Transfer to Help Himself

By JustBeeGoose

25.2K 468 28

After coming back to the 118 three months ago, Buck has been pushed around to the point of breaking. A phone... More

Chapter 1- Reaching Out for Help
Chapter 2- Headed to Austin
Chapter 3- The 118 Find Out Buck Left
Chapter 4- Settling into The Old South
Chapter 5- The First Shift
Chapter 6- Trying to Reach Out
Chapter 7- Why Did They Do That?
Chapter 8- Buck, The Natural Disaster Magnet
Chapter 9- Talking Through Troubles and a Little Peace
Chapter 10- Revenge Best Served Cold... Or in This Case, Wet
Chapter 11- Feel Better When You Talk? Then Shut Up
Chapter 12- Saving Firefighter Buck...From Himself
Chapter 13- The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 14- The Impending Trial of One, Bobby Nash
Chapter 16- Flashbacks
Chapter 17- Buck the Loveable
Chapter 18- An Unwelcomed Visit
Chapter 19- Are the Odds Really Against Us?
Chapter 20- Feeling so Light, I could Cry
Chapter 21- Leaving the Past, in the Past

Chapter 15- Court is Now in Session

980 18 1
By JustBeeGoose


"Please state your name for the court"

"I am Evan Buckley"

"And why are you here?"

"I am here to testify against the assault and discrimination I received from Captain Robert Nash"

"Good. You may begin."

It's Tuesday the 18th, the day of Captain Nash's trial. Buck was riddled with anxiety. He was dressed in a suit, similar to what he wore during the lawsuit. The 126 had gotten into L.A. the night before and TK cand Carlos stayed with Buck. Carlos had driven his car, so he was the one driving TK and Buck to the courthouse. TK sat in the back with Buck to calm his fears, similar to how he sat with him when he first came into Austin. Buck was still having a hard time coming to the fact that Captain Nash was finally getting his karma. If the trial went well, that is. There was something Captain Nash's lawyer could use against every witness, including Athena. The jury could set Captain Nash free, or they could find him guilty. Buck was going through many scenarios on how today will pan out. Only one was what he wanted. All the others, well... he didn't want to talk about them. He needed to focus on what he was going to say. He was going to be the last witness as he was the main one, meaning Athena, Eddie, Chim, and Hen would testify before him. He also found out that Maddie was going to be there, though he knew she would be on Captain Nash's side.

Owen had told him that they would try to sit near the front, close to where the witnesses would be sitting. There were reporters outside the courthouse, all of them shouting and trying to ask questions. Carlos hid Buck behind him and TK as they walked into the courthouse, snapping when some of the reporters got too close to the three of them. They made it inside and went to find the bathroom as Buck couldn't stop shaking. They wanted to calm him down before walking into the courtroom. "I don't think I can do this. I know I can't do this. Let's just go back to the hotel." Buck sputtered out. TK grabbed him and turned his face to look at the former. "Buck, you can do this. You kind of have to, but that's besides the point. Nash needs to pay for what he's done. And not just to you, but to the others. Your testimony will help with justice. We'll be here with you, Buck".

Carlos joined them, "He's right, Buck. TK and I will be there for you. The whole team will be with you. But you need to do this. I think it will help you a lot." Buck took a deep breath and hugged his partners. "Thank you both so much. If it weren't for you guys, I'd probably run off. Again..." They walked out and headed inside. Buck could spot his team, sitting right behind the barriers. Owen saved two seats that were behind Buck for TK and Carlos. Eddie was sitting beside Buck's seat. Buck wouldn't be alone in his fight against Captain Nash. Not this time.

Speaking of Captain Nash, Buck saw him sitting at the table on the left with a L.A.F.D. lawyer beside him and Chief Alonso behind him. Captain Nash had turned to look at him with a scowl. Buck cowered at the look. Carlos grabbed him and TK and dragged them to their seats. Buck heard Maddie scoff and saw her sitting beside Chief Alonso. She whispered something that made Captain Nash snort. "Pay no attention to them, B. They are not worth your time," TK whispered to him. Buck just allowed himself to be pulled to his seat. Eddie grabbed his best friend's hand and silently reassured him that they were there.

"All Rise"

The judge walked in.

"You may be seated. Jurors, we are here for case 17 of Captain Robert Nash of the L.A.F.D Station 118. His charges are of assault and discrimination in the work place. Mr. Marsh, you may call your first witness."

"Thank you, Judge Lori. I call Sergeant Athena Grant to the stand."

