dance
The CCT Attacker
The Start Of Their First Mission
The First Day On Mount Glenn
Infiltration And Destruction
Everyone Has A Weakness
The Grimm Attack
The Dream Of A Castle
The Uncle And The Sister
The Meeting And The Unravel
The Process Begins
The Magic In The Dragon
The Chaos Can Be Tamed
The Beauty Will Forever Calm The Beast
The Queen Arrives
A Whole New world
The Truth Over Ice Cream
Messing With The New World
The Tribe
Beacon Still Falls
Death With The Destruction
Confrontation And The Bestowal
The Showcase Of Ruby Rose
What Now?
OVA of RWBY dumb shit
Time Flies
Roman, The Prince of Crime
The Warning Of Destruction
The Mess In Schnee Manor
"Beacons Best and Brightest"
Important A/N
Back In The Grimm Castle

This Is All Very Weird

1.3K 44 22
By Shirou_Hakeyama

Waking up on a new day, Ruby stared at the bottom of the top bunk in silence. Waiting for anything that could lift her mood. A simple loud yawn from her dragon would have done it perfectly, but nothing. Slowly and carefully sitting up, she slid off the bed, not making a single sound. Seeing the window was left open, she dived out and free fell to the ground before unfurling her wings and softly landing.

Pulling her hood up, she took a calming stroll across Beacon grounds. Passing any confused students without a care in the world. Stopping at the fountain and staring at her reflection. Her gold and purple scales clashing with each other. Reaching up and grabbing her purple horn, a bit of it flaked off as her hand brushed against it. Ignoring it with a sigh, she walked over to a nearby bench and collapsed onto it.

Staring at the Bullheads and the early risers of the school with boredom. Pulling out the Ace of Spades, she began to mess with it, spinning it on her finger, flicking out the mag and inspecting the ammo. Deciding to mess with people, she started to aim at random students' heads, track them and make a fake shooting gesture. Most of them ducked in fright before glaring at her.

"You shouldn't be doing that." A voice spoke to her right. Looking over with a dull expression, the bunny Faunus flinched away. "N-n-never mind. Sorry." She said about to leave. "Nothing to apologize for Bun-bun." Ruby said, naturally using the nickname she gave to Velvet. "Bun-bun?" She asked whilst exploding red. "Sorry, I know a bunny Faunus and that's what I call her." Ruby explained.

"Okay, that's fine I guess. But if you don't mind me asking, what's wrong?" She nervously asked making Ruby sigh. "Sorry, sorry, never mind." She quickly said about to turn away. "Relax." Ruby said whilst using her wing to sit Velvet down. "First off, names Violet. Nice to meet you." Ruby said whilst putting her other winged hand forward. "Velvet." She hesitantly responded whilst lightly grabbing Ruby's wing.

"But as to answer your question, I'm homesick. I guess." Ruby said whilst sinking into her cloak. "Well, you can always go visit right?" Velvet asked unsure. "Not yet. Soon but I don't know when. So right now, I'm just waiting." Ruby told her with a somber smile. "Well then I guess you can make the most of it until then." Velvet said with a bright smile, looking over, Ruby's grew a little brighter as well. "Yeah, I guess I can. Gotta make a few stops then. The Vytal Festival is soon right?" She asked whilst standing up.

"Yes, it starts in about a week or two I think." Velvet answered slightly unsure. "That's cool, but the students from other academies are here?" She asked again. "Definitely, yes." Velvet answered in complete certainty. "Cool, where are their dorms? Someone I know is coming here." She told the bunny Faunus. "Oh them, they should be in the same dorm as you." Velvet told her as Ruby nodded. "Thanks Bun-bun." Ruby said as she walked off.

Walking back into the dorms, she took a deep breath in through her nose. Most of the people here had very similar scents to what they had in her world. So when she managed to find the right one... she locked onto it. Following the smell of strawberry, chocolate and Vanilla. Following with her eyes closed, stopping right at a door, she knocked without hesitation.

Staring down as a short girl with green eyes and brown hair tied in pig tails opened the door. She looked up in slight fear at the dragon girl, it didn't help when Ruby leaned down and slightly sniffed her. "You mind if I come in?" Ruby asked as the girl rapidly nodded. She fumbled for her scroll before trying to type into it. "I know sign language if that helps." Ruby told her as the girl looked up surprised before slowly putting her scroll away.

"Team is sleeping." She said as Ruby slightly leaned over her. "I don't smell anyone else in there, or hear." Ruby told her as the girl's face fell. Sighing, she moved to the side whilst gesturing for Ruby to enter. "Thank you." Ruby said whilst walking past. The girl turned around slightly annoyed. Stopping when she came face to face with a leaning over and smirking Ruby. "First-" Ruby started before blowing in her face, a purple mist coming out as the girl blinked in confusion.

Fully opening her eyes she saw Ruby looking at her with a content smile. She patted the girl on the head confusing her even more. "Good to meet you again Neo." She said making Neo's eyes widen in alarm. She rushed to her bed but Ruby's wing unfurled and grabbed her before she could. "Calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you or rat you out." Ruby told her yet she continued to struggle. "I promise alright, if anything I wanna help you get out of this, I hate Cinder just as much as you." Ruby said as Neo stopped struggling.

