๐š๐ฉ๐ž๐ซ๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ž, ph.

By prapais

25K 1.6K 573

๐๐”๐๐๐˜ ๐‡๐Ž๐๐„๐˜ ๐€๐” | โ if you want to know what people are afraid of losing, take note of what they p... More

โ €โ €โ € โ €โ €โ €๐ข. make it two.
โ €โ €โ € โ €โ €โ €๐ข๐ข. smile for the camera.
โ €โ €โ € โ €โ €โ €๐ข๐ข๐ข. want to see my lenses?
โ €โ €โ € โ €โ €โ €๐ข๐ฏ. can i take a picture of you?
โ €โ €โ € โ €โ €โ €๐ฏ. i definitely don't like rome.
โ €โ €โ € โ €โ €โ €๐ฏ๐ข. what's the story?
โ €โ €โ € โ €โ €โ €๐ฏ๐ข๐ข. it was totally a date.
โ €โ €โ € โ €โ €โ €๐ฏ๐ข๐ข๐ข. my seven days.
โ €โ €โ € โ €โ €โ €๐ข๐ฑ. blackout.
โ €โ €โ € โ €โ €โ €๐ฑ. without nightmares.
โ €โ €โ € โ €โ €โ €๐ฑ๐ข. i don't care.
โ €โ €โ € โ €โ €โ €๐ฑ๐ข๐ข. what would you say?
โ €โ €โ € โ €โ €โ €๐ฑ๐ข๐ข๐ข. the most awkward triple date. and pete.
โ €โ € โ €โ € โ € ๐ฑ๐ฏ. p'chit.
โ €โ €โ €โ € โ € ๐ฑ๐ฏ๐ข. we're all softhearted.
โ €โ €โ €โ € โ € ๐ฑ๐ฏ๐ข๐ข. step one: failed (successfully).
โ €โ € โ €โ € โ €๐ฑ๐ฏ๐ข๐ข๐ข. the kids table.

โ € โ €โ €โ € โ € ๐ฑ๐ข๐ฏ. boyfriend on probation.

378 30 17
By prapais

⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝐱𝐢𝐯. —— boyfriend on probation.

─ i ─

"I don't get it."

Pick sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He knew that coming with this to his friends was a bad idea, given the fact that all of them combined would maybe─and only maybe─produce one working brain cell, but he wasn't sure if he could figure it out by himself. It wasn't something he should decide on alone at all, but he would consider this next.

"Pete, given the size of your brain and your reading comprehension, you really ought to be more specific," Pick answered slowly, turning back on his chair towards the bed from which a pillow flew his way a few seconds later.

"Fuck you, you're using long words on purpose to get me off track," Pete frowned, scrambling to sit up and get a better angle when he threw another pillow.

Kao slapped his boyfriend on the arm before Pete could reach for something else. "I just cleaned my room and I am going to deck you if you touch one more thing on this bed," he warned, but then looked towards Pick. "If we know who sent you the picture, why are we sitting here? Shouldn't you go and find that person?"

"That's what I meant. You're just stealing my questions," Pete snorted. "Why don't we tell the shorty while we're at it? I feel like he'd want to know that you received this crap," the boy added, sounding angry on his friend's behalf. When it came to people Pete cared about, there were very few things that would stop him from literally murdering for them; most of which were somehow related to Kao. Like, Kao said I'll sleep on the couch if I kill you today so I guess you got lucky kind of thing.

"Okay, it's─it's not that easy," Pick ran a hand through his hair, looking for the right words. But how do you say that the person behind all of this is Rome's brother? How do you say that someone hates their own family member enough to be ready to kill them with their bare hands? Just thinking about it made something turn in Pick's stomach, he couldn't even begin to explain this. "Rome has enough going on right now and we just started getting back to normal, I don't want to ruin it. Besides... it's my fault."

Pick once again looked down at the picture that's been opened on his phone for hours at this point. Two boys kissing in a car. In his car. It was taken from the front and as a standalone was nothing more than just a shot of some anonymous lovers; but there was a follow-up, of course. Because why stop at being a creepy stalker, when you can push it even further and become a fucking psychopath, photographing people until you get a clear shot of their faces? One of Pick behind the wheel, another one of Rome after he got out of the car. And it was Pick's fault because when he kissed Rome that time, he didn't even think of the consequences─it was daytime, and his car wasn't some FBI type of shit with windows that you couldn't see through, of course someone could have noticed them.

