Assassin Love ✓

By sihle0071

71.7K 3.3K 432

[COMPLETELY EDITED AND FINISHED] What happens when you fall in love with your enemy? Well you do know what ha... More

Phone call?
One night stand?
Big Case?
Old friend?
Heartbreak Anniversary?
That's a wrap?
Why her?
Why me?
I need your help?
Retail therapy?
New boss?
Yah neh life?
Virtual meeting?
Roles reversed?
Shoot now ask later?
Moving out?
Surprise shawty?
The Mole?
Annual Mafia Gala?
Way bigger than we thought?
Secret Admirer?
Flirtatious conversations?
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?
Baby daddy?
Your type?
Sorry not Sorry?
Non-paid actor?
Justice was served?
Huge thunderstorm?
Family reunion?
Made life easier?
Miss me already?
Step two?
Remember where home is?
Special Treatment?
Body party?
After glow?
Beg for it?
Kiss and Make up?
Tension and Anger?
Free man?
Final Verdict?
Getaway Trip?
Late night conversations?
Bonnie and Clyde?
Lights out?
Death bed?
Unwanted visitor?
Snoop Around?
Role model?
Critical Piece?
Alternative plan?
Shake the world?
Special Delivery?
Let the games begin?
Spare my life?
Innocent boyfriend?
Small world?
Thinking about him?
Block them out?
Trust fund?
We need to talk?
One step closer?
Regret your desicion?
Clear message?
Meant to be?
Source of happiness?
Lines blurred?
One last time?
Revenge? (part 1)
Revenge? (part 2)
Assassin Love?
Out Now!

Appreciation date?

508 20 0
By sihle0071

Amukelani's POV

"I need to vent." I say. "I'm good and you Amukelani." says Aphiwe. "Aphiwe this isn't the time for pleasantries I really need to talk to you." "What's wrong?" "Your dad is putting pressure on me to make progress with this seduction thing going and i told him I need time and we got into a fight." "I'm sorry."

"Aphiwe he doesn't understand the guilt that I'm feeling when I have to use him to get what I want. I know that I'm evil but not to this extent this is too much for me." I say. "I wish I was there to hug you properly. I'm sorry that you have to do this. Let's try and find a plan that doesn't Iet you seduce him." he says.

"I'm already in Aphiwe we just need to find a way moving forward." I say. "Okay do you need my help?" he asks. "I do. I will try and get information out of him and then we can search it up and make sure it's legit." "I can do that for you." "Do you have another plan?" "We could get a person undercover but that's risky and you said their security is tight now that you know.." "Yeah."

"Give me time and I'll get back to you. For now just move along with your dad's plan." he says and i nod. I forgot that he can't see me. "Okay I will. Thank you for listening." I say. "Anytime you my sister." I smile. "I love you." "I love you too sis wami." I chuckle and drop the phone and sigh.


"At some point you need to get ready time waits for no one." says Sthembiso. "It has to wait I'm really tired." I say. "Standwa sami get ready so we can go." (My love..)"You acting as if you are ready." "Don't you know the saying ladies first." I sigh.

"What time is it?" I ask. "9:15." he says. "When does this thing of yours start?" "Around 12." "2 hours and 45 minutes is more than enough time for you and i to get ready." "Aren't you one of those that take forever." "Depending on the occasion."

"This occasion is a serious occasion so please go get ready." he says. "Okay its fine." I say. I stand up and walk to the bathroom. I take a shower and brush my teeth. After showering I go back to the bedroom and lotion my body.

"You can go get ready I'm done showering." I say. "So if i bathed first were you going to dress up in front of me in attempts to seduce me knowing very well I'm banned." he says. "Yes I was this is my bedroom and it's not like i have a walk in closet."

"You know very well what you were going to do." he says. "Okay fine maybe i wanted to seduce you a tiny bit but the point is, is that i don't have a walk in closet and this is my bedroom." I say and he chuckles. "Okay fine then let me get ready." "Chop chop time waits for no man." "It must wait for me." We laugh. Sighs in guilt.

He stands up and smacks my potbelly and ass. "Leave my belly." I say. "It's very nice so I had to touch it." he says. "That was more of an assault then a consented touch." "What's yours is mine and ours, yours, mine and ours." I roll my eyes. "You wish this body was yours."

He chuckles and get inside the bedroom. I see he left his phone on the side table so I decide to go through it. I already know the password so I open it. I go through it to check if there is anything useful and i see messages about meetings at home wara wara. I'm sure they were meeting up to talk about the case so there is nothing much to it.

I hear the tap close and i close the apps and put the phone down. I walk to my closet and open it to check what outfit to wear. He comes out of the bathroom still wet and the towel hung low around his waist. "Hopefully the tiles are not wet." I say. Scrumptious snack. "Don't worry i wiped the floor." he says.

"Is there a specific theme with this thing?" I ask. "No just wear something comfortable." he says. "Which clothing is comfortable in winter cause when you say comfort I think pjamas?" He chuckles. "I don't know but I'm sure you'll find something." "Come help me look." "Okay."

He comes close to me and kisses me first. "You know if you serious about this event you will help me look. Don't try and seduce me." I say. "Is it wrong to give you a kiss?" he asks. "Not necessarily wrong but for you it means you want something." "How could you portray me as this parasite that I'm not." I laugh.

"Ngyadlala." I say. (I'm joking.) He looks at the closet and after a few minutes he gives me a blue bootleg jean with a white lacy bodysuit and a white sweater and black puff jacket with black and white Jordans. "I wish it was summer cause I saw a bunch of dresses that were gonna look nice but this will do for now." he says.

