Transfer to Help Himself

By JustBeeGoose

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After coming back to the 118 three months ago, Buck has been pushed around to the point of breaking. A phone... More

Chapter 1- Reaching Out for Help
Chapter 2- Headed to Austin
Chapter 3- The 118 Find Out Buck Left
Chapter 4- Settling into The Old South
Chapter 5- The First Shift
Chapter 7- Why Did They Do That?
Chapter 8- Buck, The Natural Disaster Magnet
Chapter 9- Talking Through Troubles and a Little Peace
Chapter 10- Revenge Best Served Cold... Or in This Case, Wet
Chapter 11- Feel Better When You Talk? Then Shut Up
Chapter 12- Saving Firefighter Buck...From Himself
Chapter 13- The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 14- The Impending Trial of One, Bobby Nash
Chapter 15- Court is Now in Session
Chapter 16- Flashbacks
Chapter 17- Buck the Loveable
Chapter 18- An Unwelcomed Visit
Chapter 19- Are the Odds Really Against Us?
Chapter 20- Feeling so Light, I could Cry
Chapter 21- Leaving the Past, in the Past

Chapter 6- Trying to Reach Out

1.3K 22 7
By JustBeeGoose

Tw: Mentions of Abuse

After the truth had come out about Buck's departure, the station hadn't been the same. No one would talk to Captain Nash, the main perpetrator of Buck's treatment. After their confrontation, Athena and Chimney decided to go to the captain of the L.A.P.D. They could have gone to the Chief of the Fire Department, but Athena wanted immediate action and knew her captain would listen to her. On their way, Chimney had texted Maddie, filling her in on her brother. Neither of them could believe Maddie hadn't talked to him. She practically raised him and yet, left him once again. Chimney received a reply, but didn't like what was on the screen.

'Maybe if he had listened to me, and quit, this wouldn't have happened.'

Chimney let out an audible gasp, causing Athena to look at him. "What happened, Chim?" Chimney showed Athena the text, causing the woman to scowl. "How could she say that about her brother? She knew how important being a firefighter is to Buck. It's like telling her to quit being dispatched because of one breakdown." Chimney nodded at what Athena was saying, but couldn't find it in him to respond. He thought Maddie loved Buck. Buck would lay down his life for Maddie, but Maddie wouldn't do the same. This is not the woman he fell in love with. The woman he fell in love with was supportive of her brother, always talking and hanging out with him.

The rest of the drive was silent, save for a few calls from dispatch over the radio. Athena ignored them, taking herself offline, wanting to get to the precinct faster. They arrived not even 3 minutes later, both quickly getting out of the squad car. The officers inside got out of their way quickly, seeing that Athena was pissed at something. And when Athena was pissed, everyone knew to get out of the way or else. Reaching the captain's office, Athena had knocked. Yes, she was on a mission, but Athena would still respect her captain's privacy. The captain allowed them to enter, looking at her computer one last time before turning her full attention to the two.

"Sergeant Grant, Firefighter Han. What brings you two in today?" Athena gave her letter to the captain before explaining. "Ma'am, I need an immediate investigation on Captain Nash of the 118. As read in the letter, he has caused Firefighter Buckley to leave the state for his own safety. I also heard from Firefighter Han that Captain Nash had been unfair to Buckley even from his time as a probationary firefighter." The captain put the letter down after reading and went to her computer. "I see. Sergeant Grant, I will start the investigation. But seeing as you are married to Captain Nash, I will have to dock you from the investigation. You know the rules. I will also need statements from both you and Firefighter Han. Also from anyone of the crew who are willing to give statements about Captain Nash's treatment towards Firefighter Buckley," Captain Maynard told them. Athena nodded before turning to Chimney. "Chim, do you think Hen and Eddie will give a statement. They seemed to be remorseful when I told them." Chimney nodded saying that he would ask. Captain Maynard spoke, "Great. Why don't both of you seek out Detective Ransone to give your statements. Athena, I mean it by when I say that you are not allowed to be a part of the investigation. Not only will it make it harder on the station here, but the higher ups will have even more of a reason to fire you." Athena reassured the woman that she would not get involved. She wanted so badly to, but her Buck needed her to let the real detectives do their work.

They left the captain's office headed to find Detective Ransone. It didn't take long to find him, as he was sitting at his desk, which was near Athena's. "Lou, I need you for a minute." Athena said. Lou looked at her before nodding, telling them to follow him. He brought them into a private room before telling them to sit. "Athena. Captain Maynard emailed me and told me what happened. I want to give my condolences. I know Buckley is like a son to you and that Captain Nash is your husband. Trust me when I say that justice will be dealt." Athena looked satisfied at that. "Thank you Lou. Now, let's get these statements started."