But the thing was... Pick wasn't used to being so conscious of his actions when it came to relationships. He kissed Rome because he wanted to, he felt like it and so he did it, and at that moment there was genuinely nothing other than "he looks so nice in my clothes" running through his mind. He wasn't stupid, he knew how certain people would react to seeing two boys kissing, but it was his first time liking a boy. And for Pick it wasn't the classic case of "I don't like men, I only like you" ─ he was, by now and after a couple of stupid conversations with Pete out of all people, pretty comfortable with the thought that he simply likes both girls and boys, but it was a fact that he didn't think about having a romantic relationship with a guy before Rome came along. So he didn't know what it's like to be judged by your sexuality, he didn't know what it's like to be afraid of people finding out. For him, at the time of that kiss, it wasn't a boy kissing a boy, it was one person kissing another person they liked, and it was that simple.

But now he thought how naive that was.

"You kissed a person you like, Pick, it's not a crime," Kao's gentle voice broke through his thoughts as if he could read them, making Pick look up from the picture. He realized his hands were shaking and he noticed the worried looks of both his friends, so he took a deep breath to calm down. He couldn't start freaking out now, that was the last thing Rome needed. "Let's take it easy and start with why do you think you received this picture? Does that person want something from you?"

Pick shook his head with a frown. "I don't think so. They just want to mess with Rome's head."

"Alright. So how would you feel if those pictures got posted somewhere? If people at the university would see? Your parents?" Kao continued, tapping a pen against his notebook.

"Dang it, Kao, didn't you say to take it easy?" Pete huffed out a laugh.

"I don't care about any of it," Pick answered, making both Kao and Pete stare at him; the former with skepticism, the latter with surprise. It might have been too quick of a reply, so Pick sighed, trying to gather his thoughts into a coherent explanation, so it wouldn't look like he was just talking big with nothing to back it up. "I know what you guys think; he's never been through that, so he can say that. Right, I've never had a boyfriend before. My life has never been threatened because of my sexuality, I never felt excluded and judged because of it. Once those pictures are posted everything might change, I'm not dumb and I do get that, I'm not saying I'll take it lightly and act as if nothing's wrong. I'm not saying it's gonna be fucking easy," he snorted. Pick had seen on numerous occasions what his friends had to deal with because of homophobic shit and he didn't want to seem like he's belittling any of that; he could beat as many people as needed for them to defend them, but it wouldn't change their society's mindsets. He knew all of it and he always admired his friends for staying true to themselves, and he made sure they knew it, too. "But I did have stupid shit posted about me before. My parents got a fucking tape of their kid beating up four people for 'nothing'..." he laughed mockingly, shaking his head.

"Pick, we didn't mean that you..." Kao tried, and Pick quickly waved a hand. "You know none of it was─"

"I know, it's okay, I'm over it," he assured, because he was. It took a long time and sometimes he'd still feel nauseous while thinking about it, but it was in the past and he knew his family wasn't holding it over his head. "What I mean to say is that the pictures with Rome would probably be the best thing that ever got posted about me out of spite. I didn't go into it blindly, it's not like I ever wanted to hide him because he deserves better than that," Pick's voice got a bit quieter by the end and he awkwardly looked down. He was never good with words when it came to Rome, it's been like that since the start, but he was trying.

"Wow, go best friend," Pete said after a moment, sounding absolutely dazed. Pick shot him an annoyed glare but Pete only quickly shook his head. "No, I'm serious, I've never been prouder to be your friend. What the hell, Pick? Since when were you so fucking hot? You have no business being more chill about it than I ever was with Kao," he said accusingly.

Pick rolled his eyes. "Okay, I'm gonna need you to lock that shit down, that's way too supportive. It's like seeing a turtle out of its shell," he grimaced, reaching for his phone when he got a new message.

[4:13pm] buttercup: are u free right now? 👀

"Stop being fucking rude to me when I appreciate you," Pete kicked his leg in Pick's direction as if he could reach him.

