Shirou Emiya in the moon cell

By AllisterGamma007

3.8K 86 46

Shirou Emiya is a young boy that wishes to become a hero of justice, but the world around him has turned gray... More

The new world on the moon
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Incursion to the Zero Dark

Emiya Shirou, hero of justice

945 18 7
By AllisterGamma007

Emiya Shirou, 17 years old, lived on a city called Fuyuki, where a Great War between magi happened. He got to win this war thanks to his servant saber and his allies, and then he got separated from them to follow his path to become a hero of justice

But as Shirou traveled across the lands of the world, more and more problems were happening. War was the main problem they faced, with war came hunger, homelessness, and many diseases that killed many people

"Why does it have to be like this?" Shirou thought

He wanted to be a hero of justice that saves everyone more than anything, but as he tried and tried to save everyone he then realized that he was nowhere near the goal

He was down on depression, wanting to reach his ideal but couldn't do it, he wasn't strong enough, and no matter how much he tried it was never enough

"Maybe archer was right... maybe my ideals were wrong from the beginning..."- he thought

He traveled around the entire world but never reached a conclusion, he just tried and helped as many people as he could, but it was never enough, he can't save everyone. With that one thought crossed his mind

"If only you were still here... Saber"

Shirou and Saber said goodbye a long time ago, but he never forgot her, not even once he stopped thinking about her

And then, after a long time searching for the answer, suddenly everything was bright again. War stopped, the constant crime stopped, the diseases stopped. The world was still destroyed to shreds, but all the problems started solving

"Impossible, how can that many mistakes solve at once? It can't be a coincidence"

He then looked for the reason of the sudden change and as he searched he heard one term

"Moon cell"

The technological database observer on the moon that watches over earth and reproduces a simulation based on behavior, with the power to change fate on earth

"If there's a power this great, I must know, I need to try, maybe, just maybe, I can find a way to save everyone..."

So Emiya Shirou proceded to enter the moon cell on his own to find an answer to the problems of the world and fulfill his ideal of becoming a hero of justice and save everyone

Name: Shirou Emiya
Age: 21 years old
Master level: E-
Strength: average 100
Speed: average 100
Durability: average 75
Agility: average 125
Magic: no magic circuit found-recalculating-not able to compute, magic circle found, transferring magic capacity=500
Intelligence: low-average 84 iq
Equipment: X
Abilities: strengthening, projection, reality marble

Transferring data

Inside the moon cell, a certain someone was checking the moon cell automaton for information when something interesting appeared

???: hmm? New master login? This is strange, but it's interesting too, I'll check this later, for now I'll just inform the generals about this matter

And so Emiya Shirou's journey through the moon cell begins

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