I'm Jimin's hook up || 𝚈/𝙽...

By bts_army_writer06

18.4K 183 525

Y/N gets hired by BIGHIT. She doesn't know what she is getting herself into at first but later she found out... More

1. The first time we meet.
2. The first time.
3. I loved every second of it.
4. "Wanna have fun?"
5. Hello, Welcome River.
6. She's in the shower.
7. Do you wanna eat?
8. Clean the kitchen island.
10. Last chapter.

9. Im so happy for you.

1.1K 12 83
By bts_army_writer06

I wake up with dried tears on my eyes, I get up and walk to the bathroom before anyone sees me. I lock the door and go to the sink, I splash some water in my face. I look at myself in the mirror. "Wow I look horrible." I mumble before I go back to my own room, closing the door not bothering to say hello or good morning to the others or Y/N. I go to lay back in bed when after 10 minutes I hear a knock on my door.
"Who is it?" I scream to the person on the other side of the closed door.
"Namjoon, are you coming? We have the photo shoot today for our new album." He says.
"Yeah I'm coming." I say sitting up on the bed instead of laying down it's my arms and legs stretched out.

I get up and walk to my closet again and pick out a simple outfit. I make my way to the kitchen and smile at Y/N eating her breakfast. She smiles back at me and I grab myself some breakfast. After 30 minutes there is a black van outside and me and the members get in. Jin is the only one I have talked about Y/N, so maybe I can ask him for advice.

Once we get to the location I go sit in my chair in front of the mirror looking at myself while my stylist does my hair and make up. When we are all pretty, cute and hot we start to photo shoot. A few positions later we are done and I go to Jin while the others get ready for going back home.

Jimin: Hey, hyung can I talk to you?

Jin: Sure, what's up?

Jimin: Well... I think I really have feelings for Y/N. I know it's bad so I thought you maybe had advice for me...?

Jin: Jimin I told you to be careful, but it's for you to decide if you wanna make her your girlfriend. But first I should talk to the manager. But make it clean if he doesn't allow it you can get over her!

Jimin: Okay, thanks Jin. World wide handsome saves me again. Ahaha!

Jin: Yeah yeah, now get ready to go back.

I get ready for going again but not home but to the managers office. I knock on his door and hear him saying "come in." I open the door and him seeing my face he looks confused. I don't usually come here for anything. "Jimin! Is everything okay?" He says. I walk up to him and bow down.

Jimin: Hello sir, I have something I want to talk about with you.

Bang Si-hyuk: Sure Jimin sit down.

Jimin: Sir, you know Y/N right. My hook up girl.

Bang Si-hyuk: Yes, is there something wrong with her?

Jimin: No, there isn't. The problem is... I-I think I have feelings for her...

Bang Si-hyuk: Oh-

Jimin: But it's okay, I can definitely get over her. There is no need firing her.

Bang Si-hyuk: Jimin, does she like you back?

Jimin: I don't know.

Bang Si-hyuk: Go find that out. Then come back and we will discuss it, maybe even with her. Don't worry, I won't punch her for something that you feel. Everything will be okay.

Jimin: Really?! Thank you sir.

We say goodbye and I go home.

Y/N pov: 

All the members came home, except Jimin. I ask everyone but no one knows where he is. It has been 30 minutes now and I'm getting really  worried. Where could he be?! I go to this room just to check if he isn't there and I completely missed him somehow. I open he door and see his unmade bed being messy. His laptop on his nightstand, next a bottle of water. His closet door being slightly open. His pyjamas on the floor with a random sweater.

I go and sit on his bed and sigh. It's not like I miss him or something, but I kinda do. I'm worried, he is Jimin from BTS. Who knows did something bad happen to him. I fall back on his bed and can only think off bad things happening too him. My eyes get watery and a few tears fall out.

It has been 2 hours now. I'm still crying on Jimins bed when I hear a knock on his door.
"JIMIN?!" I say while I jump up.
"No it's Jin, are you okay?" He says and comes in.
"You also still don't know where Jimin is do you?" I say with a shaking voice, shaking hands and shaking legs. While more tears come out of my eyes. Jin seeing me like this gets tears in his eyes too and he grabs my hand.

Jimin's pov:

I finally got back home, due the horrible traffic. It took me 2 whole hours when it normally takes me about 20 minutes. I walk into the house looking for Y/N, but I can't find her anywhere. I look in the girls room, the kitchen, the living room, the gaming room, the garden, the bathroom. When I walk back to my room wondering where she is. I see my bedroom door being a bit open and Jin and Y/N sitting on my bed, Jin holding her hand.

