Camp Lakeview

By EssenceRayneStorm

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Rayna parents forced her to go camping to make new friends and just be a normal kid...she was able to drag he... More

Chapter 1: Going Back
Chapter 2: Living in a dream
Chapter 3: The First Night
Chapter 4: Jake
Chapter 5: Happy
Chapter 7: Camp Lakeview
Chapter 8: The Sign
Chapter 9: What Happened to You?
Chapter 10: Act or Die
Chapter 11: Horror Surprise
Chapter 12: Cabin Six
Chapter 13: The Haunting Truth
Chapter 14: The Hunting truth part two
Chapter 15: Changing Ways
Chapter 16: A New Beginning
Chapter 17: About the past
Chapter 18: Finding The Truth part 1
Chapter 19: Finding The Truth Part 2
Chapter Bonus: The Journal
Chapter 20: Clue?
Chapter bonus Jakes Letters
Chapter 21 They never found his body
Chapter 22 Camp Horror
Chapter 23 murder camp
Chapter 24 Found
Chapter 25 Home
Chapter 26 Let the past be the past
Chapter 27 Open for killing
Chapter 28 The Missing
Chapter 29 The Nightmare
Chapter 30 Its over

Chapter 6: The Hike

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By EssenceRayneStorm

"Ahhh." "La'Rayna are you okay." "Yeah I'm fine." I said wiping the dirt off of my pants. "I just fell." We were going hiking. Well we weren't supposed to be going hiking but when you hag out with someone like Kirk you end up ding things that your not supposed to do. I only went to prove that I wasn't afraid of getting into trouble. "Your such a scary cat." "I am not." "Are too that's why you don't want to go with us." "Because we can get in trouble." "Aw trouble smouble who cares...besides would I get you into trouble?" "Gee let me guess I just meet you and you already got us into trouble yesterday." "Well this time its going to be different." "Yeah come on La'Rayna it would be fun." "If you say so." So that's how we all ended up here.

"Guys don't you think we should be heading back?" I asked. I really didn't want to keep going. I was afraid we would get lost and I can't see the camp site anymore. "Quit being such a baby we just started. "Well excuse me, I didn't know an hour of walking was just a few minutes. Maybe I should go back to school and learn how to tell time Miss. Cosmos Clock." I said point at my watch. I don't know who invited her anyways. "An hour we couldn't possibly been gone that." Danielle questioned. "Tepee left at two and it's going on three." I lied but how would they know they don't have a watch. "Let me see." I showed Danielle my watch. "Really it doesn't feel like we've been walking or that long." I moved the time up on my watch just so we wouldn't have to go that far. We really only been walking for about 30minutes. "Come on Ray Ray we haven't even made it passed cabin six yet. Once we reach there we are almost at our destination. Kirk chimed in. He knows I hate the name Ray Ray but yet he insist on calling me that. I just glared at him. "Where are we going anyways Kirk?" Shawn asked. "You'll see." "Are we just going to stand here and have a tea party or are we going to get moving." Melissa said with an attitude. I really dislike her.

We took off walking again. Everyone was joking around during the hike, well everyone except Melissa and I. She was just naturally evil and I didn't want to be here in the first place. I was lagging behind everyone else in case we had to run. Believe me I wanted to be the first one out there. I keep getting this strange feeling like we are being followed. Every time I turn around there's nothing there. Shawn must have sensed my uneasiness and stopped the game of kick the can; in our case kick the rock, and came back to chat. I guess anything to pass the time of this long hike. "Hey." "Hey" I said back. "Are you cool?" "Yeah." "Come up here and playa game with us." "No I'm fine." "Are you sure?" "Yes." "Try to be happy and have fun okay." "I am"