She slowly put her down as Neo stood still. "I promise I'm with you here, not Cinder. Just you and Roman. But I'm not gonna be here for long and I don't know if I'll be here when you do your get away. So if you want a bit of advice, go to Ozpin, he can help." She said before patting the girl on the head once more. "You don't deserve this, I promise." Ruby said before leaving, missing the slight tears that were welling up in Neo's eyes.

Walking down the hallway, she past Cinder whilst staring directly at her and sending a dangerous toothy grin. "Rip off." she muttered, just loud enough for Cinder to hear. She stopped as Ruby kept walking, completely ignoring the time bomb that was Cinder.

Turning to her dorm, she quietly opened the door and peaked through. Everyone was still asleep making her deflate. Carefully walking in, she began to explore the very small room, trying to see what was similar to her own. Surprisingly, almost nothing, everything was in different places, the Ruby here only had the one weapon, Weiss seemed to hide her dust, Blake tried to hide her books but she did a poor job of it. And Yang, well she was Yang, there wasn't much to change.

"What are you doing?" Shooting up from the draw, she looked up to see Ruby rubbing her eyes whilst staring down at her. "Snooping." She answered truthfully. "Okay." Ruby dumbly responded whilst falling off the top bunk. "Ow." She moaned out before slowly getting up and heading for the bathroom.


The entirety of Team RWBY plus Ruby were sat in the canteen, all staring in shock as she devoured her fifth plate. Finally looking up, she did a double take when she noticed JNPR was with them. "When did you get here?" She asked whilst slightly tilting her head. "Second plate." Yang answered. Nodding her head she offered her hand. "Name's Violet. Nice to meet ya." She introduced, confusing team RWBY.

"Jaune Arc." He nervously told her making her nod and turn to Pyrrha. "Pyrrha Nikos." She answered, then to Ren. "Lie Ren." He stoically introduced. "Nora Valkyrie! You look strong! Do you like pancakes?!" Nora asked being the only one to shake her hand. Granted, hers was with a lot of enthusiasm, and if Ruby wasn't like she was, Nora might have broken her arm. "Nice to meet you Nora, I am strong, and I do like pancakes." Ruby answered with a toothy smile making Nora beam.

"Violet?" Weiss quietly asked confused as Ruby slowly stuffed her face with a cookie. "Nfkes uf leff comfufin." She said making Weiss stare at her with a mixture of confusion and disgust. Swallowing, she wiped her face before speaking again. "Sorry, makes it less confusing." She told her. "Should we...?" Weiss asked. "Up to you." Ruby said before stuffing her face again.

"Should you be doing that?" Blake asked, finally deciding to pitch in. "I do it all the time." Red said making them give her a deadpanned stare whilst Ruby gave her the finger guns. "See, perfectly fine." She said with a laugh whilst they all stared at her concerned. "What?" She asked before Yang pointed to her nose. Bringing her hand up, she felt a warm liquid dripping from her nose. Looking down, she saw a slight bit of blood on her finger.

Cursing under her breath before looking back up to the others. "Wouldn't happen to have a tissue?" She asked as Weiss sighed and gave her one. "Just have these on you?" Ruby asked with a small laugh. "I'll take it back." Weiss threatened. "Sorry, sorry." She quickly responded whilst pinching her nose and breathing out her mouth.

"So what you guys got going on today?" Ruby nonchalantly asked, yet they still looked concerned. "What now?" She asked with a defeated sigh. "You're leaking purple." Pyrrha answered confusing her. "Leaking purple?" She questioned whilst taking out her scroll, getting past the glitching clock and opening the camera.

Staring at her reflection in confusion when she noticed the constant flow of the virus coming from her mouth, lowering her hands making the blood flow quicker. "That's not good." She muttered as her vision began to get blurry. "Should probably blurt this out, but if I'm not back. Thanks for taking care of me." Ruby said, just before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fell backwards. Connecting with the floor and dispersing into a purple mist.

"The fuck."


Shooting up in slight pain, Ruby quickly scanned the room and noticed the alert Weiss. Her attention was diverted to the searing pain that was attacking her entire body. Keeling forward and breathing out in pain, mass amounts of the virus escaped. Her eyes widened in shock before she stumbled out of bed. "Woah, Ruby calm down." Weiss said, trying to get her back down. Ruby lightly moved her out of the way and headed for the door, having to lean against it to regain her breathe.

Pushing herself forward, she started to run down the halls of the castle, running into the walls when she needed to turn a corner. Barging through any doors that stood in her way until she came across a large set of double doors. Stopping and resting her head against it with ragged breathing, she struggled to open the doors until a set of pale hands pushed it open for her. Looking up, she saw Salem with a hardened gaze as she held the door open. "Go on then." She spoke as Ruby nodded and leapt out into the darkened clearing. Falling to the ground on her hands and knees.