I'm about to storm in my room when I see Y/N.
She is shaking, tears running down her cheeks.
Did Jin to something to her?! I swear to god if he did I will kill him. I get a bit closer and take look if I can hear there conversation.

Y/N: You also still don't know where Jimin is do you?

Jin: No, I'm sorry Y/N. I'm sure he is alright! Don't worry.

Y/N: But what if he isn't?! *sobbing* what if something happened to him?!

Jin: There are almost always bodyguards with him, and you know he wouldn't do anything stupid.

Y/N: But other people could do something stupid to him!

Jin: Stop thinking like that, if someone would even try to come too close the bodyguards would have protected him with there live.

Y/N: Are you sure?

Jin: Yes, believe me. He is okay!

Wow, is Y/N really that worried about me?
Does she really care for me?
I wanna walk into my room and hug her tight but I can't. My feet and glued to the ground. I can't move or say anything, I can only look how Y/N is crying about me.

Y/N: J-Jin.... I think I really like Jimin, what should I do?

Jin: You like him too?! *after he realises what he has said he covers his mouth with his hands*

Y/N: What?! Who also likes him?!

Jin: No! Nobody.

Finally I'm able to move again. I walk into my room, when Y/N sees my face her face goes from happy to regret. I get to her and fall on my knees hugging her.

Jimin: What Jin means is, "do you like him back?"

Y/N: Huh?

Jimin: I love you Y/N.

I look her in her eyes. It looks like she doesn't know what to say. I give her one more kiss and wipe her face before standing up again.

Y/N stands up to and flies into my arm. Burying her face in my chest. I hug her tight while resting my head soft on hers. I close my eyes and can hear Jin walking out of my room closing my door.

After a few minutes off hugging each other we pull apart.

Jimin: Are you okay baby?

Y/N: Better then ever. Jimin, I love you.

Jimin: I love you too.

Saying that we go back to hugging.
A few hours later we are in the car together back to bighit. I can see that Y/N is worried even tho I have told her like a million times not to be. I sweetly hold her hand while telling the driver where to go. Our eyes are both still puffy from crying but that doesn't stop us from going. It's a long drive again due the bad traffic. Y/N puts her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes. I let her sleep for a while, all that crying must be exhausting.

When we get there I gently wake her up and she looks so cute!! I give her a quick kiss before stepping out the car walking into bighit.
Walking into the building hand in hand makes all the staff/ employees there stare at us. I already don't come here often but with Y/N hand in hand must be shocking to them.
Some employees stare, some are whispering to each other. But I just walk straight to the second floor, 2 doors to the right and 1 to the left. I knock loud on it and hear a "come in" again. Before walking in I give Y/N a wink and smile. We walk in together and I can see
Bang Si-hyuk face being surprised, but not too surprised. I'm Park Jimin after all.

Bang Si-Hyuk: Jimin, I didn't expect you to be back this soon!! I hope you guys talked.

Jimin: Hello sir. We talked, we both like each other.

Bang Si-hyuk: Well first I wanna say congratulation!! And second, I'm okay with it. If you two are careful with not letting ARMY know about it, It's okay.

Y/N: For real?! So can we also still live with each other?!

Bang Si-hyuk: Yes, until you 2 get sick of them and want to move out of course, and Y/N what if you 'keep working' you guys just stay with each other but in the mean time I will keep paying you.

Y/N: Really you would do that?!

Bang Si-hyuk: Yes, of course.

Jimin: Wow!! Thank you so much sir! And you don't have to worry, we will be careful!!

Bang Si-hyuk: That's good to hear, you 2 have a good evening. Goodbye.

We walk out of his office and I'm stunned by how cool he was about it. I smile at Y/N and she smiles back.

We drive home and in the car we keep talking about us, funny thing and we laugh.

"You told me yesterday night about 'your tummy being hungry'" she laughs at my embarrassed face.
"Yeah, okay let me ask you what you were writing in that notebook of yours." I say back at her and her face turns so red as a tomato.
"Is it that bad?" I ask and she nods slowly her head. "Do I even wanna know?" I ask and she shakes her head slowly no.

When we get home, we walk in hand in hand and I can see Chloe and Jin smirking at us.
We have dinner with everyone and I proudly announce that me and Y/N are in a relationship. Namjoon's reaction was so lovely, he chocked on his water. Jungkook and Tae just clapped and congratulated us and Hoseok hugged me. Yoongi didn't really show a reaction and Jin of course already knew.

After dinner Y/N comes closer to me and whispers in my ear "Should we go to your bedroom to celebrate?" In het sexy voice.

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