We finally made it to cabin six. "Hey Ray Ray want to go inside cabin six?" Kirk said trying to be funny. "Yeah Ray Ray want to go inside cabin six." "Yeah Ray Ray cabin six." Kirks lackeys Josh and Kyle said. "Like even" I spit back. "Why don't you go since the almighty Kirk that's not afraid of anything." "Because...uh...I've already been in there." "Yeah he's been in there," said Josh. "We all have." "Yeah right." "We have a few years ago didn't we Melissa." Kirk said putting an emphasis on Melissa's name. She just stood there and smirked."Good for you but we didn't come here for this." Danielle said annoyed. "Why are you afraid?" Kirk said. "No it's just some stupid cabin. "Well I dare ya then...I dare all ya to go inside for 30minutes." "Yeah 30minutes if ya can." "Ha if they can I bet they can't." "Danielle rolled her eyes. "Can you two flunkeys stop it." "What about the cave man?" Shawn suggested. Cave what cave. I guess Kirk told Shawn where we were going. "Don't worry man we'll get to that. Just go inside." "Fine come on guys but I'm not staying in there that long we have to get moving." Danielle hissed at them. Shawn and Danielle begin to walk towards cabin six. I just stood there frozen like a block of ice. Who knows what lies in there. "Baby Ray Ray do you need someone to hold your hand?" I got mad all over again he was being his obnoxious self. "Shut up Kirk I'm sick of you mouth. You act like your not afraid of anything but I bet you have never been inside yourself. When I come out and if you can't tell me one thing that's in there in detail you have to spend the night inside the cabin by yourself" I yelled at him. "Um." I turned my nose up at him and rushed passed Danielle and Shawn and stood on the porch to cabin six. I reached for the door knob.okay La'Rayna you can do it. I grabbed the rusty door knob and turned around. "You two coming or not?" Danielle and Shawn soon followed me unto the porch. I turned the knob and opened the door.

As soon as I opened the door bats began to fly out above our heads. I ducked and heard Kirk and the guys screaming. I wasn't afraid of bats because back home during the summer they are always making their way into our attic and I get to help my dad move them outside. I turned around to make sure everyone was okay and seen Melissa just smirking. That girl has some serious issues. I processed to walk until I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder. "Wait." I heard Shawn say. "What is it?" "Let me go first." Shawn the protector. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I'm glad he's willing to go first. Besides the little courage that I managed to muster up is now gone. "Okay." I barley got out in a whisper. I took one large gulp of spit and followed after him...well after him, after Danielle of course.

"Ugh it smells in here." Danielle said covering her nose with her hand while waving her other hand in the air. The smell was awful. You know if you leave meat out for days then throw it in the trash and let it sit until the trash men comes. Well it smells worse than that. But it was dark and eerie. The only light was coming in from the cracked boards on the windows. There was glass shatters everywhere on the floor. Everything was covered in white sheets...well what used to be white sheets on top odd drift and dust. Talk about abandoned thus place was worse than abandon. "I can't believe they just left this place to sit and rot." Rot was the correct word because that's exactly what it looked and smelled like. "Yeah I guess they could've tore it down. Maybe it made for good ghost stories during camp fires" Shawn said. "What ghost stories and for what?" Danielle question. He shrugged. "I don't know maybe to scare kids into being good. We stared to look around. I was getting ready to go over to the used to be closet but then this bright light skinned in my face. I turned to see where it was coming from. It was coming from the used to be dresser. It was exactly like the ones in our cabin expect it was broken down. I walked over to it and part of the top drawer was opened a little. I looked inside and seen thus thing glistening. I opened the drawer a little bit more and reached in and grabbed the piece of mental. It looked like an id bracelet with writing on it that I couldn't make out. "Okay guys lets get out of here I can't handle the smell any longer" Danielle said. Shawn and I shook our heads in agreement and we headed towards the door. I shoved the bracelet in my pocket before anyone noticed it. I felt someone looking at me and I turned behind me. I noticed something in the closet. I tried to look harder but a pair of hands grabbed my hand causing me yo jump and turn around. "What are you looking at?" Shawn asked concern. " Nothing." "Well come on guys this smell is giving me a headache." We walked out.

"So Kirk name one thing and describe in detail what was in there. It shouldn't be so hard since you've been in there" I said. "Well uh." I could see he was looking for the answer. He's never stepped foot in the cabin a day in his life. "Whatcha looking up at the sky for the answers not up there?" I snapped at him. "Uh I know that what does it matter where I look I know what's in there how about a dresser." Of course he could guess that because the cabin is the exact match to all the others just abandon. "You made that up." "I did not." "Whatever." I just rolled my eyes and let it go. "Come on babies time to stop playing house and head to the cave" Melissa said.