Kao slammed his book closed. "You guys are so annoying. I'm glad to see that at least between you two things never change. But Pick, if you're really okay with it, then why are you so worried? Isn't Rome out about his sexuality as well?" he asked with confusion.

"He is, he even told his dad already, but he moved out of his home right after. So you can imagine how well that conversation went," Pick muttered. Rome didn't really tell him much about that, he only said that he couldn't stay there anymore because it was too much, and Pick understood that. He's heard enough about Rome's dad to figure out the rest. "And there was something he said that keeps bothering me, especially with those pictures. When we were fighting, he said... uh, I know how it ends when people find out, when there are pictures and rumors. It's like it's happened before and it's something he can't get over. I just don't want him to disappear on me again."

"God, you're so smitten it's disgusting, Pick," Pete squinted his eyes at his best friend and Pick had this fleeting urge to just strangle the guy then and there, and let Kao worry about the dead body in his bedroom. If anyone knew how to dispose of that, it was Kao.

"I thought you were appreciating me today?" Pick gasped, faking offense. He then stood up and started to gather his things; he's been there too long as it was. "I need to go now, Rome asked me to pick him up from some photography studio."

"I still think you should just talk to him, though. Especially with what you said last. If there's something that he can't let go, whether it's a previous relationship or just a bad experience with a friend, you should ask him before all the other shit goes down. Because if those pictures get posted, he's going to see it anyway and I feel like it'll be worse if he finds out you knew way before," Kao said quickly, as always trying his best to control the chaos his friends were involved in. Yeah, that's probably why Pick felt so comfortable coming for advice to him; because if you just ignore Pete's existence, Kao was quite good at dealing with the problems of others.

Pete whined loudly. "Do we need a plan right now? Is that what's gonna happen? Because it's always the same with you all," he pointed a finger at Pick, as if the you all was just him, specifically. "The plans never work and you end up blaming me─"

"The last time was your fault and you know it, you piece of crap. Who told your dad it's a study session as if he didn't fucking know you for twenty years?" Pick looked down at Pete, daring him to argue this further. But Pete smartly pursed his lips, falling back down on the bed with arms crossed over his chest. "We do need a plan though. And the first step is: don't let Rome know until I figure out what to do with this."

Pete rolled his eyes. "Ah, now you're making us pick sides? What if I like Rome more?"

"You've been my friend for like six years, you've met Rome, what, a month ago?"

"I don't see what point you're trying to make."

Pick threw his hands up in surrender, leaving behind a laughing Kao as he left the bedroom. He wasn't even annoyed, not really, as he'd probably pick Rome's side as well. Pete was right, Pick was absolutely smitten, it was disgusting.

─ ii ─

Rome walked out of the studio and took a deep breath, looking up at the blue sky. The weather had been so nice the entire day and Rome couldn't wait for a moment when he'll finally be able to take a break; he had way too many classes on Tuesdays and he's been working with Emma on their assignment in between the lectures, so he barely got any time to even eat his lunch. One of his seniors asked him to deliver some pictures to the photography studio that's been partnering with their faculty on many projects before, but it was quite far from the university, so it took Rome longer than he thought. Still, even though he was tired, the fresh air was making him feel better. He raised his arm a bit, watching the way the rays of sunshine played on his skin, and he smiled when an image of Pick popped into his head uninvited. He knew he could just take the bus back, but he suddenly thought that he'd like to share this beautiful weather with someone, so he took his phone out of the pocket.

[4:13pm] are u free right now? 👀

He didn't need to wait long for an answer.

[4:15pm] ugly <3: depends on what you want this time👀👀

Rome giggled to himself upon seeing the emojis. Pick only ever used them when Rome started it and he just knew that Pick was a dry-texter, but it was both funny and adorable when he was sending them back to Rome.

[4:15pm] maybe wanna give u a kiss

[4:15pm] ugly <3: ugh, guess i can maybe squeeze you in my busy schedule

[4:16pm] ugly <3: really, what do you want

[4:17pm] can u come pick me up

[4:17pm] ugly <3: damn making a guy think you miss him but you just need a ride? and they call ME a player 💔

[4:17pm] do u want that kiss or no

[4:17pm] ugly <3: ❤️‍🩹 send me the location

It was almost astounding how easy everything seemed to be when Rome ignored anything other than the fact that he was endlessly in love with Pick. If there were no asshole brothers, or dads that still tried to force their kids to date... Rome sighed, shaking his head as he swayed slightly on the balls of his feet─he wouldn't let any of that ruin his mood now. He looked up towards the trees on the other side of the street and focused on the leafs moved by the wind as he waited; the studio was located in a quiet spot near a park, so usually when Rome was running errands here, he'd stop by to take some pictures and walk in the shade. It was always calming.