Buck watched as Athena walked up. "Sergeant Grant, please place your right hand on the Bible and repeat after me. I, Sergeant Athena Grant, swear to say the truth and nothing but the truth". Athena repeated him and went to sit in the stand. "Sergeant Grant, you are Captain Nash's wife, correct?" Athena answered. "Yes, I am."

"And are you aware of how Captain Nash has been treating his team?"

"I am now, but I wasn't a month ago. I had a suspicion when he started acting weird before Firefighter Buckley had come asking for his help to be reinstated during a dinner I hosted."

"And what happened at that dinner?"

"It went smoothly, at first. Then, Firefighter Buckley had asked Captain Nash to talk to the department to get him reinstated as we had believed it was the department who had kept Firefighter Buckley out even with the paperwork he had signed. Captain Nash had told Firefighter Buckley that it was him who had told the department that he wasn't ready because of the blood thinners. Captain Nash lied to all of us about who was keeping Firefighter Buckley out of work", Athena stated. Captain Nash turned his attention to Buck, who was hiding from his stare behind Eddie. Eddie, on the other hand, stared back at Nash. How dare he turn his attention to them? Shouldn't his lawyer be keeping his focus on Athena?

"Sergeant Grant, are you aware that Captain Nash had allowed Firefighter Han back to work as soon as he was cleared?"

"I am. He went to work the day after he was cleared by Dr. Torrance. I am also aware that Captain Nash allowed Firefighter Diaz to work after his wife's death without time to grieve with his son".

"What can you tell me about Captain Nash's treatment towards Firefighter Buckley after the lawsuit?"

"Not much, as I was kept out of the loop and lied to, but I can say that, based on Captain Nash's reaction to me telling him that Firefighter Buckley had left for Austin, Captain Nash had not been treating that boy fairly."

"Can you elaborate, please?"

"Captain Nash had stated that Firefighter Buckley betrayed their trust, although he had every right to file the lawsuit. He also stated that he did what he thought was right to get it through Firefighter Buckley's head about how hurt he was."

"Objection, speculation" called out Captain Nash's lawyer. Speculation? She was there when Captain Nash had said it. She remembered word for word. It was even written down in her statement.


"Thank you. No further questions, your honour."

"Mr. Thorne, you can now cross-examine the witness."

"Sergeant Grant, I think we can all say that Captain Nash had the right to feel...upset...about the lawsuit. I mean, who would want their baggage aired out in a room of strangers. Wouldn't you think so too?"

"Objection, leading the witness."

"Sustained. Mr. Thorne, please refrain from leading the witnesses."

"Yes, your honour."

"You can continue."

"Sergeant Grant, is it correct that you worked on a cold case when you were explicitly told not to?"

"Yes it is."

"Could you say that, in a way, you acted like Captain Nash over here?"

"Objection, calls for speculation."

"Sustained. Mr. Thorne, if you cannot ask correctly, I will adjourn this case until Captain Nash and the L.A.F.D hires another lawyer. Do you understand?"

Everyone stared at Mr. Thorne waiting for his answer. "I said, do you understand, Mr. Thorne?"

"Yes, your honour. I am sorry."

"Good, now you may continue."

"No further questions, your honour."

"Prosecution calls Paramedic Wilson to the stand."

Hen took the same oath Athena did and sat down, adjusting the mic to match her height.

"Paramedic Wilson, you have been discriminated against at the same firehouse before, correct?"

"Yes sir. That was when the station was under Captain Gerrard, who Captain Nash replaced."

"Alright. Now, how can you describe Captain Nash's actions towards the crew?"

"Captain Nash was friendly at first. He took all of us in and fought against discrimination and hate crimes in the house. Then, Firefighter Buckley came and Captain Nash treated him like a subordinate. He had fired Firefighter Buckley and then rehired him. There was one instance where he had pinned Firefighter Buckley against the wall. After that, Captain Nash's mood towards us main A shift crew shifted. He started getting more agitated with us. Yelling when we didn't do something right or, in Firefighter Buckley's case, physically punishing. It got worse after the lawsuit was settled. There were many times where I drove Buck to the hospital to get sewed up behind Captain Nash's back."

"You say the main A shift crew. Could you elaborate as to who they are?"

"Yes sir. They are myself, Firefighter Diaz, Firefighter Han, Firefighter Panikkar. Firefighter Buckley was also a part of the main A-shift crew before he transferred to Austin."

"Thank you, no further questions your honour."

"Mr. Thorne."