To make sure their stories weren't influenced by the other, Lou had interviewed them one at a time by themselves. Both had given their statements to what happened and what they heard. Chimney's statement was a little longer seeing as how he had worked with Buckley while Captain Nash had been punishing him. After all was said and done, Athena thanked Lou before heading back out to her squad car. "Do you want me to drop you back off at the station or your apartment?" She asked Chimney. Chimney thought about it before speaking, "The apartment, that way I have time to prepare for what I'm going to say to Maddie. I also don't feel like seeing Captain Nash after all he has done." Athena nodded and headed towards Chimney's apartment. Chimney thanked her for the ride before heading inside.

'Buck, Athena told us what happened. I'm sorry for not standing up for you. Just know that I have your back and that Captain Nash will get what's coming for him. I always had a suspicion that the department wasn't holding you back. You were right to file the lawsuit, and if it wasn't for Nash being in the elevator that day, I would have held my hand out for you. Please stay safe. Love you brother'

Chimney knew that he wouldn't get a response right away, but he couldn't wait any longer. He had been silent for way too long. Now he was hoping to break that silence and be there for Buck.

Eddie was devastated. His best friend left and Eddie hadn't helped at all. Eddie had immediately gone home after Athena and Chimney left. He didn't care if they were still on shift, he needed to see Christopher. The poor boy was kept away from his Buck for a long time, and now might not see him again. What was usually a 30 minute drive, had taken Eddie 15. He immediately hopped out of his truck and entered his house and came face to face with a pissed off Carla. "Edmundo Diaz, you have some explaining to do." Eddie looked at her before asking, "Where's Chris?" Carla told him that Buck had written a letter to Chris, and after Chris read it, he had stayed in his room for the most part. "Now tell me what you did to that poor man."

"I know what I did was wrong, but it was mostly for my mental health, Carla. Bobby wouldn't let me get time off to grieve Shannon. I didn't talk to Buck and I regret it now. I swear I was going to apologize, Carla. I was going to invite him over today so I could speak with him. I never knew what Bobby was doing. If I had noticed earlier, maybe I could have kept him from leaving or left with him," Eddie explained. Carla nodded before hugging the man. "I know that Shannon's death affected you, Eddie. It's ok to grieve. But it's not ok to block people out while trying to help yourself." Eddie hugged the woman back, trying to stifle his tears. He needed to be strong for Chris. "Chris is asleep right now. Try and text him, Eddie. Let him know that you were always on his side." Eddie nodded before saying goodbye to Carla.

'Buck... I know you probably won't respond, but I need to say this. I'm sorry for blocking you out. I needed time to grieve Shannon since Bobby wouldn't give me time off. And that was the only way I knew how. And some other...unconventional ways... I just want you to know that I will always have your back. If I had known how you were being treated, I would have stuck up for you. I'm sorry. You're still my best friend, though I know I don't deserve to call you that. Stay safe.'

Karen couldn't look at Hen. Athena had texted her earlier letting Karen know that Buck had left. After all Hen had been through, trying to get the equality everyone else had at the station, she treated Buck the same way she was. Albeit, not racially motivated as the old team was. Hen, on the other hand, was tearing herself apart. How could she not notice how everyone had treated Buck? How could she not see how Bobby was treating Buck? Bobby had been the one to stick up for her when he first arrived. But to know that he was treating Buck the way he did, gave Hen a whole new look at her captain. Hen was blaming herself for not being there for Buck. He was alone during everything. Everyone had someone to go home to but Buck. Ali had left him right after he got home from the hospital the first time. And her team made it worse. No, Bobby made it worse. Hen decided to message Buck. It might not be much, but at least she was trying.

'Buck, I'm sorry. I know what it's like to be discriminated against at the station, and yet I did nothing to help you. God, I am so sorry. Please, just let me know what I can do to help you. Be safe out there and travel safe.'

Maddie was disappointed at Buck for running away from his problems. That's all he ever did. Ever since she let him have her Jeep, he kept running. When she first had supported him, it became too much. Every single postcard showed him at a different place and a different job. She was happy when he finally settled in L.A. She even followed him out there, getting away from her abusive ex. She supported Buck again, believing that he finally could relax in one area. But then the bombing happened, and she was scared. She tried telling Buck that he should just quit the firefighting, but her brother was stubborn. So, she stopped texting him all the time. Maybe a little quiet from her side would get him back to his senses. When Chimney had texted her that Buck left, she knew that Buck needed a little push to quit.

'Evan, I'm not upset. Just disappointed that you are running away again. If you had just listened to me, none of this would have happened. Come back to L.A. now and we can talk about it. Stop being a kid, Evan'

The only one who hadn't texted Buck was Bobby. He felt like Buckley didn't need him to contact to know that Bobby was disappointed. That kid had probably cost him his relationship with his wife. If Bobby ever saw Buckley again, he would make sure Buckley knew how much he messed up by leaving.

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