"Is it warm outside?" I ask. " No it's really cold so maybe wear a vest underneath." he says. "I think the sweater will sustain me." We get dressed and after dressing up I tie my butterfly locs into a high bun and lay my edges.

"So what event is this?" I ask. "A nice one." he says. "Can we still eat breakfast now or should we wait until we get there?" "Snack on something." "Okay." I take my bag and put all the necessary stuff in it.

"Don't you want to take photos with me?" I ask. "Why should we take photos?" he asks. "It's some sort of memory reminder. Some of us have short term memory so these photos can come in handy." He chuckles. "Lets go outside then." I smile.

"First you going to take pictures of me only then I'll do the same with you and then we will take pictures together." I say. "Fine by me as long as it doesn't take 15 years." he says. "Nope it won't."

We go outside and take a bunch of photos. I don't know why i said we should take photos. I guess i am trying to make this relationship be as normal as possible even though it's clear as hell that this thing is not normal...or maybe you were feeding your conscience...shut up.

"I told you it wouldn't take long." I say. "Get some snacks and then we can get going." he says. I walk to the kitchen and take out my apples that are covered in peanut butter and chocolate and put them in a Tupperware. I also take some Doritos and strawberry yoghurt and two bottles of water.

"I'm done." I say. "Lets go then." he says. "Here's your bottle." "Thanks." He puts his arm around my shoulder and we walk out. I lock the door and we get inside the car.

He drives off to our destination. "Can I connect my phone." I say. "Sure." He disconnects his and i connecte mines and shuffle my playlist and the song Love song by Rihanna ft Future starts playing.

I don't wanna give you the wrong impression
I need love and affection
And i hope I'm not sounding to desperate
I need love and affection

"So you going to eat all of these before we get there?" he asks. "Yeah but we sharing the Doritos the rest is mine." I say and he chuckles. I open the packet and sprinkle the Doritos on top of the apples and some of it I dip it in yoghurt. "What in the craving is this?" "It's a delicious craving I eat from time to time. I eat weird stuff sometimes so don't get surprised."

We start talking about random things until we get to this place of his. I love the conversations we have together. I must say I've been sitting in this car for too long so this trip better be worth it otherwise I'll kill him for waking me up early.

We get out of the car and we go inside the building. "Is this building yours?" I ask. "No its a friend of mines." he says. "It's really nice." "Done by me." "Such a nice building you built Mr. Khoza." "I'm glad you like it Ms. Mngomezulu." We laugh.

We get to the receptionist and he greets us. "Is everything done?" asks Sthembiso. "Yes it is you can go through this way." he says. "Okay thank you." He holds my hand and we start walking through this passage and we get inside the lift that leads us to the 15th floor. We continue walking until we reach the rooftop.

We get there and the place is beautifully decorated. There are rose petals on the floor and the table is set up beautifully. "This is so cute." I say. "This is the event I was talking about." he says. "I'm glad i don't have to socialize with anyone besides you." He chuckles. "I know I mean I am the best." I roll my eyes and he chuckles.

He opens the chair for me and i sit down. "What a gentleman." I say. "I've always been one." he says and i laugh. "So why did you do this?" "Because i wanted to."

"We just had a date a few weeks back and now we have another one." I sat. "I'm the type to spoil you unexpectedly. Angisho you said your love language is acts of service so I present to you acts of service." he says.

"This is actually really nice. Thank you and i appreciate the effort put into this." I say. "And i also wanted to say thank you." he says. "For what?" "For doing your job and representing me and finding out whose the mole cause if it wasn't for you my ass would be in jail." "So this is what its really for?" "Yeah and to also make up for last weekend. I know my presence was dearly missed."

I laugh. "Yeah I did miss you but at least i got to watch Rio." I say. "That guy is going to cause problems between us." he says. "I won't let that happen." He chuckles. "But I really appreciate what you did." "It's my pleasure and I'm glad i helped you. I couldn't let you go down for something you 'didn't do'." I air quote didn't do.

"Please note the quotation marks used on the words didn't do." I say and we laugh. "Thanks for saving me." he says. "It's okay and either ways its my job to try and save you guys." "Like my mom said continue doing a good job." "She is hinting that i shouldn't expose the mafian world." "I know." We chuckle.

They bring our food and we thank them. They served us lamb shank with creamy samp and some side salads. We get to know each other better and i must say i enjoyed the date again. I should stop getting too comfortable cause there is this man that's putting pressure on me to get the work done and i shouldn't be catching feelings for him.

After eating we go to play games and i win most of them to which he wasn't pleased. "You should have listened to Beyonce when she said girls run the world." I say and he chuckles. He rolls his eyes. "Bitterness doesn't suit you standwa sami." (my love.)

"Enough about bitterness did you enjoy this appreciation date?" he asks. "I didn't enjoy it, I loved it." I answer. "You scared me for a sec." "Yeah I loved it and thank you for doing this. Not all lawyers get spoiled by their overprotective client." "You one lucky lawyer." "And you one good client."

"So now that i celebrated you does this mean the ban has been uplifted?" he asks. "I don't know." I say. "I've been suffering for too long." "You need to suffer a little longer so you can learn." "I've already learnt my lesson."

"Take me back to my place and I'll see what my mood is like when we get there." I say. "Okay." He gives me a kiss. "Don't you miss that somewhere else?" "Lets get going so you can get it." We walk back to the car and he drives back home.

We get inside and he doesn't waste any time and he takes me right there by the door. I must start doing nice things for him so I can get more appreciation dates and sex like this....

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