"Paramedic Wilson, or should I say, Student Doctor Wilson. Have you yourself been a victim of Captain Nash's alleged mood shift?"

"I have. All of us have. He didn't allow me to take time off for my studies nor did he allow any of us to talk to each other unless we were on a call."

"Is it true that just two months ago, you hit a woman with your ambulance and caused her death?"


Hen couldn't speak. Why did the lawyer bring that up? She had just started to get over what happened that day. "Paramedic Wilson, your response?" Hen took a deep breath, willing back her tears. "I did hit her. But the police department ruled it an accident as her light was red and I had the ambulance lights and siren on. As for her death, I did everything I could to save her."

"Did you really do everything, or were you trying to cover up what happened?"

"Objection!" "Mr. Thorne!"

Gasps were heard across the courtroom. On the prosecution side, the 126 and the 118 were horrified. On the defence side, Captain Nash was smirking and Maddie was hiding her laugh.

"No further questions."

"We will take a 3 hour lunch break. Chief Alonso, I suggest hiring a new lawyer or talking to yours. If Mr. Thorne steps out of line one more time, I will make the decision myself. Court is adjourned."

Hen ran out of the courtroom with Athena hot on her tail. Everyone else filed out into the hallway, waiting for their return. Eddie was furious and Buck could tell. The way Eddie holds himself is like he is still in the military. Never allowing his emotions to show unless it's around his friends and team. Buck knows Eddie well enough to see past his facade though. The 126 had made a protective circle around the 118 to shield them from reporters and stares. Athena broke through their wall with Hen, who they could tell had been crying. Her eyes were swollen and bloodshot. Chimney pulled his partner into a hug and Eddie and Buck joined. The only firefighter who didn't join was Ravi, seeing as he wasn't as close to the 118 as the other four were. Owen was the one to speak up, "I think we should head out and get lunch. From the way this is going, we might be here all night. Anyone have any suggestions?"

Mateo, who always tried to make light of bad situations, spoke up. "Anyone up for Shawarma?" That got the group to laugh, knowing that Shawarma wasn't real. "There is a restaurant not far from here. First Responders eat 50% off." Athena said. The group agreed and left in their respective vehicles. The only difference was that Hen rode with Buck, Carlos, and TK. Buck had been the one to suggest that seeing as Hen was too emotional to drive. Carlos and TK sat up front, quietly chatting to each other while Buck was whispering to Hen. "Don't worry about the trial. The judge can have her people pull up the case file on the accident, Hen and have the jurors overlook what that disgusting lawyer said." Hen just silently cried to herself while Buck was reassuring her. "I'm sorry if it didn't help Buck. I tried, but I didn't think he would bring up Evelyn. Not in that way, at least."

"It's ok Hen, that guy was a sleazy lawyer anyway. Kind of reminded me of Chase Mackey. But worse". That got a laugh out of Hen and Buck smiled, knowing he was able to help. Carlos and TK watched the scene behind them. Buck had a way with helping people. TK knew that first hand. It was a little after Buck had arrived in Austin that TK had broke. He was out shopping one day with Buck when they ran into his ex, Mitchell. With his new boyfriend. TK realised that it wasn't the trainer, so he had speculated that Mitchell cheated again. Mitchell saw TK staring at him and smiled before walking away. Buck had asked what was wrong before TK told Buck to take him back to the house. Buck didn't ask any questions, just did as he was told. TK fell down on Buck's bed. "I need you to watch me Buck. Before I mess up." Buck was confused but nodded anyway. "That was my ex. His name is Mitchell. I was going to ask him to marry me before we moved to Austin. He had told me that he was cheating on me and I broke, Buck. I relapsed and OD'ed. If dad hadn't found me in time, I probably wouldn't be here. And god, do I want to take something again." TK remembered that Buck had immediately grabbed him and held him to his chest repeating, "Don't TK. It's going to be ok. You don't need drugs to make you feel happy. You have the 126, Carlos. Hell, you are practically glued to me when Carlos isn't around. We are going to get through this, T. Me and You". He remembered that it got him to laugh and he had stayed with Buck the entire night. That's how his dad found them, with TK curled into Buck's stomach and Buck with his arms protectively around TK. It also helped TK to find a meeting the next day and tell the team about his addiction. Everyone on the 126 had an experience like that with Buck. When Marjan's hijab had come off in the Silo, Buck had given her a hug and told her that he would tell each and every one of those ladies to do what they do on a daily basis. When Judd had a flashback to the fateful night, Buck had told him about his deal with PTSD and some coping mechanisms he could use. He helped Mateo cope with his dyslexia and Paul with the transphobes. Hell, he even helped Nancy and Tim with things. That's just who Buck is.