It couldn't have been more than fifteen minutes before Rome could hear the familiar sound of a motorcycle engine. He looked towards the street, trying to stop a stupid smile before it could actually take place on his face as he watched the vehicle pull up in front of him. He did notice how some of the younger passersby turned their heads and it made him feel slightly more giddy, because yeah, that guy was here for him. Rome walked closer when Pick took off his helmet and shook his head, pushing his hair back.

"Thank you for coming," Rome said, holding onto the stripes of his backpack.

Pick tilted his head a bit. "Didn't do it for free," the older boy hummed with a suspicious glint in his eyes that made Rome's heart skip a beat. "Where's that kiss, hm?" he asked, leaning forward just a little. Rome blinked a couple of times and then he looked around them with a slightly panicked expression. "Oh, so you're all talk then, shortcake?"

"There are people around, P'Pick, don't be an ass. I'm looking out for your reputation here," Rome muttered, kicking at Pick's shoe when he snorted, reaching back for the spare helmet and pushing it into Rome's hands. Rome stepped from foot to foot, biting his bottom lip as he scanned his surroundings again. Well, they were a long way from any of their neighborhoods, it's not like anyone here knew them. Still, the only thing Rome could do was plant a quick kiss on the top of Pick's head, trying to ignore how pleased with himself the senior looked right after.

"I'll take it. For now," Pick added, and he had the audacity to wink at Rome. "So, what were you doing all the way out here?"

"Oh, I just needed to deliver something from the university," he shrugged, playing with the clasp of the helmet. "But the weather is really nice, so... I thought I would ask you out. If you want, that is."

"Ask me... As in a date?" Pick asked, but then he whined loudly before Rome could freak out about his dramatic tone. "Couldn't you tell me sooner? You won't even let me dress nicely for you? Shh, are you scared people will want to steal me away if I look better than you?" he continued his teasing, making Rome groan with annoyance. Suddenly he wished he just took the stupid bus back.

"I don't want to be that person, but shouldn't you always dress nicely for me?" he bit back, not wanting Pick to win on that one. The older boy scrunched up his nose, faking offense and making Rome laugh loudly. "You look good, P'Pick. And I just really want to spend time with you. We've only been on one date before and it lasted half an hour," he pouted, but then he remembered what happened during that first date and his cheeks started to feel hot. Pick smirked, he must have noticed and he knew what Rome was thinking about, that asshole.

"Best half an hour of my life, hands down," Pick sighed, putting a hand against his heart. And Rome knew he was being teased still, but he couldn't stop his smile anymore; he absolutely adored when Pick was being a dork because he didn't look like one in the slightest and it was nice to think that he's one of the very few that could see him like that. "Did you have anything planned this time, or is it my turn?"

"Hm? No, I didn't really plan anything, but... Is there somewhere you'd like to go?" Rome asked because it sounded as if Pick did have a destination in mind, and Rome just didn't expect him to want to pick their spot.

"Well, there's this one place in Bangkok that everyone has visited at least once, but I've never been there. And I feel like I kinda want to go with you," the senior answered simply, but Rome's heart was starting to do an entire acrobatics routine all over again. It didn't seem like much, really, just an offhanded sentence from Pick, but Rome felt warm all over, it was ridiculous. "What're you grinning at, buttercup?"

"I just really like you so much," Rome blurted out, almost dropping the helmet he was holding when his brain actually caught up with his mouth. "No, I just mean─Shit, I..."

Pick seemed surprised at the bluntness, but then he burst into laughter. "Oh, thank god, because otherwise everything we did so far would be kind of awkward," he said, lightly flicking Rome's nose with his finger.

"You're such an asshole, P'."