We begin the rest of the trek to our destination which I guess was this cave. I don't get why we are going. Like what are we supposed to find there. "OK! This is it guys. We finally made it to caveman's doom. Isn't this cool?" Kirk said. The cave looked like kind of creepy. It has moss and vines growing on the outside and it felt was kind of cool and damped by the entrance. There was a bunch of broken and rotten wood laying all around. Nothing cool about this. "I guess man but why are we here?" Shawn questioned. "To check it out duh man get with it. Nobody knows...where this one goes." "So you expect us to go in there and explore like we are Lewis and Clark?" said Danielle. "Yeah why come all this way to stand outside quit being a bunch of babies." said Melissa. She was really getting on my nerves. "Look Dora the explorer we already went into cabin six while y'all just stood outside now y'all want us to go into some cave in the middle of the woods that leads to who knows where. How about no and you go have your little sick and twisted strange fun." I said. "Come on guys it will be fun." Kirk said while he came around and stood between me and Danielle and put his arms around our shoulders. I looked over at Shawn. He just shrugged. "It could be fun but you guys go first and don't be pulling any tricks." He said. "Lead the way Dora" Danielle snickered at Melissa. She just rolled her eyes and went in first.

"So Kirk why do they call this caveman's doom." Shawn said. I nudged him with my elbow. He looked at me like what. Always the curious one. Well curiosity killed the cat. I really didn't need to hear the story I already didn't want to go in. "It's called caveman's doomed because of what happened years ago right before cabin six was abandon. And this is the place that the killer is supposed to be hiding out at because this place is for forbidden. "So if the killer is hiding out here why are we in here you big dork?" "Because that's just a story." "So is everything else that you ever told us." "Okay guys I want to know what happened before the whole cabin six." "Anyways back to the story before I was rudely interrupted." I just rolled my eyes at him. "There was this guy once who was hiking in these very woods alone. A big storm came and he couldn't find his way home and he came across this cave for shelters. At least he thought it was shelter. He went in and never came out." "Well why?" Danielle asked cutting him off. "Well maybe if I can get through the story then we will all know. Anymore question before I finish?" "Just get on with already" Shawn said annoyed. "What he didn't know was that there was this thing dealing in the cave nobody knows what it was so don't ask but it had claws and sharp teeth." "Hold up if nobody knows what it was how would you know that it had claws and sharp teeth." again Danielle said cutting him off. "Because now hush." "You hush." "Ugh just let him finish the story." "Okay okay." Danielle and him could go at it forever. "So the thing attacked him and the flood from the storm swallowed him up. They didn't find him until six months later when Camp Lakeview opened up for the summer." Man Kirk is really bad at telling scary stories. I don't even believe this one. "They even say till this very day that the thing sometimes roams these woods at night looking for his next victim."

OK, now I was really scared because I have been feeling like something has been watching us since we been on the hike. But I'm trying not to show that I'm scared so I got argumentative. "Wait a minute. Which one was it? Did the thing eat him or did he drown?" "Both!" "That's impossible because it doesn't make any sense he was either eaten alive or he drowned. You can't be eaten alive then drown because you will already be dead and vice versa. "Hey I'm just repeating the legend." "Whatever." "Shh did you hear that." Kirk said putting his arms out in front of us." "No." "There it goes again." He started to make scary sounds. Even dumb and dumber Josh and Kyle joined in. "Knock it of guys it's not funny." Shawn said. I can tell he was tried of the stupid tricks. "Yeah quit it" I said. "Shut up guys" said Danielle. "Let's just get out of here I said. I turned and tripped on a rock. "Ouch." "La'Rayna are you okay" Shawn said bending down to me." "No I think I twisted my ankle." Kirk and the guys were still making that sound. "Guys if you don't knock it off I will knock you out" Shawn yelled at them. I have never seen him so mad before he's always so calm and cool. They shut their mouths. "Come on I can't believe you guys were actually scared it was just a joke." "No we weren't scared you moron it was annoying" said Danielle. "Come on help me get La'Rayna up so we can head back to the camp." Shawn said giving directions. I'm glad someone else needs to take charge of what's going on because we all know Kirk can't handle any situation.

We made our way back down to the camp. I definitely twisted my ankle but I could walk on it much better. Shawn didn't allow it anyways. He is do protective especially when it comes to me. When we reach the end of the camp I looked back and stopped thinking something was missing. I turned and looked at thought wheres Melissa?

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