The team ate and talked. Talked about some of their wildest calls and some of their full moon calls. It got people to laugh and to momentarily forget about the trial. But their 3 hours were almost up, and they had to head back to the courthouse.

"The break is now over. Court is back in session. Mr. Marsh, you may call your next witness."

"Prosecution calls Firefighter and Paramedic Han to the stand."

Just as Athena and Hen did, Chimney gave his oath and sat.

"Firefighter Han, can you confirm that Captain Nash allowed you back when the doctors had cleared you after your first accident?"

"That is correct. It was after the pole had gone through my head. I was in a coma for 9 months and right after I woke up, I was reinstated. The same thing happened after I was stabbed by Doug Kendal, my ex's ex."

"And who is your ex?"

"Firefighter Buckley's sister, Maddie Buckley."

"Is there any reason that you broke up with her that is prominent in this case?"

"Yes, she was against her brother leaving and had said many nasty things about him. She took Captain Nash's side in his treatment he received while at the 118."

Buck didn't know Chim and Maddie broke up. Or that it was because of him. He hadn't realised he was shaking until Eddie grabbed his hand and rubbed a soothing pattern with his thumb. Buck turned back to the trial.

"Firefighter Han, were you aware of Firefighter Buckley's reasoning for filing the lawsuit?"

"I was. In fact, I was going to talk to a lawyer about it before Buck went to Athena's that night. I saw how the department allowed me back immediately, even with those life changing events, but kept Buck out. When that pole went through my head, I had to relearn a lot with being a paramedic. Buck was only on blood thinners, and having a desk job is potentially worse than being out in the field as there would be barely enough movement."

"Firefighter Han, were you mistreated by Captain Nash?"

"Not at first. Like Hen, he treated me nice. Until he relapsed into alcohol again. Then, he started being more strict. Stricter than Captain Gerrard. If any one of us did anything wrong on a call, we were man behind for a week. Even if it was the slightest mistake."

"Thank you. That is all, your honour."

"Mr. Thorne."

"No questions, your honour."

"Thank you. You may step down, Firefighter Han."

Maddie had a look of disappointment on her face when Chimney looked at her. Like it was his fault they were here. He couldn't even stand to look at Captain Nash, instead finding himself gazing at Buck, who Eddie was still calming down. Chimney failed his friend once, never again.

"Mr. Marsh, your next witness?"

"Firefighter Diaz, if you would please come to the stand."

Buck didn't want to let Eddie go, needing comfort, but Hen had got up and taken Eddie's spot to help him. Buck wondered if Carla and Chris were watching. He knew this was being broadcasted. He just didn't want Chris to hear what he went through.

"Firefighter Diaz, you served in the army, correct?"

"Yes sir. I served two tours in Afghanistan before being medically discharged after our chopper was shot down."

"And you came from El Paso, Texas to L.A?"

"Yes sir"

"Could you explain why?"

"So I could support Christopher, my son, better. My parents had wanted to take him away from me after his mother left us the first time. I was also accepted to the L.A.F.D before moving."

"And your estranged wife also happened to be living in L.A. at that time, correct?"

"Yes sir. Though at the time, I was only focused on the job and Chris."

"After you and your wife reconnected, she had been a victim to a hit and run, correct?"

Eddie visibly stiffened. He still wasn't over his wife's passing. But he needed to answer.

"Yes sir. She passed on the operating table as soon as we got there."

"Did Captain Nash give you time off to grieve?"

"No, he did not. He stated that if he could work after the death of his first family, I could work after the death of my first love and my son's mother."

The jurors gasped in horror. Even they knew the importance of taking time off to grieve.

"Thank you Firefighter Diaz. No further questions."

"Mr. Thorne, and please, keep it sival."

"Firefighter Diaz, is it true that during the lawsuit, you were arrested and then bailed out by Firefighter Bosko?"

"Yes it is. I punched a man for claiming I was making up the story about Christopher having CP."

"And later, is it true that you joined an underground fight club?"

"Yes. And I realise now that it was a mistake. But then, I wasn't in the right head space."

"No further questions."

Oh god. It was Buck's turn.

"Firefighter Buckley, please take the stand."

Carlos and TK patted Buck on the back while Eddie gave his friend a hug. "Knock 'em dead tiger."

"Firefighter Buckley, you were the main victim of Captain Nash's tirade, correct?"