Pick only laughed louder, nodding for Rome to get on the motorcycle. They both put their helmets on and Rome wrapped his arms around Pick's waist, leaning against his back as the senior drove off. Rome didn't ask where they were going, instead he let himself get excited because of the anticipation. The fact that Pick was the one to choose it only let him know that the other man was as serious about this as he was, and it was just nice. And Rome was absolutely not disappointed when Pick finally seemed to slow down to park the motorcycle. He quickly got off, but he couldn't really open the helmet clasp in his excitement, so Pick slapped his hands away and helped with a laugh, standing next to the shorter boy.

"You're kidding me! I've never been here either!" Rome said, absentmindedly tugging at Pick's wrist. His eyes moved up to the Mahanakhon SkyWalk, but then he frowned. "Wait, this isn't like... You brought me here, making me think we'd go in, but then you'll just take me to some bar across the street, right?"

Pick sighed, pushing at Rome's head. "You're really gonna make me work on your trust issues, huh? I didn't know you've never been here either, but that's even better, I guess. You'd probably want to take some pictures from up there, wouldn't you?"

"Of course! I wanted to come here so many times, but Emma doesn't really like the heights and I would never get up there alone, because it's terrifying," Rome admitted excitedly, but then he noticed that he was still holding onto Pick, so he moved a bit away. "Uh, sorry."

"Did I say anything? People are supposed to hold hands on a date, shorty," Pick's voice sounded soft and Rome's eyes widened a bit when Pick caught his hand back, gently enough for the younger one to pull away if that's what he wanted. "Try not to overthink it, yeah? Just do whatever you feel like doing, at least for today," the senior suggested, bumping Rome's shoulder with his own. Rome thought about it for a moment before intertwining their fingers and giving Pick's palm a squeeze. Pick smiled at him as they crossed the street and got to the entrance of the building.

"I really didn't think you'd be like this," Rome said slowly when they were waiting in the queue to buy their tickets. It wasn't as long as he expected it to be, but maybe because they got here in the middle of the week. He didn't mind at all, it meant that less people would see how terrified he was of the glass tray. "You know, so okay with being with me in public. I feel bad about the things I said about you before, I shouldn't have assumed anything just because of one shitty experience. You're just... you're different," he muttered, squeezing Pick's hand again, this time for some confidence.

"Huh, so you thought I'm a repressed asshole that will keep you as a dirty secret? Damn, what did you even like about me?" Pick mocked and even though Rome knew he was joking, something still clutched painfully at his heart. He wasn't fair towards Pick and the things he said in front of his apartment building the other day were still nagging him, but he didn't know how to address any of it now. "I'm just kidding, Rome," Pick said, suddenly sounding more serious as he stopped by one of the digital walls in front of the elevators. He put both his hands on Rome's shoulders and turned the shorter boy towards him. "Listen, I kind of figured that something must have happened to make you think like that, and it's not like I did anything to make you think differently at the time, yeah? I was an asshole about it for a while, because you pissed me off and I'm petty. We can take everything slow, I can wait until you're ready to tell me, or just don't do it if thinking about it makes you feel bad, that's cool with me, too. I just want to make one thing clear: I'm not embarrassed about going out with you, or anything. I wouldn't be doing it if I was."

Rome was staring up at Pick with wide eyes, and suddenly he felt so stupid. Rome did not think Pick's a repressed asshole, but he certainly didn't think he would be so open about all of it either. Or at least he figured it would take Pick a bit longer to get used to that, because Rome remembered how he went about his first crush on a boy─it got buried six feet under and was still lying somewhere back in Rome's hometown. Obviously, everyone's experiences were different, but it was quite surprising to see Pick like that. Not unwelcome, though.

"Communication really is the most attractive thing in a relationship, I think," Rome sighed. The question should be not what's there to like, but what's there not to like about Pick? "I'm really, really thankful that you're trying and I do want to tell you everything, I just... Don't want to be too much. God, I can't believe you're better at dating boys than I am. Am I really your first one?" he asked, lightly punching Pick's chest and making him laugh.

"Don't feel bad, I'm just good at everything I do," Pick whispered, like it was some big secret, and Rome snorted, pulling Pick closer to wrap his arms around the taller man's waist. Pick's chest vibrated with laughter when he put his chin on top of Rome's head. "If you think you're too much, I must be a fucking nightmare and you still put up with it, buttercup. We're gonna make it work somehow, you and me, because I'm not only petty enough to date you out of spite if I need to, I'm also incredibly stubborn."

