Call of duty 4 Modern warfare...

By JameelJames4

4.3K 113 67

Lieutenant (First name) "Nomad" (Last name) is A Part of the Special forces called Task force 141 on a missi... More

Crew Expandable
All Ghillie up/One shot one Kill
Oc for So483ksmg4


332 12 8
By JameelJames4

Gaz: ETA on the chopper is at least half an hour, Captain Price and Lieutenant Nomad.

Nomad: No good. We'll be corpses for 10 minutes by then. Every ultranationalist phycho in Zackhaev's pocket is about to show up on our doorstep coming to claim Al-Asad.

Gaz: Or... what's left of him.

Price: Right. We'll set charges along phase line alpha on the southern hill. And more along phase line bravo. We'll delay them all the way back to the top and hold our ground at the extraction point in the fields around the farm. Any questions?

Gaz: Lets go this.

Present day. 8 hours later after Al-Asad death...

Day 4- 09:40:32
Northern Azerbaijan
Lt. Y/n "Nomad" L/n
22nd SAS

Price: Ignore that load of bollocks, their counterattack is imminent. Spread out and cover the southern approach

SAS: Sir, they're slowly coming up the hill. Just say when.

Soap, Price, Gaz, Nomad, and a few randoms go prone on a ledge

Price: Do it.

SAS: Ka boom!

Player: Here we go...

An SAS soldier shoots some charges, making them explode, killing a large number of enemies.


Gaz: Nice shot, mate!

Nomad and Soap pull out sniper rifles and snipe the rest of the enemies while Price, Gaz, and the randoms put suppressive fire on them.

Price: Squad, hold your ground. They think we're a larger force than we actually are

Gaz: Copy

Nomad: RPG!

Nomad shoots a soldier that has an RPG, causing him to shoot it into a tree, making the tree fall over and crush a bunch of enemies and blocking the way.

Price: MacMillan would be proud

Gaz: What's your secret?

Nomad: Just Skills.

Some smoke starts to come from the trees covers the Crews shots and impossible for them to see.

SAS: They're putting up smoke screens. Mac, you see anything?

SAS: Not much movement on the road, they might be moving to our west!

SAS: I can't see very well!

SAS: None of us can!

Mortar shells explode near the squad.

Gaz: They're targeting our position with mortars! Its time to fall back!

Price: Right. Soap, get to the mini-gun and cover the western flank. Go!

SAS: Two, falling back

Gaz: Three, on the move

Nomad: Four, running.

Gaz: Three here. Two's in the far eastern building. We've got the eastern road locked down

Nomad walks into a building and puts a shell into their M203.

Nomad: I'm in a window, ready

Soap gets into a crashed helicopter and gets on the mini-gun.

Nomad: Here they come!

Nomad fires an M203 round, taking out a group of enemies, then fires their M4A1, taking out even more. Soap uses the mini-gun and shreds up most of the enemies, Price, Gaz, and the randoms open fire, killing a lot of enemies.

SAS: We've got a problem here... heads up!

Gaz: Bloody hell, that's a lot of helis innit?

Nomad : There's only something like 6 or 7 of us here. Why did they send this many people?

SAS: I'm guessing they have a lot of people to spare

Soap shoots down a bunch of helicopters with the mini-gun.

Price: Soap, fall back to the tavern and man the detonators!

Gaz: Soap! Get off the mini-gun! We're falling back!

Nomad:(Nomad throws a flash-bang) Soap! I'll cover you!

Soap runs while shooting his M9 pistol while Nomad provides cover fire with an M4A1.

Gaz: Soap! Use the detonators! There's four of them in the tavern! Move!

Soap goes inside of the tavern and activates the detonators, blowing up a bunch of enemy soldiers and trucks.

SAS: We have enemy tanks approaching from the north! Bloody hell, I'm hit! Uhhhh...

Nomad: Man down!

Soap fires on a crowd of enemies using a LMG.

Price: Mac's in trouble! Soap! Get to the barn at the northern end of the village and stop those tanks! Use the javelin in the barn!
(Fires M4A1)

Soap runs to the barn while shooting a G36C.

Nomad: Frag out!

Nomad throws a grenade and blows up a few enemies hiding behind cover.

Gaz: Fall back! Soap! The javelin is in the barn! Head for the north!

Nomad picks up a Dragunov and snipes a few helicopter pilots, causing the helicopters to crash.

Gaz: I bet those wankers are sad they got out of bed this morning!

Nomad: We have incoming tanks!

Soap fires the javelin a few times and blows up several tanks, Nomad picks up an enemy RPG and blows up a tower with enemies inside.

Pilot: Bravo six, this is falcon one standing by to provide close air support, over

Pilot: Bravo six, this is gryphon two seven. We've just crossed into Azerbaijani airspace. ETA four minutes. Be ready for pickup.

Nomad: (Nomad uses his radio to call in an airstrike) targets marked Burn them!

Pilot: Target confirmed, standby for airstrike.

(A huge missile hits the enemy forces)

Pilot: Bravo six, the LZ is too hot! We cannot land at the farm! I say again, we cannot land at the farm! We're picking up SAM sites all over these mountains!

Gaz: Great! Just where the hell are they gonna land now!?

Pilot: Bravo six, we're getting a lot of enemy radar signatures, we'll try to land closer to the bottom of the hill to avoid a lock on.

Gaz: What's is he taking a piss? We just busted our arses to get to this LZ and now they want us to go all the way back down!?

Price: Forget it, Gaz! We've got to get to the new LZ at the bottom of the hill! Now! Soap!
Take point! Go! (Fires M4A1)

Soap nods and runs ahead, firing an M249, Nomad throws a flash-bang into a shed and kills a group of enemies with an M4A1.

Pilot: Bravo Six, be advised, we're gonna come in low from the south across the river. Recommend you haul ass to LZ foxtrot at the base of the hill. Out

Price: Copy two seven! Everyone head for the landing zone! It's our last chance! Move!

Everyone is running full sprint to the LZ while fighting past enemy soldiers and pining them down.

Pilot: Bravo Six, be advised, we are almost there but we are low on fuel. You guys have 3 minutes before we have to leave without you, over

Gaz: We're gonna get left behind! We've gotta get to the landing zone!

Nomad: (Nomad calls another airstrike) This is Bravo Six! we're pined down! We need that air strike Now!

Pilot: Roger that, coming in hot.

Another huge missile hits the enemy forces, clearing a path.

Pilot: You guys have 2 minutes!

Price: Copy that, we're on our way! We've got to break through their lines to reach the LZ! Keep pushing downhill!

The enemies shoot a random.

Nomad: Another man down!

Gaz: Lets go! Lets go! Get down the hill!

Pilot: 90 seconds to dust off.

Price and Gaz run down the bottom part of the hill, but Nomad and Soap slide down

Pilot: One minute to bingo fuel

Nomad: Hold it! We've made it to the bottom!

Pilot: Roger that, opening the door now.

A squad of soldiers come out of the helicopter to provide cover fire.

Griggs: Heard you could use a ride out of here! Get on board! Move! Lets go!

Nomad, Soap, Price, Gaz, and a few randoms get in the helicopter, then Griggs, Wilson and his squad get in as well.

Wilson: All right, we're all aboard! Go! Go!

Pilot: Ok, we're outta here.

(The helicopter lifts off)

Pilot: Baseplate this is gryphon two seven. We got em and we're coming home. Out. (The helicopter flies away)

Mission completed...

Next mission: The sins of our fathers...

Next chapter oc...

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