"Yes sir, though it was worse after I came back."
"Tell me about the incident with him pinning you to the wall."

"It was...painful. I had just wanted to know what he kept in his black book. Everyone did. I pushed and he got angry. He pinned me to the wall by my throat and told me to never touch his property again or else he would tell everyone about my therapist..." Shit, Buck didn't mean to say that part.

"And what happened with your therapist?"

"I..she... I um... it was after my first call. The department forced me to go to their therapist, Dr. Wells, before I was allowed back. Everything was going fine, until I stated that I was a self-diagnosed sex-addict..." Both of the teams will know. They are going to blame him. Especially the 118 who knew of his sexcapeds. "She threatened that if I didn't have sex with her, she would ban me from going back to work. So I... I did. I didn't want to... She forced me..." Buck started to cry, remembering that day.

"Firefighter Buckley, can you explain what Captain Nash did to you once you were reinstated after the lawsuit?"

Buck took a deep breath. He could do this. "He... Captain Nash assaulted me the day before I was to come back. I had to use concealer to cover the bruises before going anywhere. Then, he told me I would be the man behind until they could trust me again. If my chores weren't done in time, he would push me to the ground and kick. Sometimes, it would be bad enough to where Hen would take me to get stitched up. I still have the scars. They never fade."

"And what led you to leave?"

"I tried to talk to Captain Nash on my last shift at the 118, but he slammed the door to his office on my hand. He kicked me out of the station and banned me from the bunks. That was when I contacted Captain Strand and agreed to transfer to the 126."

"Thank you. No further questions."

"Firefighter Buckley, can I call you Buck? You had stolen a firetruck your probationary year to have sex with a woman, isn't that correct."

"Yes sir, that was during my Buck 1.0 stage."

"You had many one-night stands, correct?"

"Yes sir..." Buck could tell where this was going.

"So it would make perfect sense that you wanted to have sex with your therapist, but you were embarressed and made the story up about her forcing you."

"Objection, calls for speculation."

"Sustained. Strike that question out, jurors pay no attention. Mr. Thorne, I would suggest you watch yourself."

"Of course, your honour. Now, Firefighter Buckley, you said that you snooped through my client's private property, so would you say that you had asked for his reaction?"

Buck was shocked. Had he? He did look through it without permission, but that didn't call for physical violence, did it? "Firefighter Buckley?"

"No. Because what I did was not an opening to be physically attacked by my captain. He could have talked to me instead of physically pushing me to the wall."

Eddie smiled, Buck was finally standing up for himself. TK and Carlos couldn't have been more happier for their partner.

"Last question, Did you even think about your sister's feelings about you quitting?"

Buck stared at Maddie who smirked at the question. "Sir, I do believe that my sister has no right in how I run my life. It is my decision at the end of the day as to what I do with my life. It's always been that way since she broke our promise and abandoned me with our abusive parents."

Maddie scowled. She didn't have to give Buck her jeep. Maybe then, they wouldn't be in this position.

"Thank you, no further questions."

"You may go back to your seat, Firefighter Buckley. Jurors, you will have 10 minutes to come to a conclusion."

"Your honour, we already have. With a unanimous vote, we find the defendant, Captain Nash, guilty of all charges."

"It is settled then. Court is adjourned."

Captain Nash was taken out in handcuffs, Maddie was furious. Buck was shocked, and the rest were happy. They finally got justice for Buck. Their excitement was shortlived when Maddie came and hit Buck in the face. "You fucking disgrace. How could you do this to me? Mom and dad should have put you up for adoption when you couldn't save Daniel." Maddie quickly put her hand over her mouth. "Who's... Who's Daniel? And why would I have saved him?" Buck asked, holding his jaw. "He was my older brother who was diagnosed with Leukaemia. You were supposed to save him, but you've always been defective. You and your faggot life style."

Eddie stepped in front of them. "Maddie, I believe you better leave before security gets here. Leave Buck alone." It was too late, the damage was done. Buck gripped Carlos and TK's hand tightly, taking the information in. "I...I'm just spare parts?" Maddie frowned. "Defective parts, you couldn't save him, that's why mom and dad treated you like they did." Buck let out a sob before security arrested Maddie for assault. "You'll pay for this, Evan! I'll call mom and dad and tell them where you are. Maybe they'll beat some sense into you!"

Carlos picked Buck up and carried him to his car. TK was following shortly, dragging Eddie. "Take us to Eddie's 'Los. Eddie said Chris would make him feel better."

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