"You're saying this like I don't know it, P'Pick. I did fall in love with you, I knew what I'm taking," Rome mumbled into Pick's chest, taking another deep breath before stepping back. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Pick shook his head, biting his bottom lip. "I just like it when you say that. Come on, we can't stand here the whole time," he said before Rome could ask what Pick had meant. Pick caught his hand again and led him towards one of the elevators. "Oh, that's so cool," Pick touched one of the digital screens, but Rome only held onto the senior tighter.

It was cool, but it was also scary. The screens displayed the outdoors and Rome could see the buildings below them getting smaller and smaller at an alarmingly fast pace. When he read about how you could get to the 74th floor in less than a minute, he didn't believe it, but now his flipping stomach told him just how fast they were going. He thought that he might ask Pick to just get back down using the stairs because he couldn't imagine going down at this pace.

Pick took him to the indoor 360-degree observation deck first and then he had a hard time convincing Rome to leave. Everything just looked so amazing there; it was the late afternoon already and the sun was starting to slowly get lower and lower, basking the bustling city in a golden glow. Rome was like glued to the screens until Pick reminded him that he can see it even better from four floors above and then Rome felt a whole new level of excitement. He was holding Pick's hand the whole way and the breath caught in his throat when they both stepped to the outdoor deck.

"No, P'Pick, wait," Rome tugged at the senior's hand when he started to walk towards the glass tray without even a moment of hesitation.

"What? Isn't that what we came here for?" Pick asked with a cheeky smile, taking out all of his belongings to put them in the designated area since they couldn't take anything that could fall out on the tray. "Oh, come on, don't you want those pictures?"

Rome hesitated for another long moment before taking off his backpack. "You go first, I'll take pictures of you," he said, not even getting close to the edge of the concrete. He did want to come here and he wasn't scared of heights, he could see other people standing on the glass and it's not like he thought it's going to break under him, specifically. It was just scary to be so high with seemingly nothing below him.

"Fine, shortcake. But you will have to step on it," Pick pointed a finger at him before lightly walking over to the glass tray. He looked down first and then took a step forward, spinning around towards Rome and smiling. He really wasn't scared of anything, was he?

Rome immediately thought it's not that. It's not the lack of fear, it's the willingness to overcome it, to seize every opportunity. He looked at the tall boy in front of him, taking his camera out of the backpack and raising it almost subconsciously. Pick was looking at his feet as he took slow steps around and there was a happy smile on his face as he waved a hand; the sun was shining from behind, making the color of Pick's skin seem even warmer, and he looked so... free. He was everything that Rome was not, he was freedom.

"Come here, shortcake, you have to see this," Pick said, extending his hand to Rome and looking up with childlike wonder written all over his features. Rome felt like he was in a daze, he nodded slightly and put his camera back, carefully coming closer and catching Pick's hand. Rome looked down first and his head spun a little when he saw all the things beneath them. "Hey, I'm with you, there's nothing to be scared of," the taller man assured, but he didn't tug at Rome, instead letting him slowly get used to it on his own.

When Rome finally took a step forward on the glass tray, his free hand reached to clutch Pick's shirt and he refused to look down at first, instead resting his forehead on Pick's chest. It felt like there was absolutely nothing below to support his weight. Like he was just walking on air and it was probably one of the scariest things ever, even while knowing how secure he actually was there. The only reason why he wasn't freaking out yet was the warm and steady presence next to him as Pick held his hand through it all, slowly moving his thumb along Rome's palm. So Rome finally cracked his eyes open, staring down with wide eyes. It was more than 300 meters; he could see the buildings and streets below, small cars driving underneath.

"Let's sit down," Pick proposed, gently guiding Rome's trembling body until they were both sitting on the glass, facing each other. "It's not so bad, is it? Scary as hell at first, sure, but the first step always is the worst one. And wasn't it a little bit easier since we're here together?" he asked and Rome frowned, forcing himself to look away from the vast view below to look at Pick because he suddenly wasn't sure if the sky walk was the only thing Pick was talking about right then.