"What is she doing? Does she need help?" Weiss asked in concern. "Calm down child. If my assumption is correct, she is dispelling all of the gathered Virus inside of her." Salem explained as Weiss nodded, the concern still there. "Is it going to hurt her?" She softly asked. "That I do not know." Salem truthfully told her.

Out in the clearing, Ruby sat crouched, breathing heavily as she tried to calm down. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath in whilst sitting up, she kept going until there was a painful throb in her head. An explosion of purple escaping from her, all the while, she calmly let go of the breath she was holding. Opening her eyes to the clearing that was covered in a purple smog, she just stood and headed in Weiss's direction.

Stopping in front of the snow haired girl, Weiss rested her hand on the dragon girls cheek making Ruby lean into it. "You okay now?" Weiss asked full of concern. "Should be, just need to do a restart of sorts." Ruby told her as Weiss softly smiled. "Good..." Weiss started as she lifted her other hand. "Now don't scare me like that again alright!!" She shouted after bringing a fist down on Ruby's head. Said girl crouched down and started to rub where she was hit. "Weiiiiiiiss, that hurt." Ruby moaned out.

"No it didn't." Weiss said with a sigh as Ruby shot back up. "Not even gonna pretend?" Ruby asked with a pout as Weiss looked away. "Fine, fine. But I'm probably gonna have to do that again. Right Queeny?" Ruby asked whilst turning to Salem. "Yes, your body is still not adjusted to the Virus that the Shagaru Magala part of you is creating, it is usually the reason most of the species would die out in this form. The old body wasn't capable of holding that form of the Virus. So you have adapted to releasing it in mass amounts whilst your unconscious body tries to adapt and change like the rest of you." She explained.

"Well at least we know now, right." Ruby said with a nervous chuckle, Weiss sighed before looking over to her. "I just don't like seeing you hurt." Weiss said making Ruby deadpan. "You just hit me on the head." Ruby said as Weiss gained a tick mark. "We both know I can't hurt you." She said, Ruby looked over with a hurt look in her eyes. "But emotionally, remember when you said my music taste was horrible. Hit me right in the feels." Ruby said with tears in her eyes. "Oh get over it. You also said mine was boring." Weiss countered making her stop. "True."

"Now then, we must get you back to continue the process. Some good news before that though, is that this little occurrence should be happening less frequently, it took three days of starting the re-moult for your body to start rejecting itself." Salem explained confusing Ruby. "But it's only been a day, maybe even less than that." Ruby said now confusing the other two. "How so?" Salem asked. "Well, whatever you did sent me to this place where there was another team RWBY, another me included, but she didn't have wings, or a tail, or anything for that matter, her and Weiss didn't seem to connected, plus there was just a bunch of differences." Ruby said as Salem looked on intrigued.

"Is there a way for you to document this?" Salem asked. "Well I have my scroll on me, but it's usually very glitchy." Ruby told her. "I see, try to take pictures of this other 'Team Ruby'" Salem told her as she nodded. "Well, we will move you to a different room that is closer to an exit, and you shall bathe yourself however you want beforehand. Your dragon will be moved by the time you are back. Understood?" She finished as Ruby did a mock salute. "Ay! Ay!" She said and followed after the retreating Weiss.

"You taking me to the bathroom?" She asked whilst walking beside her. "Yes, and could you hurry with it as well, I want you to get better as quick as possible, so the faster you're back in bed, the faster you're going to be up and running. Plus, I also need to take one." Weiss told her, ignorant to Ruby's growing smirk.

"Y'know, if you also need to take one... we could, share it." She started making Weiss freeze. "Huh?" Ruby moved behind her, wrapping her arms around her waist whilst her wings draped over Weiss's shoulders. "We haven't properly talked for nearly two weeks, and I doubt a kiss is gonna last us long..." She said whilst digging her head into Weiss neck, her warm breath sending shivers down the girls spine. A massive blush on her face as she slightly turned her head.

"We can do everything like normal... but then things can get a little... lower~" Her hands trailing downwards as Weiss leaned into her. "How's that sound, you up for it?" Ruby asked as she lightly nibbled on her ear, making her lean up and bring the girl into a kiss. "I'll take that as a yes." She muttered whilst picking Weiss up and bringing her into the bathroom. Locking the door behind her.


Getting comfortable on the bed, she laid down in anticipation for Salem to begin her spell. Staring down at the peaceful girl, she couldn't help but smile. "I should probably let you know that, although the walls are quite thick, they aren't soundproof. It doesn't help you are quite loud." Salem said making Ruby's eyes widen in shock and her face exploded red. "I-wah-it-no. Nothing." She sputtered before trying to ignore it. "Don't worry, you both seemed to have fun. So, get comfortable and relax. You should be back in around four days, it may be one for you." Salem explained as Ruby nodded. "Never bring it up again please." Ruby said making Salem lightly laugh.


Yo, more chapters for this book, they have been randomly appearing in my head, I guess after watching Edgerunners I just needed to get the very short ideas out of my head. Either way, I hope you are enjoying the book as it goes along, sorry if some of you are dropping it cause of the inconsistencies in upload, but I hope you are enjoying it and as usual, I'll see you in the next one.

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