"Is that why you brought me here?" he wondered, making Pick shrug lightly, not agreeing but also not denying it. Not denying that he wanted Rome to see that no matter how scary things might be at first, it will gradually get easier with time, especially if they went through it together, holding each other's hands. He looked into Pick's brown eyes, moving his hand to Pick's cheek and stroking it gently. "You asked what I even liked about you... Do you want to know what I like the most?"

"If you won't say that my face is there even a point?" Pick chuckled, but it sounded quite nervous and Rome was surprised to see the look on Pick's face. It's like he actually did want to know, but also didn't want to ask. Like he needed some assurance, maybe. It made this funny soft feeling spread in Rome's chest, because Pick was just human, like him. He could be vulnerable at times.

"Your face is my second favorite," Rome revealed with a smile, letting his thumb caress Pick's cheekbone as the senior nuzzled his face into Rome's hand. "The thing I like the most... No matter how heavy things are, you're always able to lighten it up without coming off as dismissive. It's not something everyone can do, you know? Every time we talk about something serious, or when I feel bad about something, you answer in a way that makes me feel both relieved, but also like my fears and insecurities are valid. I just... I don't really know how to explain it and I have no idea how you're doing it, but I love that. I like the way you care about people in that sense, instead of telling me to get over it or even trying to come up with a solution, you just... get it," he talked slowly, hoping it made sense. It was something that he noticed about Pick early on; even if the senior joked during the serious talks, it seemed carefully chosen to comfort Rome instead of making him feel like he was being laughed at. It was a skill of sorts, Rome was sure. "I really want you to be my boyfriend so badly..." he muttered, because the way Pick looked at him was making him feel things again. He stared like he was hanging on to Rome's every word.

"I feel like there's a but in there," Pick said quietly, catching Rome's free hand in both of his.

"But I'm a mess, P'Pick. I have so many issues that I just can't solve at once, no matter how much I want to. And I don't think you deserve to be pulled into all of it," Rome explained anxiously. He was in love with Pick, but because he was, he didn't want to do this to him. He didn't want to start a relationship before he sorted all the things with his family first, at the very least. "I don't expect you to wait for me or anything..."

"Okay, don't give me that," Pick interrupted with a frown. "I get where you're coming from, so I won't push it, but you kind of already ruined other people for me, buttercup. So if you don't want to be with me yet, then how about... Being a boyfriend on probation?"

"A what?" Rome couldn't stop a chuckle. "Like a trial period? You're going to return me after a week?"

"Hmm, who knows?" Pick hummed, hooking his fingers in the collar of Rome's dress shirt and pulling him a little closer. "Maybe it'll be such a good week that I'll want to keep you forever. What do you say?" he asked softly. It sounded silly, but Rome thought that maybe giving him this title would put Pick at ease, it would be more than calling them just friends, and after Rome just disappeared for days without talking to Pick at all it was understandable that the senior needed some assurance. So Rome nodded with a smile, moving easily when Pick pulled him in for a kiss.

There were still some tourists around them, but this time Rome didn't mind. He closed his eyes, feeling the warm sun on his skin and Pick's hand on the back of his neck. Rome focused on his heartbeat and on the fact that there was only glass dividing them from the ground that was over 300 meters away, and he never felt this light before. Because being with Pick was freedom and love, and everything Rome ever wanted to be. And suddenly he wasn't so scared anymore.

~ * ~

[a/n: *poking this fic with a stick like the frankenstein's monster* itS ALIVE ITS ALIVE

i dont even know what to say at this point because it's not the first time i disappeared for so long and it's probably not the last one......... BUT i have such a soft spot for this story that i come back to re-read it every now and then, and sometimes i get the urge to just write. i currently have 5 more chapters saved as drafts so if that's any consolation, at least 5 more are ready to be published </3

im really sorry for being so inconsistent, but mental health doesn't care about my writing which is rude fdfgdhfbgd, i hope this chapter was good enough for you guys to forgive me :( if anyone will still read it, that is. either way, thank you for the patience and i hope you have a little bit more of it for me <3

disclaimer: i've never actually been on the sky walk, everything written here is from the research i made so there might be inaccuracies, i apologize in advance!

i changed my user because of my new hyperfixation which is the eclipse, and that also prompted me to change the cover, so yay! new cover! i like it a lot, please let me know what you think!]

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